More Creative Destruction of Outmoded Ideas: Bacon’s Rebellion Publishes Again

The April 30, 2007, edition of Bacon’s Rebellion has been published. You can view it in its entirety here. Don’t miss an issue — sign up for a free subscription here.

This week’s features include:

Missing the Point
A Heritage Foundation paper attacking the Journey Through Hallowed Ground as a tool of Virginia’s landed elite is unsupported by the facts. Worse, it slights the Journey’s important contributions.
by James A. Bacon

Feed the Creative Temperament
Rural areas should chase more talent, fewer jobs.
by Doug Koelemay

Recent Clippings
Overshadowed by the horror at Virginia Tech, the MainStream Media contributed some solid reporting last week about taxes and the environment. All the stories lacked was an overarching context.
by EM Risse

Liberate the Liquor Business
More money for roads, more choice for consumers, more focused enforcement of drinking laws — what’s not to like about the privatization of state ABC stores?
by Geoff Segal

Healing the Hokie Nation
The massacre at Virginia Tech was a horror, but tragedy and evil confronts us daily in lesser numbers. The answer is Christian lovingkindness.
by James Atticus Bowden

Footing the Bill
Fairfax County has promised to make good any cost overruns in the Rail-to-Dulles project. Supervisors should warn taxpayers that they could wind up footing the bill.
by Phil Rodokanakis

What’s Eating Middle America?
Illegal immigration tops the list. The United States will have illegals as long as a strong economy inspires foreigners to sneak across the border. The only “solution” — recession — is not one we really want.
by Norman Leahy

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2 responses to “More Creative Destruction of Outmoded Ideas: Bacon’s Rebellion Publishes Again”

  1. Ray Hyde Avatar
    Ray Hyde

    “the creative class – perhaps more able and apt than others in the workforce to choose where to live based on quality-of-life considerations – can be drawn out of cities to high-amenity rural locations. Their activities, in turn, appear to generate new jobs and local growth.”

    High-amenity rural locations, well now, isn’t that a switch. Particularly cosnidering that twlve percent of our counties are rural areas where more than half the population has lived below the poverty line for over thirty years.

    Surely those aren’t the rural locations he has in mind. He must be thinking of rural locations that consist of scatterized urban development.

    Actually, I think tha Doug is right, but those places must be willing to allow the creative class to create those enterprises and those jobs. I can think of a hundred, but they are all prohibited due to my zoning status, and unlikely to be changed because of the predilection for conservation which is broadly interpreted to mean keeping things as they are, stagnant.

    So, exactly what is a high amenity rural location, and how do we create more of such places?

    Without detroying them.

  2. Ray Hyde Avatar
    Ray Hyde

    “Prosperity and opportunity have always been big draws for immigrants to this country. “

    Yep, you gotta hate those lazy immigrants coming to suck up our welfare and steal our jobs.

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