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We agree with Larry Gross that Peter Galuszka did a good job with the column “Rethinking Lake Anna.”

Further, we agree with Peter that ramping up nuclear power is a topic that may be given too little attention in the rush to shrink humans carbon footprint.

Since Jim is on the road I will copy the comments from the string under to posting on the 27 December Bacon’s Rebellion so they are not mixed up with other comments on other columns in hopes of fostering more input.

We note that Jason Mark did a nice job on the topic (“Atomic Dreams”) in “Earth Island Journal.” Autumn 2007 reprinted in Utne Reader Jan / Feb 2008. The comments on the Utne Reader web site illustrate the power of the PR campaign now underway by the Nuclear Energy Institute / Hill and Knowlton which we will note in PART IV of THE ESTATES MATRIX.

As you might guess, our position is that the first order of business is to shrink Mass OverConsumption and to support strategies that result in a Distributed Grid, not massive new super-plants.


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