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A Phrase for Larry’s Lexicon and a Cure for Major Mortgage Bail Out Defect

1) We are a bit late on this but here is a phrase for Larry’s Lexicon: “Green Sprawl:” An energy efficient industrial, commercial or residential building in a dysfunctional location. It is now in the lexicon of MainStream Media. A recycled Wal*Mart with ground effects heating / cooling and a solar array on the roof (See “Big Box Reuse”) or a LEED McMansion on a five acre lot or a 10 acre horse farm.

We have to sort out if the use of a Core Confusing Word (“sprawl”) in a phrase that is clearly defined is a Core Confusing Phrase.

2) Use of “Location Efficient Mortgage” criteria for any residential mortgage bailout would cure a major problem with giving money to those who made bad decisions. The phrase is defined, there are criteria. Implementation of a location efficient mortgage criteria would solve a major problem with the criteria-less mortgages consumed by Fanny and Freddie.

Location efficient mortgage criteria and prosecution for fraud at every stage of the development process from the original raw land sale to the final loan signing including all participating agents would save the public $ billions.


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