More Money for Schools, More Parent Protections. Where Are the Higher Expectations?

by James A. Bacon

The Youngkin administration has been relatively quiet on the subject of K-12 education since May when it released a blistering report on the perilous condition of Virginia’s public schools. Then Friday, a week before the scheduled release of the latest Standards of Learning test scores, Secretary of Education Aimee Guidera provided an update on the administration’s view of things with an op-ed in The Washington Post.

Guidera reiterated that the performance of Virginia’s public school system is unacceptable: “A culture of high expectations for every one of our students would not tolerate the fact that 42 percent of our second-graders are not on track to read independently, that our reading scores on our Standards of Learning statewide tests have declined every year since 2017, and that only 33 percent of our eighth-graders are proficient in reading.”

Then, answering critics who respond that Virginia has one of the better public school systems in the country, she wrote, “Our reputation and overall high-average performance mask widening achievement gaps among student demographic groups and a recent slip in comparison with other states on a range of academic achievement measures.”

It will be interesting to find out if Guidera’s concern about widening achievement gaps is reflected in the soon-to-be-released SOL scores from the 2021-22 school year. After the disastrous performance the previous year, educators had hoped that students would catch up. But abundant evidence suggests that some districts continue to struggle.

Regarding the administration’s strategy for getting schools back on track, Guidera made two main points. First, the commonwealth’s new budget will pump millions of additional dollars into Virginia’s public schools. And second, the Governor has made good on his promise to buttress parental rights. She didn’t have much to say about the higher expectations.

Building on the budget submitted by his predecessor, Governor Ralph Northam, Youngkin boasts of “historic investments” in K-12 education, including a 10% two-year pay increase and a $1,000 bonus for every teacher; fully funding the Virginia Literacy Act to improve reading; $1.25 billion through grants and loans for school safety and new construction; and $100 million to launch “innovation lab” schools in collaboration with higher-ed institutions. Furthermore, Guidera notes, the Governor protected the state’s tax-credit scholarship program for private schools from being cut by half.

On the parental rights front, Youngkin reaffirmed the right of parents to make their own decisions about their children’s mask-wearing in schools, and “continues to be responsive to parent concerns” regarding “inherently divisive concepts” and the use of sexually explicit materials in schools.

In news broken since the op-ed was published, Superintendent of Public Education Jillian Balow has recommended that the Virginia Board of Education delay discussing proposed new history and social science standards on the grounds that they contain “serious errors and omissions.” The re-write initiated by the Northam administration put greater attention on racism and equity issues. Among the more visible changes, the proposed standards would remove references to George Washington as the “Father of our Country” and James Madison as the “Father of the Constitution.”

Bacon’s bottom line: Guidera’s observations are fine as far as they go. Public policy is taking a big step forward by simply halting the implementation of Northam-era policies that were actively estranging parents and running schools into the ground. Plus, showering hundreds of millions of additional dollars upon the public schools may help on the margins. Sadly, schools do need more safety officers, teachers do need pay raises, and students could benefit from more reading specialists. But old school buildings are not the problem. And innovation labs, while potentially useful, won’t do anything to reverse the meltdown of existing schools. 

The Youngkin administration has a lot more work to do, and I haven’t seen much evidence that it is tackling root causes. That’s not to say important work isn’t occurring behind the scenes, but it’s just not evident from the administration’s public pronouncements.

The most obvious challenge is the teacher resignation crisis. The Governor has framed this as primarily a fiscal issue that can be addressed with pay raises, bonuses, and extra dollars for recruitment. I have not seen him acknowledge that the teacher exodus is also driven by widespread dissatisfaction with working conditions. Increasingly, teachers are demoralized by parental disrespect, student apathy and defiance, disruptive classrooms, fear of physical violence, a sense that administrators don’t “have their back,” and bureaucratic compulsion to address problems by inundating them with paperwork. There are no easy fixes to these problems. They are deeply rooted in official policies (social-emotional learning, culturally relevant learning) and unofficial policies (social promotion of children who fall further behind and become increasingly alienated each year).

Perhaps it has taken time for Superintendent Balow, who comes to Virginia from Wyoming, to discover just how deep the rot runs. Perhaps Team Youngkin is fine-tuning yet-to-be-unveiled plans for raising expectations. One can always hope.

Update: Regarding the teacher resignation crisis, the Youngkin administration is working to make it easier for “career switchers” to become teachers before completing their licensure requirements, reports WTKR. Says a VDOE spokesman: “If someone wants to be a teacher and has the qualifications and has the drive and wants to be part of this great profession, we want to open doors for people like that.”

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17 responses to “More Money for Schools, More Parent Protections. Where Are the Higher Expectations?”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Aimee Guidera needs to quit bashing Virginia’s system as an effort to fend off challengers. If she doesn’t like us, she should move. Seriously, we are in a teacher shortage crisis. I think every Virginia educator actually believes we can get better. That is what makes us good. Move on with rhetoric or go back to the data quality campaign or maybe Mississippi.

    1. Aimee Guidera also needs to quit bashing conservative school board members who sounded the alarm on CRT, DEI and Divisive Concepts that our governor campaigned on to get into office. Didn’t she dump the woman who was the first school board member to raise this issue in Va?

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Citing Virginia’s favorable public school ratings vs other states is like being on the deck of the Titanic and crowing about how the water is only up to your knees while most have water up to their chests.

    As for the 10% raise over two years … that’s less than recent inflation.

    Youngkin is falling victim to Virginia ill-conceived one-term governor law. Given that he became a lame duck on inauguration day, he is now planning to campaign in Michigan for the Republican governor candidate.

    The Commonwealth needs you, governor.

    1. We won the house back.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…Northam-era policies that were actively estranging parents and running schools into the ground.”

    Complete and utter tripe…. smh…

    “Increasingly, teachers are demoralized by parental disrespect, student apathy and defiance, disruptive classrooms, fears of physical violence, a sense that administrators don’t “have their back,” and bureaucratic compulsion to address problems by inundating teachers with paperwork.”

    A BR construct unsupported by any facts…. as usual…

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Give me a break. Mr. B has it right on.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Ahh … a comment from a long time teacher instead of a troll. How refreshing.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Indeed he does not. You all keep trying to make that case but can provide no hard data to support your contention.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          The Captain has been supplying the data for months now. What more do you need to see?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            And every post he make a claim the data does not support. See his recent one regarding the Virginia Beach teacher’s survey for example.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Why are they even doing it? They’re in charge now. The ball is in their court. Instead of doing something, they’re still blaming… Not that I’m surprised. Their whole schtick was false premises and now they caught the culture war car they were chasing and don’t seem to know what to do next.

          They blather about low standards and expectations , CRT and “divisive concepts”, but I don’t hear them advocate tightening the academic standards even though they decry them.

          If they did, it would undoubtedly lower scores further and widen the “gap” even further unless they actually have a plan.

          But their “plan” is a lot like their “tip” line…

          I think Guidera might be in over her head and Youngkin has other fish to fry.

          At some point, folks are going to notice…. JAB already has.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “But their “plan” is a lot like their “tip” line… MIA.”

            “… or top secret…”

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’m not surprised. I think Guidera can bash education IF she wants to couple it with a plan to improve.

    Not doing that really is an indictment of VDOE appointed leadership and Youngkin who seems to have other political fish to fry these days.

    A lot of talk here , a lot of blame and zippo on a path ahead.

    Methinks that Youngkin and VDOE know the hornets nest that is the parents if you make school harder for their precious darlings so I’m betting VDOE will do little or nothing and Youngkin will push LAB schools to become de-facto voucher-charters.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    If Guidera and Youngkin really think Virginia public education is deficient , why not tighten up those standards? Guidera and Youngkin act like they’re not in charge and still are blaming Dems and Liberals…

    They won. They’re in charge. Get to work!

  6. Teddy007 Avatar

    Education policy is where politicians go to end their careers. Remember when GW Bush was going to make all children above average? The issue with education is 50% of students are going to be below the mean and that an outsize portion of the students performing below average will be black or Hispanic. The same statistics exist in all 50 states.

    There is no real way to close an achievement gap when one realizes that closing the gap means improving the scores of black and Hispanic children while not improving the scores of white and Asian children.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Just want to point out that it was Bush that created NCLB that mandated the collection of statistics including academic data.

      Without that data, we’d not have much comparative data on things like NAEP proficiency gaps and black/white gaps.

      The “gaps” are not skin color related as much as having parents that are poorly educated and economically disadvantaged.

      In other words, giving up on these kids is the wrong thing to do because in the end , we pay for their entitlements and incarceration if we fail. We shirk our responsibilities to our own detriment.

      Finally, there actually are PROVEN ways to teach blacks/hispanics/learning disabled and other kids who are not the “easiest” groups. It take more than plain vanilla education.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        The mean SAT scores for black students who have white collar college educated parents is the same or lower than the mean SAT scores of white students with blue collar parents with no college. To claim that poverty explains the achievement gap is not correct. the NAEP scores demonstrate the same gap. the problem with trying to five up on the very bottom is that most schools ignore and alienate those students who are in the middle.

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