More HQ2 Madness

Amazon has listed a job posting online for an economic development manager to locate in the Washington metropolitan area, spurring a new round of speculation that the technology giant may locate its second headquarters facility in the region.

According to Inside NOVA, job responsibilities include “working directly with state and community economic development, workforce and labor, taxation, and other key government agency officials, as well as chambers of commerce, utilities, and other key public/private stakeholder groups.”

(The Inside NOVA article linked to the job posting. Since then, apparently, Amazon has taken it down. The URL now delivers a the-page-you’re-looking-for-seems-to-have-disappeared message.)

Meanwhile, Las Vegas odds makers now rate Northern Virginia as the top contender to win the Amazon sweepstakes, followed by Washington, D.C., with Montgomery County, Md. also a contender. From the Odds Shark website:

Which City Will Win the Bid to Host Amazon HQ2?

Odds as of July 26 at Bovada

  • Northern Virginia, Virginia +240
  • Washington, D.C. +350
  • Austin, Texas +400
  • Boston, Massachusetts +450
  • Toronto, Ontario +500
  • Atlanta, Georgia +900
  • Montgomery County, Maryland +1200
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania +2000
  • Raleigh, North Carolina +2500
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania +3000
  • Chicago, Illinois +4000
  • Nashville, Tennessee +4000
  • New York City, New York +4500
  • Denver, Colorado +5000
  • Dallas, Texas +5000
  • Indianapolis, Indiana +5000
  • Columbus, Ohio +5000
  • Newark, New Jersey +5000
  • Los Angeles, California +6000
  • Miami, Florida +7500

Brace yourselves, folks. Amazon is expected to make an announcement by the end of the year.

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One response to “More HQ2 Madness”

  1. djrippert Avatar

    I’m still betting on Atlanta but I admit that NoVa is moving up in the rankings. More to do with Bezos and his future aspirations than anything else. Once you’ve cornered the market on money I expect that politics must be next in line.

    Who knows the details of the secret proposal by Virginia to Amazon? Do all our state legislators know the details? If so, shouldn’t they be individually called out to voice either their support or opposition to the Amazon plan … right now? I get the distinct sense that the paragons of virtue we call a General Assembly will wait until the decision is made and the giveaways become public before seeing which way the winds of public opinion are blowing and declaring themselves in favor or in opposition. Shouldn’t they be put on the record now?

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