Nasty Social Media Message Attacks Virginia’s Speaker of the House

Speaker Don Scott

by Kerry Dougherty

Great. Just what embattled Virginia Republicans need now: an ugly social media post attacking the new speaker of the House of Delegates over a crime he committed and did time for almost 30 years ago.

It’s no secret that Portsmouth Democrat Don Scott was convicted on drug charges in 1994 and served seven years in prison for his crime. He was released, turned his life around, became a lawyer, a member of the House of Delegates and was elected speaker this year.

The Washington Post sums up Scott’s biography this way:

Scott was convicted of carrying drug-related money across state lines just as he finished law school in Louisiana. Years after his release, Scott had his Virginia voting rights restored by then-governor Robert McDonnell (R), got his law license and has risen rapidly through the ranks at the General Assembly to become the first Black speaker in state history.

Oh, and when his friend and neighbor, Portsmouth Circuit Court Judge Johnny Morrison, needed a kidney, Scott donated his.

That’s an extraordinary act of generosity.

Look, I don’t agree with Scott’s politics and I think that most of the initiatives Virginia Democrats are pushing are radical and bad for the commonwealth. The party’s soft-on-crime positions are long-standing and detrimental to public safety.

But that has nothing to do with Scott’s past.

Seems to me that those of us who consider ourselves tough on crime should cheer when someone turns his life around and becomes a productive member of society.

Yet some smart-aleck at the Republican Party of Virginia thought it would be cute to send out the following Tweet yesterday:

It was deleted, but many fast-thinking folks made screenshots.

GOP party chair, Rich Anderson immediately denounced the attack and promised to make “personnel changes.”

Anderson tweeted:

(1/2) Today, I learned of a very personal attack on (Don Scott) that does not reflect my values or that of our party. I had neither seen nor approved the tweet—but the buck stops with me. I directed its immediate removal and will be making personnel changes effective today….

(2/2) I have seen a story of redemption play out in my own family, so this is personal for me and compels me to express my sincere regret and apology. We will battle on the policy front, but in Virginia certain things are off limits.

Anderson later told The Washington Post he had fired the culprit.

The Post reported that “Scott was visibly angry when asked about the post by reporters.” Republicans say one thing in person, he said, “and then they go behind my back and don’t have the balls to come to my face to say stuff like that. And then, what’s really sad about it is, if I am what they say I am, how the hell do they keep losing to me?”


State Sen. Louise Lucas was quick to blame the governor for the social media post, but that’s her go-to position and her loathing of the governor is unfounded and well-documented.

As it happens, Glenn Youngkin condemned the Tweet as well:

This comment is unforgivable. Today, I’ve personally expressed to Speaker Scott my deep respect for him and his life journey, this kind of personal attack has no place in Virginia or anywhere.

Chicago’s famous newspaper columnist Mike Royko once quipped that “Politics ain’t beanbag.”

He was right. Politics is cutthroat and nasty. But with the state legislature in the hands of Democrats and the top three jobs in the hands of the GOP it is critical that the parties work together to get things done for the commonwealth.

This latest vitriol from the official social media account of the Republican Party isn’t helpful. It drives the two parties farther apart. This is a time the governor desperately needs the Democrats to work with him on an arena deal for Northern Virginia.

Unfortunately, it’s the ordinary, decent Virginians who pay the price for this childish name-calling.

Cut it out. Stop the juvenile social media wars. That goes for both sides, by the way.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 

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31 responses to “Nasty Social Media Message Attacks Virginia’s Speaker of the House”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Please its not like Don Scott hasn’t done his share of slagging folks. You all missed how he used profanity to Delegate Nick Freitas last year in the gun/firearms sub when his bill got voted down.

  2. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    It is just another example of how much our culture has changed and is changing from one gives a priority to forgiveness and acceptance to one where criticism and hate are too evident.
    Scott paid his debt to society and has made a better life for himself. People who use social media to attack others are cowards and damaged individuals in my opinion.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I bet the GOP poster wouldn’t say that if his real name was present. Anderson should have his name next to all of those Va. GOP posts. He is the top boss.

    I do admire the life stories of Don Scott and even Louise Lucas. I can’t stand their politics and rhetoric though. Both have issued gallons of venom on their opponents. They should be able to take a few hits.

  4. …if I am what they say I am, how the hell do they keep losing to me?”

    Well played, sir.

  5. It is disappointing to me that Rich Anderson hadn’t seen this, or something like it, coming, given that this twitter account has been known for being ugly and downright mean for a very long time. This individual deserved to lose their job long before this tweet, if you ask me. Good riddance.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The Glass House:

      But the Pox on Both Your Houses message has never stuck with the Usual Suspects here.

      1. Thanks for the link. I hadn’t visited bluevirginia in awhile. Almost forgot they exist.

        I noticed +/-99% of their comments are still being posted by the same person, so at least they are consistent – or perhaps I should say he is consistent…

  6. Good post, Kerry, I agree with you 100%.

    Now, if we could just get Democrats to apologize for calling Bert Ellis a racist and homophobe… Hah! That’ll be a…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yeah, the GOP staff took their civility lessons from Blue Virginia. But in the case of attacking Scott for his past sin, which he has never hidden, they demonstrated that they simply pose as Christians…Accepting redemption is kinda the key point of that endeavor.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yeah, the GOP staff took their civility lessons from Blue Virginia. But in the case of attacking Scott for his past sin, which he has never hidden, they demonstrated that they simply pose as Christians…Accepting and celebrating redemption is kinda the key point of that endeavor. They prove Ambrose Bierce’s claim that Christianity is mainly best suited for one’s neighbor….not oneself.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        God’s GOP punishment for being a leftist?

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      … a good depiction of him. But where’s his paint scraper?

  7. Good post, Kerry, I agree with you 100%.

    Now, if we could just get Democrats to apologize for calling Bert Ellis a racist and homophobe… Hah! That’ll be a…

  8. Derrick Max Avatar
    Derrick Max

    Great article and 100 percent correct. This character assassination has to stop…can we disagree agreeably? Can we stop the personal attacks? We have become such a hateful people.

  9. LarrytheG Avatar

    I guess it would be exceedingly ugly to say something like GOP crocodile tears, eh? I know I know,

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You could say, “A Crooked New York State Judge, working with a totally Corrupt Attorney General who ran on the basis of ‘I will get Trump,’ before knowing anything about me or my company, has just fined me $355 Million based on nothing other than having built a GREAT COMPANY. ELECTION INTERFERENCE. WITCH HUNT,”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar


    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You could say, “A Crooked New York State Judge, working with a totally Corrupt Attorney General who ran on the basis of ‘I will get Trump,’ before knowing anything about me or my company, has just fined me $355 Million based on nothing other than having built a GREAT COMPANY. ELECTION INTERFERENCE. WITCH HUNT,”

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Yet some smart-aleck at the Republican Party of Virginia thought it would be cute to send out the following Tweet yesterday…”

    Ummm… this isn’t a new thing, you know…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      They’re hurting. Their boy just got tapped for $350M.

  11. DJRippert Avatar

    I didn’t know much about Don Scott so I researched him.

    He did grow up poor in Houston – one of six children being raised by a single mother.

    But he was smart, got accepted to an aerodynamics magnet school, graduated and ended up studying and graduating from Texas A&M.

    He then was accepted into the Navy’s Officers Candidate School and was commissioned as an Ensign in the US Navy.

    He did have a challenge in the Navy as he was found guilty of going AWOL but ultimately earned an honorable discharge.

    He had almost graduated law school when he was arrested for dealing drugs. At that time he was a 28 year old college graduate and former Naval officer.

    Some say that he lied under oath and that lie allowed him to graduate from law school, despite the arrest. Scott disputes this.

    He went to jail, spent some time in solitary confinement and was transferred to a higher security facility.

    He was released, did odd jobs, got a position at a workforce training company and did quite well at that company.

    While working, he studied for the Virginia bar exam and passed it.

    The bar review board had to decide whether to allow him to become a practicing attorney given his arrest and conviction. The board decided that he should become a lawyer.

    Don Scott was not a poor kid with a terrible education who was forced into the drug trade because he attended rotten schools and had no opportunity. He was a well educated 28 year old former Navy officer who was almost completely through law school when he decided that he could become part of a serious drug dealing operation in order to make some quick money.

    He served his time. He paid his debt to society. He’s gone on to become an excellent lawyer and successful politician.

    But he also broke the law as a college educated 28 year old adult.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think you tripped over your narrative:

      ” Don Scott was not a poor kid with a terrible education who was forced into the drug trade because he attended rotten schools and had no opportunity.”

      “He did grow up poor in Houston – one of six children being raised by a single mother.”

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        He started off poor but had every opportunity – from good schools to a college education to being an officer in the Navy to being accepted into law school and almost graduating. Then, after all that, he was arrested for dealing drugs.

        The system seemed like it worked for Don Scott … right up until, at age 28, he was convicted of drug dealing.

        Scott paid his debt to society and has repented for his bad behavior.

        But he was not forced by circumstances into a life of drug dealing.

        Quite the opposite.

        He was given every opportunity for an education (magnet school), employment (Naval officer), and even law school.

        I get the impression that Scott’s decision to deal drugs was more of a calculated decision to risk arrest in order to make some quick cash than the result of an impoverished upbringing that left him desperate for opportunity.

        He’s also described as a teetotaler when it comes to using drugs.

  12. DJRippert Avatar

    I didn’t know much about Don Scott so I researched him.

    He did grow up poor in Houston – one of six children being raised by a single mother.

    But he was smart, got accepted to an aerodynamics magnet school, graduated and ended up studying and graduating from Texas A&M.

    He then was accepted into the Navy’s Officers Candidate School and was commissioned as an Ensign in the US Navy.

    He did have a challenge in the Navy as he was found guilty of going AWOL but ultimately earned an honorable discharge.

    He had almost graduated law school when he was arrested for dealing drugs. At that time he was a 28 year old college graduate and former Naval officer.

    Some say that he lied under oath and that lie allowed him to graduate from law school, despite the arrest. Scott disputes this.

    He went to jail, spent some time in solitary confinement and was transferred to a higher security facility.

    He was released, did odd jobs, got a position at a workforce training company and did quite well at that company.

    While working, he studied for the Virginia bar exam and passed it.

    The bar review board had to decide whether to allow him to become a practicing attorney given his arrest and conviction. The board decided that he should become a lawyer.

    Don Scott was not a poor kid with a terrible education who was forced into the drug trade because he attended rotten schools and had no opportunity. He was a well educated 28 year old former Navy officer who was almost completely through law school when he decided that he could become part of a serious drug dealing operation in order to make some quick money.

    He served his time. He paid his debt to society. He’s gone on to become an excellent lawyer and successful politician.

    But he also broke the law as a college educated 28 year old adult.

  13. LarrytheG Avatar

    Cretins! ” VMI alumni association suspends members who it says misused thousands of email addresses
    The alumni used the information to encourage classmates to donate to a private foundation rather than to official fundraising campaigns.”

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The lesson in civility lasted with you about six seconds, surprising no one.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        well, “civility” is indeed a “funny” word with vague different meanings to different people. Intended mostly as tit-for-tat, tongue-in cheek ….

  14. I think Don Scott is a gentleman and I think he will accept Rich Anderson’s apology.

    1. Rich Anderson? The chair of the RPV? Formerly chair of Lancaster County Republicans?

      He apologizes only because he was caught.

  15. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    It was a classless post. However, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
    We should celebrate redemption stories. We should forgive others. That’s kind of a basic tenet of a certain religion hated by the “elites” – how come Pubbies are the only ones who apologize?
    It’s ugly, but you have to call out the hypocrites – demand their apologies.
    Save our democracy! The coarseness of our politics… It’s mostly from one side, and Pubbies need to demand the same sort of genuflection from the aggressors that the Pubbies are all too willing to do (that could reflect more of a willingness to practice what is preached, but Jesus also called out hypocrites and overturned the moneychangers’ tables). The Ds play fast pitch hardball, while the Pubbies play slow pitch softball.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      and the GOP throw boomerangs ?

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