Navy Helicopter Pilot Stands Up to MAGA Bullies

Virginia Rep. Jen Kiggans, (R-Second District)

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

Although I probably disagree with most of her policy stands, if I lived in her district, I would vote for Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-02) solely on the basis of her resistance to elevating Jim Jordan to Speaker of the House of Representatives. She not only voted against Jordan twice, but she supported the compromise proposal to expand the authority of the interim Speaker pro tempore. One of her Virginia Republican colleagues, Bob Good (Fifth District), firmly resisted that proposal because it would (gasp!) mean working with Democrats. Kiggans denounced “the chaos caused by the minority of the majority.”

Caveat: If she again ran against Elaine Luria, who served on the January 6 Commission, it would be an awfully tough choice. That area produces tough female politicians.

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23 responses to “Navy Helicopter Pilot Stands Up to MAGA Bullies”

  1. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    Seems rather flimsy reasoning to vote for someone, being on a specific committee or taking a position that has zero consequence.

    Also, this finger pointing game of well your side won’t work with my side, is old, it’s tired and it’s completely fallacious. Neither side is willing to compromise, so stop with the feigned moral superiority.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yeah, I don’t take tactical advice from Democrats, either. They always have the GOP’s best interests at heart!

      I did see an ugly Tweet from a Bob Good sycophant attacking Jen yesterday, saying she was no different than Luria. Given that Kiggans would vote to the GOP position about 1000% more than Luria would, that was an incredibly stupid statement. Jordan wants to be Speaker in order to be positioned to intervene in the next Congressional effort to overturn the next federal election. Short term, getting somebody, anybody in there is necessary. Long term, he would be a disaster.

      Then again, until we lance the boil, let Trump lose another election and let Trump’s allies lose control of the House, the madness continues. Just get it over with.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Most likely, but I don’t consider Scalise I viable option given his vote for the $40 billion to Ukraine in 2022 and his recent vote for $300 million more.

        At this point, all the assets and money the MIC has stuffed into Ukraine at the taxpayers expense is a sunk cost.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Got grandkids? I don’t want mine fighting the Russians so I’m thrilled with the success of Ukraine and we need to double down. Reagan weeps. He wouldn’t recognize what has become of his party.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Russians so I’m thrilled with the success of Ukraine and we need to double down.”

            The only success of Ukraine is enriching our defense contractors and fueling Zelenskyy and his corrupt admin. We shouldn’t be footing the Bill for their conflict, their neighbors should. However, like all other times since NATO’s formation, we foot the bill with blood and treasure.

            Do I agree with what Russia did, no I don’t. Do I think we need to involve ourselves, no I don’t and for a various number of reasons. First and foremost, we are the reason that Zelenskyy is in office in the first place, he’s a CIA puppet. Secondly, of course Russia is going to react, when you continually move implements of war closer to their boarder. Third, 80% of the billions we’ve sent to “help” hasn’t left our shores and just continuing to enrich the defense contractors who cash cow of GWOT ended.

            I did my time and I would stronger discourage anyone from join the Military at this point, the juice is not worth the squeezy given our currently political climate.

            If you want to see who what’s coming, I find this to be the most helpful. See what insider stocks are being moved and you’ll see where we are headed.


      2. Not Today Avatar

        I am here for all the Rs attacking Kiggans. As the FROZEN song says, “SHOW YOURSELVES!” It makes it easier for the Dem to take the seat, handily. Anecdotally, I am not seeing any signs out for Kiggans yet but judging by the significantly reduced number of Ennis signs…it’s not looking good for Jen.

      3. Not Today Avatar

        I am here for all the Rs attacking Kiggans. As the FROZEN song says, “SHOW YOURSELVES!” It makes it easier for the Dem to take the seat, handily. Anecdotally, I am not seeing any signs out for Kiggans yet but judging by the significantly reduced number of Ennis signs…it’s not looking good for Jen.

  2. Democrats salute and vote in lock step whenever it’s important, then make heroes out of Republicans who break rank. The Democrat news media supports this. Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

    The problem we are seeing is a result of the 8 kamikaze Republicans who voted to oust Kevin McCarthy. The job of the Speaker of the House is to put forward legislation that has at least some chance of passing. Kevin McCarthy was ousted for doing the job he was elected to do.

    Bob Good is one of the 8 who voted against Kevin McCarthy. He’s my Representative, and I plan to contact his office. I haven’t been able to do that, as I am trying to calm down sufficiently so as to avoid unloading on the poor sole who takes my call. Maybe I should write, but it’s all pointless anyway. I doubt Representative Good will care about what I think.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      The role of the Speaker significantly changed since Gingrich and then again under Speaker Pelosi. They consolidated power and made that office the other way to feed the Chamber.

      Not to discount the disfunction, but this was just a trap set in motion a long time ago.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Hi Matt, Off topic, but if you’re interested here’s a very different review of Spyfail, Bamford’s book than the one you read.

        If not, that’s ok too. Nice to get back on an even keel with you:)

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Thanks for the review, still not putting a whole lot of validatity is his opinions. I however, appreciate you’re digging.

          When everyone is beating the drums of war, the same must stand up and be counted!

          The even scarier thing is those beating those drums currently, where the ones dodging it in the 60’s.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            Remember ANSWER?

            Act Now to Stop War and End Racism? Where are they now?

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Being their anti-Semitic selves? Hahaha

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            It is scary and a funny turn about isn’t it?

            I opposed the war in the ’60s and do now too. Back then my mantra was “Support our troops, bring them home alive now.” We lost 60k before that message got through. Chicken hawks have never been high on my list of favorites. Dunno what happened to the Dems over the years.

            Even more curious is I agree with the House Repubs looking to limit our support for Ukraine and think the Israelis might do better by the Palestinians (not Hamas) with less automatic support from us.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            They were for Iraq before the were against it, that and they started getting those checks from the MIC.

            LBJ went all in on a conflict that wasn’t winnable l, instead of the asemetirc conflict he could’ve won with SF and MACVSOG.

            It’s kind of silly that Russia wasn’t our mortal enemy between 2008-2013, but since 2016 they are the new devil that must be stopped at all costs to include proxy wars. I feel as if we jumped back to the 50’s and are repeating those same mistakes.

            First and foremost, Zelenskyy is just a CIA puppet that was installed, whenever we play king maker it works out so well. Russia is a aggressor but we shouldn’t be footing the bill, I also agree with give Israel far too much financial help. The difference is that at least Israel is a semblance of functioning, Ukraine is just a corrupt waste of time.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      When it comes to governance, it take compromise. It says reams about the GOP that they cannot, WILL NOT compromise even among themselves.

      You cannot govern that way.

  3. SudleySpr Avatar

    Make America Great Again is not a bully position

    It is offensive when people resort to name calling and prejudice. You, sir, are the bully.

    1. To paraphrase Harry Truman: I don’t bully them, I just tell the truth, and they think it’s bullying.

  4. killerhertz Avatar

    Let’s be honest. How are any republicans that different from democrats? Jokes on the average American.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Dems can elect a leader?

      1. Stanwood Avatar

        Jeffries was the top vote getter in 17 of the last 18 elections for Speaker of the House. By the look so it he will continue racking up wins for some time.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yes… and if he only had about 20 more GOP votes, he’d be the leader! Or, there could be a
          bipartisan compromise, which is actually how the founding fathers designed the country to work!

  5. Not Today Avatar

    Women Rock! The majority male Congress hasn’t shown half the courage and backbone of its female members from Cheney to McCaskill. Kiggans is at least moderate (although not my speed) b/c she advocates restricting reproductive healthcare, a core issue for women of reproductive age. I admire her pluck right now but she hasn’t yet earned my vote next year. Oppose Tubernuts and then we’ll see.

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