MORE ON MainStream Media’s DEFAULT

Further thoughts on MainStream Media’s culpability vis a vis Collapse of the global financial house of cards:

The previous post (IT is MainStream Media’s FAULT) engendered a number of useful observations concerning financial Collapse and the role of the Media:


At 6:37 AM on 30 December, Reid Greenum put his finger on a key issue: Greed.

He is right to rail against individual greed, but there are two kinds of greed.

The individual moral shortcoming that Reid is concerned about AND

The systemic, institutionalized (small ‘eye’) greed that is a key to the ‘success’ of Agencies, Enterprises and Institutions in the Friedman-Flat-Earth economy. Robert Reich documents this form of greed in Supercapitalism.

Organizational greed could be controlled by enlightened citizens through Agencies but at the current time this systemic problem is the more important of the twin manifestations of greed.

That is because it impacts almost every one of the Planet’s 6.3 billion citizens and because it is seen as a virtue by Business-As-Usual and Politics-As-Usual advocates – especially Consumption-Uber-Ales, pseudo-conservatives.

While systemic greed could be contained by enlightened Agency action, individual greed is genetically hardwired into humans. That is because what we now call ‘greed’ served humans well in most Hunter / Gather and Early Agrarian Societies.

On the other hand, the greed proclivities lead to unsustainable consequences in an Urban society – Mass OverConsumption and dysfunctional human settlement patterns. In a Driven-to-a-Frenzy-by-Technology Urban Society, there are too many choices; too many opportunities to do something “because I can.” This dire circumstance is often are mistaken for ‘freedom.’

That is why greed of both sorts must be controlled in the context of functional human settlement patterns. It flourishes in disaggregated and dysfunctional settlement patterns. More on that in a moment.

The flip side of both kinds of greed is ignorance. That is because even the most greedy individual or Organization will constrain their proclivities and desires if they know they will suffer more than they will benefit. Note the current course of consumer confidence and consumer spending…

This is where MainStream Media comes in. The Enterprises that control MainStream Media benefit from citizen ignorance. If citizens and Organizations fail to understand the cumulative consequence of their actions they will continue to over-spend, over-barrow and in other ways feed Enterprise greed.


If one does not understand human settlement patterns, they will not comprehend why the pattern and distribution of human activities is a key issue with respect to economic Collapse.

Saying dysfunctional human settlement patterns is not in play with respect to financial Collapse is like saying gravity had no role in killing Uncle Pete when he fell down three flights of stairs last News Years Eve. One can blame the rotten banister and too much moonshine, however, but for gravity, Uncle Pete would be alive this New Years Eve.

Saying dysfunctional human settlement patterns is not in play with respect to financial Collapse is like saying electro-magnetic fields do not effect radio reception. But for electro-magnetic fields there would be no radio.

In fact one way to come to understand the economic, social and physical impact of human settlement patterns is to understand gravitational forces and magnetic fields via celestial mechanics and physics.

The first 350 pages in the first Volume of The Shape of the Future detail why human settlement pattern has controlling impact on the economic, social and physical well being of citizens.


Reid is also correct about “ethics” playing a key role in economic Collapse. But it is not just the “family” that has fallen apart and is not providing an ethical rudder.

Back to human settlement patterns. It takes a Dooryard, Cluster, Neighborhood, Village and Community to engender and support ethical behavior. The more complex the society, the more important each of the organic components of human settlement become.

For a snapshot of what has happened to ‘family,’ see definition of Household in GLOSSARY as to why EMR stopped using the word “family” as in Single Household Attached Dwelling.

As Reid points out, ethics is important. That is not clear with respect to “religion.” There are a lot of citizens going to places of worship – on several different days a week – but few who practice their beliefs in the market or on the highways.


Several other observations following the IT IS MainStream Media’s FAULT post deserve a note:

Larry Gross at 3:57 PM on 30 December:

Larry is right on with respect to the federal income tax mortgage deduction!

When Larry finally gets around to reading The Shape of the Future he will see that the mortgage deduction is high on the list of damaging subsidies driving dysfunctional human settlement patterns.

The last time EMR looked, something like 90 of benefit of the deduction went to top 20 percent of the Ziggurat. EMR has no problem with well considered Agency help for those in need of shelter assistance but those are the wrong folks to help. In fact they are the only one who do not need help.

There is absolutely no justification for the subsidy other than Business-As-Usual and driving Mass OverConsumption.

Larry will not admit it but this is another major cause of putting The Size Wrong House In The Wrong Location.

Larry Gross, 8:54 AM on 29 Dec:

It is not just citizens READING the wrong stuff. MainStream Media has other outlets besides material that is “read.”

It is hearing and seeing the wrong stuff and reading, hearing and seeing it over and over again – all slanted to encourage consumption and Mass OverConsumption.

NovaMiddleMan, 9:49 AM on 29 Dec:

NMM said… (“In quotes”)

“MSM is not relevant anymore.”

Some may wish that were true but if so, why are billions spent on advertising?

And if MainStream Media goes away tomorrow, where would citizens get any information? From self-serving, dysfunctional Agencies without geographic legitimacy? From Institutions funded by those who want to drive their own agenda? From the other Enterprises that do not even pretend to provide useful information? From Alternative Media? From Anti-media?

Achieving a sustainable trajectory for civilization requires that new “citizen media” take over the abandoned Fourth Estate before there is no source of information. See THE ESTATES MATRIX.

“People say other people read the wrong stuff because you can pick whatever “news” you want”

Now, there is an important statement! Reading only what one wants to believe is worse than reading what MainStream Media presents as ‘balanced’ – if that is possible.

“‘News’ anymore is just another wing of politics.”

No, it is not just Agency babble (aka, politics) but also and even more important Enterprise babble and Institution babble.

At 3:07 PM on 29 Dec MIGHTYBIGMEDIA provides a nice summary.

And in the meantime WaPo has concluded today (31 December) a “balanced” three part series on the crash of AIG and credit default swaps (CDSs). This follows up on their coverage of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) on 16 December and the three part series on The Housing Bubble in June.

Again, WaPo did
not get to the root causes. They tut-tut over the wreckage and have nice photos of the scape goats.

Interestingly, on 28 December the front page of the Business section of WaPo ran a great graphic showing how responsible, conservative, saving citizens have had no place to “invest” for a decade. Nothing but the ups and downs of gambling venues.

And to this day, there is nothing to encourage conservative citizens to save, or reward those who have saved.

Happy New Year.


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16 responses to “MORE ON MainStream Media’s DEFAULT”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    “Consumption-Uber-Ales, pseudo-conservatives.”

    OOh, Good one. I like it.


  2. “Organizational greed could be controlled by enlightened citizens through Agencies but at the current time this systemic problem is the more important of the twin manifestations of greed.”

    Ignoring, of course, that the most pernicious form of greed is the kind that comes with the biggest set of guns: government greed. The same greed that drives some to impose an Amish live-in-a-hovel lifestyle on everyone else because it suits their personal preferences.

    I’m sure we’ll learn next how dysfunctional human settlement patterns is also the cause of cancer, Dutch Elm disease and the Spanish-American War. Remember the Maine, and it’s Wrong-Sized Crew!

    Agreed on the mortgage tax deduction, although I’d only support its elimination if it went along with a conversion to a flat income tax.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    “saving citizens have had no place to “invest” for a decade. Nothing but the ups and downs of gambling venues.

    And to this day, there is nothing to encourage conservative citizens to save, or reward those who have saved.”

    No matter where you put your money, there is ALWAYS a gamble or a risk. There is a gamble that you will lose your money, or that when you get it back, you won’t be ably to buy (consume) as much with it.

    There is the risk that it might have done better someplace else.

    The mortgage interest deduction is one very good incentive to save (paradoxically, through borrowing), and there are others such as tax deferred IRA’s and tax free earnings on ROTH IRA’s.

    Even if it is true that 90% of the mortage benefit goes to the top 20% “of the Ziggurat” it is only because they have most of the money. It is also because they own most of the rental houses, where interest is deductible as a business expense. Without that, rentals would be much more expensive for those on the bottom of the Ziggurat.

    Sometimes EMR seems to have a selective and distorted view of reality, and zero understanding of even the simplest concepts of economics.

    Besides, assume you are a true conservative, and you save up a bunch of money by limiting your consumption your entire life. What are you saving it FOR, and for HOW LONG? Sooner or later you will do SOMETHING with it, even if it means giving it away, and that means more consumption. Even my illiterate friend Jesus said “What good all that money, it no go round and round.”


  4. Larry G Avatar

    I still think it is a scary thought that EMR and Rush L. have the same philosophy with respect to the mainstream media!

  5. E M Risse Avatar
    E M Risse


    Rush L. IS MainStream Media. Check out who is paying his way.

    Bob quoted:

    “Organizational greed could be controlled by enlightened citizens through Agencies but at the current time this systemic problem is the more important of the twin manifestations of greed.”

    Then Bob said:

    “Ignoring, of course, that the most pernicious form of greed is the kind that comes with the biggest set of guns: government greed.”

    Bob, let’s get with the program. Organizational greed is greed of Agencies, Enterprises and Institutions. EMR has that covered.

    “The same greed that drives some to impose an Amish live-in-a-hovel lifestyle on everyone else because it suits their personal preferences.”

    Are you just insulting the Amish or trying to do something else with this sentence?

    See The New Fru.

    “I’m sure we’ll learn next how dysfunctional human settlement patterns is also the cause of cancer, Dutch Elm disease and the Spanish-American War.”

    Now you are catching on. All three.

    “Remember the Maine, and it’s Wrong-Sized Crew!”

    Now you are insulting the Navy?

    “Agreed on the mortgage tax deduction, although I’d only support its elimination if it went along with a conversion to a flat income tax.”

    Now we are getting somewhere.

    EMR calls this Fundamental Transformation of governance structure. Mortgage deductions, weight distance tax, consumption tax, Henry Georges Single Tax, all in the mix.


  6. Online Debt Settlement Avatar
    Online Debt Settlement

    Agreed on the mortgage tax deduction, although I’d only support its elimination if it went along with a conversion to a flat income tax.

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    Whom so ever is paying “Bob” “Not Ed Risse” and “RH” to discredit EMR is not getting much for their money.

    Evey one of the three flamers posts makes EMR look better and better.

    My guess: Some or all of the “Bob” “Not Ed Risse” and “RH” comments are by former students trying to make EMR look good in comparison.

  8. Ray Hyde Avatar

    Bob and “Not Ed Risse” link to profiles, even if they are anonymous, all of their posts must have the same author.

    To my knowledge all my posts are written by myself, and I am not anonymous. Anyone is free to dicredit my arguments, if they have facts avalable, or they can look me up and write, email or visit to try to make their case.

    The ideas I present, like Jevon’s Paradox, are not originally mine, for the most part, so it isn’t up to me to defend them. Nor do I get paid for my efforts, except by the occasional compliment.

    If EMR thinks that presenting other peoples ideas as contrapoint to his is an attempt to discredit him personally, then he thinks I think too much of him. My Mom taught me that if we knew how seldom people think about us, we wouldn’t worr what they think.

    However, accusing known contributors of being people they are not, and deliberately writing bad stuff in order to make EMR look good, borders on something I’m not smart enough to have a name for.

    In any case, it is a clear violation of the BRB proscription against ad hominem attacks, and adds nothing to the discussion.


  9. Larry G Avatar

    I was just curious here.

    All those folks who bought the wrong sized home in the wrong location…

    did the greedy government agencies force them to do it?

    and tell me again.. who it is that will demand fundamental change in governance?

    Are all these folks who willingly bought those wrong sized homes in the wrong locations going to march on Washington or Richmond to demand to change to governance policies that support things like subsidized home mortgages and “free highways” that help them get back and forth from their widely separated home and work locations?

    EMR – in terms of sheer numbers of people – how many folks would vote for a governance that would do away with beltways and interstates that allow them to get to their wrong sized homes in wrong locations?

    Isn’t our existing governance, the result of a democratic vote in favor of wrong sized homes in wrong locations?

    how would that be expected to change?

  10. Anonymous Avatar


    I would argue and I think this is the main point of this blog that it will change through market forces but only if true costs are ever given. I think that is something that all of us can agree on and is usuallly the main point through any of the various threads.

    EMR ultimately spends much of his time describing what in his view is the most efficient solution once full allocation costs are actually brought to bear.

    The problem is will full allocation costs ever be realized.

    Sure it would be nice but the existing organizations that benefits from the subsidies are too entrenched for real change to occur. Take the trucking industry for this current issue for example.

    Going back to your original question again it is changing. DC has been anti-car for a while now. Arlington and Alexandria have also been anti-car for a while. Fairfax is becoming more and more anti-car every day. Fairfax is sort of the battleground. Once you leave Fairfax the majority is still pro-car and pro-interstate which makes sense because that is the way most people getaround and that is what people want. I will also note even in Northern Virginia it is still 90% car and 10% mass transit.


  11. Ray Hyde Avatar

    “…did the greedy government agencies force them to do it?”

    No, but the agencies MAY have changed the economic dynamics that would hav led to “better” decisions.

    What those decisions turned out to be would have depended on the unfettered action of free markets, and they might have turned out to be a lot different from EMR’s idea of good decisions, depending on how good EMR is at predicting the true workings of the economy, compared to allthe other economic gurus out there.

    Based on past history, I wouldn’t place abig bet on EMR’s prognostications.

  12. Ray Hyde Avatar

    “The problem is will full allocation costs ever be realized.”

    This is the primary circular logic in EMR’s reasoning.

    Under full allocation costs, all any individual has to worry about is his own welfare. He has no more cause to complain about unfairness, or what is better for the public welfare.

    The public welafere under such a system can be no more than the sum of the individuals welfare, since each is paying his full costs and contributing nothing more to the common good.

    there would be no need for, nor any room for enlightened self interest, nor could there be any claim that individual greed was causing social harm.


  13. Ray Hyde Avatar

    I think it is still less than 10% mass transit. Only new york approaches 10%, and that doesn’t include freight.


  14. If EMR really believed in the “user pays” principle, he’d cut me a check right here and now.

    After all, he has openly admitted to using the comments to beta test his writings. He even has created strawmen arguments based on my comments.

    But what if Mr. Anonymous is right, and my utter ignorance makes EMR’s brilliance stand out even more? Well, clearly then, EMR owes me even more money.

    Your days of freeloading are over, EMR. It’s time to pay the toll. If it would make you feel better, I can move to Australia and you can send the payment there.

  15. Anonymous Avatar

    “Property Rights and the Right of Retrieval

    –E. Frank Stephenson
    Property rights are sometimes described as bundles of sticks. This NPR story about Virginia’s right for hunters to go on other people’s land to retrieve their dogs provides a nice illustration.

    Although the current issue seems to be primarily an attempt by animal rights folks to decrease deer hunting, it shows that the current bundle of property rights in VA does not include the right to exclude hunters seeking to retrieve their dogs.”

    Mainstream media reports some thing accurtely.


  16. E M Risse Avatar
    E M Risse

    Bob the Blogger said:

    “If EMR really believed in the “user pays” principle, he’d cut me a check right here and now.”

    EMR does believe in a fair allocation of costs.

    However at this time EMR owes nothing for three reasons:

    First: There are four levels of the economy spelled out by Hazel Henderson, only one is the market economy where payment would be relevant.

    Second: In the market sector of the economy there must be a contract to receive payment and there is no contract.

    Third: There is no requirement of a payment for use of ideas placed in the public domain.

    However just to show EMR is serious about fair payment, EMR will send Bob the Blogger a check for 10 percent of what ever he makes from selling Bobs good ideas. Nothing will be due for pointing out Bob the Blogger’s has bad ideas.

    “After all, he has openly admitted to using the comments to beta test his writings.”


    “He even has created strawmen (strawpersons?) arguments based on my comments.”

    Not true, “Bob the Blogger and the Pregnant Mother of Two” are not strawpersons.

    “But what if Mr. Anonymous is right, and my utter ignorance makes EMR’s brilliance stand out even more? Well, clearly then, EMR owes me even more money.”

    Not true, see above.

    “Your days of freeloading are over, EMR. It’s time to pay the toll. If it would make you feel better, I can move to Australia and you can send the payment there.”

    Not relevant, see above.


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