New COVID Data Displays

Rates of infection per 100,000 (Jan. 17 through Nov. 20, 2021. Source: Virginia Department of Health

The Virginia Department of Health is now publishing a graph that compares the COVID-19 infection rate by vaccination status. The graph above, based on 2021 data, shows that unvaccinated people have confirmed COVID-19 infections at a rate 4.6 times that of fully vaccinated people and 2.2 times that of partially vaccinated people.
Here is the comparison for hospitalizations:

Source: Virginia Department of Health

Unvaccinated people were hospitalized for COVID-19 at a rate 4.4 times that of fully vaccinated people and 1.4 times that of partially vaccinated people.

And here is the comparison for deaths:

Source: Virginia Department of Health

Unvaccinated Virginians died of COVID-19 at 4.3 times that of fully vaccinated people and 1.4 times that of the partially vaxxed.

Bacon’s bottom line: There are three important lessons here.

Lesson #1. Getting vaccinated does not eliminate your risk. Actually, that was clear from the very beginning. Pfizer claimed 95% efficacy for its vaccine. That left 5% of the population for whom it wouldn’t work. The VDH database has recorded nearly 60,000 so-called “breakthrough” infections, 2,046 hospitalizations, and 744 deaths for Virginians with vaccinations. No surprise.

Lesson #2. Notwithstanding lesson #1, getting vaccinated still lessens your odds of getting infected, being hospitalized, or dying by a factor of four.

Lesson #3. If you haven’t gotten all of your jabs, you’re receiving only a fraction of the protection you could if you were fully vaccinated. Keep up with your shots!

A couple of complaints: First, the database does not distinguish between unvaccinated people who have survived COVID and developed natural antibodies and those who have not.

Second, I’d like to see comparisons between vaxxed and unvaxxed within the same age range. The vaccinated tend to be older people who are at greater risk due to age and comorbidity factors than the unvaccinated. If the comparison were made between similar age groups, the differential infection rates could well be wider.

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19 responses to “New COVID Data Displays”

  1. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    One issue was raised that may have to do with the reluctance of people to be vaccinated. I dread shots. All shots period. I have btw had all my shots but I still dread them . Showing people in news articles and commercials getting shots may have the unintended consequence of actually causing people from getting the shot.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Hmmm. So far this year three COVIDs, the flu shot, and a booster DPT recommended by my GP. But yes, all the video of people grimacing for the shots has hurt, not helped.

      1. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        Scheduled for the booster and the aftereffects. Also had the flu shot and the shingles shots, Hated every one of them. I have been known to pass out when I get stuck..

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          A military background could be the cause of that. They spend a lot of training time on avoiding punctures. Bound to have an effect.

          1. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser


    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Especially when you see the length of the needle.

      1. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        Try the air injection that is worse

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I hit my bare foot with the pressurer washer once. If that were a reasonable way to inoculate, K-Archer would have invented it. Come to think of it, did they?

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    The age breakdown and the previous case info would be very helpful. So would some honest comparison of natural immunity versus enhanced spike protein waning immunity. And maybe some understanding if the mRNA hurts natural immunity with or without Covid prior. The truth is we still don’t know. The snapshots in time can be misleading – we have moving percentages all the time – how many were vaxed on this day? How much vax effectiveness had waned as of this day? My medical opinion, and it is an opinion, but at least I am honest about it, is that anyone under 30 should not get the shot, shot, shot…unless they have some complicating factors that make them particularly susceptible to Covid.
    Another reason to wonder about the vaxed vs unvaxed stats at colleges – the vaxed don’t have to get tested weekly, but the unvaxed do. Because of undertesting, are the vaxed cases understated (to ask this question is to answer it – all the proponents says it lessens effects, so maybe the kids don’t get checked. Maybe they are actually spreading it… )? If you are a college kid and feel a little funny, cold-like, but not awful, would you go to student health for a Covid test and risk 10 days of quarantine? All of the stats present info, but an incomplete picture. The truth is – WE DON’T KNOW.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    We don’t know ALL we WANT to know and may not until long after the fact but the infatuation with the data – from “science” is interesting.

    I mean they could be lying just like other scientists have been accused of including Fauci, right?

    Yet, we want MORE data from the same “sources”.


  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Notwithstanding lesson #1, getting vaccinated still lessens your odds of getting infected, getting hospitalized, or dying by a factor of four.”

    Four?! Wow, Virginia hospitals are either admitting unnecessarily and then killing unnecessarily, or Virginians suck healthwise. The CDC reports FOURTEEN (14) as the factor.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      OR…. someone is lying……………. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, can’t talk about donkeys without auto delete. I suspect it’s because one should not perform simple unconditioned comparisons.

        “The data, posted Nov. 22, reflect COVID-19 cases and deaths reported in 24 U.S. jurisdictions between April 4 and Oct. 2.

        The CDC found unvaccinated individuals in all age groups had higher case and death rates than fully vaccinated people. For example, the COVID-19 case rate for vaccinated adults ages 65-79 was 90.11 per 100,000, compared to 589.04 for unvaccinated adults in the same age range.

        The updated data comes after a September report from the CDC, using data from the spring and summer, found unvaccinated people were 10 times more likely to be hospitalized and 11 times more likely to die from the disease.

        Latest articles on patient safety & outcomes:
        Mon Health to adopt plain language emergency alerts
        1 in 10 US lung transplants are for COVID patients
        Experimental treatment may have cured type 1 diabetes for the first time”

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          You had me at five to one….

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes, yes. You’ve always struck me as one who has been had… and for less. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Somehow this data gets blown to smithereens before the skeptics see it and they deny it ever existed…. or you can’t trust the science or govt or some such.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Test, test, arse, test…

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    That chart has been published for a couple of months now, and I’ve referenced it before (but not reproduced it.) Yes, if they broke out the unvaccinated but previously infected, and compared that to the unvaccinated with no previous case, another dramatic gap would appear. People in that second category are really walking around with a gun in their mouths, especially if they are over 50 and/or are overweight and/or diabetic. Apparently in most parts of Europe a previous case gets you that COVID passport.

    Our daughter just recovered (vaccinated early January and not boosted). Her recovery seems to be going well. She still does not recommend people just be cavalier — you do not want to catch this if you can avoid it. She talked a relative into the booster over the holiday weekend.

    Wait. I did copy the chart back in August. I just misinterpreted it…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      No surprise.

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