Bacon's Rebellion

Never Leave Home Without Your Teleprompter

I recently subjected myself to a full dose of the trilogy of tripe – Matthews, Olbermann and Maddow. They were each desperately trying to excuse Obama’s incompetent management of the Deepwater Horizon fiasco. As always, they quickly got to the “blame Bush” defense.

The liberals’ song has been sung so often I know it by heart – Bush and the truly evil Cheney emasculated good and proper off-shore drilling regulation as a personal favor to the beloved oil companies. Obama and the Democratic superheroes in Congress have been working 24 X 7 to fix Bush’s mess (in Obama’s case, that means 24 hours a week, 7 months a year). Unfortunately, the Deepwater Horizon disaster happened before our brilliant and heroic Democratic leaders could undo the terrible and obvious risks taken by Bush and Cheney.

Note to Obama puppet-masters: Do NOT let Barry out in public without his teleprompter …
The embedded video was from a speech given to a group of employees at a battery manufacturer on April 2, 2010 – almost 15 months after Obama took office and 18 days before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded.
One would think that such clear evidence of Obama’s ignorance would stop even the trilogy of tripe from trying to blame the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe on George Bush alone. One would be wrong. Sixteen months after Obama’s inauguration, three months after Obama’s fateful “teleprompter-free” speech and two months after the BP oil spill started the liberals were still trying to blame Bush. However, as the video clearly shows, Obama himself thought off-shore drilling was extremely safe because of the technology used on the rigs.
One can only imagine Bush and his side-kick Cheney using some secret mind control rays developed by Haliburton to beam erroneous thoughts about the safety of deep sea drilling into Obama’s head. Perhaps President Obama should remember not only his teleprompter but his tinfoil hat when he leaves the White House.
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