Bacon's Rebellion

The Moral Foundations Test

Here’s a fascinating online test being conducted by Jonathan Haidt and his colleagues at the University of Virginia that explores the differences in moral values between liberals and conservatives. You can take the “Moral Foundations Questionnaire” here. Here are my results.

Fairness values:

Fairness as egalitarianism (e.g., “ideally, everyone would end up with the same amount of money)

  • Fairness as equity or proportionality (e.g., “people who work the hardest should be paid the most”)
  • Fairness as retribution (e.g., “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”)
  • Fairness as personal responsibility vs. freeloading (e.g., “whether or not everyone is pulling their own weight”)
  • Liberty values:

    Take the test then post your results in the comments section. I’d be very interested to see how regular B.R. commenters (and anyone else who cares to identify him/herself) compare on moral values.

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