More Positive Notes on General Assembly Members

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

I appreciate Jim Sherlock providing a positive view of two members of the General Assembly. He is right that we often dwell on the negative aspects or members of the legislature and neglect the good ones. In that vein, I am offering a supplementary list of legislators who are conscientious and smart and who work hard to advance the interests of their constituents and the Commonwealth. Taking another cue from Jim, the list is bi-partisan.

Del. Vivian Watts

Del. Vivian Watts, D-Fairfax, is one of the longest-serving legislators, having first been elected in 1981. In fact, she is the longest-serving woman in the history of the House of Delegates.  She is also the only current member who has served as a Cabinet Secretary. (She interrupted her service in the House to serve as Secretary of Transportation and Public Safety under Governor Baliles. At that time, the two areas were combined in one secretariat.)  She is a true data wonk. She is well-known for her charts and graphs that she uses in floor debate. She has one of the best, if not the best, understandings of the tax code of all the members. Her focus on tax policy and her grasp of the details are evident here in her presentation of her bill reinstating the estate tax in Virginia. From my perspective, she has a tendency at times to seem like a school marm lecturing her charges. That persona has probably prevented her from advancing in party leadership roles. To her credit, however, she can be quite passionate in her defense of people who are hard- working, but less fortunate. That passion comes across in this video of her opposing the tax bill that would increase tax deductions.

Del. Robert Bell
Photo credit: Roanoke Times

Del. Robert Bell, R-Albemarle,  is one of those whom I respect although I often disagree with his policy positions. He is smart and quite knowledgeable about criminal law. He is one of the most conservative members of the General Assembly concerning criminal law, but, as I know from personal experience, he is open to different ideas and perspectives. He also thrives on data. A person who has access to a large amount of crime data has told me that Bell frequently calls them with requests for data relating to specific bills and issues. Bell is most effective in committee work. Over the course of several years as I sat in on meetings that he chaired, I was impressed with his active concern that proposed legislation, with which he was sympathetic  on its face, would not result in unintended consequences. Despite being faced with a heavy docket, he insisted on careful deliberation, often going over those bills line by line, sometimes word by word. (I can’t say that has been the approach taken by the Democrats now in charge of the House Courts of Justice Committee.) Although he is not one of those who jumps to his feet on the floor in order to listen to his own oratory, he can be quite passionate when he does take the floor, as shown in this video (which also demonstrates his use of research and data). Another factor in his favor: I have been told that Bell and David Toscano, the former Democratic caucus leader in the House, have law offices in the same building in Charlottesville and share a mutual respect.

Sen. Scott Surovell,
Photo credit: WAVY

Sen. Scott Surovell, Fairfax, is familiar to regular readers of this blog as a sometimes commenter on posts. (That shows the extent to which Bacon’s Rebellion is being read.)  He is smart and has demonstrated a wide range of legal experience and expertise. It is evident that he has done his homework. In the last two sessions, he was obviously the coordinator of the Senate Democrats’ criminal justice reform legislation, as shown in this video. In the past two years, in fact, the man seems to have been everywhere. If I have any criticism, it is regarding the sheer number of bills he introduces. In the 2020 regular session, he was the chief patron of a whopping 61 bills! It is a wonder he was not hospitalized from sheer exhaustion after the session. He is not a great orator or even a smooth public speaker. But, ever since I began to observe him in floor debates when he was in the House of Delegates, I was impressed with how much of what he said was plain speaking and based on common sense, rather than a lot of empty rhetoric.

Sen. Bill Stanley,
Photo credit: Free Land-Star

Sen. William Stanley, R-Martinsville, is another one of those with whom I often disagree, but have great respect for.  He is a strong defender of the right to possess and carry firearms, but his opposition to bills that would curtail that right is rooted in appeals to law and due process. See his floor speech opposing the “red flag” legislation in which he defends the legal profession and makes a bipartisan appeal. Naturally a conservative, he can be a maverick, especially on criminal justice matters. He often bucks his party with bills that would serve to protect defendants or former offenders. One of his long-running crusades has been against the use of “junk science” in criminal trials. He has introduced legislation that would give people convicted on the basis of discredited forensic methods an avenue to get a new trial. Here is his presentation of that legislation on the Senate floor in 2018. (The video also includes a few of the lesser lights in the Senate, but also has the advantage of including Surovell.) That bill was opposed by most of his Republican colleagues in the Senate that year and died in the Republican-controlled House Courts of Justice Committee. He has introduced it every year since. By this past session, he had gotten all of his Senate colleagues (Republican and Democrats) on board and it sailed through the House Courts of Justice Committee with strong bi-partisan support, only to die in the House Appropriations Committee. Stanley has also been the perennial champion of providing state financial assistance to local school districts to replace or renovate obsolete school buildings. Finally, he is somewhat of a clown in the Senate, providing welcome, light-hearted levity to the proceedings at times. The Republican Party would do well to put him forth as a statewide candidate. He could have widespread appeal.

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19 responses to “More Positive Notes on General Assembly Members”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    This is the kind of post – the tenor, the even-handedness, and informative that shines that BR used to provide on a regular basis before it got submerged in the culture war.

    I appreciate it and thank Dick for his insistence and persistence on task.

    thank you.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Add Delegate Lee Ware to the list. Not my delegate but sometimes I wish he was. Another school teacher turned principled politician.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      There are others that could be added to the list. Those four are some with whom I am the most familiar.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      Mr. Ware is my delegate, and I agree with you.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Meet the best. The ones who you never hear about… until they get primaried.

  4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Well said Dick.

  5. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Both Vivian and Scott are live close (but not my reps).

    An early litmus test for me was the defunct hybrid fee that McAuliffe killed as his first day act in the gov’s office. Scott became my hero for actively opposing that extra fee. Inexplicably seemingly, Vivian supported the old hybrid tax, and thus got on my other list.

    Guess what? (as discussed earlier) that hybrid fee is back in force as an extra “HUF” annual fee on ALL Virginia vehicle owners with the bad judgement 0f buying a car that gets over 25 MPG. Whose idea was that?

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      PS- With the passage of time, I must reconsider, but
      as a hint, I am still advocating for hybrids.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        folks that use the highways need to pay their fair share no matter how efficient their vehicle is – though – that doesn’t seem like a wrong policy to me.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          You think the highway only benefits those who drive on it…?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Skateboarding too.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, a couple of things.

            First, in Virginia only 1/3 of highway funding comes from fuel taxes. 1/3 comes from the general sales tax and 1/3 comes from the sales tax on new vehicles.

            Second, when hybrids were originally given special treatment it was because most urban areas had air quality problems due because non-hybrids were still major polluters and it was an incentive to drive less polluting cars.

            Now even non-hybrids are much cleaner and less polluting AND get much better gas mileage – i.e. need less fuel – pay even less fuel taxes and the problem will get even worse with plug-in electrics which, depending on what one believes may be coming online in number.

            Beyond that, in urban areas, driving has not really abated and VDOT has instituted dynamic congestion tolling simply because there is less and less available land for roads without tearing down developed property.

            There is almost no way to add overall network capacity even if they can add lanes in the few places left that they can. All those lanes do is move traffic to the next choke point which cannot be expanded.

            Finally, despite claims that roads are “paid for” when they are built – it’s simply not true. The biggest costs of roads is not initial construction – it’s operations and maintenance.

            So all of this goes back to each of us paying our fair share and how to do that – especially if cars start to go 100% electric.

            The anti-gov/anti-tax boo-birds don’t want to hear any of this though.

            Government is incompetent and taxes are evil….

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “So all of this goes back to each of us paying our fair share and how to do that…”

            Easy, charge everybody the same and stop trying to tie it to supposed use. Everybody who eats food uses the highway system… even if they don’t own a car.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well they do but over and above the basic use – some people use it far more.

            vehicle miles wear out roads.

            But the way it is right now road use is only 1/3. A second 1/3 we all pay via sales tax and the final 1/3 – people who buy new vehicles pay.

            The four way is local Newer cars pay out the nose for property tax – which primarily goes to fund schools – not highways.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          So in conclusion you want to punish someone because they purchased a more efficient vehicle. Much like PPT is contrary to reduce pollution, this is contrary to reducing pollution.

          1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

            Exception being electric vehcile owners who are trying the save the planet vs. the killers driving other cars. So EV’s get massive subsidies and road use tax breaks for being the only good human beings around here.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Yeah, but EV’s are still over and above what normal individuals can afford not to mention don’t work within most individuals lifestyles.

            So they get the tax breaks on the back end but still need to purchase and pay the huge PPT based upon NADA value.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It’s not what makes it move, it’s the weight. Bump, bump, and a piece of concrete needs to be replaced.

        What’s “unfair” is the proportion of tax paid for your 3500 pound hybrid compared to that 150,000 overloaded dump truck, or that 100,000 pound 40′ container truck.

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