Navy Ditches Drag Queen Recruiting Videos

Norfolk naval base

by Kerry Dougherty

Whoa. Stop the presses. Big news out of Washington.

Navy brass has confirmed that it’s scrapped its ingenuous recruiting tool. You know, the one we wrote about last spring: drag queens.

Yep, Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, a non-binary sailor who likes to dress up like a woman and prance around on stage as drag queen Harpy Daniels, will no longer be featured in Navy recruiting videos.

We wrote about this sailor last May.

This is a stunning about-face. Who could have predicted that fishnet stockings and lipstick wouldn’t be an irresistible lure to bring in the sort of sailors we need in the modern American Navy? Who knew that drag queens would rather be reading to pre-schoolers than twerking to serve their country?

The U.S. Navy is expected to be 8,000 sailors short of its recruiting goal this year. Some of the Mensa members who make up the top levels of the Navy apparatus apparently thought that showcasing one enlisted sailor who can’t tell if he’s male or female would demonstrate that the Navy is a woke branch of the military. This would, in turn, cause young men and women to stampede to recruiting offices.

I suppose it’s politically incorrect to point out that the job of the military is to kill our enemies and keep America safe and that drag queens have no place there.

But it’s the truth.

And here’s another truth: no matter how many times the left howls that U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville is holding up key military promotions, it isn’t true. What he’s doing is demanding that the Pentagon reverse its policy of using tax dollars to pay travel for the out-of-state abortions for military members who are stationed in areas that have limited abortion availability.

I’d point these foaming-at-the-mouth abortion enthusiasts to the Hyde Amendment, a law which forbids the use of federal dollars to pay for abortions. What the Pentagon wants to do is illegal.

Tuberville just wants a Senate vote on the policy. He wants senators on the record. So do many of us.

Call the vote.

It’s the wokesters in Congress holding up those military promotions. Some of the same dim bulbs who would think that drag queens would make a terrific Navy recruiting tool.

Six words come to mind: we’re going to lose a war.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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55 responses to “Navy Ditches Drag Queen Recruiting Videos”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Drag queens can’t use guns and kill folks and stuff?

    On Tupperville, if he gets his way and the Navy will not pay for abortions will that also affect recruiting?

    1. Not Today Avatar

      Yes. The Army has data saying the No.2 reason for lack of enlistments is discrimination (racial and gender) and sexual assault. They lump it under ‘lack of trust/don’t feel safe’

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        yes. We can’t seem to get folks to behave and do the right thing with their fellow folks. We have to have “bias reporting” systems and similar to let them know they need to be responsible towards others. We do this for kids in school but it looks like it’s a lifelong thing for some.

        1. Not Today Avatar

          Women are AFRAID to ask for time off to deal with their health care needs because they’re afraid of retaliation and privacy violations by their superiors/commanders. They don’t feel safe from sexual assault. They, legit, have no reason to.

          Men/boys don’t know how to conduct themselves professionally. We have retirees and 2-6 and outs who think what passed ‘back in their day’ will work for today’s kids and that talking to/about women as if they’re accessories will win them fans. It doesn’t.

          Never mind that even if these chumps have birthed/fathered some of today’s 16-20 yos, they probably don’t have a great relationship because their kids are totally turned off by their fanaticism. It’s a mess.

        2. Not Today Avatar

          Women are AFRAID to ask for time off to deal with their health care needs because they’re afraid of retaliation and privacy violations by their superiors/commanders. They don’t feel safe from sexual assault. They, legit, have no reason to.

          Men/boys don’t know how to conduct themselves professionally. We have retirees and 2-6 and outs who think what passed ‘back in their day’ will work for today’s kids and that talking to/about women as if they’re accessories will win them fans. It doesn’t.

          Never mind that even if these chumps have birthed/fathered some of today’s 16-20 yos, they probably don’t have a great relationship because their kids are totally turned off by their fanaticism. It’s a mess.

        3. Not Today Avatar

          Women are AFRAID to ask for time off to deal with their health care needs because they’re afraid of retaliation and privacy violations by their superiors. They don’t feel safe from sexual assault. They, legit, have no reason to.

          Men/boys don’t know how to conduct themselves professionally. We have retirees and 2-6 and outs who think what passed ‘back in their day’ will work for today’s kids and that talking to/about women as if they’re accessories will win them fans. It doesn’t.

          Never mind that even if these chumps have birthed/fathered some of today’s 16-20 yos, they probably don’t have a great relationship because their kids are totally turned off by their fanaticism. It’s a mess.
          For more complete, inconvenient FACTS:

      2. Not what a survey conducted by an outside contractor said according to Fortune magazine.
        “…Maj. Gen. Alex Fink, head of Army marketing. “They see us as revered, but not relevant, in their lives.”
        “Fink, the Army’s marketing head, said the top three reasons young people cite for rejecting military enlistment are the same across all the services: fear of death, worries about post-traumatic stress disorder and leaving friends and family — in that order. ” February 13, 2023

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          Sometimes when facts go against someone’s narrative, no matter how much you correct them, it doesn’t sink in.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    The Senate rule or practice that one Senator can hold up an appointment due to disagreement on policy or even personal pique should be abolished. If Senators are not willing to give up that personal perk, then Shumer should make them stay in session every day, including weekends, and even over the Christmas break, to get those promotions confirmed. The other Senators then can blame Tommy.

    1. You can keep the Senate in session all you want. But Schumer can’t make the Senators show up, especially when there is money to be raised elsewhere.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        I’d say hold them random in the building. We might at that point get our money’s worth, at least they’d be in the office more than ~150 days a year.

  3. Awwwww. Poor Harpy…

  4. Matt Adams Avatar

    Hey it’s just thinning the herd and stopping that rank creep.

    1. Not Today Avatar

      There’s so much herd to thin these days at the E5-9, O1-5 level. Riiiiiiight. Are you gonna dust off your boots and rifle or nah?

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        Lets unpack this statement, shall we.


        “There’s so much herd too thin these days at the E5-9, O1-5 level.”

        The Senate only advises and consents at O5 to O6 promotions (NV/CG Captain- AF/AR/MC Colonel) through O10 (NV/CG, Full Admiral-AF/AR/MC General).

        We are surely in some deep trouble if the Senate is playing a roll in the promotions of NCO’s, as we’d never have any. NCO’s go before a promotion board (NCOER), not the Senate. O1-O3 is a near automatic promotion and based upon slots available if you’re not a blue falcon indicated on your OER. O4 is the first rank an O is really looked at.

        So if your DH (designated hitter, disabled hound, typically they just get called “service member” SM for short ) is telling you that the mean old Senate is blocking his promotion from E4, well I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

        In addition to this statement, the only people saying we need more generals are O6’s and above.

        Finally, as it currently stands there are ~900 General Officers for 1.3 million troops. That’s 1 GO/FO for every 1,400 (Just a touch over battalion size, which is Generally handled by an O5) troops which is funny given during WWII there were 2,000 GO/FO with 12 million troops. This is what is known as rank creep, it is not a force multiplier, it does nothing but clutter commands and adds more politicians (yes, O6 and above are politicians wearing rank). Don’t take my word for it, take a Colonel at ND University.


        Are you gonna dust off your boots and rifle or nah?

        Which boots, the black or tan ones. The latter don’t show any dust, it’s the same color. I also, still wear both kinds around the house and or when I want to go for a walk (call it the Infantry Officer in me). As far as your quip about the “rifle”. Seeing is I don’t have an extra $30k laying around (nor a FFL-SOT) to purchase (or manufacture) a pre-ban select-fire M16 lower, it would be of no use. Oh and the Military doesn’t let you bring your own weapon anyway.

        I must say though, your post certainly illustrates the behaviors of a Dependa, I’d surely provide you with more derogatory humor that is prevalent among us knuckle draggers (both Officer and Enlisted), but alas it would get removed and you’d get bent out of shape.


        Edit: Just for S&G’s, what’s the point of having two different accounts? Couldn’t figure out how to unblock me on that there other one?

        1. Not Today Avatar

          As to the first part, no way? Say it ain’t so. If people can’t move into senate confirmed positions, there’s no place for those below to go. The Republican Party needs to stop screwing with pay and promotions.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    To be clear, the military is not paying for abortions. It’s paying travel expenses, as they do for other medical needs if not available locally. The military could find ways around it by doing TDYs.

    1. Yes, they could. But that would be illegal.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        what would you charge them with?

        1. I would not charge them with anything because I [thankfully] lack the authority to enforce federal laws.

          But I do think it interesting that you seem to support breaking the law as a means to a political end which you support.

          Are you equally supportive of those who violate the law as a means to a political end which you do not support?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t think it is breaking the law to do a TDY for a medical reason per se. The law delegates to the military how TDY works as far as I know… It’s not word for word law. It’s regulation delegated.

            The military can take care of it if there was not political interference from one guy. The majority would be okay with it as they have indicated.

            Yes, I support actions to rebut inappropriate blockades from individuals no matter their

    2. Not Today Avatar

      This. I don’t know why so many people have a hard time (maybe hard heads?) grasping that people stationed abroad (or where specialty care is unavailable) are ALREADY authorized to seek LEGAL/BETTER care elsewhere. If you require women and girls, both AD personnel, spouses, and under-age dependents to stay put and be subject to Taliban-esque laws in Southern states, you will drastically decrease the number of recruitable personnel and cause a mass exodus of existing personnel. We are already seeing the consequences of Tuberville’s foolishness on the willingness of mid-grade officers to stay in the service. They can get out, make more, and be with their families in the places their families are most comfy. The military needs them more than they need the military. I make six figures by myself. In two years, I am confident that I can replace his mil pay/reverse our roles. If my DH wants to leave, we will be just fine. Will the services be OK if folks like him leave en masse? I have MULTIPLE milspouse friends building their own careers right now with similar income potential/earnings. WE CAN/WILL WALK.

    3. Not Today Avatar

      This. I don’t know why so many people have a hard time (maybe hard heads?) grasping that people stationed abroad (or where specialty care is unavailable) are ALREADY authorized to seek LEGAL/BETTER care elsewhere. If you require women and girls, both AD personnel, spouses, and under-age dependents to stay put and be subject to Taliban-esque laws in Southern states, you will drastically decrease the number of recruitable personnel and cause a mass exodus of existing personnel. We are already seeing the consequences of Tuberville’s foolishness on the willingness of mid-grade officers to stay in the service. They can get out, make more, and be with their families in the places their families are most comfy. The military needs them more than they need the military. I make six figures by myself. In two years, I am confident that I can replace his mil pay/reverse our roles. If my DH wants to leave, we will be just fine. Will the services be OK if folks like him leave en masse? I have MULTIPLE milspouse friends building their own careers right now with similar income potential/earnings. WE CAN/WILL WALK.

    4. Not Today Avatar

      This. I don’t know why so many people have a hard time (maybe hard heads?) grasping that people stationed abroad (or where specialty care is unavailable) are ALREADY authorized to seek LEGAL/BETTER care elsewhere. If you require women and girls, both AD personnel, spouses, and under-age dependents to stay put and be subject to Taliban-esque laws in Southern states, you will drastically decrease the number of recruitable personnel and cause a mass exodus of existing personnel. We are already seeing the consequences of Tuberville’s foolishness on the willingness of mid-grade officers to stay in the service. They can get out, make more, and be with their families in the places their families are most comfy. The military needs them more than they need the military. I make six figures by myself. In two years, I am confident that I can replace his mil pay/reverse our roles. If my DH wants to leave, we will be just fine. Will the services be OK if folks like him leave en masse? I have MULTIPLE milspouse friends building their own careers right now with similar income potential/earnings. WE CAN/WILL WALK.

    5. Not Today Avatar

      This. I don’t know why so many people have a hard time (maybe hard heads?) grasping that people stationed abroad (or where specialty care is unavailable) are ALREADY authorized to seek LEGAL/BETTER care elsewhere. If you require women and girls, both AD personnel, spouses, and under-age dependents to stay put and be subject to Taliban-esque laws in Southern states, you will drastically decrease the number of recruitable personnel and cause a mass exodus of existing personnel. We are already seeing the consequences of Tuberville’s foolishness on the willingness of mid-grade officers to stay in the service. They can get out, make more, and be with their families in the places their families are most comfy. The military needs them more than they need the military. I make six figures by myself. In two years, I am confident that I can replace his mil pay/reverse our roles. If my DH wants to leave, we will be just fine. Will the services be OK if folks like him leave en masse? I have MULTIPLE milspouse friends building their own careers right now with similar income potential/earnings. WE CAN/WILL WALK.

    6. Not Today Avatar

      This. I don’t know why so many people have a hard time (maybe hard heads?) grasping that people stationed abroad (or where specialty care is unavailable) are ALREADY authorized to seek LEGAL/BETTER care elsewhere. If you require women and girls, both AD personnel, spouses, and under-age dependents to stay put and be subject to Taliban-esque laws in Southern states, you will drastically decrease the number of recruitable personnel and cause a mass exodus of existing personnel. We are already seeing the consequences of Tuberville’s foolishness on the willingness of mid-grade officers to stay in the service. They can get out, make more, and be with their families in the places their families are most comfy. The military needs them more than they need the military. I make six figures by myself. In two years, I am confident that I can replace his mil pay/reverse our roles. If my DH wants to leave, we will be just fine. Will the services be OK if folks like him leave en masse?

      I have MULTIPLE milspouse friends building their own careers right now with similar income potential/earnings. They have become lawyers, nurses, accountants, private practice mental health pros, entrepreneurs, etc. WE CAN/WILL WALK. Congress acts like this because they think they have *us* over a barrel. They do not. We’ve been watching/experiencing these ‘shutdowns’ for over a decade, all Republican-led. We have plans/options/contingencies in place. Does the nation?

      You wanna go to war with China? Good luck doing that with green troops/leaders.

  6. “…the job of the military is to kill”

    The Christian school shooter in Nashville showed us that trans can kill, even if we have not seen the manifesto. So that objection does not hold water (important to the Navy). It also puts a different spin on “if looks could kill.”

    the Hyde Amendment, a law to forbids the use of federal dollars to pay for abortions. What the Pentagon wants to do is illegal.

    What the Feds are doing is paying for transportation, not abortions, so they’re not violating the law. A fine distinction, but real. It’s no finer than Garland yesterday asserting that Weiss could bring cases anywhere, but that there was no requirement for other US Attorneys to participate with him in prosecutions before he was named special counsel. Apparently that means Garland did not lie under oath earlier this year when he swore Weiss had full authority to bring cases anywhere he wanted. Them old judges they know something about perjury.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      Correct, the job of the Military is national defense being a drag queen doesn’t take away from it. It’s just perhaps in poor taste to use said drag queen as a spokesperson/ recruiter. However, we’ve done nothing but degrade our militaries ability to be lethality, so why not shoot for the moon.

      Pay for transportation to and from as well as providing up to 21 days of additional leave.

      1. Also perhaps every bit as effective as the Bud Light advertising campaign.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Don’t confuse the dear ol’ girl with facts.

  7. DJRippert Avatar

    President Biden wants to veto a historic 30% pay raise for our junior enlisted troops.My military pay raise gets our servicemembers off food stamps and above the poverty line. Biden’s rationale for this veto threat is unfounded, short-sighted, and dangerous. @WhiteHouse— Rep. Mike Garcia (@RepMikeGarcia) September 20, 2023

    1. Restored as approved. No clue why Disqus found this objectionable and deleted it.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Thank you.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Combined with “no promotions” Tuberville…

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Silliness on both sides of the aisle.

  8. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    This is what happens when your implanted commander in chief is owned by the CCP

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      CCP. Community College of Philadelphia?

      The Former Guy, just like in college, had another “C”, as in CCCP.

  9. Not Today Avatar

    NO ONE IS PAYING FOR OTHERS’ ABORTIONS UNDER THIS POLICY and Kerry can’t prove they are. The ‘people’ threatening military pay and promotions are endangering national security, recruitment and retention. They don’t deserve to hold national office.

  10. REMINDER: When comments go from opinions and facts to personal attacks, they will be deleted. Responses from those attacked will be deleted as well. Continued attacks will result in suspension of posting privileges.

    1. Not Today Avatar

      If someone is going to call me a liar, as in “things that didn’t happen for 100, Alex”, I expect that to fall in the deleted posts bucket.

      Nothing I ever post is threatening or encouraging a pile-on, or abusive yet it’s deleted. It is ALWAYS in response. I don’t start things but I will finish it, with relish.

      You leave posts that include blatant attacks (liar) at will. Pls explain why you privilege the voices of male bullies?

      1. You chose to read it as calling you a liar. The word was not used. I read it as disagreeing with your statement. What you post often does start a chain of disagreements, and you escalate them into frontal attacks, “with relish.”

        I did not delete your post on reasons for low enlistments, but you failed to document your assertion with anything but your opinion. I said nothing about the other subjects. The other deleted posts may have, but once you, or another, makes it personal, it’s going in the delete column. I restored the one where you call men chumps. It got deleted because it rambled and I misread it. I did delete your complaint that repeated what it said.

      2. You chose to read it as calling you a liar. The word was not used. I read it as disagreeing with your statement. What you post often does start a chain of disagreements, and you escalate them into frontal attacks, “with relish.”

        I did not delete your post on reasons for low enlistments, but you failed to document your assertion with anything but your opinion. I said nothing about the other subjects. The other deleted posts may have, but once you, or another, makes it personal, it’s going in the delete column. I restored the one where you call men chumps. It got deleted because it rambled and I misread it. I did delete your complaint that repeated what it said.

      3. You chose to read it as calling you a liar. The word was not used. I read it as disagreeing with your statement. What you post often does start a chain of disagreements, and you escalate them into frontal attacks, “with relish.”

        I did not delete your post on reasons for low enlistments, but you failed to document your assertion with anything but your opinion. I said nothing about the other subjects. The other deleted posts may have, but once you, or another, makes it personal, it’s going in the delete column. I restored the one where you call men chumps. It got deleted because it rambled and I misread it. I did delete your complaint that repeated what it said.

  11. Not Today Avatar

    I’m also going to REITERATE that I don’t care, male or female… if you’re suffering with loneliness or confidence issues, or just need to get away from the daily grind of being a military spouse… there is help. There is help with child care, pet care, or just the daily lonely grind, and they’re NOW called spouse clubs (for a reason…so ‘woke’!). They’re open to men and women. Also, please, don’t be a douche and refer to others in attendance as dependas. Most of the attendees are HIGHLY educated and smart, very accomplished, and will not accept (nor do they deserve) your disrespect.

  12. Not Today Avatar

    I’m also going to REITERATE that I don’t care, male or female… if you’re suffering with loneliness or confidence issues, or just need to get away from the daily grind of being a military spouse… there is help. There is help with child care, pet care, or just the daily lonely grind, and they’re NOW called spouse clubs (for a reason…so ‘woke’!). They’re open to men and women. Also, please, don’t be a douche and refer to others in attendance as dependas. Most of the attendees are HIGHLY educated and smart, very accomplished, and will not accept (nor do they deserve) your disrespect. If you feel some kinda way about people calling you a ‘dependa’ there are therapists who can help too, for free, as part of your milspouse benefit…to STOP using the term as a slur and STOP lobbing it at others as a form of self-flagellation.

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