More Bad News for the Governor

Yesterday was a bad day for Gov. Glenn Youngkin.  In addition to having to absorb the news about losing both houses of the General Assembly to the Democrats, he learned that the federal General Services Administration has decided to locate the long-coveted new FBI headquarters in Maryland rather than Virginia.  That was bad news for the Commonwealth as a whole, as well.

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29 responses to “More Bad News for the Governor”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Probably saw the D’s one and moved elsewhere.

  2. Speaking of bad news for elected officials, I wonder how many prominent congress-critters will turn up on this list (assuming the whole thing isn’t buried by 5:00 this evening):

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The madams in such situations have a tendency to commit suicide.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Looks like the Orcas are just mad as Hell and aren’t going to take it any more.

          Secondary link had “fad” behavior including Orcas off our west coast carrying dead salmon around on their heads. They’d qualify as some of Steve Martin’s wild and crazy guys. Or maybe the Orca version of Mae West, “Iz that a salmon on your head, or are you just happy to see me?”

          1. Or they could be gangs of hopped up juvenile delinquent orcas on a joyride to hell…

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            “Born to be wild” You can almost hear them singing the chorus as they gang bang sailboats. They need “Hell’s Orcas” jackets. Maybe they’re keeping stashes of “crank” in the salmon they’re carrying around.

            Where’s Gary Larson when we need him? He could have fun with this.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yes, I have seen this. They’re not sure why, but they don’t think they’re being malicious. It appears to be a single pod. Supposition is they’re playing or scrubbing parasites. I believe the boats attacked have all been sailboats of a certain size. I think they are teaching youngsters to attack whales using a tackling dummy.

          If you look, you’ll find there’s a pod in BC that kill large salmon and wear them like hats. No explanations. I think it’s noise. The waters off BC are busy with ships, boats, fishing, etc., and the Navy. I think they’re using the salmon like earmuffs.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            But he’s gonna eat ‘em.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, he’s gonna kill a bunch for sure and no, he won’t “wear” them…

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      IMO most reasonably-careful Congress-critters are not fool enough to engage in such risky behavior (not that they don’t do similar behaviors but more careful).

      Having said that, there are some that probably are that stupid.

      but heckfire, I’m just waiting for cries of FBI/DOJ lawfare “witch hunt” to surface… depending on who got caught.

      DEFUND the FBI!

    3. Lefty665 Avatar

      Be interesting to cross reference that list with Epstein’s client list and see who shows up on both. Wonder if Hunter got SS protection while “shopping” at Tyson’s.

    4. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      That will disappear quicker than Epstein’s (didn’t kill himself) black book.

  3. How is this bad — Maryland will lose all that property tax revenue, won’t it?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Makes me wonder if the FBI will try to switch some office/work to Quantico.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        Quantico has about one office building that doesn’t need a date with a wrecking ball, and when I was last there (little over 10 years ago) they were tearing the facade off of it because it leaked.

      2. how_it_works Avatar

        Quantico has about one office building that doesn’t need a date with a wrecking ball, and when I was last there (little over 10 years ago) they were tearing the facade off of it because it leaked.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Could be bad news for Tim Kaine. I believe he was in the batter’s box for this deal. Aw shucks. The competition will find a way to fumble the ball again.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Oh Kaine will say that Youngkin had developed a reputation of turning away businesses…


  5. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Wait until the GA begins, his days are going to get worse.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I know it’s silly to say this but this is an opportunity for Youngkin to PROVE he can (like the Gov of Md did as well as some others) …
      “work” with the opposite party GA.

      Youngkin talks the talk on this. Let’s see if he can walk-the-walk.

      And if he can and does, he will have excellent cred for national aspirations!

      Ball is in his court!

      1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        It sure is. I hope for the best!

  6. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    I’m presuming there’s an excellent reason for this. I would hope that the Biden administration wouldn’t punish Virginia for having the temerity to elect a GOP executive branch. That’s Boss Tweed/The Chicago Way stuff. I also hope Virginia Democrats wouldn’t stand for it either.

  7. Lefty665 Avatar

    Why did Maryland get the FBI and Virginia didn’t? Virginia had first choice. With the bad rep the FBI has earned, it may be a feature, not a bug, that it’s moving to Maryland. They can name their new HQ the “Spiro T. Agnew” building.

    With their operations at Quantico it is curious that they didn’t consolidate in that area.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Fed Expansion, never consolidation. They wouldn’t think of being good stewards for our money.

  8. Democratic Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, which also vied for the project, urged an investigation. “I had felt that this has been grossly political with efforts to try to change the criteria, but I was astounded when we found out that three career officials unanimously picked Virginia and a political appointee overturned it. Clearly, there needs to be an inspector general investigation,” he said.

    1. FBI Director Christopher Wray told agency staff in an email that he was concerned about a “potential conflict of interest” with the process used by the Biden administration to choose a Maryland location for the bureau’s new headquarters.

      The email said that Congress may review the matter.,Congress%20may%20review%20the%20matter.

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