Chinese-funded Code Pink’s co-founder Medea Benjamin at antisemitic rally in D.C. Nov. 4th. Courtesy Asra Nomani

by James C. Sherlock

At 78, I have been all over the world often and for long periods of time. I felt myself reasonably immune to cultural surprises.

But I had never seen anything like this.

It was the Maghrib prayer time about 5 p.m. on Saturday. On the southeast corner of 12th and Pennsylvania Ave. in D.C., a devout Muslim man was in the sujood prayer position on the sidewalk, forehead touching the ground.

That was not the surprise.

But a girl we took to be the praying man’s daughter was waiting a few feet away next to her mother and three young siblings. She looked to be, at the most, four years old.

There had been thousands like her at the festival on that beautiful afternoon. Families with toddlers and baby carriages were everywhere at the edges of the demonstrations. Watching. Learning.

Full of adrenaline from the hate that had been spewed out on a huge screen broadcasting anti-Israel rally speakers in the middle of shut-down Pennsylvania Avenue, that beautiful little girl was jumping up and down, tiny fists clenched, shouting in her small voice “Gaza,” “Gaza,” “Gaza.”

Three thousand years of hatred of Jews was being passed down to another generation.

It is never going to stop.

My wife, my grandson and I first passed that rally on Saturday about 1:30 p.m. We had promised him a trip to the Smithsonian. So, we went.

We emerged from a parking garage immediately north of Pennsylvania Avenue on 11th street and headed to the museums. We paused to watch a bit of one of the protest speeches on that giant screen.

The speaker was enraged, screaming out her hatred.

Every type of proud radical leftist was there with signs advertising his or her “intersections” with other Jew haters.

Democratic Socialists of America labels were on the backs of the vests of official “guides.”

Courtesy Asra Nomani

BLM sweatshirts. Gaggles of young women with tattoos, piercings and multi-colored hair. Determined-looking young couples with practiced scowls. “Queers for Gaza.”  College freshmen on an outing.

Chinese-funded Code Pink, which had been a leading organizer of the event.

I saw a couple of aging hippie couples, now in pricey protest clothes, the men with grey hair tied back in pony tails. Perhaps tenured.

And the large Muslim families.

Scattered among the “Cease Fire Now” and “Free Palestine” signs within our view:

  • “Intifada forever”
  • “From the River to the Sea …”
  • “F… Jews”

We walked on to the Natural History Museum.

Entering on Constitution Avenue, we found a line for its bathrooms filled with protestors. Inside the men’s room was a young man changing into an outfit pulled from his backpack. He had chosen head-to-toe black, finished with a black tactical Keffiyeh Shemagh head scarf.

Tactical Keffiyeh Shemagh head scarf – Courtesy Amazon Prime

To keep blowing sand out of his eyes, we imagined.

He checked himself out in the mirror before he left.

We walked on to other, more official exhibits.

It was on the way back from the museums that we saw the little girl. I could not get the sight out of my head to go to sleep that night. Still tough.

Asra Nomani, as usual, has told the story of Saturday’s hate festival in D.C. better than I.

She, too, saw a child learning to be an American jihadist.

Bottom line. Saturday’s protests were equal parts anti-Israel, anti-Jew and anti-America. Jews are not safe in America. Because they are not, none of us are — or deserve to be.

Which brings me back to UVa and George Mason. And other Virginia schools that continue to host and support chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and other notorious antisemitic groups funded by the radical left.

Their presidents disgrace themselves and endanger their Jewish communities every day they host those dangerous organizations.

American Jews will need to become harder targets. And they know it. They are reportedly buying guns in unprecedented numbers since October 7th.

I recommend that they do more than just purchase weapons. Actively create a gun culture. Develop tactical shooting skills. Practice. Take martial arts training. As families.

Make the Jew haters worry about you for a change.

Most Americans join you in pledging “never again.” And acting on that pledge.

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149 responses to “Never Again”

  1. And only one anti-WH vandal was arrested……… but is anyone really surprised?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      A different kind of insurrection, I suppose.

  2. “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”
    MLK Jr.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    If you are concerned about young Muslims being turned into jihadists, the 10,000 deaths in Gaza must really be worrying you.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      They do. Agreed, it is jihadist recruiting bonanza. As Hamas intended.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Jihadists aren’t recruited. They are raised Steve. It starts at home and then the madrassas. Add the drugs and they went through the fence on October 7th. And recorded the slaughter with their cell phones and head-mounted cameras.

        The left here wants to argue about the numbers of victims.

    2. And you believe that 10,000 figure because…. Hamas told you?

      The same guys who said 500 people died from an Israeli bomb on a hospital?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I think the humanitarian groups have estimates.. but don’t think they are wildly different.

        You can’t bomb the crap out of a place that has 2 million people and not have a lot of casualties.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          No, you cannot. It is more precise than what was done to Tokyo or Dresden, but for intense than what is being done to Kiev.
          There are still major collateral casualties. 10,000, 2,000, machts nichts. The delighted leaders of Hamas are safe on the other side of the region, in Bahrain I think.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Qtar, but close.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            killing civilians who get in the way of getting the bad guy… hearts and minds…

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        They have been publishing names and identification of those killed. The reports of deaths in Gaza have more credibility than those from Israel which has only published names of about half of the total they have said were killed on Oct 7 and half of those were combatants.

        Here is a newspaper front page listing names of children killed in Gaza.

        1. Yes, Hamas is much more efficient. Minutes after the explosions at the hospital, they had the numbers. Quite amazing actually.

          You claim to pull information from Haaretz, but if you had gone there you would see that they now publish 1132 names. That’s all that have been “cleared for publication.” Some remains were charred beyond recognition, and families may not want others published for some reason.

          The dead list may not be complete, but here’s the list of hostages. Right now that’s more urgent. Is taking hostages a war crime?

          Hamas and Israel had a cease fire in place at the time, and were in direct negotiation with Israel.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Lefty doesn’t need Haaretz. She quotes the Tehran Times.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            And minutes after the explosion at the hospital an Israeli government spokesperson publicly claimed it was an Israeli strike.

            It is good that Israel is finally identifying the dead and updating the numbers.

            The remains charred beyond recognition are Israelis killed by their chaotic response and bombing, rocketing and shooting of both Israeli citizens and hostages in addition to Hamas.

            Hamas did not have the capability to incinerate people or turn houses into rubble, Israel did. We may have to wait awhile longer for Israel to let us know how many of its own citizens they killed. Maybe they will put it up in lights as a testimonial to the Hannibal Directive.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            And minutes after the explosion at the hospital an Israeli government spokesperson publicly claimed it was an Israeli strike.

            It is good that Israel is finally identifying the dead and updating the numbers.

            The remains charred beyond recognition are Israelis killed by their chaotic response and bombing, rocketing and shooting of both Israeli citizens and hostages in addition to Hamas.

            Hamas did not have the capability to incinerate people or turn houses into rubble, Israel did. We may have to wait awhile longer for Israel to let us know how many of its own citizens they killed. Maybe they will put it up in lights as a testimonial to the Hannibal Directive.

          4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Your first sentence is a lie. The rest follows from it.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            “Your first sentence is a lie. The rest follows from it.”

            Actually it is the truth, and yes the rest does follow from it.

            The guys name is Hananya Naftali, he is a spokesman for Netanyahoo. The tweet was later taken down, but he claimed it was an Israeli strike within 20 minutes.


            I’d encourage you to be a little careful about calling people liars. It does not facilitate constructive dialog here on BR, nor is it the truth itself.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “The guys name is Hananya Naftali, he is a spokesman for Netanyahoo. The tweet was later taken down, but he claimed it was an Israeli strike within 20 minutes.”

            That is actually not the case and the following excerpt is from what you linked (I’m sorry your biased and didn’t read it).

            “The person who posted, Hananya Naftali, is a pro-Israel social media influencer and writer who has worked on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s digital team, online biographies for Naftali say. ”

            Also from the article:

            “He later wrote on X that he’d deleted the first post because it had inaccurate information about Israel’s involvement and had been based on a Reuters headline that later changed.”

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            His tweet was out before Reuters.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Not according to your citation and he is also does not speak for Israel.

            The poster even indicated that himself.

          9. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            If you will read your own link, you will see that Hananya Naftali is not a spokesman for the Prime Minister.

            He is rather “a pro-Israel social media influencer who has worked (past tense) as a social media adviser for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu”.

            Can you acknowledge your error?

            Can you admit that the difference is determinative?

          10. Lefty665 Avatar

            Sure, slice and dice as fine as you want. Social media advisor for Netanyahoo and spokesman for Netanyahoo. A distinction without a difference, but I’ll take it.

            Will you retract your accusation that I lied admiral?

          11. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            No. “Distinction without a difference” is another one.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          The Tehran Times, “a newspaper”, as a reference. Excellent .

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            SHErlock is a gender descriptor. Excellent!

        3. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          They had all the names 5 minutes after the “attack”.

          It would be considered green on green, but Hamas doesn’t give two rips about Palestinians.

      3. Lefty665 Avatar

        The USG today confirmed that Israel has killed “many, many thousands” of Palestinians. 10k could quantify “many, many”.

        “You’ve seen some indications there are efforts being applied in certain scenarios to try to minimize, but I don’t want to overstate that. There have obviously been, to your point, many, many thousands of innocent people killed, and each one’s a tragedy. We don’t want to see any innocent life taken as a result of this war,” Kirby said, also noting that the U.S. couldn’t corroborate Hamas’s tally.”

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I believe UNICEF has released “at least 3000 children”. That’s a lot of inspiration…

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Apparently, it could not be helped… collateral damage…

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      A boy might reflect upon his father’s and brother’s death on a battlefield with a mix of emotions, but his mother’s or sister’s death in an aerial bombing of a refugee camp by forces unseen will only inspire rage.

      1. That “refugee camp” isn’t tents. It’s a 50+ year old complex of buildings.

        Israel took out an underground command center. Israel has done more to warn civilians than any other country in war.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          “That “refugee camp” isn’t tents. It’s a 50+ year old complex of buildings.”

          Exactly, that a refugee camp is 50+ years old gives perspective. Gaza has been an open air prison camp for many decades.

          1. Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 and gave Palestinians a comprehensive plan to develop the area, and create a thriving economy. Instead, they voted in Hamas to govern them and all resources were used to enrich Hamas leadership or make war with Israel. That’s what happened.

            You claim to care about corruption in Ukraine, but no area on Earth gets more aid per person than Gaza, which has been squandered beyond belief.

            US aid to the PA was suspended under Trump because of their corruption and diversion of aid to fund war making. It was restored by Biden.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            “Thriving economy” = open air prison. Interesting conflation of terms. Surely you cannot really believe that Israel has tried to make Gaza a “thriving economy”. Pull the other one, it’s got bells on. But, OTOH, keep it up, we need some humor in this thread.

            Ukraine has long been the most corrupt country in Europe. I did not care too much about that until it started bribing our politicians and then stealing aid in the form of our taxpayer money and weapons. You might also care about Ukrainian corruption if it turns out, as is likely, that Ukrainians sold stolen US supplied weapons into the black market and from there to Hamas.

          3. You haven’t been there and don’t know what you are talking about. Gaza only became fortified over time after Hamas came to power. When Gaza was turned over to the Palestinians in 2005 it wasn’t that way.
            Egypt had to fortify their side as well. Hamas destabilized the entire area.

            Many of the 1.5 million residents of the Gaza Strip took shelter from the fighting by staying home. Thousands have sought to flee through neighboring Egypt. But for the vast majority of residents of the coastal strip, there is no way out.

            The above is from the war between Hamas and Fatah. Here’s more.

            Well over 600 Palestinians have been killed in factional fighting since Hamas came to power in March 2006 after defeating Fatah in parliamentary elections, according to one prominent Palestinian human rights group.

            Ceasefires have frequently been declared but never honored for long.

            Interspersed with drive-by shootings and rocket-propelled grenade attacks, both sides have shown extraordinary flashes of brutality in recent days.

            A member of Abbas’s Force 17 security service was the first to be thrown off a 15-storey building. A few hours later, Hamas accused Fatah of throwing a Hamas supporter off another building.

            Fatah supporters gunned down a Hamas cleric outside his mosque. In another extraordinary attack, a top Fatah militant with ties to President Mahmoud Abbas’s national security adviser, Mohammad Dahlan, was dragged out of his home and shot 40 times by Hamas gunmen, medics said.


          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Israel has made Gaza an open air prison and flash point for 50 years. Pull the other one it’s got bells on.

          5. Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 and gave Palestinians a comprehensive plan to develop the area, and create a thriving economy. Instead, they voted in Hamas to govern them and all resources were used to enrich Hamas leadership or make war with Israel. That’s what happened.

            You claim to care about corruption in Ukraine, but no area on Earth gets more aid per person than Gaza, which has been squandered beyond belief.

            US aid to the PA was suspended under Trump because of their corruption and diversion of aid to fund war making. It was restored by Biden.

  4. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    This appears to be a dangerous path that you are suggesting. Instead of buying guns and doubling down on your position, why wouldn’t you use this platform for persuasion? Instead of outright villainy of the other side, why wouldn’t you advocate for listening and attempting to understand and then persuading away from their way of thinking?

    James Madison wrote in 1787 that “a zeal for different opinions concerning religion, concerning government, and many other points ,,, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to cooperate for their common good.” Perhaps we should take a deep breath and not suggest running to our corners and getting out our guns.

    Maybe I am naive enough to believe that there is still time for candid dialogue, treating people with respect, and listening with intent to learn more and not always thinking I have all the answers. There are many who post on this site who appear to be set in their opinions as facts and have shut down any other source of wisdom because they are too angry to hear the other side. Could it be that our own unwillingness to listen with the intent is what is infuriating these groups of people to take more extreme measures and protest as described above?

    There is very little doubt that both sides (including my own posts) try hard to demonize and distort than to persuade. If we stop the pattern simply long enough to listen and attempt to understand, we are clearly making better progress than loading our guns and learning how to shoot more accurately.

    Let’s please choose the path of respecting them, without judging the clothes that they wear, their sexual preferences, or their religion. If you stop long enough to listen and persuade, then at a minimum you are stopping long enough to find honest arguments instead of dog whistling your bias.

    If you try to respond without insulting them, perhaps they will begin to listen and progress will be made. Actually, just being civil (instead of blunt) should be celebrated and championed by the BR. It surprises me that a group of people who so strongly demand for the right of free speech doesn’t use it more often to debate with persuasion for a better future.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The “dangerous path” for Jews is not arming themselves – not fighting back. This time, they shouldn’t line up quietly for the boxcars. Don’t you agree?

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Absolutely I agree. I am simply suggesting that they do something to prove to the world that they are not simply taking revenge on a territory full of people without regard to who needs to be held accountable and who is an innocent bystander.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          That is unprovable to much of the world. To that part of the world, Hamas uses human shields and Israel is responsible.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            I almost agree with you. I think it is unprovable to much of the world, but I don’t think Israel has done enough yet to even claim otherwise.

          2. Hamas controls reports coming out of Gaza. They let out only what serves their purpose.

            Anyone who says something they don’t approve of is killed. Then the dead body is displayed as a casualty of Israel’s efforts to fight them.

          3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            If true and is widespread- then the world will support Israel’s efforts. But I still think it is better for Israel to make some efforts convincing the world that they are trying to protect innocent lives. I realize it is not easy but I think public opinion right now is that they are not. Israel will win this war – there is an opportunity to persuade some people that they aren’t blindly bombing the hell out of the country. They should make those efforts IMO.

          4. It’s well known. Hamas even brags about how they operate.

            The world’s treatment of Israel is unlike any other nation on Earth, by a huge margin. No matter what Israel does, they should be doing more.

            At the same time, Hamas is more evil and diabolical than any opponent faced by other nations in war. Yet there’s never a call for Hamas to change or surrender. Hamas largest military installation is under the largest hospital in Gaza. Everyone knows this, but “Israel must do better.”

            Please read this. It describes a conversation between a son and his father.


          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            “No matter what Israel does, they should be doing more.”

            Not exactly. Israel has murdered more than 10,000 Palestinians, 4,000 of whom were babies and children. That is far more than enough. No more war crimes by Israel is what the world would prefer.

          6. Still playing the numbers game I see.

            US had 2,403 casualties at Pearl Harbor, then inflicted 2.6 to 3.1 million deaths on Japan. I guess we should have stopped at 2,400 and let them win.

            That “logic” of your numbers game doesn’t work. Once the war starts, the enemy must be defeated to remove the threat.

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            Wouldn’t it be nice if the numbers were just a game and not dead civilians?

            After WWII the world and the US reacted to atrocities like the firebombing of Tokyo, other Japanese cities, Dresden, etc and our dropping of A bombs on civilians with international humanitarian laws that require the protection of civilians by all combatants.

            So no, the laws of war do not evaporate once a war starts. That would be a silly idea if it were not so deadly to innocents.

          8. Hamas physically blocked the way south preventing Gaza citizens from getting to safety. They want human shields!

            Israel, has just opened the way, taking fire from Hamas as they did it. And the world wants Israel to stop what its doing?


          9. DJRippert Avatar

            And the birdbrains on college campuses keep on protesting.

            I especially like the Queers for Palestine.

            I think they should go to Gaza and march.

          10. Jews on a US campus are told to avoid certain areas for the own safety. Where should they avoid? Places like the kosher dining hall.

            Same in NYC. Jews are told to avoid the parts of the city where Jews live. The area near their largest synagogue is also dangerous because of pro-Palestinian protests and the potential for violence.

    2. Carter Melton Avatar
      Carter Melton

      In theory you are correct, but…When you have incompetent national leadership on one side and zealots who are committed to a strategy of wholesale genocide on the other side….good luck negotiating. That’s like trying to sell democracy to a “nation” resting on hundreds of years of tribal culture and hatred. This don’t look very good for anyone.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        You had me at “In theory you are correct”. Thank you …

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        repeated again and again… no learning…

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          To your version of “can’t we all get along?”, the clear answer from Saturday is “no”.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            pretty big gulf there between “can’t we get along” and “kill every last one of the suckers and every civilian that gets in our way also”.

  5. Lefty665 Avatar

    “Three thousand years of hatred of Jews was being passed down to another generation.”

    It is fueled by Israel’s ongoing crimes against humanity, continuing bombing of refugee camps, hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, ambulances, and refugees headed south as Israel ordered.

    Israel by its actions is responsible for the rage in the Muslim world that threatens its very existence today. There are a billion Muslims who are seeing the videos of Israeli air strikes of refugee camps and the rows of bodies of Palestinian babies and children dug from the rubble. Hamas got exactly what it wanted, a massive Israeli over reaction that turns the world against it. Gallows humor last week was that Israel has accomplished something no one else has done in the last 1,000 years, united Shia and Sunni.

    Those who care for Israel need to pull it back from its campaign of war crimes. The path it is on will lead to an expanded war because it so inflames people they force their governments to retaliate. Erdogan’s fiery speech the other day to 1.5M Turks was a warning, as was Nasrallah’s in Lebanon. The odds of 1B to 7M are not favorable to Israel.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I believe you just said that Israel was responsible for October 7th. Please clarify. What would the proper response have been? A strong speech at the United Nations?

      I have a few additional questions.

      Were Jews responsible for the holocaust? For the pogroms across centuries?

      Do you include yourself among “those who care for Israel”? If so, how should it be preserved? Or should they return to being stateless?

      Is self-preservation for Jews just a numbers game as you write?

      This article was about the threats to American Jews. If the boxcars come, should they just quietly board them?

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        No I did not say that Israel was responsible for Oct 7. Please do not try to put words in my mouth. Assigning responsibility for the tit for tat, atrocity for atrocity cycle that has been going on in Israel for 75 years is a game for fools.

        What I did say was that Israel’s massive over reaction and ongoing war crimes are achieving Hamas’s objectives exactly as Hamas hoped it would and the potential consequences for Israel may be fatal.

        Neither the holocaust or historical pogroms are the issue today, and no the Jews were not responsible.

        Yes, I would much prefer for Israel to survive. My concern at this point is that by its ongoing crimes against humanity it is threatening its own existence which is something Hamas could not accomplish on its own. The first step for Israel is to stop committing war crimes. When you’re in a hole the first step is to stop digging.

        I would not discount over a billion Muslims versus 7 million Jews as a “numbers game”. You trivialize the issue.

        Your hysteria over American Jews is profoundly overwrought. If you had been looking you would have found American Jews among those protesting Israeli crimes against humanity.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Why, and how, considering Israel’s “ongoing crimes against humanity” would you “prefer for Israel to survive”?

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Israel starts by first stopping committing crimes against humanity as an objective and policy. That would stop the inflammation of Muslim rage to destroy Israel.

            It is really pretty simple. When you’re in a hole the first thing you have to do is to stop digging.

            Israel has brought in a steam shovel to dig faster and we are providing the weapons. US policy is making things worse, not better.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “That would stop the inflammation of Muslim rage to destroy Israel.”

            Frankly you have no idea what you’re talking about.

            It’s not Muslim rage, it’s a very specific nation that exports their terror and will not stop until Israel ceases to exits.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            If you do not think that the videos of Israeli bombing of refugee camps, hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, ambulances and refugees on the road south do not enrage Muslims every bit as much as Hamas’s terror enraged Israelis you are sadly mistaken.

            The videos of lines of bodies of babies and children dug out of the rubble are of Palestinians, not Israelis.

          4. And who put those children in harms way?

            Those aren’t human shields, they are human sacrifices. Hamas puts civilians where they know they will be killed.

            Yet not a single call from Arabs for Hamas to surrender. Not one.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            Israel is bound by international humanitarian law to protect the lives of civilians. The issue is not what Hamas does, they are beyond the pale. The issue is what Israel does. We can hope Israel comes to its senses and gets better.

            Israel’s murder of civilians and 100x more babies and children than Hamas murdered puts it squarely in the category of war criminal.

            We need to be able to tell the good guys from the bad guys by what they do. Killing 700 civilians is bad. Killing 10,000 civilians is very bad.

          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            Israel is bound by international humanitarian law to protect the lives of civilians. The issue is not what Hamas does, they are beyond the pale. The issue is what Israel does. We can hope Israel comes to its senses and gets better.

            Israel’s murder of civilians and 100x more babies and children than Hamas murdered puts it squarely in the category of war criminal.

            We need to be able to tell the good guys from the bad guys by what they do. Killing 700 civilians is bad. Killing 10,000 civilians is very bad.

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            Israel is bound by international humanitarian law to protect the lives of civilians. The issue is not what Hamas does, they are beyond the pale. The issue is what Israel does. We can hope Israel comes to its senses and gets better.

            Israel’s murder of civilians and 100x more babies and children than Hamas murdered puts it squarely in the category of war criminal.

            We need to be able to tell the good guys from the bad guys by what they do. Killing 700 civilians is bad. Killing 10,000 civilians is very bad.

          8. DJRippert Avatar

            International humanitarian law only works when both sides respect it.

            Hamas, the elected leaders of Gaza, do not.

            Nor should the Israelis.

          9. Lefty665 Avatar

            International Humanitarian law begins with civilized people respecting it.

            You are advocating for Israel to commit war crimes, crimes against humanity? That’s what Hamas was hoping to goad Israel into doing. So, when did you start supporting Hamas’s goals?

            Just because one side does not respect humanitarian law that does not mean that all bets are off and everyone murders civilians. The “civilized” people have more and bigger weapons so they murder far more people than the terrorists. Curious logic.

          10. You have shown no understanding of international law whatsoever.

            Thomas Wheatley is an assistant professor in the Department of Law at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

            Why Israel’s siege of Gaza is legal under international law
            Israel has acted swiftly against Hamas. It has acted effectively. And yes, even brutally. But it has acted lawfully.


          11. Lefty665 Avatar

            It is sad that contorted opinion comes from a service academy. We expect better of them.

            Fortunately he is only an assistant professor. With a little luck his ignorance of international humanitarian law will get him selected out of the Department of Law.

          12. killerhertz Avatar

            International law is about a legitimate as the US Constitution apparently because we violate it all the time.

          13. killerhertz Avatar

            It doesn’t matter where Hamas puts their tunnels. Gaza is so tiny it’s bound to have infrastructure under civilians.

          14. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You keep repeating Hamas talking points, you’re not dealing in facts.

            “The videos of lines of bodies of babies and children dug out of the rubble are of Palestinians, not Israelis.”

            I’m sure you believed the AI generated image as well.

          15. Lefty665 Avatar

            4,000 dead babies and children are not AI, nor is this picture. I will spare you the videos of children being dug out of the rubble from Israeli bombing of refugee centers.


          16. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You have zero idea where that image originated, nor how they perished. You have speculation and frankly every single source you’ve used if wasn’t anti-Semitic or propaganda didn’t validate your claim.

            “4,000 dead babies and children are not AI, nor is this picture. I will spare you the videos of children being dug out of the rubble from Israeli bombing of refugee centers.”

            Also, the refugee center wasn’t bombed, it was the collapse of the buildings around it which was a result of Hamas’s tunnels under it. Also, you’re quoting Hamas as the source for 4,000 dead babies and children, if you don’t take issue with people whom use human shields numbers, there is no help for you.

            You need to stop posting, as you’re not objective nor do you have any facts. You state over and over again propaganda for Hamas.

          17. Lefty665 Avatar

            You’re projecting. I have never uttered a single word in support of Hamas, and will not, they are terrorists.

            The Pentagon assessment yesterday was that “many, many thousands” of civilians have died. That is in line with the 10,000 figure and 4,000 babies and children killed by Israel. The overall statistics of Gaza are 2.3 million people and close to 1/2 children. That’s a pretty good sanity check on 4,000 children killed.

            Israel is setting itself up for a wider war with over 1 billion Muslims. That is a war it cannot win. People who care about the survival of Israel will work to pull it back from that brink.

            Stopping Israel from committing war crimes and providing Hamas with the horrific pictures and videos is where to start with supporting Israel.

            We disagree, but I would never urge you to stop posting.

          18. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “You’re projecting. I have never uttered a single word in support of Hamas, and will not, they are terrorists.”

            Yes, yes you have. All of your citations are either from Hamas themselves or those whom back them.

            “The Pentagon assessment yesterday was that “many, many thousands” of civilians have died. That is in line with the 10,000 figure and 4,000 babies and children killed by Israel.”

            Citation and that language doesn’t equate to that statement at all.

            “Israel is setting itself up for a wider war with over 1 billion Muslims”

            They are not a vast majority of those nations have moved into Modernity. The last stone which was the very reason Hamas and Iran conducted this attack was the normal relations SA was about to sign into (which MBS still wants). This is not a religious war, this is a war of zealots, the very zealots who aligned themselves with the Axis powers in WWII and Central Powers of WWI.

            The former bringing the Treaty of Sevres and “Mandatory Palestine” which the UK had no desire to Govern.

            “That is a war it cannot win.”

            “Stopping Israel from committing war crimes and providing Hamas with the horrific pictures and videos is where to start with supporting Israel.”

            “War crimes” are being committed on the Palestinian people by Hamas. They are then blaming Israel for them, this is a very simple concept that you seem to not understand.

            “We disagree, but I would never urge you to stop posting.”

            Normal circumstances I would feel the same way, but you’ve crossed far to many lines and are refusing to admit error even when I point it out.

          19. killerhertz Avatar

            Just like those decapitated babies we kept hearing about amiright?

          20. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I repeat the question that you chose not to answer.

            If Israel is a state sponsor of “war crimes”, first why and then how should it exist?

            What, in your mind, knowing that the left and radical Islam reject Israel’s right to exist, does a viable two-state solution look like?

            Use your imagination, but understand that the United States and Israel favor a two-state solution, and the radical left and radical Islam do not.

            I await your thoughts.

          21. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I repeat the question that you chose not to answer.

            If Israel is a state sponsor of “war crimes”, first why and then how should it exist?

            What, in your mind, knowing that the left and radical Islam reject Israel’s right to exist, does a viable two-state solution look like?

            Use your imagination, but understand that the United States and Israel favor a two-state solution, and the radical left and radical Islam do not.

            I await your thoughts.

          22. Lefty665 Avatar

            Ha ha, you’re so funny. Israel has successfully avoided a 2 state solution for 75 years. What fantasy makes you think they will embrace it now?

            Israel can earn the right to exist by ceasing it’s war criminal policies. It is a democracy so there is hope the citizens will bring Netanyahoo and his murderous cabal of right wing war criminals to heel.

          23. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Ha ha, you’re so funny. Israel has successfully avoided a 2 state solution for 75 years. What fantasy makes you think they will embrace it now?”

            That’s a Hamas talking point, Israel isn’t the one actively seeking to not have a two state solution.

          24. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            They have a one-state solution – Palestine from the Jordan River to the sea.

          25. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That is exactly correct and unfortunately people don’t understand it or read history.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      That fork in the road is miles behind us. Now the goal is containment. Erodan is saying what he needs to say, but so far the Arab world is standing off. I too fear this ends very badly.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Do you mean the Turkish President, or the warlord character from World of Warcraft? Or, does it matter?

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      It seems to me that the Israelis have faced long odds against the Arabs over and over again. And the Israelis have won. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

      The Israelis have nukes. Turkey does not. Nor does Iran, despite Barack O’Dumbo’s best efforts.

      Hamas is learning an old truth – when you play with fire, you get burned.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        There was that unpleasantness in Lebanon in the aughts where Hezbollah handed the IDF it’s butt, but that’s neither here nor there.

        While toying with nuclear Armageddon you might want to think about Pakistan’s offer to supply nukes to Iran if they were needed to counteract Israel.

        You might also recall that if Israel, or any other country, admits it has nukes the US is required to cease supporting it.

  6. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    The subject of the article was Saturday’s event in D.C., the hatred displayed, the children brought to watch, participation by the radical left, Chinese funding and the implications for America and American Jews.

    It referenced the brilliant reporting by Asra Nomani, to whose work I provided a link.

    I note that the BR commenters on the left have ignored all of that and immediately changed the subject.

    I am unsurprised.

  7. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    The subject of the article was Saturday’s event in D.C., the hatred displayed, the children brought to watch, participation by the radical left, Chinese funding and the implications for America and American Jews.

    It referenced the brilliant reporting by Asra Nomani, to whose work I provided a link.

    I note that the BR commenters on the left have ignored all of that and immediately changed the subject.

    I am unsurprised.

  8. America, this is your wake-up call!

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Americans have very short attention spans.

      You heard much about Ukraine lately?

  9. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Last week I confused a quote about war is hell and attributed it to General Sherman. It was actually a line from the TV show MASH. Here is the full Sherman quote, which applies to this situation perfectly. Emphais added:

    War is cruelty, there is no use trying to reform it; the crueler it is, the sooner it will be over. You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out.

    Sadly, the Iranians and Hamas leaders truly responsible are not (yet) under the bombs.

    1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
      Virginia Gentleman

      And sadly it appears that there may be thousands of innocent Palestinians who are under the bombs. War is hell and those truly responsible should be held accountable but is it possible to not have scorched earth to make that happen? I truly don’t know but I think it is worth it to pause and consider the options.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        No more and no less innocent then those in Dresden, Tokyo or Hiroshima. Their leaders also started the slaughter and the people paid in blood. Imagine if CNN had reporters in Dresden.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Yes, and the post WWII international humanitarian laws forbidding the targeting of civilians and requiring combatants to protect them that the US subscribes to were enacted in response to atrocities like the fire bombing of Dresden and Tokyo and our use of atomic weapons on civilian populations.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Yes. It was U.S. “war crimes” that were the problem in WWII. Forgive us our sins.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The Geneva Conventions of 49 determined what we could and could not do. We presumed that those we would face in battle had ascended into modernity.

            The problem with that assumption is that the Iran and its proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi’s) have not ascended into modernity. Nor have the Wahhabi’s who control education in Saudi Arabia.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            There’s no doubt that Hamas and others are terrorists. Israel is too. We can have hopes that Israel has ascended further into modernity than Hamas, and work to help them get there if they have not.

            We need to be able to tell the good guys from the bad guys by their behavior. Bombing refugee camps, hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, ambulances, and civilians headed south as Israel ordered make it hard to see a difference, except by the order of magnitude body count.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “There’s no doubt that Hamas and others are terrorists. Israel is too.”

            That statement isn’t even close to being true, you cannot compare Israel and their actions to Hama’s actions.

            Israel is already in modernity, they don’t attack others based upon their Religion.

            “Bombing refugee camps, hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, ambulances, and civilians headed south as Israel ordered make it hard to see a difference, except by the order of magnitude body count.”

            They didn’t bomb a hospital, it was and IJI rocket.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            “you cannot compare Israel and their actions to Hama’s actions.”

            That is true, Hamas killed 1,400 people and Israel has killed 10,000, 4,000 of whom were babies and children. Israel has killed 100x more babies and children than Hamas.

            You are right, there is no comparison.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “That is true, Hamas killed 1,400 people and Israel has killed 10,000, 4,000 of whom were babies and children. Israel has killed 100x more babies and children than Hamas.

            You are right, there is no comparison.”

            Source and one that isn’t pushing propaganda like all your citations.

          7. Here’s a taste of how it actually works within Gaza. If anyone reported accurately in Gaza today, Hamas would kill them.


          8. Lefty665 Avatar

            Exactly, Israel has been killing journalists.

          9. Did you even read what was in the Tweet?

          10. Lefty665 Avatar

            Israel has killed 37 journalists since Oct 7, including a journalist and 42 members of his family in Gaza.


          11. So now you are quoting Al Jazeera?

            Al Jazeera is funded by Qatar. Qatar also funds Hamas and harbors the Hamas leadership.

            “Israel has killed 37 journalists since Oct 7…”

            The 37 include 32 Palestinians, four Israelis killed by Hamas and one Lebanese.

            Last month Israel told international news organizations Reuters and AFP that it could not guarantee the safety of their journalists operating in the Gaza Strip. If journalists are embedded with Hamas or Hezbollah, they are in danger.

          12. Quite the opposite. Critics of Israel report whatever they want with impunity and then go back to the safety of their hotels in Tel Aviv. Gaza under Hamas is quite the opposite.

      2. There was a cease fire. That ended October 7.

        Did you know that Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan submitted an article to Foreign Affairs magazine which went to press just 5 days before the October 7 attack? According to him, everything was going great.

        Here’s Sullivan bragging about what a great job Biden was doing.

        “This disciplined approach frees up resources for other global priorities, reduces the risk of new Middle Eastern convicts, and ensures that U.S. interests are protected on a far more sustainable basis. Challenges remain. e Israeli-Palestinian situation is tense, particularly in the West Bank, but in the face of serious frictions, we have de-escalated crises in Gaza and restored direct diplomacy between the parties after years of its absence.”
        -page 23

        So, much like Japan prior to Pearl Harbor, Hamas and Israel had a ceasefire and were in direct negotiations as Hamas planned its terrorist attack.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I discovered I was a coward. That’s my new religion. I’m a big believer in it. Cowardice will save the world. War isn’t hell at all. It’s man at his best; the highest morality he’s capable of. It’s not war that’s insane, you see. It’s the morality of it. It’s not greed or ambition that makes war: it’s goodness. Wars are always fought for the best of reasons: for liberation or manifest destiny. Always against tyranny and always in the interest of humanity. So far this war, we’ve managed to butcher some ten million humans in the interest of humanity. Next war it seems we’ll have to destroy all of man in order to preserve his damn dignity. It’s not war that’s unnatural to us, it’s virtue. As long as valor remains a virtue, we shall have soldiers. So, I preach cowardice. Through cowardice, we shall all be saved.

      1. For the Jews in Palestine, that would mean extermination.

        On the day that the State of Israel came into existence on May 14, 1948 the Secretary-General of the Arab League declared: “This will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.” Though this statement did not represent perhaps the whole body of Arab opinion, it is a statement which has found no echo among responsible leaders in Israel. Self-preservation, not imperialism, has been the dominant and just note struck in Israel.
        SENATOR JOHN F. KENNEDY – 1958,perhaps%20the%20whole%20body%20of

        The pro-Palestine crowd likes to talk about what happened 75 years ago. Sure. Let’s talk about that.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          As a Catholic, JFK may have had a duly exaggerated sense of atonement… “Hey Torquemada, whaddya say?”

          1. No matter what JFKs faith or motivation, the quote from the Arab leader of the Arab League is accurate.

            Israel was, and is, in a war for its survival and the survival of the Jews in the Middle East.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            “I just got back from the auto-da-fé!”

  10. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    The subject of the article was Saturday’s event in D.C., the hatred displayed, the children brought to watch, participation by the radical left, Chinese funding and the implications for America and American Jews.

    It referenced the brilliant reporting by Asra Nomani, to whose work I provided a link.

    I note that the BR commenters on the left have ignored all of that and immediately changed the subject.

    I am unsurprised.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Notice how all of the Ukraine flags have come down on front porches and replaced with the “Never Again” Star of David flags?

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Dunno if there’s any truth to the rumors that Zelensky is packing his bags while shouting no peace talks.

    2. I read Asra Nomani’s article. Very good.

      In the article she mentions Noa Tishby. I am reading her book now, and recommend it. Ms Tishby is a liberal, but one who grew up in Israel and understands the stakes here.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      They may be surprised by the points on the top of the pickets on that fence. They discourage crossing.

  11. DJRippert Avatar

    Let’s do some simple math.

    Israel population: 9.364M
    US population: 331.9M

    The US is 35.44X more populous.

    1,400 (dead Israelis) = 49,622 dead Americans

    Now, what do you think the US would do if Mexicans or Canadians came over the border and killed almost 50,000 Americans in a day?

    Hint: 2,977 Americans died on 9/11.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Now do the calculation of 10,000 dead Palestinians out of a population of 2.3 million to get an idea of the scope of Israel’s war crimes.

      Hint, the answer is the US population is 143 times larger than the Palestinian population in Gaza. That makes the equivalent US deaths of what the Israelis have murdered in Gaza 1,434,782.

      “Now, what do you think the US would do if the Mexicans or Canadians came over the border and killed almost a” million and a half “Americans in a day?”

      1. We are killing ourselves, and destroying our own institutions. Sad to watch.

  12. DJRippert Avatar

    The 69 year old Jewish man in question was struck in the head with a megaphone by a pro-Hamas demonstrator who crossed the street to attack the man.

    He did not hit his head.

    It was not an altercation.

    It was murder.

    The death has been ruled a homicide.

    Why are liberals, and their beloved leftist media outlets, so blatantly anti-Semetic?

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Yes it is being investigated as a homicide. Yes he did fall backward and hit his head. That was the cause of death. Other details are not clear at this time, hopefully we will learn more.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    The Romans wasted all that salt on Carthage.

    Smite them to-day, hereafter, through ages yet unexplored,
    Long as thy strength sustains thee, and fingers cling to the sword!
    Sea upon sea wage battle for ever! shore upon shore,
    Spear upon spear! To the sires and the children strife evermore!”

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    FWIW, anyone visiting, or working in, the facilities of large defense contractors on Wednesday November 8 should be aware that calls for nonviolent protests have been scheduled by “Resist US-Led Wars”. Those in SEVA and NOVA should prepare for possible disruptions.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      My pistols are loaded. I am prepared.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Keyword: nonviolent?

        Did your company send out notices too? Just curious.

  15. Arabs have 22 countries and over 5 million square miles of land.

    The Jews have one country with less than 9,000 square miles.

    “From the River to the Sea” is a call to exterminate that tiny country and people. That’s what the dispute has always been about.

    Few Democrats seem to understand that, but I’ll recognize those who do. Kyrsten Sinema is one. Good for her.

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