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had an interesting front page “analysis” by Neil Irwin this morning:

“Why We’re Gloomier Than The Economy: Consumer Anxiety Outstrips the Data.”

Earth to Neil: Citizens can Read.

They can read the headlines we noted in the recent post “HEADLINES, HEADLINES.”

They can read the other headlines on today’s front page of WaPo and every other MainStream Media Outlet:

“Iowa Flooding Could Be An Act of Man, Experts Say” and citizens know the era of Corps of Engineer ‘flood control’ providing ‘protection’ is past. They can shoot all the pigs on levies they want but the water will keep rising because the there is no storage area.

“Bush Calls for Offshore Oil Drilling, President Joins McCain in Seeking to Lift Long-Standing Ban” and citizens know Bush, McCain and Car Tax Gilmore all would like to barrow from the great grand children to buy a new belt instead of the addressing the consumption / obesity problem.

Citizens also know the economic data is cooked to make a ‘growth is good’ stew. All the economists MainStream Media quotes are paid directly or indirectly by the Business-As-Usual advocates who thrive on ever-expanding levels of consumption.

Finally, more and more citizens are coming to realize that MainStream Media is also an Enterprise that lives on advertising by those same Business-As-Usual advocates. See THE ESTATES MATRIX


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