Must Be an Election Year: Kaine’s Staff Is Answering the Phone!

Sen. Tim Kaine

by Scott Dreyer

Life is full of surprises, and I got one today when I called the Roanoke office of US Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA)… and a real voice picked up! The receptionist was friendly and professional as I requested the senator help block the proposed Kroger buy-out of Albertson’s.

I then asked her why none of my calls to that office had been answered by a human being for quite some time. I told her, “I haven’t been marking my calendar, but I guess it’s been at least one year, maybe two, since I’ve called this office and gotten a human voice. For a long time, all my calls went to voicemail.”

She tried to assure me, “we listen to all the calls that go to voicemail and pass them along to the senator.”

I then replied: “That’s nice, but from a human point of view, it’s better to call and get a human voice than just voicemail. Besides, almost every time I call the offices for Sen. Warner or Congressman Cline, a real human answers the phone.”

I get it that office staffers can be busy, but it’s been a pattern with Kaine’s offices. Sometimes I have wondered if his Roanoke office is an outlier and I’ll call his Richmond or D.C. offices, but it’s the same, where I hear a recording of Kaine’s Missouri twang, “It’s always great to hear from Virginians, so just leave a message and blah blah blah….”

From my parents I learned the importance of active citizenship, plus as a licensed history teacher since 1987, it’s important I “walk the talk” if I encourage my students to be informed and involved. Thus, I call Congressional offices a lot. Also, from my parents I learned “give credit where credit is due.”

The folks who work at Cline’s office are super. And even though Sen. Mark Warner’s politics are as loony-Left as Kaine’s, his Roanoke office is staffed with people who DO answer their phones and they have been unfailingly polite and responsive.

So, why did Kaine’s staff suddenly break their year/s-long silent streak?

My hunch is, it’s similar to the satire site Babylon Bee’s headline on Biden suddenly deciding to visit the open southern border: “Facing Low Approval, Biden Promises To Start Pretending To Care About The Border.”

So, why are Kaine’s staff taking calls again? It’s late February 2024, and Kaine is running for another six-year term, so my hunch is: He thinks it’s time to start pretending to care about normal Virginians again.

Republished with permission from The Roanoke Star.

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50 responses to “Must Be an Election Year: Kaine’s Staff Is Answering the Phone!”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    And like the Good Catholic Little Timmie is, he will win by assuring us of his devotion to killing babies.
    It’s all that matters, really…
    Our civilization is no longer civilized.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Ya know, Walt, ol’ JC never said a word about abortion, or women’s rights, but he spoke volumes about guys like Trump and warned about those who claimed to know the mind of God.

      One should surround themselves with those who seek truth, and avoid those who claim to have found it.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Name one R who is challenging Kaine. And 100 points if you can name two of the wannabes. None have stirred up any dust. The best sign the party is dead as a doornail is this failure to even challenge Tim. NOBODY should want to be on the ballot w Trump here next fall. I’ve heard more about Morton Blackwell’s bid to be RNC Committeeman for Life.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        God (well those writing in God’s name anyway) addressed the question of personhood right in the very beginning. No need to discuss it further:

        “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          That’s Old Testament. It’s OBE.

          Nostrils? But that implies the soul enters at first breath, doesn’t it?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Exactly my point.

      3. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Name one R who is challenging Kaine. And 100 points if you can name two of the wannabes. None have stirred up any dust. The best sign the party is dead as a doornail is this failure to even challenge Tim. NOBODY should want to be on the ballot w Trump here next fall. I’ve heard more about Morton Blackwell’s bid to be RNC Committeeman for Life.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well, it’s not like Virginia doesn’t have Congressional Districts from which one might expect some folks to want to move up to the next level, right?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You want me to cry for you? I’m happier than a pig in pooh. I can think of nothing more fitting for the RNC than going BK paying Trump’s legal fees with 10% being scraped off the top by his kids.

          Cheer up, you still have 6 political hack Republicans on the Court.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Trump on WRVA at 8:35 a they say…wants to step on Nikki’s headlines, and will. Too bad neither he nor Biden will face the reality that McConnell just faced.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            I give up, Steve. What is that “thing” in your profile picture? A headless hawk?

          3. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            A ram’s head made out of beer bottles I saw two years ago at the Shiner brewery in Texas. I will take a Shiner Bock when I can find it.


          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            They’re in almost every grocery store Down East(Va, that is).

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I was really impressed by Mitch’s 9-month notice. Too bad we can’t just accept it and tell him to leave now. He was more coherent than for a long while. I cannot help but believe he was given notice by his MDs of something and that new Rxs have reversed trends somewhat.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh, and his sidekick announced he was voting for Trump right before Mitch announced.

        3. vicnicholls Avatar

          Hung Cao, Eddie Garcia, Jonathan Emord, Gwen Hickman, Kimberly Lowe, Scott Patterson.

      4. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        I’m sure you know everything about Jesus. I really need to take lessons from you on Biblical morality. Please teach us Nancy, the coming of the Messiah we are so blessed to have bloviating on Bacon’s Rebellion.
        Was Jesus against murdering people?
        So let’s do a little truth here…hypocrite.
        Is murder bad?
        Is the baby a human being?
        How many sexes are there?

        Or to use your post-modernist moral relativism, women have a right to murder, but men don’t. I’m sure that’s somewhere in the Bible. It has to be! Because Nancy and Larry and Troll and all the other moral relativists can’t be wrong! Accept our religion and quit saying those evil back woods Christian Bible thumper things that make us so uncomfortable!

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          “Mark 12:17 New King James Version (NKJV) And Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at Him.”

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Please expound Larry. What does that mean?
            Can’t wait for that interpretation…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I means what it says, Walter.
            It says keep religion separate from govt, no?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No. But thank you for highlighting the exact issue (Larry useful for once…world may be ending!)
            You, and all your fellow crazed Leftists have a religion – humanism, secular progressivism, I kinda prefer Satanic Globalism as the choice with Christian Nationalism…
            You have some basis informing your decisions and then you seek to impose YOUR worldview as LAW. As Washington said, law is a consuming fire, brute force, and that is why, in general, we should expect/hope people to regulate themselves and have as few laws as possible.

            Without trying to insult you, I am going to guess you have never actually read the whole Bible, but just know the Lefty phrases like “Judge not” or “money is the root of evil” (that’s a misquote by the way) and this one of rendering unto Caesar. And you can misquote Paul on obeying the government if you or one of your Lefty friends can find the reference…
            Jesus is indicating two spheres. The government and God. He is saying obey the government AND obey God. And here is where Christianity drives you poor Lefties crazy… If there is a conflict, obey God as the higher authority…in fact, THE authority, from which all just laws derive (Natural Law). Sorry for the triggering…

            So, Christians get to play in the world of government – in fact, are really required to in order to have a just government. The problem for you crazed Leftists is you have finally gone so crazy that you have awakened the “evil” Christians who oppose your evil policies.

            Funny how SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY works with you crazed Satanic Globalist types…

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter. Nope. YOUR GOD, not others?

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Again Larry, what are you inanely trying to say?
            Try saying it. It will be wrong, but I have to try to imagine what you think you are saying. You say it. Then I’ll destroy it.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Different GODs for different folks Walter. That’s why govt needs to be separate. It can be all things to all different kinds of religious beliefs.

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            OK, so since your “god” is mindless Leftism, I can make you quit bringing your religion into government. Got it?
            I have a world view. (By the way, it is correct and built Western Civ that you guys are destroying, obliterating cultural capital – a true first world luxury belief). I have the right to vote my world view. Go cry about it.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            you can vote your religion, sure. Others will vote theirs also. A “world view” is not one that acknowledging only one religion, right?

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Again, not sure what you think you are saying. I think the answer is “duh.”

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            Pretty easy Walter, you can’t force your religious beliefs on others through govt.

          11. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And you can’t force your fake religious beliefs on others, either. Killing is wrong. Is that “religious?”
            Seriously, you have no original idea ever – just vomit out the D pabulum given for the day…
            How about stealing? Is that religious?
            Lying? (That puts the Left out of business…)
            How about if the lovely tolerant people of the LGBTQ to infinity crowd mandate that you must kneel to the LGBTQ flag once a year or be fined $1,000. The picture of you doing so must be posted online as proof. Is that imposition of a (fake) religious belief?
            Bake that cake bigot! (That’s not totalitarian either, is it…)
            I’ll make it simple for you Larry – killing babies is wrong. That doesn’t need the Bible to know that. Let me repeat – Killing babies is wrong. Killing babies is wrong. Killing babies is wrong.
            Explain why it is not.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not “fake religious” beliefs – a rejection of others religious beliefs and trying to impose them on others via govt. Obviously “killing babies” is not wrong if you look at how most folks including those that do have a religion see it differently than you are others -and they do vote to reject you and your religious beliefs that you would impose on them if you could.

          13. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            There is a reason your eyes are brown.
            Bake that cake, bigot! That’s not imposing a fake religious belief?
            We need freedom. Not one size fits all imposed by godless secular humanists, which is a “religious” belief.
            And murder is wrong. Period. No religion needed for that. You contextualize it all you want. Pass “laws” allowing it. And guess what – it will still be wrong, and you and all the baby killers know it, and that’s why you want to shut the “religious” up. Killing babies is wrong. Universal. Not “religious.”

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            Different folks have different views including “religious” folk. One person or one religion does not get to dictate what it believes on others. That’s what govt does and without govt – folks who disagree get into wars and kill each other even though they say they oppose “murder” and “killing”.

          15. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You have the understanding of a 5 year old child.
            But let me try, for the last time, to “help” you (it won’t)

            “One person or one religion does not get to dictate what it believes on others. That’s what govt does…” And the logical fallacy that follows is “and without govt – folks who disagree get into wars and kill each other even though they say they oppose “murder” and “killing”.”
            I’m pretty sure Christians aren’t the ones trying to kill people or robbing or raping or stealing. As a group I would bet among the most law-abiding. And for the “crime” of disagreeing with totalitarian Leftists, Christians get called terrorists, arrested for truly peacefully protesting at abortion clinics, while real criminals get released to be criminal again…and again. And we have a government that is failing in that essential duty. Because of !d!0t Marxists…who impose their !d!0t, but also truly evil, policies on others. That’s called tyranny. That government is best which governs least… Look in the mirror. And killing babies is still wrong. You know it. So does every other person supporting it… hang onto power at all costs…including advocating for the killing of babies…

          16. LarrytheG Avatar

            Still, when we put it to a vote – the so-called “Christians” lose when they attempt to force reproductive health restrictions on others who are also religious when we have true govt where people can and do vote. It’s not just abortion as we now see, it’s IVF and even birth control. Christian Nationalists are more like the Taliban than real freedom-loving folks.

          17. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Christians aren’t trying to “force” anything. They are trying to stop the killing of an innocent life. Deal with it.
            The only possible justifications are rape, incest, life of mother. Those are hard moral choices. But at least they are honest – unlike you and all the baby-killers hiding behind “reproductive health” – what a ridiculous euphemism to justify murder! – Trying to stop the murder is not forcing anything. The murderers are the ones forcing something. You’re the zealots. And no matter what, you still know it’s wrong. Deal with it.
            Republicans are too used to being political idiots, scared of being called names. Call the baby killers baby killers. When is it too late for the baby killers – the zealot party of Molech?
            Watch this and let me know when…baby killers!

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Oh Hell no, Walt, don’t listen to me. I don’t read fiction. All I remember of my days in the Church was the mystery of the Trinity, God the Father, Santa the Son, and the Holy Easter Bunny.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So you can’t answer those 3 questions?
            I guess that ends our pursuit of truth…

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Uh, by definition, truth isn’t found in fiction.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So, according to the oracle, NN,
            Being against murder is fiction.
            Being against murdering babies is fiction.
            And believing there are only two sexes is fiction.
            I think you’ve self-identified well enough.
            The Bible of NN – womyn get to kill babies and shut up!

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Basing it all on God is

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Who said God? I said Little Timmie was a bad Catholic, a fake Catholic, which he is and I’m not Catholic.
            You brought up JC.
            And I am not basing Murder = Bad on JC. He happened to agree with that.
            If Murder = Bad, then murdering babies = bad. Right?
            And just for the science crowd, how many sexes are there? Is it because the Bible says male and female He created them that there are two sexes, or is it possible that “SCIENCE!” – biology – confirms that?

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    My sister-in-law’s husband passed away suddenly and she could not get his social security benefits transferred to her. She called Tim Kaine’s office and they jumped in with both feet and fixed it for her within two days. Tim Kaine is responsive to his constituents and always has been. She (a Republican voter) will be voting for him without reservation this year. There is a reason he has so much support among the electorate.

  3. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    So what’s wrong with the merger?

  4. It does not look like Kaine will have to work very hard to be re-elected based upon the group of misfit candidates on the Republican side.

    And it is a mistake to have the presidential primary election at a different time that the party nominating elections for all other offices.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Dead….as….a….doornail. In a few months you can assume correctly that a $1000 check to RPV will be spent on one of Trump’s lawyers. (To his credit, he didn’t actually spend time trashing Haley in his 20 minutes on WRVA an hour ago.)

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Always interesting to hear a “liberal” characterize a refugee / person of color as a misfit.

      Hung Cao was a refugee from Vietnam, the place we abandoned like Biden abandoned Afghanistan.

      His family settled in Northern Virginia and Cao was accepted into Thomas Jefferson, back before you could get in with middling grades through the lottery.

      He graduated from the US Naval Academy as a Special Operations Officer (Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Deep Sea Diving).

      He subsequently received his Masters degree in physics from the Naval Postgraduate School, and fellowships at MIT and Harvard.

      During his many years in the Navy, Cao was deployed to combat areas serving with special operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia.

      He retired as a Captain in the US Navy.

      Since retirement, he founded and leads a 501c(3) charity that helps blind children.

      How is he a misfit?

      You may not like his policies, but a misfit? Really?

      1. Cao is a poser who has already lost running for office as a Trumpist and by adopting positions that would have never adopted except for running for office.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        When we say “refugee” is he really someone who requested asylum or is he an immigrant who had wealth – which is how many Asians immigrate to the US.

        1. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          Here is a bio, says family roots were poverty and his Dad went to work in the State department, which suggests he was working for the US while we were there. But he was 4 when he came here, can’t pick your parents.

          The article rightfully points out he could have made a career of himself doing more lucrative jobs, but picked a career in the Navy. That settles it for me.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            His Dad worked for the State Dept and they lived in poverty? And he came here at 4 with who?

            How did he get educated?

            He’s a Trumpster, right?


            settles it for me!

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