Militants to Ryan Administration: “Bullshit”

Source: UVA Encampment for Gaza Instagram post

by James A. Bacon

Pro-Palestinian militants erected tents last night at their “liberation zone for Gaza” near the University of Virginia chapel in defiance of orders to take them down. The administration’s immediate response: engage in dialogue.

“We are writing to acknowledge the document you shared with us early this morning outlining the interests of your group,” wrote Kenyon Bonner, vice president and chief student affairs officer, and Brie Gertler, vice provost for academic affairs, to the Gaza zone participants.

“We thought it would be most productive to respond in writing, with the hope of scheduling a time to discuss your goals in greater detail with the appropriate representatives from your group,” they said.

The protesters posted their response, written in bold letters over a copy of the letter, on Instagram: “Bullshit.”

An ad hoc group of radicals organized under the banner of UVA Encampment for Gaza first set up tents in an “encampment” Sunday but took them down when confronted by University police. While pro-Palestinian student demonstrations took place on the Lawn, the Encampment for Gaza maintained its own desultory, round-the-clock gathering all week near the UVA Chapel on the far side of the Rotunda. The student groups ceased protesting as exams began, but the Charlottesville radicals, buttressed by UVA faculty and graduate students, persisted.

Numbers in the tentless encampment fluctuated as people came and went but generally ranged around 40 to 50 as the week dragged on. Two days ago, the group issued an ultimatum: UVA had until noon Friday to divest endowment investments with links to Israel and to cease all academic relations with Israeli higher-ed institutions.

Encampment for Gaza around noon Friday. Photo taken from image taken from X video posted by Anahita Jafary, WVIR News.

The deadline passed with no immediate answer from UVA. Then around 4:00 p.m., the administration delivered the Bonner-Gertler letter to the militants. About two hours later, the pro-Palestinians responded with their profane Instagram post, and then another post accusing the University of “letting” Nazis with tiki torches march through UVA in 2017 while threatening students in 20204 who were protesting genocide.

“Administration, will you send the police on us like you didn’t send them on the white supremacists?” asked the post. “The ball is in your court.”

Social media posts showed that tents were back up and students were “still holding space” last night.

Around 8:00 a.m. this morning, Encampment for Gaza issued a call for reinforcements. “Police and admin are back at camp this morning and want students to take down tents. We need numbers to defend the camp!! Please come now.”

In their letter to the militants yesterday, Bonner and Gertler addressed the group’s main demands.

Regarding the demand for divestment, they noted that UVIMCO, the entity that administers UVA’s $14 billion endowment, has an Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR) that considers how to balance the need for strong investment returns with ESG (environmental, social, governance) factors.

“Following the student referendum in February, members of the ACIR met with students who are interested in the issues you have highlighted,” Bonner and Gertler said. “The ACIR would welcome the opportunity to hear more about your questions and concerns. We would be happy to arrange this for you.”

Regarding the demand to sever ties to Israeli universities, the administration’s response was a flat no: “To terminate study-abroad programs, fellowships, research collaborations, and other collaborations with Israeli academic institutions would compromise our commitment to academic freedom and our obligation to enabling the free exchange of ideas on our Grounds, both of which are bedrock values of the University.”

The administration agreed to a third demand to allow students, faculty and staff to protest “without the risk of administrative discipline” — with one proviso, that the “expressive activity” occurs “within the limits of the laws and policies we have in place.” (The letter made no mention of the wearing of masks for the purpose of concealment, illegal under state law but a provision that, according to UVA, local prosecutors are unwilling to pursue in court.)

The letter also mentioned the work of the University’s Task Force on Religious Diversity and Belonging, created in December to ensure the University is welcoming to individuals across the full spectrum of religions and cultures.

“Members of this task force have worked tirelessly over the course of the last several months, examining data, engaging broadly with members of our community, and considering the ways in which we can ensure that the University of Virginia is welcoming to students, faculty, and staff from the full spectrum of religious and cultural backgrounds,” Bonner and Gertler said.

It wasn’t clear why UVA officials thought the reconciliatory activities of the task force would be of interest to the Encampment for Gaza protesters, whose ideology is militantly pro-Palestinian and whose rhetoric justifies violence against Israel, as seen in this Instagram post yesterday:

We are inspired by the students around the globe, with origins at Columbia University, who have initiated encampments as a call to demand that academic institutions end their complicity in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians, the brutal apartheid state, and the ongoing Nakba.

It is noteworthy that organizers attributed their understanding of events from the intellectual environment at UVA fostered by the Ryan administration itself.

In our collective experience at UVA, we have learned of oppression throughout history, including the horrific atrocities of slavery that occurred to create these very grounds. Our University has educated us on liberation movements across all time and lands, yet have continually proven themselves to stand on the wrong side of history. Resistance is not an abstract academic theory. An apology will not be accepted. The students of this university will not stand idly by.

The encampment was still standing and the protesters still posting on Instagram around 10 a.m. this morning. The Jefferson Council will keep members updated as this fluid situation plays out.

This article is republished with permission from the Jefferson Council blog. James A. Bacon is executive director of the Jefferson Council.

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69 responses to “Militants to Ryan Administration: “Bullshit””

  1. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    The response of the Ryan Administration reminded me of what I was told by a political consultant several decades ago. “If they roll you once, they’ll roll you often.
    UVA should not be taking actions that have the effect of enabling and encouraging ill-informed, outrageous, and illegitimate behavior.
    I am also reminded how one university president, Theodore Hesburgh of Notre Dame, responded to Vietnam protests. In a letter to the university community, he made clear that while all lines of communication between all segments of the university community would be kept open, including dissent but violation of rights or obstruction would not be tolerated. To those who chose not to follow the university’s guidelines and policies, were given 15 minutes to stop. If they didn’t they were suspended and if they persisted they were expelled.
    This kind of tough love can focus the mind and should be a model for UVA in dealing with the current situation. My guess is that most of these demonstrators no little or nothing about Hamas or the history of Israel-Palestine relations since 1948.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    You don’t negotiate with terrorists.
    Even though UVA claims it won’t enforce the anti-mask policy because the Soros like Commonwealth’s Attorney won’t enforce it, UVA’s policies require compliance with all laws. Have the University Police book everybody wearing a mask. That way you can find out who are the student radicals and who are the activist (likely Antifa or Antifa adjacent) locals. Then follow the money and the socials and pull the strings on funding, etc. These are coordinated events.
    Next, tell all the “brave” students their demands for no discipline will not be honored. In fact, discipline is guaranteed.
    Guess what will happen?
    So why doesn’t the Admin do that?
    You know why and now you know the problem at UVA and all the other so-called “elite” universities.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “You don’t negotiate with terrorists”

      So student protesters are now “terrorists” according to The Jefferson Council…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep, you protest and you are a “terrorist”!

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        “Student” protesters…from the mostly peaceful protesting crowd.
        Remember, your id!ot!c side is the one that proclaimed “words are violence,” so chanting Palestine will be free (Muslim in Arabic) is violence.
        Just wondering, have you watched Screams Before Silence yet?
        Enjoy the depravity and barbarism.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “…so chanting Palestine will be free (Muslim in Arabic) is violence….”

          How the Right has sold its soul these days. Now speaking for freedom itself is a terrorist act of violence. Really, you all have jumped the shark at this point.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Right Troll. Freedom from what…the existence of Jews? And I find it humorous that people who do not believe in God talk about selling souls…

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Freedom from tyranny, Walt… you would label Patrick Henry a terrorist…

            “And I find it humorous that people who do not believe in God talk about selling souls…”

            As do I. I also find it funny that those who have sold their souls speak of others belief in God. Funny stuff…

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh yeah…that’s some tyranny there…. screaming pampered brats arguing chanting mindlessly, illegally… amazing restraint from the police in the face of the masked Alinskyites trying to provoke more. What do souls sell for nowadays Troll? Did you get a good deal?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Don’t be intentionally obtuse, Walt. You know the tyranny they are protesting along with the deaths of 30,000 innocent people. The fact that you shrug it off and label those opposed as “terrorists” speak loudly as to what a vacuous shell the Republican Party has become under your like and your hero.

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I think I’ve figured it out…”Half” is code. Is it code for “Genocidal” or “Jew-Hating?” Or “Genocidal, Jew-Hating?”
            Are you paid to lie? 30,000 “innocent” – a steaming pile of excrement. Sorry, you start a war, there are consequences.
            Maybe the “Palestinians” need to quit supporting Hamas. Maybe the Islamists need to renounce Jihad and Intifada.
            I have plenty of moral clarity. I see you. When did you decide to hate America? Or is it Christianity? You are so fortunate to live in what Western Civ built. And it won’t be Utopia if you horrible, amoral, godless Marxists gain the full control you are willing to do anything to obtain and keep – by any means necessary… Save Our Democracy!!! (by destroying it)

    2. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      Another wise prescription for success. Well put.

    3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      There are many who claim that they are against Israel but not antisemitic. That Rubicon has been crossed now. The anti-Israel crowd and anti-Semitics are fused together. One and the same.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Not at all. After 10/7 the ADL redefined antisemitism as criticism of the government of Israel.

        It is not. Support for Israel is advocating to convince it to cease mass murder of civilians and to change the self destructive course it is on.

        If you care about Israel, the message is stop. 8M Israelis picking a fight with 2B Moslems is really bad odds.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Have you tried looking up antisemitism in Websters? Do you know the Arabic translation of the word Moslem? Oh my.
          I do care about what happens in the Holy Land. Indeed, the message is stop. But one step must occur first, and it can only be taken by Hamas. Surrender.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            You have no monopoly on caring about what happens in the Middle East, land, holy or un.

            Hostility to murderous, war criminal, actions by Israel is not antisemitic by any rational definition, including Websters. The ADL and AIPAC bribed (and Epstein blackmailed) Congress’s definitions may vary. So, yes I do know what antisemitism means, and laugh at your cheap attempt at a slur.

            Israel is vowing to attack Rafah even with an exchange of hostages. I have no love for Hamas, but there is no incentive for it to cease fire, not to mention surrender.

            Israel can stop. The poorly trained, badly disciplined and atrociously led IDF has failed to beat a rag tag bunch of troglodytes armed with AKs and RPGs in more than a half year of fighting. Continuing to murder is only going to make peace harder.

            Israel has proven adept and enthusiastic at murdering women and children. It has killed about 35,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children. However, Israel is an equal opportunity murderer. On 10/7 and subsequently Israel has also murdered Jews, including civilians, hostages and IDF soldiers.

            Here is Albert Einstein in 1948 on the extremist, Fascist, murdering Zionists whose heirs and successors are murdering today on a scale that their predecessors could only dream of. Einstein was more prescient than likely even his worst fears. His whole letter is worth reading. I have linked it for your convenience.

            “It is in its actions that the terrorist party (Begin & the Freedom Party) betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.”

            There is some hope. Reportedly last week the Administration halted a shipment of ammunition to Israel. That has apparently and perhaps in addition to the upcoming ICC indictments of Netanyahoo et al for war crimes, caused Israel to pause its plans for assaulting Rafah.

            That is a start for sanity in the Holy Land. Better late than never.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Having a hard time following some of that. It’s a shame that we will never find peace in men.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            It is indeed a shame, and worse a tragedy.

            Never figured you for being slow on the uptake.

            It is pretty simple. Israel has been murdering Palestinians from it’s beginning, and the rate of murder has been increasing.

            Einstein documented it in 1948 with Menachem Begin and his Freedom Party that was the parent of today’s Likud. It is sobering to read his letter. Much of what it describes could be current events. I encourage you to take a look.

            Israel is creating enemies faster than it can kill them. It needs to stop for there to be an opportunity for peace in the Holy Land.

          4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Back in 1992 at VPI I completed a course, The Arab Israeli Dispute. Great class and a professor who was with Kissenger in the “shuttle diplomacy” era.
            I see no way to end this conflict. It will just go on and on.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            I am afraid you are right. My hopes are not high.

            We would do well to stop fueling it. Support Israel by giving it defensive weapons, not offensive.

            The 2,000 pound bombs we have been giving them have no legitimate use in a densely populated area like Gaza. Unless of course the objective is to kill civilians and destroy civilian housing, as Israel has done. About 3/4 of civilian housing in Gaza is gone so far according to the UN.

            Bet that was one interesting course. 🙂 I was not a big Kissinger fan, but he sure was in the driver’s seat for everything that was going on.

            You might find James Bamford’s newest book, “Spyfail” interesting. He documents how our counterintelligence has been remarkably inept, especially regarding Israel.

            You might also find this statement from a State Dept FSO who recently resigned interesting.

          6. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Actually if we just let the Israelis finish off Hamas and follow that with a generous program of aid and rebuilding, we could have the best chance in 50 years for lasting peace.

        2. Marty Chapman Avatar
          Marty Chapman

          Your premise is faulty and misleading unless you are asserting that all followers of Islam are arrayed against Israel. I do not see Egypt, Jordan, or Saudi Arabia rushing to aid Hamas or even taking in refugees from Gaza. Against all odds Israel has survived and prospered. Despite decades of opportunity and billions in aid Gaza and Lebanon have failed to prosper under the oppressive rule of Hamas, Hezbollah , and their Iranian masters.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            You mistake apples for oranges.

            Many countries do not like Hamas any better than the rest of us do. The ongoing murder of 10s of thousands of Moslem women and children by Israel enrages Moslems by the billions.

            Correctomundo, Israel’s neighbors will not help Israel ethnic cleanse Gaza so Israel can shed itself of 2.3M Palestinians and turn Gaza into a seaside resort instead of an outdoor prison camp.

            The last half year has been a disaster for the Israeli economy. The massive bailout Congress just enacted will help, but the ongoing large scale removal of working people to murder women and children keeps the Israeli economy on thin ice. With a little luck BDS will help that process along.

            “Decades of opportunity… Gaza”. Chump on down on that propaganda dream, it’s zero calorie.

  3. Lefty665 Avatar

    It is the 54th anniversary of Kent State. At least we’re not murdering protesting students again.

    Some of the protestors actions may be silly or over the top, but just like half a century ago they are right on the big issues. Today Israeli genocide in Gaza must stop. We owe a debt to kids who see that clearly and are willing to publicly proclaim it.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes, the parallels are striking, Lefty…ist. The students’ goal then was to allow a total Communist takeover of Vietnam and prevent creation of a pr0-western nation, which by now would have been an ally of South Korea and Taiwan. The goal today is destruction of Israel, the only democracy in the region and a bulwark against anti-western Islamism. Yes, SSDD.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes, the parallels are striking, Lefty…ist. The students’ goal then was to allow a total Communist takeover of Vietnam and prevent creation of a pr0-western nation, which by now would have been an ally of South Korea and Taiwan. The goal today is destruction of Israel, the only democracy in the region and a bulwark against anti-western Islamism. Yes, SSDD.

    3. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      These “kids” need a good old fashion spanking, followed by assignment of a hoe. Get out in garden and start weeding. If they stick with it and do it right, maybe a return to college some day.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        All right, I wouldn’t have guessed you were a fan of Chairman Mao and his Cultural Revolution. Burn the books and send ’em out to the country to grow their own food or starve. Congrats on taking your cues from the commies. Very enlightened of you.:)

    4. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes, the parallels are striking, Lefty…ist. The students’ goal then was to allow a total Communist takeover of Vietnam and prevent creation of a pr0-western nation, which by now would have been an ally of South Korea and Taiwan. The goal today is destruction of Israel, the only democracy in the region and a bulwark against anti-western Islamism. Yes, SSDD.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “The students’ goal then was to allow a total Communist takeover of Vietnam…”

        I believe their goal was simply to live…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          … and not kill babies. Remember how they hated it when the anti-war protesters called the guys coming home “baby killers”?

          1.6 MILLION Vietnamese women, children, and old men killed.

          Almost twice that of the combatant KIA.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s the “way” these folks look at things! In their minds, the 1.6 Vietnamese killed were the SAME as the viet-cong. None were innocent, they were all the same. See some similarities?

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Kim Phuc. She’s the 9-yo girl most of us of an age and mindset will never forget. God bless the war correspondent.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Sorta like today, they hate it when anyone calls out the 25k Palestinian women and babies Israelis have killed.

            The IDF is good at killing women, babies and old people, but in more than 6 months they can’t defeat a few troglodytes armed with AKs and RPGs.

            Israel needs to change course before it destroys itself. With each innocent murder it creates more enemies.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Can’t remember the year (late 80s?) of the so-called Baby War involving Israel and Lebanon where there were more infants killed than infantry.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            ’87-’93 It ended with the signing of the Oslo Accords. You know, the framework for Palestinian self rule and peace negotiated by Rabin before the right wingers (aka those running Israel today) assassinated him for it in ’95.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Was that it? I didn’t recall it being that long. Maybe just a break of a ceasefire was dubbed the “Baby War”?

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            Dunno, could be. Perhaps Gulf War I distracted attention.


      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        OMG the “Yellow Peril” and domino theory lives. Quick get another wooden stake to drive through its heart.

        You profoundly misstate student’s goals both then and now.

        Viet Nam’s Constitution is modeled on ours. Ho Chi Minh only turned to communism after the US kicked him to the curb in the late 1920’s. We were his first choice for support to free the country from the French. The Indo China wars were to kick out the colonizers who reoccupied Viet Nam after WWII, and then their successors, the US. They were primarily nationalist wars, only secondarily ideological. But, ideology was a convenient propaganda ploy to fire up the simple minded and it still has some devotees.

        The goal today is to stop the murder of civilians in Gaza and to save Israel from destroying itself which it is in the process of doing with our help. Your Islamophobic domino theories are no more valid today than their “Yellow Peril” relatives were a half a century ago.

        ps, If you look you will find that Viet Nam has cordial relations with its neighbors these days. It also has a US embassy, diplomatic, trade and tourist relations with us.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Tinnitus — the first sign of wood rot. Kool-Aid Drinker Since 1971.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Oh, I missed something. You enlisted?

    5. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Let’s hope that this time and order to open fire isn’t given, or at least the VASP don’t shoot the uninvolved.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    With a chance for rain every day for the next week I say poke a few holes in those tents. Modern protesters don’t like to be wet.

    It is two weeks until graduation at UVA. An eternity for Ryan and friends to find a way for things to go wrong.

  5. Chip Gibson Avatar
    Chip Gibson

    High Power Microwave works well in these environments. Nice letters from the administration….not so much.

  6. Step 2: call on the Ohio Nationsl Guard

  7. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Craven. No better word comes to mind. The school’s response is craven. No response, silence, would have been better.

  8. Rafaelo Avatar

    “We thought it would be most productive to respond in writing, with the hope of scheduling a time to discuss your goals in greater detail . . .”

    Goals? Discuss? Ha! The goal is provocation. Confrontation. Victimhood. Martrydom.

    ‘Let’s talk like grownups’ is just what they don’t want.

    So with deference to Mr. Haner, denying these children the spanking they beg for, so they can whine about being abused, may appear craven — but consider whether instead it is a smart tactic.

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    So they are militants again, eh JAB?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      yup, from the get go!

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        There was a brief moment where they weren’t putting up tents and followed the (arbitrary) “rules” when JAB couldn’t label them “militants” but they raise a tent and his narrative of vilification begins anew.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Is JAB channeling Walter?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No, JAB uses the term “militants”, Walter escalates to “terrorists”… Think of JAB as the Walt-lite TJC arm…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            same church different pew…

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Eric the genocide approving Troll! From the River to the Sea, Cville will be Jew free! That you?
      Hang a noose on Homer and call in the FBI.
      Break the laws and UVA Codes while threatening Jews and chanting genocide…a deafening silence. But of course loved by the Troll.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        So protesters were always “militants” in your mind, eh Walt? Surprised you did not chide JAB when he left one of his daily posts go by without using the pejorative. Aren’t you paying attention…? Or maybe you brought it to his attention at one of your TJC board meetings…

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    Well I was gonna ask if UVA is doing it right or wrong but no need!

    I see the UVA response as one of giving the protestors an opportunity to make some choices with respect to what they
    are protesting and how they will do it with UVA keeping it’s
    powder dry but certainly willing to take the next step if needed.

    It’s the “encampment” thing combined with the flash mob capability of cell phones that makes this different from Vietnam-era protests – in my view.

    One does wonder, once the semester/quarter end – what things
    will look like.

  11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    IOW, The Jefferson Council votes against de-escalation…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      that’s right – squash them bugs!

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      War is not healthy for children and other living things.

      Corollary: War is great for the wealthy old men

  12. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    Since VMI has gone full woke DEI when will their Gaza camp be built?

    1. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      Was having the same thought earlier this morning; although, for the actual Cadets, not being in the right place at the right time incurs confinement. Violation of confinement incurs expulsion. So, if a gaza camp appears on the Parade Deck, it will not be comprised of Cadets. Have Fox Company fall out in athletic sweats to render a gently persuasive ass-whoopin.

    2. sbostian Avatar

      It might not be a good use of their resources to “reconquer” territory they already have secured.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        That’s how we won the Vietnam War.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      sorta argues that they have not gone “full woke” , no?

    4. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Hey, if the Commonwealth of Virginia wants to enable a military institute whose current leadership seems to be pretty woke and easily intimidated, it is the Commonwealth’s right to do that. If VMI wants to become “WMI” (Woke Military Institute), it has every right to do that.

      But, perhaps, Virginia taxpayers might think twice about subsidizing a woke military institute. Perhaps Virginia taxpayers might decide that they want their state-supported universities to produce more teachers and nurses, and fewer people who (apparently) are unable to walk under an arch named for Stonewall Jackson. An eccentric man, to be sure, but one hell of a citizen!

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Enforce the mask law!
      Try this really strange trick…make the pampered ignorant students have the fun of being pulled into the legal process, bring the students also before Student Council/Judiciary for violating State law. Put that on their records. End of protests.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Very discouraging. I was hoping UVA and other Virginia schools would be spared this kind of drama. I guess the ball is in Ryan’s court now.

  13. This is fun. Please keep us updated.

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