New Census Bureau Numbers and the Southern Border

Joe Biden. Official Photo Why is this man smiling?

by James C. Sherlock

I just received my “Happy New Year 2023” message from the Census Bureau.

“As the nation prepares to ring in the new year, the U.S. Census Bureau today projected the U.S. population will be 334,233,854 on Jan. 1, 2023.

Happy New Year 2023!

This represents an increase of 1,571,393, or 0.47%, from New Year’s Day 2022.”

It may prove useful to compare that to the number of people illegally crossing the southern border in that same period. NBC news reports 2.76 million. But who knows?

But the celebration, certainly any toast, is premature pending the near- and long-term consequences of the madness there.

This represents kind of an “in your face, America” comment from the Biden administration.

We have come to expect that.

Perhaps, in one of his stories, he will refer to himself as the new father of his country.

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210 responses to “New Census Bureau Numbers and the Southern Border”

  1. Not Today Avatar

    So, basically, the U.S. population would be declining right now but for illegal immigration? Is there any wonder inflation is continuing to go up? Republicans marched off the COVID cliff (to the great beyond) and some Dems went too. We don’t have enough adults or near adults to support boomer enmity and grievance. IJS. Old folks need to start making nice with young, brown people doing caregiving work in America. They’re all you got!

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Can we get back to the subject. The population of US citizens, according to the Census Bureau grew by a little over a million in 2022, while the number of illegals approaches 3 million, with the Biden admin and 501(c)(3) NGOs all-in on aiding and abetting this lawlessness.
    Burn down cities in Floydapalooza and no problem!
    Trespass on the Capitol and go to jail for years.
    We have a serious problem in this country. It won’t end well if people won’t follow the rules. Lying is bad. Cheating is bad. Stealing is bad. Violating the Constitution is bad. Selective prosecution is bad. A weaponized Justice Department is bad. A FBI interfering in elections is bad. Spending money you don’t have is bad. Those statements should not be controversial.

    1. Not Today Avatar

      Basically, the US would be Japan, a nation in decline, without immigration. Boomers are a massive bottleneck moving through the demographic pipeline. There aren’t enough workers to support their ‘entitlements’ without immigration. If the feds can’t/won’t agree on a legal means to meet the labor demand,, it will be met illegally. Nature abhors a vacuum.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        This “vacuum” has been created by the Dems, illegally and on purpose. Over a 30 year period. In concert with activist judges, judge-shopping NGOs and sue and settle maneuvers with NGOs and sympathetic, immoral, law-breaking AGs. Funny how it was down to a trickle under Trump…
        Also funny how, years ago, Obama sued Arizona and “won” with the Supremes saying enforcement of federal immigration law was a federal matter. Then, Joe (really Obama is calling the shots) does nothing to enforce the law that the Supremes said was a federal responsibility. And, ultimately, this huge inflow of unskilled (not to mention the terrorists and drug traffickers and sex slaves) hurts the poor – the brown and black and whites. It is inhumane and evil.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            “Trickle” was a comparative term. Compared to before he came in, he slowed it. Compared to now…
            As I said earlier, this has been building for 30 years – Clinton and Gore started encouraging illegal immigration, while sort of denying it. Now it is out in the open, but so is all the other lawlessness. In your face. Lying about Covid. Censoring critics. By our own government. How can anybody who is not a Marxist be good with that? Be honest (if you know how). All politicians of all parties should be outraged. How about our so-called “moderate” Dems like Warner, Kaine and Spanberger? Those emperors have no clothes – political hacks.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you not remember the Cuban immigration thing?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Please say what you are trying to say about the Cuban immigration thing. The Mariel boat lift? The Cubans who escaped when the dictator fell? What and when. Otherwise, like the vast majority of your comments, meaningless.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            illegal immigration from places other than Mexico….

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            The Mariel boat lift was conducted with the agreement of the Carter Administration. Carter got played. Castro emptied his jails and asylums.

          6. Yup.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            and there have been no other Cuban boat immigrants?

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Please explain the illegal immigration from Cuba. You mean when the dictator fell and people escaped Castro? Not even remotely similar in number or process, and they were REAL asylum seekers, but how can anyone know? What, specifically, are you talking about? Or do you hate those Cubans because they aren’t stupid enough to vote for lying Dems?

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            So… if people are fleeing countries with dictators, they should get the same consideration as the cubans?

          10. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            We’ll find out.

            Data made available by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) indicated that agents have encountered more than 31,600 Russians crossing the southern border to seek political asylum since the outbreak of the war in February.

            I am sure they are all seeking asylum at the Mexican border because it was the closest place to home.

            Certainly they all intend to be good Americans.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            That’s truly amazing. HOW are they getting there? Do they have passports? How do they get into Mexico if they don’t have passports?

          12. Not Today Avatar

            I’m positive I just saw another Russian oligarch mysteriously fall from a third floor balcony. Do we think it impossible for Russians to be refugees?

          13. I am sure they are all seeking asylum at the Mexican border because it was the closest place to home.

            That Aleutian Islands border crossing is shorter, but much colder.

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So you are talking about the Cubans who fled in 1959 when Batista fell?
            How many Larry?
            And, what was the nearest country?
            Under international law, you are supposed to claim asylum in the first country you enter. And you do not recognize economic migrants. The people who came from Cuba, did they go through the regular immigration process and become citizens?
            A world of difference. Wasting everybody’s time, as usual. I was 2 by the way when Batista fell, so excuse me for not “remembering” your stupid point.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            well talking about ANY person trying to escape a dictatorship? We give them all the same considering on asylum?

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No we don’t Larry, and that is not what is happening. Seriously, are you paid to be a Dem shill?
            And why don’t you open your wallet and show compassion and take in these poor “migrants?” You won’t. You “care” only if they come in to vote for Democrats and succeed in destroying the country. Your descendants will wonder how you and your ilk were so stupid. My descendants will wonder how we let evil win. Stupid or evil. Which is it for you?

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not about me. I’m asking YOU – what the law is with respect to anyone who comes across the boarder and claims asylum.

            What’s the law?

            should that law be changed?

          18. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            The law should be enforced, Larry. That is the point. Not counseled on how to avoid and break, which is what the NGOs, with government funding are doing. All highly illegal.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter – as far as I can see, the law allows people to seek asylum. They then get processed.

            Does that law need to be changed?

            just step away from the partisan perspective.

            does the current law need to be changed?

          20. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            The current law needs to be enforced!
            No – there is no economic asylum. The international rules for legitimate asylum seeking are that you have to claim it in the first country you enter when you exit political or religious persecution. Then there is a process, and the process is intentionally being subverted in all methods. Sort of like how Dems cheat in voting. Who needs an ID. Who needs to verify signatures? Instead of trying to stem the flow, Biden (the Obama Bot) is facilitating the admission into the country without them having any real possibility of a hearing – many are sex trafficked, many are drug dealers, many will go on welfare, many will suppress real wages. The entire thing is a criminal process. But Dems care so much! (That the brown people have to be kicked off Cape Cod in 48 hours)

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” and the process is intentionally being subverted in all methods.”


            if someone crosses the border, turns themselves in and claims asylum, gets processed and awaits a determination – how is that not what the law says?

          22. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Because it is not. We are not open to the world. LAST TIME – international law is you must claim asylum in the first country you enter, and then undergo the process there. I guess we just take in all 8 billion people. Can I come spend the night at your house, forever? You do not get to CHOOSE the US to seek asylum. Geographically, you would have to be escaping Castreau in Canada or AmLo in Mexico.

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            So they come across the border and apply for asylum?

            You would not allow that?

          24. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No I would not. That is the law

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            I thought the law was that they CAN come across the border and apply for asylum.


          26. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s a load of people, I agree.

            But how do you fix it if they are allowed to cross the border and claim asylum?

            How do you stop that?

          27. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            By stopping it!
            They are not allowed to! How does Canada do it? England? You can’t just walk in and get all the freebies, unless you want it to happen. You send them back to Mexico and tell every single one of them not from Mexico to claim asylum in Mexico or other country they first entered. You put guns at the border. It will stop when they know we are serious.

          28. LarrytheG Avatar

            Canada has a guest worker program that works.

            So your solution is to physically stop them at the border no matter where they come from?

          29. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I’m done. You have to be intentionally obtuse.

          30. LarrytheG Avatar

            I thought the law allowed people to enter the country and apply for asylum.

            You seem to be saying that’s not true..

            They were coming across even when Trump was POTUS, right?

            But you’re saying that’s not the law, that the law says we can stop them from entering.


            Are you agreeing that it IS legal but you are opposed to it being legal?

            You’re right. I do not understand you.

          31. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            “The Cuban immigration thing”?

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Nice try. Let’s de-construct that comment.

        I don’t know about others, but I very much favor expanded legal immigration. See my recent articles on Afghan refugees.

        You know, or should, that the Democrats, who for the past two years controlled Washington entirely, failed to pass a bill expanding legal immigration while the dumpster fire on the southern border continues unabated.

        There were two bi-partisan immigration bills, the Afghan Adjustment Act and the Sinema-Cornyn immigration bill. Neither made it to the floor of the Senate or House. Ask the Majority Leader and Speaker their thoughts on that.

        You claim with no evidence that without illegal immigration boomers will go without Social Security and Medicare. Did that occur to you in a dream?

        Is that an attack on boomers or on Social Security and Medicare? Both, apparently.

        The boomers will pass on $30 trillion in wealth. I suspect you will get some of it. Don’t waste it.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          And the 4 years that Trump had a GOP majority?

          THe simple facts are that the Dems can agree on comprehensive immigration changes but the GOP is staunchly opposed to all of it. No real proposal from the GOP much less a willingness to compromise.

          The GOP itself is split over immigration. What Sherlock says he’s for, other Conservatives would / do violently disagree with.

          Sherlock does NOT speak for the majority of the GOP on immigration at all!

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            How did John Cornyn’s (R-TX) name get on the bipartisan immigration bill? Is he a closet Democrat?

            Did you privately whip the vote and determine it could not get 10 Republican votes in the Senate?

            Or was it that it could not get 50 Democratic votes?

            Or could it not get a majority in the Democratic House?

            Or did the Majority Leader and the President just not want the bill?

            Just asking.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Much of the GOP (not all) is split on immigration even among themselves.

            You know this.

            Give me the GOP proposal on immigration – that has majority GOP support.

            The Dems are more than ready to get what they can get , compromise.

            They’re NOT saying “no immigration”.

            You mentioned the Afghans – yep… did most of the GOP support it?

            This is the GOP:


          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Split on immigration would equal 25 Republican votes in the Senate for Cornyn’s bill.

            Which would in turn mean only 35 Senate Democrats would need to vote for the bill also sponsored by Sen. Sinema to deny a filibuster. The failure of the Majority Leader to bring that bill up for vote is one of the reasons she is now an independent.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            they were SPLIT under Trump, no?

            what is the GOP position on comprehensive immigration that they would vote for and seek Dem votes for?

            How many GOP support Dreamers?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            they were SPLIT under Trump, no?

            what is the GOP position on comprehensive immigration that they would vote for and seek Dem votes for?

            How many GOP support Dreamers?

        2. I’m with you, man.

        3. Not Today Avatar

          The votes weren’t there to pass any of those measures through the senate without Republican support, which they refused to give. You know as well as I do that a simple majority is not sufficient to pass anything but fiscal measures and judge slates (using reconciliation) through an evenly divided Senate. Everything else is subject to filibuster.

          I never said anything about boomers going without social security and Medicare. I said they’re gonna go without family support. Everybody has to work. Family caregiving is a rare thing indeed. Oh no, boomers voted themselves full access to benefits and promptly raised the age for everyone who comes after. Problem is they also voted to spend the Social Security surplus (that wasn’t a surplus) too. There aren’t enough payers into the system to maintain it for future generations but since when did that ever matter to boomers. Without immigration, there won’t be enough workers/payers for *me* to see a dime. I planned accordingly.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            The “Bipartisan Border Solutions Act”, was introduced simultaneously in the House and the Senate in April of 2022.

            Bipartisan Border Solutions Act provisions feature:

            1. Establish at least four new regional processing centers in high-traffic Border Patrol sectors

            2. Disincentivize migrants with unrealistic asylum claims from coming to the U.S.

            3. Give ICE and CBP additional resources to help them do their jobs – including additional ICE Enforcement and Removal staff, CBP officers, and Border Patrol processing coordinators

            4. Speed up processing to get Border Patrol back on duty doing what they’re meant to

            5. Deter illegal migration while efficiently processing legitimate asylum claims, all while protecting children and allocating resources to organizations at our border

            And you assert that it was Republicans who refused to back it.

            U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and U.S. Representatives Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) and Tony Gonzales (R-TX-23) were the name sponsors.

            Cornyn’s record on working on solutions to immigration goes back to 2014. Apparently unafraid of Texas Republican backlash, he features it on his website. Open the “Legislative Efforts” tab.

            Cornyn, Cuellar and Gonzales, apparently by your accounting courting political doom in red Texas, wrote a joint op-ed about it in the San Antonio Express-News on the day they introduced the bill.

            You assert that the “The votes weren’t there to pass any of those measures through the senate without Republicans support, which they refused to give.”

            That is presented as a historical truth.

            To be true as stated, it must necessarily a reference a vote in the Senate to bring the bill to the floor.

            Such a vote was never held. It was Democrats who didn’t want it.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            So you want the Senate majority leader to waste time bringing legislation that lacks sufficient backing to a vote to assuage your vanity? The legislation needed 60 votes. Name the 15 Republicans who supported it.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Sherlock is going to play rope-a-dope forever.. keep at him on the specifics and expect negativity if you do..!!!

          4. Not Today Avatar

            You guys are fun/funny but tiresome. 🙃

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Again “lacks sufficient votes for passage” is your convenient assumption. Gets you off the hook. Point us to the whip totals.

          6. I do not consider such actions a waste of time. Putting a bill up for a vote makes every congress-critter go on record as either having supported or opposed a particular piece of legislation.

            Of course, it can only be truly effective if we have a law along the lines of HR 872 (I think that’s the right number) – “The One Subject at a Time Act”, which failed to pass during the last congress. It would ostensibly have prevented unrelated items from being added as amendments to bills before congress.

            If enacted, we would not have to wonder whether our representative(s) voted against a particular bill because he/she actually opposed the primary purpose of the bill, or because he/she adamantly opposed an off-the-wall “poison pill” amendment that some jackass added at the last minute.

            Virginia has such a “one subject at a time” requirement in our state constitution for bills that come before the General Assembly.

            In my opinion they play a little fast and loose with their definitions of ‘related items’ sometimes, but for the most part I think it reduces ‘pork’ in bills before the GA, it cuts down on back-room dealing (a little), it makes the actual intent of each bill much more clear, and it makes it [somewhat] easier for us peons to understand any new laws that get enacted.

          7. Not Today Avatar

            I don’t NECESSARILY think it’s a waste of time, that depends on the issue. This isn’t an issue that either party is especially keen to address. That said, I’m all in favor of making the aginners squirm. I’m not a pacifist.

          8. Not Today Avatar

            I don’t disagree but those issues aren’t new. Currently only one political party is interested in legislating consistent with majority rule/public opinion. That complicates matters.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Lying is bad. Cheating is bad. Stealing is bad. Violating the Constitution is bad…”

      I agree with Walt here… Conservatives are indeed bad…

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        That’s called projection, Troll and it is what you guys do. OH, Orange Man is Hitler!, but who acts like the authoritarian? SlowJoe (actually, what or whoever controls the JoeBot, along with the FetterBot)

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “That’s called projection…”

          Yes, it was, Walt, and I called you on it…

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh, OK. I am so devastated by Troll. He’s a genius and all-knowing and not a Dem hack, likely paid disrupter.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Can’t wait for that sweet, sweet year end bonus from Soros…. 😎

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Glad he’s paying you at least

          4. What’re you going to do with your bonus? If I was getting the kind of dough you guys are being paid by Soros I’d get a Ferrari 456 Italia…


          5. What’re you going to do with your bonus? If I was getting the kind of dough you guys are being paid by Soros I’d get a Ferrari 456 Italia…


  3. Not Today Avatar

    So, basically, the U.S. population would be declining right now but for illegal immigration? Is there any wonder inflation is continuing to go up? Republicans marched off the COVID cliff (to the great beyond) and some Dems went too. We don’t have enough adults or near adults to support boomer enmity and grievance. IJS. Old folks need to start making nice with the young, brown people doing caregiving work in America. They’re all you got!

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “All you got” – Other than our families and the $30 trillion we boomers will leave to our heirs. Are you perhaps one?

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Bwahhhaaa….which heirs? Boomers systematically denied minority members of its OWN generation access to capital and wealth building opportunities. You accepted the red carpet treatment from your parents and hoarded it for yourselves, didn’t even bother to pass it on to your kids/grandkids. And when you die, it’ll all go to health care companies to pay for your in-home/retirement-home care because your family can’t afford to care for you. Suckers, all.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Sounds like we need to lower the lifetime exemption from $11M to $600K again. Lawyers need the business.

        Be sure to file your spouse’s 706 to retain the right to pass up to $22M without estate tax.

      3. Not Today Avatar

        Bwahhhaaa….which heirs? Boomers systematically denied minority members of its OWN generation access to capital and wealth-building opportunities. You do know young Americans are majority-minority, yes? You accepted the red carpet treatment from your parents and hoarded it for yourselves, didn’t even bother to pass it on to your kids/grandkids, and dismantled the structure that made it possible to have single-earner families with an at-home caregiver. And when you die, it’ll all go to health care companies to pay for your in-home/retirement-home care because your family can’t afford to care for you. Suckers, all.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          In fall 1969, 600,000 blacks attended desegregated schools in the South; one year later 3 million had been integrated. By percentage in 1968, nearly 70 percent of black children were segregated from their white peers; by the end of Nixon’s first term it was just 8 percent.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Are you serious right now? You do know that Ruby Bridges is still VERY much alive and bearing the testimony and scars of integration. The Moton students who fought disparate treatment are largely dead but few were able to escape the consequences of massive resistance. My parents and husband’s parents, aunts and uncles lived it. It was a HORRIBLE time. Nixon was no friend of equal rights. He was a bigot too.

            Busing, that scourge that occurred during the latter Nixon/Carter/Reagan years ENDED as a result of white grievance. That’s *my* generation. It was WORKING. Upon its end, schools resegregated as the intentionality of integration was subsumed behind ‘neighborhood school’ preference (aka income and redlining segregation).

            I was born in 1976 and cannot be punked on this issue. Don’t try me. You can’t just say any old BS and expect no push back. The living descendants of those who experienced it exist. just as Holocaust survivors are called to bear witness, so too am I.

            None of this has anything to do with the inescapable realities of demographic change. Stop changing the subject.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Who do you think Nixon was responding to? Who said integration was going to be easy? He had more guts than the Republicans of Reconstruction who abandoned the south in the name of industrialization and making money. Ruby was from the front end of integration. Nixon was the one who finished what had to be done. Read more history books. Good for you like Tang!

          3. Not Today Avatar

            Ruby was the front? Nixon ended things? Now who needs to crack a book? Lol.

          4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You managed to work the “holocaust” card into a discussion on immigration. And now desegregation. Imaginative.

          5. Not Today Avatar

            Always. 😁

          6. Matt Adams Avatar

            I was born in 1976 and cannot be punked on this issue. Don’t try me. You can’t just say any old BS and expect no push back. The living descendants of those who experienced it exist. just as Holocaust survivors are called to bear witness, so too am I.

            Umm that’s an invocation of Godwin’s Law, you just lost.

          7. Not Today Avatar

            Dude, no one was compared to Hitler.🤦‍♀️ I’m sensing a trend here…change the subject, move the goal posts, make claims about things that were never said.

            The comparison was to a LESSON. The legacy of racism is alive and well in America and some folks are working overtime to erase it from view. We all bear responsibility for telling the stories of what actually happened, not what people wish to remember.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar

            You don’t have to invoke Godwin’s Law, perhaps you aren’t nearly as educated as you believe. You invoked the Holocaust unnecessary making an unequal comparison, i.e. Godwin’s Law.

            Not really, but you go with that bud. After all, you were born in 1976, whatever that is supposed to mean.

          9. Not Today Avatar

            You’re right. There is no comparison. The legacy of racism and slavery in the US far exceeds that of the Holocaust. Thanks for the reminder.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar

            The sheer idiocy of your comments reflect poorly on you and speak to a very poor education.

          11. Not Today Avatar

            So sez Matt Adams. Oooohhh, I’m so scared. 🤣

          12. Matt Adams Avatar

            “So sez Matt Adams. Oooohhh, I’m so scared. 🤣”

            What’s to be scared of? You’re a troll and a tool.

          13. Not Today Avatar

            Let’s continue the elementary antics shall we? I know you are but what am I?

          14. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Let’s continue the elementary antics shall we? I know you are but what am I?”

            Says the person who invoked said “elementary antics”.

          15. Not Today Avatar


          16. Not Today Avatar

            I’ll miss you when I have to go back to work. It’s been a lovely holiday. Smooches!

          17. I guess we’re going to have to disagree on that one. I think systematically murdering people is more impactful than systematically enslaving them for a period and then treating them terribly for a period.

            Don’t get me wrong, the enslaving and discriminating was absolutely terrible and should not have happened, but the holocaust all but wiped out an entire population.

            Of course, I’ll freely admit I’ve got no skin in the game. I have never experienced either atrocity. And I suppose if I had experienced discrimination due to my race I might have a different opinion.

            And if I had been killed because of my religion I wouldn’t even be typing this.

            Best Regards.

          18. Not Today Avatar

            Indeed. I think where we disagree is in thinking that enslavement/discrimination didn’t also include murder and terrorism over generations, because it did.

          19. Not Today Avatar

            There is no comparison. The legacy of slavery and racism in the USA exceeds that of the Holocaust.

          20. Matt Adams Avatar

            To compare anything to the Holocaust is a violation of Godwin’s Law.

          21. Not Today Avatar

            Can’t fix stupid.

          22. Matt Adams Avatar

            Cool comment, clearly you were speaking about yourself.

            When you’re 46 year old muppet throwing out 10 year old insults along with invoking Godwin’s Law, you should refrain from lecture others on anything.

          23. Really? In what way? Oppressed populations don’t tend to fare very well wherever they are, but:

            Jewish population of Europe = 9,500,000 (+/-1.7% of overall)
            Black population of U.S. = 11,900,000 (+/-10% of overall population)

            Jewish population of Europe = 1,400,000 (0.19% of overall)
            Black population of U.S. = 47,800,000 (+/-12.5% of overall)

            An 85% reduction in population of Jews in Europe vs a 400% increase in Black population in the United States.

            An 88% decrease in demographic representation of Jews among Europeans vs a 25% increase in demographic representation among Blacks in the United States.

            Total number of people held in slavery in the United States during the entire duration of legal slavery = +/-8.3 million to 10 million.

            Total number of victims of the holocaust = +/-11 million to 17 million people killed (the wide spread is because it is uncertain how many Soviet citizens were murdered under the Nazi regime).

            You’re right, there is no comparison.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          some true irony on that, indeed.

        3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          I quote: “You accepted the red carpet treatment from your parents and hoarded it for yourselves, didn’t even bother to pass it on to your kids/grandkids, and dismantled the structure that made it possible to have single-earner families with an at-home caregiver.”

          I am tempted to break that up into pieces to respond. But it is so utterly dark that it sounds like either a nightmare or personal experience.

          You cannot mean to generalize. Do you?

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Generationally speaking, not individually, yes. I meant every word. I could go to the trouble of linking to the damage done by Friedman’s trickle down adherents, evidence of massive wealth transfers to/concentration of wealth within the white parts of the boomer generation, and policy/law changes that were aimed at pulling the rug out from under their descendants (and made two income households a necessity) but I trust you can find the information for yourself if you choose to.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            So you say an entire generation, not just you, hates their parents. Got it.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Are you saying boomers think they buy the lover of their children…? That would explain a lot….

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Are you saying boomers think they buy the lover of their children…? That would explain a lot….

          5. Not Today Avatar

            Nah, although my mom tried it. Epic fail. 🤦‍♀️

          6. Not Today Avatar

            Yes, sir, Chief. That’s exactly what I said. 🙄

          7. evidence of massive wealth transfers to/concentration of wealth within the white parts of the boomer generation

            Well, I’m about as white as they come, and I sure wish I had some of that concentrated wealth.

          8. Not Today Avatar

            I wasn’t part of the lucky sperm club but the numbers don’t lie. The halcyon days of state-enforced wealth redistribution based on race legally ended in the 60s but the impact of age-based redistribution lasts to this day. If you missed out on the heyday, sorry. Join the club.

          9. At least I don’t hate my parents, and my kids don’t hate me – or at any rate they have not tried to kill me yet.

            Although… there was that one time… with the crossbow… Hmmm…

            Never mind, I’m sure it was an accident…

          10. At least I don’t hate my parents. And my kids don’t hate me – or at any rate they have not tried to kill me yet.

            Although… there was that one time… with the crossbow… Hmmm…

            Never mind, I’m sure it was an accident…

          11. Not Today Avatar

            FTR- my kids are amazing humans who would put me to shame. They are soooo much nicer and more empathetic. They know how to bite b/c (do you even know me?!) but they do it with love. I blame my husband. I feel blessed to have played a part in their growth and development. Whatever my oldest chooses to do for college/career, she’ll be a rockstar. Class if ‘23 baby!!

          12. Not Today Avatar

            Yeah, I’m pretty sure I mentioned that I’m my dad’s favorite. We skirmish like this all the time. It doesn’t make me a fave among my sibs but I love fussing with my dad! Hes one of my favorite people! He’s old, crusty, and always learning. Match his energy.

      4. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        you mean 100 trillion in debt (WSJ article)

      5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Wealth accumulated through increasing the federal debt. Nice shell game…

    2. What’s with the “young, brown people” comment? There was no mention of skin color in the article.

      I wholeheartedly support immigration. Legal immigration by people who have followed our immigration laws. My son is a legal immigrant to the United States. It took a lot of time and effort to make that happen. Why should other people get a free pass after not following the laws of the country they claim they love enough to want to inhabit?

      Other countries enforce their immigration laws without protest from “progressives”. Why should the United States not be able to do the same?

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Americans U30 are majority minority. It is what it is. Folks are obsessed with the ‘southern border’ even as a HUGE chunk of ‘illegals’ are overstaying legal visas and arriving on planes. Facts are pesky things. We have a major political party that prefers to campaign on the issue versus doing anything to reform immigration laws. What’s their plan?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Facts are indeed pesky.

          Fact 1. Democrats for two years have controlled all of the Congress and the presidency.

          Fact 2. Consider the Afghan Adjustment Act and the Sinema-Cornyn immigration. But wait, neither chamber did. Both had bipartisan sponsorship. Neither made it to the floor of either chamber. Chambers led by Democrats whose leaders controlled the floor agenda.

          So I agree, “We have a major political party that prefers to campaign on the issue versus doing anything to reform immigration laws.” It is the Democratic party. The proof is irrefutable.

        2. “Majority minority” – a nearly perfect example of nonsensical Orwellian Newspeak. But even so, I will ask you again, what does that have to do with the article?

          Also, you did not answer either of my my questions.

          Even so, I will say that I am not convinced we need to “reform” our immigration laws. How can we possibly know we need to do that when we have never bothered to enforce the immigration laws we already have in place?

          I am not a republican, so whatever insults you heap on them will have no effect on me or my opinions.

          However, we do have a major political party that makes a habit of refusing to enforce existing laws when they are in power while constantly claiming that more laws are needed. What is their plan? More of the same?

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Majority minority= each racial/ethnic group is, objectively, a minority in and collectively represents>50% of a given population. Hardly Orwellian.

            Ok, so let’s tackle your questions…
            What is the history of immigration laws in the U.S. and what are/were the premises upon which they were based? Hint: they were enacted with discriminatory intent and used to slow the flow of immigrants from Asia, South and Central America and Africa. That racism is embedded in out existing laws and quotas, still. Unlike most countries in Europe and even Canada, our immigration laws don’t prioritize the immigration of the people we need to do work (such as migrant farm workers, healthcare workers, etc.). Why should we prioritize enforcement of bad/discriminatory laws? The conservative notion of merit means only wealthy and educated people get in but that’s not what’s historically benefitted the country most. It was the poor huddled masses yearning to be free who had the drive and work with to succeed who brought their food and cultures that enriched society.

            You can, BTW, read POTUS’ plan here: It’s fairly specific and detailed.

            Unsurprisingly, you can fit the Republican plan on a postage stamp:

            You can also see the difference in priorities here:

            Google is a beautiful thing.
            We need more immigration, not less.

          2. Majority minority= each racial/ethnic group is, objectively, a minority in and collectively represents>50% of a given population.

            So, once white people become an “objective minority”, do their numbers count towards the collective “majority-minority” population”?

            Like I said, nonsensical Orwellian Newspeak.


            Hint: they were enacted with discriminatory intent and used to slow the flow of immigrants from Asia, South and Central America and Africa .

            Please provide the sections of the current federal immigration laws which are intended to slow the flow of immigrants from Asia, South and Central America and Africa. Or, please stop making ridiculous, unsubstantiated claims.

            The CFR is a beautiful thing – it lets you get information straight from the horse’s mouth, as they say.

            Hint: That fact that democrats claim it does not make it true.

            AND, you still have not answered my questions. Have a nice day.

          3. You are conflating policy
            and the law.

            What sections of the Code of Federal Register backs up you claim that our immigration laws
            were enacted with discriminatory intent?

          4. You are conflating policy
            and the law.

            What sections of the Code of Federal Register back up you claim that our immigration laws
            were enacted with discriminatory intent?

          5. Not Today Avatar

            Policy reflects intent and the history of our laws and country makes very clear that discrimination has always been a key component of the process. As recently as four years ago, executive orders were issued to ban people from immigrating based on their nationality and faith. If you choose not to see or acknowledge that, so be it.

          6. You are still conflating law and policy.

            And remember, I’m not a republican, so you spouting off about things Trump did has no effect on me.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar

            You can’t really have a rational conversation with someone who invokes Godwin’s Law.

          8. Not Today Avatar

            Law is a reflection of public policy and intent.

          9. You’ve got it backwards.
            Public policy is, or at least should be, a reflection of the law. If the government wants to set policy on a given issue, it must first have law(s) empowering them to do so.

            I do not think our current immigration policy is an accurate reflection of what is written in federal law (i.e. I do not think we are currently following our own laws). I cannot find anything in our current immigration laws which allows racial or religious discrimination to be a part of their implementation or their enforcement.

            You have stated numerous times that you think immigration policy does align with the written law, so I asked you to show me the section(s) of our current immigration laws which back up your claim.

            You have yet to do that, by the way.

            Here’s something you can use in your research:


            You might also find this helpful:


            Have a nice day.

          10. Not Today Avatar

            😂 I’m unwilling to delve into the congressional record. I admit that. I have a life.

          11. You don’t need to delve into the entire congressional record, just check out the latest published version of the CFR. It’s only got about 190,000 pages.


          12. Not Today Avatar

            Love that *for you*.

        3. LesGabriel Avatar

          Why pass new immigration laws when we refuse to enforce the ones on the books?

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Because existing laws are based on racial/ethnic and religious biases, impose disparate penalties based on the nation of origin and mode of entry, and don’t allow enough people in to meet our needs.

          2. LesGabriel Avatar

            I don’t concede your first 2 points, but I think that it is impossible to prove your final point that existing law does not allow enough people in to meet our needs. The free market would adjust our wages and our level of spending. Importing cheap labor and allowing able-bodied Americans to receive unemployment payments makes no sense in anyone’s world. Allowing it to happen outside of the law is even worse.

          3. Not Today Avatar

            Ugh. My posts are disappearing/marked as SPAM, lol. The proof of inadequate immigration is in the post itself. But for illegal immigration we would not meet population replacement levels. As for who should be doing the manual/low-wage positions (like server/stocker) jobs, please identify, specifically, which group(s) you’d target/conscript for those roles.

          4. Not Today Avatar

            The ‘free market’ requires the free movement of people and goods. Strike 1. Disparate rules for immigration depending on where you appear for entry/consideration suggests other aims. Strike 2. I agree hag importing menial labor when there are able bodied Americans seems counterintuitive. And yet, which existing Americans would you consign to menial, low-wage work. Name them.

          5. Not Today Avatar

            A free market would permit people to withhold their labor to achieve better wages (see Railtoad workers). We don’t have a free market (we just think we do). In a free market, able-bodied Americans wouldn’t be subject to non-competes as a condition
            of employment (which able-bodied Americans do). Do you want to do menial/low wage work. Be specific.

          6. LesGabriel Avatar

            There is nothing wrong with menial, low-wage useful work. That is the way that most people learn work skills and experience on their way to bigger and better things. Most innovations come through the ingenuity of workers who see ways of producing things in better ways, in most cases eliminating some of the labor previously necessary. Americans have always been in the forefront of innovation and producing a higher standard of living. There is no reason that we cannot continue.

          7. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Of course not. I note, however, that you’re not volunteering yourself to do it. Who do you volunteer as tribute?

          8. Not Today Avatar

            Ugh. My posts are disappearing/marked as SPAM, lol. The proof of inadequate immigration is in the post itself. But for illegal immigration we would not meet population replacement levels. As for who should be doing the manual/low-wage positions (like server/stocker) jobs, please identify, specifically, which group(s) you’d target/conscript for those roles and/or how much more you’re willing to pay for those services.

          9. LesGabriel Avatar

            The free market does not target or conscript people into jobs. Employers offer jobs for a given wage/benefits package and they either find takers or they don’t. If they don’t their options are to increase the package, or if that is impossible, to go out of business or to streamline their process (innovate). The U.S. survived and thrived with a smaller population, so I don’t know that we could not survive again with only legal immigrants.

          10. Not Today Avatar

            We’ve built systems, including higher ed, around the notion of a larger population in perpetuity. The absence of those payers in programs like unemployment insurance, Social security and Medicaid/Medicare is a disaster in the making. Whatever ‘surplus’ boomers paid in has long since been extracted in tax cuts.

            We live in a global labor market, not a National one, and extremely tight labor pools mean unskilled jobs are as likely to go overseas as pay an increased wage here.

          11. LesGabriel Avatar

            Because we have built unsustainable systems doesn’t mean that we have to keep doubling down and creating
            more such systems. We may have to slog through the consequences. When you are in a hole, stop digging. The sooner we make adjustments, the less painful the coming disaster(s) will be.

          12. Not Today Avatar

            There’s nothing actually wrong with the programs as designed tho. The problem is that tax cuts wiped out the ‘surplus’ that was supposed to pay future benefits. A society without a safety net isn’t much of a society at all and if we simply stop paying social security, all those boomers who didn’t or couldn’t save will become destitute retirees sucking up healthcare resources that we also don’t have and can’t afford…or…wait for it…import more workers through immigration.

          13. LesGabriel Avatar

            In other words, keep going down the unsustainable path that we have been on. You speak of programs as they were designed. I think if you go back to the original design of any of the programs that you are talking about, whether it is Soc Sec, Medicare, Medicaid, etc, you will find that it was the later additions that made them unsustainable. There was no disability program within the original Soc Sec. It was added later and even then was subject to widespread abuse. The bigger and more complex these programs become, the harder it is to detect and remove abuse, even if there were the political will to do so. As for blaming tax cuts, if you look at the ratio of government revenue as a percentage of GDP, you won’t find that our fiscal problems are the result of insufficient revenue.

          14. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Those things were added to, in part, provide a safety net for individuals with disabilities (mental, developmental and physical) who cannot work and should be supported by their parents’ contributions. A country with a declining natural population, or one that insists on the birth of MORE individuals with disabilities through prohibition on personal choice, and siphons off funds intended to support benefit payments for years to come, is one that has fundamentally decided there ought be no social. Interact whatsoever. Greed and personal advancement is all that matters. It’s a valid choice, of course, it’s just not one that will be successful long term. It’s a society that will die, is dying, is dead.

          15. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            ETA: if you go back to these original programs as designed, you’d find they left out domestic workers and aids not because of abuse but because the recipients would be black. Fortunately, we’ve progressed.

          16. LesGabriel Avatar

            Although Franklin Roosevelt and his Democrat allies who put together Social Security were racists, I doubt if there is any proof of your contention that certain groups were left out of the program due to race. More likely it was because many jobs at that time were on a cash basis.

        4. LesGabriel Avatar

          If you want to join a group fighting against Visa overstayers, let me know. They do get less acknowledgement in the press than border-jumpers, but they are law-breakers nonetheless.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            I would, in fact, be happy to learn more about that issue.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            I’m not much of a group joiner but I have long felt our greatest vulnerability was visa overstayers/airports not indigent migrants/asylum seekers in Mexico.

          3. You have a point. Each (or at least most) of the 9-11 hijackers originally entered the country legally on a business, tourist or student visa. They overstayed, suffered no repercussions, and were allowed to effectively ‘disappeared into the woodwork’ until it was time to for them to enact their plan.

            And we all know hat happened next.

            I don’t know why our immigration laws are not being enforced in these cases, but the blame falls on both political parties, multiple presidents, numerous congress-critters and a multitude of federal officials. It is a non-partisan, across-the-board, f—- up.

            There is no legitimate reason why we continually fail to make people leave the country when their visas expire.

          4. You have a point. Each (or at least most) of the 9-11 hijackers originally entered the country legally on a business, tourist or student visa. They overstayed, suffered no repercussions, and were allowed to effectively ‘disappear into the woodwork’ until it was time to for them to enact their plan.

            And we all know what happened next.

            I don’t know why our immigration laws are not being enforced in these cases, but the blame falls on both political parties, multiple presidents, numerous congress-critters and a multitude of federal officials. It is a non-partisan, across-the-board, f—- up.

            There is no legitimate reason why we continually fail to make people leave the country when their visas expire.

  4. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    there is no southern border and hasn’t been for years.In 2022 5 million people entered the US illegally. These people are allowed to get a drivers lic.and to vote.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Is THAT the “election fraud”, that “stole” the election? Did a horrible job of actually proving it, eh?

      1. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        Registrars do not check voter rolls against citizenship records. People who get a DL are automatically registered to vote. Also the Census Bur. counts illegals in apportioning representation in the House which skews districts. You can check all this out at which cites all its research. and no I was not referring to the past election or elections. BTW there are numerous convictions for voter fraud in the last two elections, may be you should try reading actual news rather than watching the view.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          can you extract the part in justfacts that proves your point about drivers licenses and voting.

          I looked but could not find that part.

          On election fraud – yes there is fraud but is there widespread fraud across dozens/hundreds of precincts that is a conspiracy of officials to move all the votes to one candidate?

          1. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            When you get a DL (check out the application) you are automatically enrolled to vote. There is no mention of a citizenship requirement. Ergo automatically enrolled. Voter registrars are supposed to check but they don’t that was in the article.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Enrolled is not registered.

            Beyond the accusation, what actual evidence?

            We’re back to Trump conspiracy theories.

          3. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            Has nothing to do with Trump. Why is everything with you socialists have to do with Trump? It has to do with thousands of people voting illegally whether local or state or federal. One is too many. And there are any number of news reports that have covered this. With people going to jail.

          4. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            here you go. Just one example

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’re using the Federalist as a credible source? No thanks! Where
            are the actual facts?

          6. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            well than there is nothing to discuss you have your chinese propagandists and I have the truth.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s one source, with a reputation. How about other sources that confirm or contradict?

          8. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            I am sorry to say what reputation you mean a reputation like the Wash Post or NY Times. When you are enrolled by DMV that means you registered to vote. here i s an article from ICE

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “On election fraud – yes there is fraud…”

            Mostly on the Right…

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Fraud deniers!
            Larry – the Dmes have long been the masters at fraud, and have perfected it (remember your comment about zips and down to the block? Hate it when one of your few true statements is used to refute one of your parroted Dem lies, don’t you).
            So what would be your objection to getting the voter rolls correct?
            What is your objection to ensuring that only citizens vote?
            What is your objection to chain of custody requirements?
            What is your objection to a true audit of the machines?
            If they work, isn’t that what you would want to show? How about a true audit?
            LBJ stole the Senate seat in 1948. Kennedy stole the election in 1960.
            Biden was installed by incredible illegality everywhere.
            Remember, I have been proved right about Covid and ivermectin and the government lying. I am right here. And I am right about “climate change” being nothing more than huge grift by the kleptocracy.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            geeze, back to blather….

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Did LBJ steal 1948?
            Did JFK steal 1960?
            Come on MR. Science.
            Joe and the socials and the billion of Meta and other “non-profit” money rigged the system. It was obvious. Like the Covid lies were obvious. Not blather.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            you’re back off in LA LA LAnd Walter… there is no talking to you when you’re like this.

            worse than blather.

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – did LBJ steal the Senate in 1948? It is a fact. Acknowledged.
            Kennedy stole the Presidency in 1960. Acknowledged as fact.
            So is it POSSIBLE that SlowJoe stole 2020? He obviously did.
            It was obvious the Govt was lying all during Covid to anybody who followed SCIENCE! which you claim you do, but don’t. You believe in SCIENTISM, not science.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m just not going to play conspiracy theories with you Walter.

            I suspect you are an anarchist, or Trumper or both, right?

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, Larry. I am not an anarchist. I hate lying. I hate stealing. We have corrupt people in power.
            Let’s try a simple question, which you will not answer.
            Should any cheating in elections, in any manner, be tolerated?

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            Cheating should not be tolerated at all but how much cheating and whether it affects elections is the issue.

            You’re never going to stop all cheating or stealing.

            But does the system as a whole function legitimately as it was designed and should?

            Anyone who expect the State Board of Elections to not have a single mistake or else they call the system corrupt and broke needs their head examined..

          18. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Wow, Larry answered a question! He agrees cheating is bad!
            No, Larry – I do not expect perfection. I am aware of human nature. And that is why public companies have auditors. When anyone is in a position of trust and a beneficiary asks to see the books and there is ANY delay, the trustee is stealing. If you want people to think you aren’t cheating, don’t act like you are cheating.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            the last part is more blather.

            no one is acting like they are cheating -there’s just idiots claiming there is without any evidence or proof.

          20. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I seldom hear reference to that 1948 House of Representatives election in Texas. It earned Johnson the nickname “Landslide Lyndon”.

          21. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            My favorite is the one box made famous in the Caro book where the last 200 votes were in alphabetical order, in a different color ink in the same handwriting, and included Bill Buckley’s grandfather who died in something like 1905. But cheating never happens!

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not said and not true. It does happen and it can influence a local election and has.

            but what about a state or national election where many precincts are involved and the idea is to fix the votes for one candidate at all those precincts?

            Ya’ll know this but you evade the question.

            And so we have all these folks believing in conspiracy theories that you KNOW are not true but you won’t say so.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      I heard it was actually some 20 million people… maybe more like 50 million…

  5. Perhaps, in one of his stories, he will refer to himself as the new father of his country.

    More like the Uncle Ernie of his country.

    Fiddling about, fiddling about, fiddling about.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Does that make Kamala the Acid Queen?!

      1. Interesting. I had not considered that.

        I like it!

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Maybe Trump was our Acid Queen… that also seems to fit your metaphor. We all are clearly Tommy, eh…?

          1. Yes, I think Trump could also fill that role.

            But yes, absolutely, we are all Tommy in this scenario.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            ….you know where to put the cork….

  6. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Many of this nation’s first European arrivals were refugees from political and/or religious persecution. Many at the southern border are also refugees seeking asylum. Failure to discern “illegal” immigrants from refugees confuses the discussion. The Afghan Adjustment Act is an example.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “ Failure to discern “illegal” immigrants from refugees confuses the discussion.”

      It is simple truth under U.S. law.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        and each one is entitled to a determination process. correct?

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        But not one generally accommodated in discussions on BR. Or in posted articles. Or in an article on BR not related to state, regional, or local public policy.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Much of the GOP cares less who they are or what their status is. They just don’t want any of them here.

      The only GOP you hear showing some approval are called RINOs and worse by the others in the GOP.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        “They don’t want any of them here”. Drinking this early, Larry?

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          When you can’t beat ‘em, sully ‘em. Cheap shot.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            That’s Sherlocks essential personality. It comes out at times especially when he gets butt-hurt.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “They just don’t want any of them here.”

        Except when it come time to mow their lawn or watch their kids…

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          clean the motel, change their diapers in nursing homes, roof their homes, pick their vegetables, etc, etc…

          And no, we can’t have a guest worker program, no sir…

          and those dreamers ? They S-it out of luck, they’re getting deported to.

          But Sherlock is saying there is a “softer” GOP side to this – like there actually is.

          what a kidder!

    3. Failure to discern “illegal” immigrants from refugees confuses the discussion.

      Perhaps it does. I favor making that distinction and I favor allowing those who qualify for asylum to enter the country, but I favor making the determination as to whether or not they qualify beforewe allow them to enter the country.

    4. Not Today Avatar

      Are we even pretending to comply with the UN treaty on refugees anymore? SCOTUS says we’re still in a health care emergency that doesn’t require compliance.

      1. I know I’m feeling a bit under the weather today.

        Cough, cough…


        1. Not Today Avatar


    5. Not Today Avatar

      Are we even pretending to comply with the UN treaty on refugees anymore? SCOTUS says we’re still in a health care emergency that doesn’t require compliance.

    6. Failure to discern “illegal” immigrants from refugees confuses the discussion.

      Perhaps it does. I favor making that distinction and I favor allowing those who qualify for asylum to enter the country, but I favor making the determination as to whether or not they qualify for asylum before we allow them to enter the country and roam freely.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “…but I favor making the determination as to whether or not they qualify for asylumbefore we allow them to enter the country and roam freely….”

        Did not seem to bother many when those refugees came from Cuba over the decades… one foot was all it took… I am sure Sherlock was livid…

        1. Which refugees from Cuba? You’re going to have to be a lot more specific.


          But regardless of who we are talking about, if the determination of eligibility for asylum is not made prior to allowing the applicant to enter the country and travel freely then yes, it bothers me.

          I’ll let Mr. Sherlock speak for himself.

        2. Which refugees from Cuba? You’re going to have to be a lot more specific.


          But regardless of who we are talking about, if the determination of eligibility for asylum is not made prior to allowing the applicant to enter the country and travel freely then yes, it bothers me.

          I’ll let Mr. Sherlock speak for himself.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        That appears to be the rule and existing process—- but not a distinction in many of the comments herein.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          That is not the process at the southern border, McCarthy. All they need to do is claim asylum. Then it will be months or years before the determination is made by a judge whether they deserve it.

          The Bipartisan Border Solutions Act was aimed to speed up the processing and adjudication. That is why it is not law.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “You will not replace us!” Nice chant Captain.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Capt Spreadsheet?

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Wait!!! 176 comments here are related to VA’s southern border??

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        What’s surprising is that 2.7 million people (that we know about) came across the southern border and you think none of them headed for Virginia, McCarthy. What are the odds?

  8. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Lots of talk here about asylum claims by border crossers.

    Code of Federal Regulations Title 8 Chapter I Subchapter B Part 208 Subpart A covers Asylum and Withholding of Removal covers border crossers.


    Those are complex regulations, and require a lot of training to apply. They are a reason that we have specially designated immigration judges.

    The reason we don’t have enough of those judges is for you to assess, since the vast majority of persecution claims are rejected by judges and the claimants deported.

    The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) allows individuals who have “experienced past persecution or has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion” to resettle in the U.S.

    But it is also true that “The existence of laws or government policies that are unenforced or infrequently enforced do not, by themselves, constitute persecution, unless there is credible evidence that those laws or policies have been or would be applied to an applicant personally.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Right. So if someone comes across and claims asylum – do you send them back or process them?

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Read the Act and then the regulations Larry. It’ll give you something to do.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’ve read it. As you say, it’s “complicated”.

          I presume that since people ARE crossing the border in huge numbers seeking asylum that the law does allow that.

          Otherwise, we’d not have this “crisis”?

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