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A New Dominion Virginia Power? Or Just a Repackaged One?

Dominion, Virginia’s leading electric power company, has launched a major energy conservation initiative designed to dampen consumer demand for electricity. The program complements an commitment, including a major investment in wind power, to generate 12 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2022. Stated CEO Thomas Farrell in a Friday press release:

Virginia’s need for electricity is burgeoning. The projected additional demand for power in Virginia in the next 10 years is 4,000 megawatts, or the equivalent electricity to power 1 million new homes.

The only way to meet that demand effectively is through a combination of energy conservation, efficiency and peak-load management along with a systematic program to add new generation facilities. This approach will provide our customers with a balanced and flexible portfolio of reliable, cost-effective energy.

Elements of the program include:

There’s more, but those are the highlights. Skeptics will denounce these measures as insincere or insufficient. I regard the initiative as a positive development. Regardless, proof will come not from a press release but from real-world behavior. How vigorously will Dominion, which makes its money selling electricity, follow through on measures to curb those sales?

The timing of the announcement is hardly coincidental. The State Corporation Commission is holding proceedings to determine if a legislative goal of 10 percent savings in electricity consumption through conservation by 2020 can be achieved cost effectively. Here is the question: Is that goal aggressive enough? Should the SCC expect more of Dominion and Virginia’s other power companies?

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