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More Analysis of Kaine’s Transportation/Land Use Amendments

A reader has passed along an “initial staff analysis” of Gov. Timothy M. Kaine’s proposed amendments to the Republican transportation package. Viewed in context of the broad scope of the legislation — transportation funding, VDOT reform and land use reform — the Governor’s changes seem modest indeed. View the PowerPoint here.

Among the important points not noted previously on this blog:

Kaine accepted the following changes designed to improve VDOT performance:

– Performance Measures for Project Evaluation and Selection

– Competitive Bidding of VDOT Functions

– Automated Toll Collection

– Reassignment of Road Classification Based on Function

– Creation of Transportation Accountability Commission

The financing portion of the legislation — both the statewide piece and the regional pieces — is such a sorry mess, even after Kaine’s amendments, that my brain goes into a death lock at the mere contemplation of it. If you want details, you’ll have to consult the PowerPoint.

All things considered, this is extremely complex legislation, and we’ll be sorting out the implications for months, if not years, to come.

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