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On 24 March 2008 BaconsRebellion published EMR’s column # 118 titled “Good News, Bad Reporting.” That column was about:

Good news: The Regional, nation-state and Global economic slowdown provided a chance, with intelligent management, to achieve a sustainable trajectory without a crash.

Bad reporting: MainStream Media scaring citizens into thinking that carefully backing away from decades of Mass OverConsumption fueled by public and private debt, international borrowing and burning through natural capital was a bad thing and would lead to a crash.

On 3 February 2009, GM reported vehicle sales at 1982 levels.

The way the MainStream Media spun that you would think this was bad news.

There were quite a few vehicles sold in 1982. Citizens do not NEED a lot of new cars. What they NEED are functional human settlement patterns with Accessible and Affordable housing so that citizens of the US of A can be happy and safe and not NEED a lot of new Large, Private Vehicles.

If cheap money is pumped into the economy so citizens can buy lots of new cars, the cost of imported energy would go back up and then there would be a real crash.


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