Bacon's Rebellion

New Year’s Catnip


ow that it’s the New Year, what happened to the Sound and the Fury?

Let me get my nose out of my eggnog. I’m not just talking about a holiday hiatus.

Where’s the rage over federal debts and deficit spending? Remember all those months of harrumphing about Arma-and Boomer-Geddon? How we are doomed by negating the Protestant Work Ethic? That we, and Obama, are a bunch of spend-thrift, gluttonous slobs?

Where’s EMR and his Calvinistic lectures on “mass overconsumption.” Where’s Boomer-Jim (although he actually sounded sane on his CNN interview)? Groveton?

To be sure, the Big Bacon questioned Bob McDonnell in his quest to explain Virginia’s AAA bond rating to the nabobs on Wall Street. I kinda of agreed with the moronic idiocy of this. But then Bob tells the Richmond Times-Disgrace that’s 2011 is going to be a very different kind of year. He’s going to be a take-charge guy. Forget about Deepwater Horizon, ABC stores and Confederate History Month. That’s like, so yesterday.

But why the silence? Where’s the scolding? I mean, I enjoy not being told once again what kind of free-spending slob I am. Could it be the Republican victory in November? Groveton and Bacon are secret Republicans despite their claims of indepdence. EMR answers to neither clan, I know.

Just to start the New Year out right, let’s quote from the despised Paul Krugman of The New York Times (in this case, on the tax cuts, which is catnip to the Groveton-Bacons, which may be why they are so asleep on the issue):

“One day deficits were the great evil and we needed fiscal austerity now now now, never mind the state of the economy. The next day $800 billion in debt financed tax cuts, with the prospect of more to come, was the greatest thing since sliced bread, a triumph of bipartisanship.”

So what about it, guys?

Peter Galuszka
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