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National Journal ‘choirboy’ clip

From the National Journal:

“Best Imitation Of John Kerry Award Goes To… Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine (D). Kaine’s position on the death penalty has become even more muddled thanks to his new TV ad in the Virginia governor’s race. Here is the direct quote from his spot:

“As a Christian missionary in Honduras, I learned that life is sacred. That’s why I oppose the death penalty. I’ll carry out a death sentence because that’s the law. But, I won’t change my religious beliefs.”

Huh? Obviously, we know he’s trying to say that he’ll follow Virginia’s law and carry out the death penalty even though he’s personally opposed to the idea. But is Kaine actually pledging to never commute a death sentence? He’ll always follow the law on the matter? It’s one thing to give this answer to the death penalty issue at a debate, it’s another to trumpet the conflict in a paid TV ad. This has the “I actually voted for it before I voted against it” feel to it.”

Read more about it: ON THE TRAIL: Careless Whispers (06/29/2005)

Blue Dog question: Why not leave religion out of the campaign?

Too late! Because the Kaine trap that has been set — “let’s not keep religion out of the public spaces, but not the Gubernatorial campaign” — is an attempt to made one’s religious credentials as relevant as intelligence, experience, or policies.

I say let us all defend America against the proselytizing theosophs-politicos.

Woodshed Etiquette: If there is firewood at the bottom of the trail, help bring it up to the woodshed. If the dog bites, but doesn’t bark — he’s well trained and never visits the woodshed. People that complain about dogs don’t know that he’s man’s best friend both on and off the trail. The only difference between squirrels and rats is that squirrels have good press. But no doubt, rats love to eat garbage.

Just ask the Valley Blue Dog because he knows when it’s time to comment on one or the other.

~ the blue dog

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