More Blackface Backlash

Governor Ralph Northam seems to be weathering the blackface scandal, but that doesn’t mean he won’t continue to suffer fallout from the P.R. debacle. The Virginia Southern Christian Leadership Conference is launching a statewide tour to address issues arising from revelations of a photograph of a person dressed in blackface and another in Ku Klux Klan garb on Northam’s profile page in the 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) yearbook.

Rev. William Keen, the organization’s president, said the SCLC believes more needs to be done to investigate the controversial picture appearing on Northam’s medical yearbook page, reports WSLS television. The article provided no details on what Keen found lacking in Northam’s denials that he was the figure in blackface.

(A good place to start would be to request answers from the governor arising from new evidence that the yearbook photo shows him attired in a Michael Jackson costume.)

Meanwhile, the Richmond Free-Press, an independent newspaper geared to Richmond’s African-American community, quotes representatives of several African-American organizations as demanding the Northam atone for the racial sins he committed 35 years ago.

“He (Northam) has not been very well received by many communities,” said Valerie Slater, executive director of the Richmond-based RISE for Youth, an advocacy group that promotes community-based alternatives to incarceration. “Acknowledgment and apology are not enough. Folks are waiting to see actions, not just pure words.”

It ain’t over until it’s over.

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6 responses to “More Blackface Backlash”

  1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    This one will not be ‘over’ until the truth is exposed to the light of day. One cover-up cannot follow another cover-up. This compounds the damage. This wound will feaster, until the truth is told. Meanwhile, payoffs of money, bribes, to offended groups will not paste this wound over either, over infest it further. Payoffs of money will only spread the infection of other communities, infesting them too. Truth is the only antidote here. The central problem is Northam. The only antidote is the one he refuses to honor, telling the truth. Now the Virginia establishment has covered itself with blackface too.

  2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    “Rev. William Keen, the organization’s president, said the SCLC believes more needs to be done to investigate the controversial picture appearing on Northam’s medical yearbook page, reports WSLS television. … Meanwhile, the Richmond Free-Press, an independent newspaper geared to Richmond’s African-American community, quotes representatives of several African-American organizations as demanding the Northam atone for the racial sins he committed 35 years ago.”

    This is exactly what should be occurring. Northam has to take personal responsibility for what he did and his shameful hypocrisy thereafter. It’s not about taking leftist stands on public policy issues.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    If Northam has a lifetime reputation in opposition to blacks – and this was him being exposed for that behavior – it’s not over but if his behavior over his life has been one where he supported black folks – then this is not going to “stick” except in the minds of those who don’t want to let it go.

    As far as I can tell, this is a one-off – a bad one ..a dumb one but he is not a closet racist.

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      So how did Northam get the nickname “Coonman”? He still is an extreme narcissist and sociopath. Why won’t he take personal responsibility for his actions, including his coverups, lies and cynical and hypocritical approval of ads calling his opponent a racist?

  4. Acbar Avatar

    Whoever it is in that photo, the person had no taste; it was 1984 already and all he could find to drink was a Budweiser.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      This is not urbane high culture we are witnessing here, Acbar. This is quite the reverse.

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