More Vaccination Confusion

By Dick Hall-Sizemore

I do not know who is to blame–CVS or the state–but the vaccination situation is unacceptable.

The Commonwealth seemed to be getting on the right track by enabling individuals to register with their local health departments and the local agencies then using those registration to schedule appointments.

Then the federal government changed things by announcing that the vaccines would be distributed through private pharmacies.

That could have worked well. The local agencies would take registrations centrally and then work with the designated CVS store to schedule the vaccinations. That is sort of what was reported was going to happen. But CVS said that folks would have to register with its stores, but it would give priority to those on the health department registry.

But, that all blew up. First, CVS said that its portal would not open until Thursday (today), but actually opened its portal on Tuesday afternoon. Then, it had no way of preventing folks not on the health department registry from registering with an appointment with it. As Danny Avula, the state vaccinator coordinator, dryly put it, “Not an ideal rollout.”

So, my registration with the Henrico/Richmond health department means nothing. CVS does not have a waiting list. It will not be using the health department waiting list. It will be catch as catch can. Of course, according to the CVS website, I could schedule an appointment in Chatham or Danville for a vaccination today. Otherwise, I will need to be on the alert as to when CVS will get its next batch of vaccine and then stay up until midnight so that I can jump onto the CVS website and, hopefully, schedule an appointment somewhere reasonably close.

It doesn’t have to be this complicated. Surely, there are technical minds at CVS and the state that could figure out how to synch the two systems.

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54 responses to “More Vaccination Confusion”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    My wife was on the website again early this morning. It initially showed availability at several places around the state, but when she tried to sign up she got some message about the site being down or something. A moment later, the Richmond area stores were marked fully booked, but Hampton seemed available — not too far to drive. But that was momentary. Bottom line is this is like what I heard somebody say yesterday, trying to get Taylor Swift concert tickets. The anger and frustration that results from trying is also not healthy.

    Pure incompetence.

    I fear that all the focus is on making the Woke Vaccine Police at the Richmond Times-Dispatch happy, so getting a hundred or two hundred shots into the right community is more important than getting 1,500 shots into random arms. They take about the same amount of effort, controlled vs. open. I predicted this weeks ago: whatever is measured will drive the decisions.

  2. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    My wife was on the website again early this morning. It initially showed availability at several places around the state, but when she tried to sign up she got some message about the site being down or something. A moment later, the Richmond area stores were marked fully booked, but Hampton seemed available — not too far to drive. But that was momentary. Bottom line is this is like what I heard somebody say yesterday, trying to get Taylor Swift concert tickets. The anger and frustration that results from trying is also not healthy.

    Pure incompetence.

    I fear that all the focus is on making the Woke Vaccine Police at the Richmond Times-Dispatch happy, so getting a hundred or two hundred shots into the right community is more important than getting 1,500 shots into random arms. They take about the same amount of effort, controlled vs. open. I predicted this weeks ago: whatever is measured will drive the decisions.

  3. I’m about to be 64 years old and don’t meet the criteria for the vaccine. I was thinking that perhaps I should go to prison or become homeless to qualify. Who knew I could just go directly to CVS?

  4. I’m about to be 64 years old and don’t meet the criteria for the vaccine. I was thinking that perhaps I should go to prison or become homeless to qualify. Who knew I could just go directly to CVS?

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    I think, could be wrong, but it sounded like CVS wanted to handle the sign-ups and the interface on sign-ups between VDH and CVS was not working.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      I ran into a member of Northam’s cabinet Monday at the barber shop. He advised me that the systems were known to be incompatible, and that the VDH’s desire to take over control of the CVS distribution would fail. You would have go to CVS directly and your status on the other waiting list would be meaningless.

      The maximum number of people would be reached by just giving it to a large group of pharmacies, etc. But they then lose control, might not get that vital EEO data! That is more important than actually saving lives. I honestly believe that is their mindset.

      Add in the total failure to communicate effectively, something that Northam’s hapless team has demonstrated since Day One. Here’s today’s chart: Are we liking this trend line?

      1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
        Eric the Half a Troll

        At this point, it looks like we are bumping up against the fed supply side of the equation. Becker’s has us fluctuating around 75%-80% of distributed vaccines being administered. By my count, the feds have been distributing an average of about 39,000 doses a day. According to Bloomberg our latest vaccination rate is about 38,000. This (Bloomberg) looks to be a good site – hoping it gets through your filter this time… [nope – no-go… alas…]

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    I think, could be wrong, but it sounded like CVS wanted to handle the sign-ups and the interface on sign-ups between VDH and CVS was not working.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      I ran into a member of Northam’s cabinet Monday at the barber shop. He advised me that the systems were known to be incompatible, and that the VDH’s desire to take over control of the CVS distribution would fail. You would have go to CVS directly and your status on the other waiting list would be meaningless.

      The maximum number of people would be reached by just giving it to a large group of pharmacies, etc. But they then lose control, might not get that vital EEO data! That is more important than actually saving lives. I honestly believe that is their mindset.

      Add in the total failure to communicate effectively, something that Northam’s hapless team has demonstrated since Day One. Here’s today’s chart: Are we liking this trend line?

      1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
        Eric the Half a Troll

        At this point, it looks like we are bumping up against the fed supply side of the equation. Becker’s has us fluctuating around 75%-80% of distributed vaccines being administered. By my count, the feds have been distributing an average of about 39,000 doses a day. According to Bloomberg our latest vaccination rate is about 38,000. This (Bloomberg) looks to be a good site – hoping it gets through your filter this time… [nope – no-go… alas…]

  7. I logged onto the CVS website in the hope of scheduling a vaccination. All booked up in Richmond. No openings.

    I checked the Virginia Department of Health website to see if the promised statewide registry was up and running yet. I couldn’t even find a pre-registry.

    I checked the Henrico County Health Department website. It referred me to the CVS website.

    I called my primary care physician. They told me they don’t expect to get any vaccines for at least 6 to 8 weeks, and I suspect that’s optimistic.

    I guess I’ll just hunker down for another month or two in the hope that the dust clears and someone in the Northam administration figures out what the hell they’re doing.

  8. I logged onto the CVS website in the hope of scheduling a vaccination. All booked up in Richmond. No openings.

    I checked the Virginia Department of Health website to see if the promised statewide registry was up and running yet. I couldn’t even find a pre-registry.

    I checked the Henrico County Health Department website. It referred me to the CVS website.

    I called my primary care physician. They told me they don’t expect to get any vaccines for at least 6 to 8 weeks, and I suspect that’s optimistic.

    I guess I’ll just hunker down for another month or two in the hope that the dust clears and someone in the Northam administration figures out what the hell they’re doing.

  9. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    It’s the Virginia Motto: When one of us fails, it makes the rest of us feel better about ourselves.

  10. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    It’s the Virginia Motto: When one of us fails, it makes the rest of us feel better about ourselves.

  11. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    FWIW, the CVS site in Yorktown opens on Mondays at 6:00AM and takes appointments until booked for the week. Our friend’s wife managed to get him in and it was booked when she logged off and then into her account.

    Good luck.

  12. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    FWIW, the CVS site in Yorktown opens on Mondays at 6:00AM and takes appointments until booked for the week. Our friend’s wife managed to get him in and it was booked when she logged off and then into her account.

    Good luck.

  13. Fairfax is asking , if you get the CVS shot, let them know and they will take you off the waiting list. So it should work out to speed up the overall process. I am trying CVS, but keep forgetting to be “Johnny on the Spot” at midnite or 3AM. We believe we are next in line Fairfax, expecting an email soon, so CVS for us is probably not needed.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      The closer we are to the Source of Confusion (here at the state capitol) the worse it is, apparently. We cannot even confirm that our registration with Henrico took, and I’m aware of no one who has gotten a shot that way. A couple of old dudes at the Y called Chesterfield and got scheduled, even though they live in Henrico.

      Saw a story that the shipyard has a stock and is doing shots for employees. That’s a good outlet for the Peninsula. Any major Richmond employer doing that? They would never say out loud, because the RTD will be knocking on their door for the racial breakdown….

  14. Fairfax is asking , if you get the CVS shot, let them know and they will take you off the waiting list. So it should work out to speed up the overall process. I am trying CVS, but keep forgetting to be “Johnny on the Spot” at midnite or 3AM. We believe we are next in line Fairfax, expecting an email soon, so CVS for us is probably not needed.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      The closer we are to the Source of Confusion (here at the state capitol) the worse it is, apparently. We cannot even confirm that our registration with Henrico took, and I’m aware of no one who has gotten a shot that way. A couple of old dudes at the Y called Chesterfield and got scheduled, even though they live in Henrico.

      Saw a story that the shipyard has a stock and is doing shots for employees. That’s a good outlet for the Peninsula. Any major Richmond employer doing that? They would never say out loud, because the RTD will be knocking on their door for the racial breakdown….

  15. The best approach is to ignore the vaccine and covid altogether. It relieves a lot of the frustration and stress associated with chasing the vaccine. Look at the math, look at your own health and your supposed risk factors, and walk away.

    Of course, there will be those on this blog who will say I’m living up to my name. No… Covid is real, it can be dangerous for certain people, but not everybody, which seems to be the approach of the media and the government. Take a deep breath and analyze your actual risk.

    I would submit you are more at risk for a problem getting a Shingrix shot, albeit not the same extent of potential damage as Covid. I got said shot yesterday afternoon and found last night that I am in the 25% group that gets a reaction. And it looks like flu. Overnight I felt like crap with headache, fever, muscle and joint aches, etc etc. Yeh, so?

    Life is full of risks. There are too many of us, particularly the Snowflakes, who think life should be risk free. It isn’t, and never has been. Writers on this blog should stop obsessing about getting a vaccine. You survived this long; do you think more time before you get the vaccine puts you at greater meaningful risk? Or is all the blather on this blog just a chance to write blather?

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      First of all, I am sorry that you had a reaction to the shingles vaccination. Nevertheless, from what I hear, that reaction is a lot less painful that actually getting shingles. I got my shingles vaccination a couple of years ago as soon as it came out.

      Second, it is not only your health that is at stake regarding the COVID vaccination. You could get COVID and never have any symptoms, but then transmit it to someone else who could either die from it or get seriously sick and have chronic problems for a long time thereafter. You can’t transmit shingles.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      On the ads, they say that 1 in 3 over 50 will develop shingles.
      The side effects say 1 in 3 will develop a mild case of shingles.

      I suspect that the shingles vaccine’s real value, like the Covid vaccine, is the “mild” if you get it.

      BTW, one of my cohorts at work developed a bad case of shingles. His entire back and chest looked like a biker gang used him for an ashtray for cigars.

  16. The best approach is to ignore the vaccine and covid altogether. It relieves a lot of the frustration and stress associated with chasing the vaccine. Look at the math, look at your own health and your supposed risk factors, and walk away.

    Of course, there will be those on this blog who will say I’m living up to my name. No… Covid is real, it can be dangerous for certain people, but not everybody, which seems to be the approach of the media and the government. Take a deep breath and analyze your actual risk.

    I would submit you are more at risk for a problem getting a Shingrix shot, albeit not the same extent of potential damage as Covid. I got said shot yesterday afternoon and found last night that I am in the 25% group that gets a reaction. And it looks like flu. Overnight I felt like crap with headache, fever, muscle and joint aches, etc etc. Yeh, so?

    Life is full of risks. There are too many of us, particularly the Snowflakes, who think life should be risk free. It isn’t, and never has been. Writers on this blog should stop obsessing about getting a vaccine. You survived this long; do you think more time before you get the vaccine puts you at greater meaningful risk? Or is all the blather on this blog just a chance to write blather?

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      First of all, I am sorry that you had a reaction to the shingles vaccination. Nevertheless, from what I hear, that reaction is a lot less painful that actually getting shingles. I got my shingles vaccination a couple of years ago as soon as it came out.

      Second, it is not only your health that is at stake regarding the COVID vaccination. You could get COVID and never have any symptoms, but then transmit it to someone else who could either die from it or get seriously sick and have chronic problems for a long time thereafter. You can’t transmit shingles.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      On the ads, they say that 1 in 3 over 50 will develop shingles.
      The side effects say 1 in 3 will develop a mild case of shingles.

      I suspect that the shingles vaccine’s real value, like the Covid vaccine, is the “mild” if you get it.

      BTW, one of my cohorts at work developed a bad case of shingles. His entire back and chest looked like a biker gang used him for an ashtray for cigars.

  17. The CVS vaccines are in addition to what the health departments get and are distributing so it creates another avenue. I happened to be up early around 6:00 and the CVS site showed availability in Mechanicsville but the next screen said the scheduler was being updated, to try back later. I checked back several times and the same message was showing. By the time the scheduler was updated, an hour or so later, the availability was gone. Abington was available. Still later that became booked too.

    I haven’t read anything about large events at RIR this week or next. Are they still happening? I also wonder about people missing their appointments due to bad weather. CVS will stay open anyway. Will they open up appointments Friday when people don’t show up? What will happen if they end up with leftover vaccine at the end of the day that needs to be used up?

    I was checking for my husband. I was lucky and got my first shot at VCU when I went for a cancer treatment. It was not scheduled; they happened to have some. I get the second next week. VCU had the vaccine for cancer patients over 65 years old only for a few days before they were requested to give it back to the health department. They were able to save enough for second doses.

    I watched the channel 8 program last night about the vaccines. Dr. Avula said the state registration website should be operational late next week. It should send emails weekly telling people they’re still on the list. Later in the program he said it would be up by the next week or so (so probably not next week after all). For the people on the health department list that get vaccines through CVS (or elsewhere like me) I wonder if there will be any way for people to let the health department the vaccine is no longer needed. Right now there’s no way to confirm whether or not you’re on their list.

  18. The CVS vaccines are in addition to what the health departments get and are distributing so it creates another avenue. I happened to be up early around 6:00 and the CVS site showed availability in Mechanicsville but the next screen said the scheduler was being updated, to try back later. I checked back several times and the same message was showing. By the time the scheduler was updated, an hour or so later, the availability was gone. Abington was available. Still later that became booked too.

    I haven’t read anything about large events at RIR this week or next. Are they still happening? I also wonder about people missing their appointments due to bad weather. CVS will stay open anyway. Will they open up appointments Friday when people don’t show up? What will happen if they end up with leftover vaccine at the end of the day that needs to be used up?

    I was checking for my husband. I was lucky and got my first shot at VCU when I went for a cancer treatment. It was not scheduled; they happened to have some. I get the second next week. VCU had the vaccine for cancer patients over 65 years old only for a few days before they were requested to give it back to the health department. They were able to save enough for second doses.

    I watched the channel 8 program last night about the vaccines. Dr. Avula said the state registration website should be operational late next week. It should send emails weekly telling people they’re still on the list. Later in the program he said it would be up by the next week or so (so probably not next week after all). For the people on the health department list that get vaccines through CVS (or elsewhere like me) I wonder if there will be any way for people to let the health department the vaccine is no longer needed. Right now there’s no way to confirm whether or not you’re on their list.

  19. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    My 93 year old mother just got her appointment in Pennsylvania for this Friday – thank God!! Now granted PA is doing a pretty shoddy job of administering their vaccine but they are improving. In my mind, until Mom is safe, you all just need to cool your jets… Signed: General Public Phase 2

  20. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    My 93 year old mother just got her appointment in Pennsylvania for this Friday – thank God!! Now granted PA is doing a pretty shoddy job of administering their vaccine but they are improving. In my mind, until Mom is safe, you all just need to cool your jets… Signed: General Public Phase 2

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Then there is this, from the same website where I first read about HCQ…asthma inhalers! Seems like the steroid in them is a marvelous way to reduce COVID severity!

      Maybe if Trump is not around to tout this one, it might have a chance….

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        COVID for all intents and purposes seems to be all about inflammation. Corticosteroids are very effective at reducing inflammation.

        You are right though, if Trump is for it a vast majority will be against it. They just want to ignore the broken clock adage.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Then there is this, from the same website where I first read about HCQ…asthma inhalers! Seems like the steroid in them is a marvelous way to reduce COVID severity!

      Maybe if Trump is not around to tout this one, it might have a chance….

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        COVID for all intents and purposes seems to be all about inflammation. Corticosteroids are very effective at reducing inflammation.

        You are right though, if Trump is for it a vast majority will be against it. They just want to ignore the broken clock adage.

  21. Despite what many Baconators and commentators have been opining since the lockdown, so far I have given Northam the benefit of the doubt on COVID19 response. Not necessarily his team, however. You can delegate authority, but one cannot delegate responsibility and he has taken responsibility for the screw ups.
    The vaccine rollout, however, is quickly causing me to loose my faith. Like some here, I was up at midnight to go on the CVS site, but it kept saying all places booked. Gave up, went to bed, but as part of my usual oh dark thirty wake up, I happened to log into CVS and everyplace was available! So, I began the process and kept getting the message the site was updating. Kept refreshing for the next 45 minutes, same message. Slowly, every place near me was booked, but Petersburg and then it, too was gone.
    Now I will play the game “When and At What Time” will the next batch of CVS vaccine be available. Every Thursday sometime between midnight and 5 a.m.? When and where will the next mass vaccination clinic be held and should I hang out there in hopes of a few drops left in a vial?
    Because the previous administration declined to increase its orders for the vaccine when it could, demand is way exceeding supply in many states. Also, whose responsibility is it to partner with pharmacies – the federal or state? Anyway, becoming an unhappy camper. Bosun

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      We can’t blame the Northam administration for the crappy CVS site. We can blame the administration for its poor communication as evidenced by your questions, which I have also been asking myself.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        My wife’s theory is the reason it all crashed around Richmond is VDH or Rich-Henrico Health Dept got on and was hand entering people from its own lists….

  22. Despite what many Baconators and commentators have been opining since the lockdown, so far I have given Northam the benefit of the doubt on COVID19 response. Not necessarily his team, however. You can delegate authority, but one cannot delegate responsibility and he has taken responsibility for the screw ups.
    The vaccine rollout, however, is quickly causing me to loose my faith. Like some here, I was up at midnight to go on the CVS site, but it kept saying all places booked. Gave up, went to bed, but as part of my usual oh dark thirty wake up, I happened to log into CVS and everyplace was available! So, I began the process and kept getting the message the site was updating. Kept refreshing for the next 45 minutes, same message. Slowly, every place near me was booked, but Petersburg and then it, too was gone.
    Now I will play the game “When and At What Time” will the next batch of CVS vaccine be available. Every Thursday sometime between midnight and 5 a.m.? When and where will the next mass vaccination clinic be held and should I hang out there in hopes of a few drops left in a vial?
    Because the previous administration declined to increase its orders for the vaccine when it could, demand is way exceeding supply in many states. Also, whose responsibility is it to partner with pharmacies – the federal or state? Anyway, becoming an unhappy camper. Bosun

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      We can’t blame the Northam administration for the crappy CVS site. We can blame the administration for its poor communication as evidenced by your questions, which I have also been asking myself.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        My wife’s theory is the reason it all crashed around Richmond is VDH or Rich-Henrico Health Dept got on and was hand entering people from its own lists….

  23. djrippert Avatar

    From commentator Becky – “I watched the channel 8 program last night about the vaccines. Dr. Avula said the state registration website should be operational late next week.”

    I published this article on this blog on Jan 18. All the asshats in the Northam Administration had to do was contact one of several competent technology companies that offer pre-built COVID vaccination registration sites. And here’s a hint … CVS does not qualify in any way, shape or form as a competent technology company. Anybody who has used CVS’ pharmacy site knows that.

    What a shame that Northam demoted Virginia’s Secretary of Technology from his cabinet. After all, how important is technology anyway?

    We must stop electing buffoons to be our governor.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Apparently, a pre-built COVID registration site would not do any good for most of us now, anyway. We seem to be stuck with CVS as the state’s partner in this mess and that company is the one making the appointments.

  24. djrippert Avatar

    From commentator Becky – “I watched the channel 8 program last night about the vaccines. Dr. Avula said the state registration website should be operational late next week.”

    I published this article on this blog on Jan 18. All the asshats in the Northam Administration had to do was contact one of several competent technology companies that offer pre-built COVID vaccination registration sites. And here’s a hint … CVS does not qualify in any way, shape or form as a competent technology company. Anybody who has used CVS’ pharmacy site knows that.

    What a shame that Northam demoted Virginia’s Secretary of Technology from his cabinet. After all, how important is technology anyway?

    We must stop electing buffoons to be our governor.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Apparently, a pre-built COVID registration site would not do any good for most of us now, anyway. We seem to be stuck with CVS as the state’s partner in this mess and that company is the one making the appointments.

  25. djrippert Avatar

    “Saw a story that the shipyard has a stock and is doing shots for employees.”

    Why? Are shipyard workers more susceptible to COVID than employees of other businesses who must come to work every day?

    I get the distinct impression that there is a lot of “leakage” of these vaccines to people not in the priority groups.

  26. djrippert Avatar

    “Saw a story that the shipyard has a stock and is doing shots for employees.”

    Why? Are shipyard workers more susceptible to COVID than employees of other businesses who must come to work every day?

    I get the distinct impression that there is a lot of “leakage” of these vaccines to people not in the priority groups.

  27. Once the J&J vaccine is approved, which doesn’t require such particular cold storage, and we have more vaccine available, I suggest that Richmond public schools be open to the public for vaccination. The school nurses could give the shots. It sounds like Richmond isn’t going to open schools for students until the fall. That would give better access to people throughout the city who have transportation obstacles. Each school could handle appointments by phone. Volunteers could man the phones and handling paperwork. If certain schools have more demand than others, they could adjust supply.

  28. Once the J&J vaccine is approved, which doesn’t require such particular cold storage, and we have more vaccine available, I suggest that Richmond public schools be open to the public for vaccination. The school nurses could give the shots. It sounds like Richmond isn’t going to open schools for students until the fall. That would give better access to people throughout the city who have transportation obstacles. Each school could handle appointments by phone. Volunteers could man the phones and handling paperwork. If certain schools have more demand than others, they could adjust supply.

  29. Jim Loesel Avatar

    This morning’s Roanoke Times carried an article about the new Virginia-wide registration system that is scheduled to begin at 8:00 am on Tuesday. All people currently signed up with their local health district will have their information imported into the new system, and the system will allow you to verify that you are on the master list. The article also announced a Virginia-wide call center to assist people who have questions. The call center will operate 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. The number listed is 877-275-8343. It was not clear if that number will be operational immediately. Until the new integrated system is operational on Tuesday, no new local registration will be possible. We can hope this will improve the registration process.

  30. Jim Loesel Avatar

    This morning’s Roanoke Times carried an article about the new Virginia-wide registration system that is scheduled to begin at 8:00 am on Tuesday. All people currently signed up with their local health district will have their information imported into the new system, and the system will allow you to verify that you are on the master list. The article also announced a Virginia-wide call center to assist people who have questions. The call center will operate 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. The number listed is 877-275-8343. It was not clear if that number will be operational immediately. Until the new integrated system is operational on Tuesday, no new local registration will be possible. We can hope this will improve the registration process.

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