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More Proof that People Believe Whatever the Hell They Want to Believe

Ninety-four percent of the 600 Virginia residents polled by a Roanoke College professor believe in God, 87% believe in heaven, and… 47.9% believe pets are admitted into the Pearly Gates.  (Read the poll results here.)

Wow, I am really out of step! I don’t want to start a theological hissing contest, but I have to ask a question about this finding: “A strong majority of Virginia residents (80%) believe in life after death. Even more (87%) believe in heaven.”

Am I missing something here? How can you believe in heaven and not believe in life after death, as 7% of Virginians apparently do? Doesn’t the former presuppose the latter? … Ooh, ooh, I’ve got it. Seven percent of the population must believe that there’s a heaven for pets but not for people!


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