Bacon's Rebellion

The New Face Of Racism in America

Let me start with a hypothetical. Imagine it’s 2002 and a white supremacist (skinhead) is videotaped on a public sidewalk. Let’s say the skinhead says, “I hate black people. All of them. Every last iota of a n*****, I hate them”. He goes on and on and eventually says something about killing black babies.

Now, imagine it’s two years later. It’s election night. George Bush is running against John Kerry. Bush wins. However, his victory is marred by an incident at a polling place. The same skinhead who was videotaped talking about killing black babies is standing in front of a polling place on election night. He and a friend are videotaped in paramilitary uniforms. The leader (and presumptive black baby killer) is holding a night stick. Eventually, the police are called and the racist duo are forced to leave the polling place.

Post inauguration, George Bush has the polling incident brought to his attention. He watches the videotape of the skinhead making public racist statements. Then, he watches the videotape of the same skinhead standing in front of a polling place with a billy stick. What does he do? He lets his Attorney General (John Ashcroft) decide to forget the incident because it’s just not that important. How does the media react? Hint: They scream bloody murder calling both Bush and Ashcroft racists. How do liberals react? Hint: They scream bloody murder calling both Bush and Ashcroft racists.

Now, let’s leave the hypothetical and enter the world of reality.

New Black Panther leader King Shamir Shabazz was videotaped making exactly the same racist statements about white people as my hypothetical skinhead said about black people. The video can be seen here.

Then, King Shamir Shabazz and another New Black Panther member appeared in paramilitary uniforms with Shabazz brandishing a night stick in front of a polling place during the last presidential election. The video can be seen here.

Now, Obama’s justice department has decided not to follow up on a complaint about this act of voter intimidation put forth in January of 2009 – before Obama took the oath of office. You can read about it here.

If you can’t manage to believe your own eyes (or dear ole Groveton) – consider this interview with a civil rights lawyer, former editor of the Village Voice and certifiable uber – liberal, Bartle Bull. You can watch it here. Bartle Bull was also a campaign manager for both Bobby Kennedy and Jimmy Carter.

If you are a reader of this blog, I’d ask that you consider this post in the context of three possibilities:

1. In the hypothetical situation of the skinheads, Bush and Ashcroft – you would have sided with the Bush Administration in believing that the skinhead with a history of making public racial slurs holding a billy club at a polling place was not a sufficiently big deal to investigate. You also excuse the New Black Panthers for their real life racism and intimidation of voters. Hint: You are not a racist. You are just stupid.

2. You would disagree with both the hypothetical Bush situation and the all too real Obama situation by saying that there is no place for racist intimidation of voters and no administration should tolerate such actions. Hint: You are a normal, non-racist American.

3. You think Bush and Ashcroft would have been racists while Obama and Holder are not. Hint: You are very much a racist yourself.

Eric Holder has apparently selected option 3. He is a racist – pure and simple.

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