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Memo to Daily Press: Just Endorse Potts Now

It is obvious that the tax-happy folks at the Newport News Daily Press are behind Russ Potts. They need to end the charade of being open-minded observers of this gubernatorial campaign and formally endorse the Winchester Senator.

The DP‘s latest editorial whines over Potts’ exclusion from tomorrow’s debate. They print Potts’ responses to a few softball questions.

Undoubtably, the Daily Press will comment on the actual debate responses of Kaine and Kilgore. They can redeem themselves if they also compare and contrast the questions asked those two and the questions/responses of their man Potts. I can’t imagine Kaine or Kilgore being any more vacuous and repetitive than this:

Everything has to be on the table including public-private partnerships, land use policies, private toll roads, private ownership of highways, which has proven to be successful in Holland and Belgium, mass transit and rail. Everything has to be on the table. My plan will be presented to the General Assembly early in 2006, and we will call a special session to address the transportation crisis, and I will keep the delegates and senators there until we vote our plan up or down. Everything does have to be on the table ….[italics mine]

Of course, we know that some things aren’t on the table because Potts doesn’t want to use general fund money for transportation and he doesn’t want any regional transportation solutions. But everyting has to be on the table!

Update: Norm at the real Potts Truth Squad is back from vacation and is all over this in much more detail than I provided. Welcome back, Norm, it’s been lonely ….

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