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Micro-Fundraising for Virginia Schools

The RTD’s Olympia Meola writes about the state’s embrace of an online micro-fundraising program called Donor’s Choose, and how individual teachers are already using the site to fund projects for their students.

Having been on the receiving end of numerous fundraising pitches from my son’s school (to fund programs, trips, equipment and even personnel), I have to say that this sort of approach is much better. Not only do the teachers have to make the case for why you should give, but they give you details on exactly what your (tax-deductible) gift will provide. That’s the sort of transparency I like. Plus, unlike some of those other, school-wide fundraisers, there’s no middle man skimming up to 40percent of your contribution (though donors have the option of adding to their gift to cover the site’s administrative costs).

You can look here at the proposals I found by entering the keywords “Richmond Virginia.”

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