Meeting the Free Speech Challenge in Richmond

Journalist Andy Ngo

by Scott Dreyer

On the evening of Friday, Sept. 22 and on Saturday, Sept. 23, The Virginia Council and Common Sense Society were planning to host citizen-journalist Andy Ngo (pronounced no) at a forum in Richmond. The intention was to hear Ngo speak about his experiences exposing the violence and intimidation from leftwing Antifa and autograph copies of his book, “Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy.”

The original venue was to be at downtown Richmond’s Commonwealth Club. According to their website’s “Welcome” page, “Founded in 1890, the Commonwealth Club is proud of its history as a premier social club, outstanding event venue, dining destination, and Richmond institution.”

However, when word about the event got out, Antifa began an intimidation campaign, club management buckled, and withdrew their welcome. Scrambling, the event sponsors quickly found a second venue: the Westin Hotel, owned and operated by Marriott Corporation.

Seemingly encouraged by their success at intimidating the Commonwealth Club, the bullies next directed their attacks at the Westin by sending threatening phone calls.

As Ngo shared in his PowerPoint, one example of a threat was a tweet on X, formerly known as Twitter, that stated: “Example script: ‘Hey, the event this evening features a racist, misogynistic, homophobe intent on provocative neo nazi (sic) speech. His name is Andy Ngo and he’s a violent extremist. Many of his attendees are armed neo nazis.’”

The threats fly in the face of all reality. As for racism, Ngo is himself non-white, the first-generation son of parents who fled communism in their native Vietnam. As for homophobia, Ngo is himself an open homosexual.

Nevertheless, around 7:00 am on Sept. 22, a mere twelve hours before the event was to begin, Marriott too folded.

The Roanoke Star reached out to the managers of The Commonwealth Club and Westin, Eric Abuneel and Rodney Moubray respectively, asking what was the exact wording and nature of the threats received, and why they chose to cancel.

For generations, the American response to intimidation has been, “Do not negotiate with terrorists” because giving in may only invite future attacks. Both managers were asked if they thought, by giving in to threats, they were making future attacks more likely.

In addition, some conservatives are now calling for a boycott of Marriott. They compare Marriott refusing to serve free-speech customers to white-owned lunch counters refusing to serve black patrons during the Jim Crow Era.

No responses have been received from either manager.

Refusing to be intimidated, event organizers scrambled again to find a third venue. Remarkably, within about six hours, they found a spot in Henrico County willing to host the gathering.

Virginia Society founding chairman John Reid, host of the John Reid talk show on WRVA, had this to say to The Post Millennial:

“The Virginia Council was founded in 2021 to preserve Virginia’s history and promote prosperity and the rule of law in the face of violence and destruction by groups like Antifa. We were not intimidated in 2021, and we will not be intimidated now. Good things are worth standing up for. Free speech, the rule of law, truth—these things will prevail over bullying, slander, and intimidation. Andy Ngo was courageous in Portland, and we will be courageous in Richmond. We look forward to an engaging—and clearly very necessary—discussion with him on Friday. And we look forward to partnering with principled Virginians in the months and years to come to advance prosperity in the Commonwealth.”

Likewise, the Common Sense Society, the event’s co-sponsor, released this statement:

“Andy Ngo has shown courage and resolve in the face of slander and opposition, promoting liberty and exposing hypocrisy despite threats to his physical safety. It is ironic that our original location for Friday’s Virginia Forum, The Commonwealth Club, is painting Andy as “problematic” when they only backed out of the event once the truly problematic and disruptive group Antifa applied pressure online. We stand by our friend and guest speaker Andy. We will not fold under Antifa’s threats.”

To ensure safety, Henrico police were present outside the event, which was held peacefully.

One event organizer gave attendees a welcome message Friday evening from a Henrico County government official. Paraphrased, the message was essentially: regardless of what Richmond City will tolerate, in Henrico County, free speech is honored, this event will happen, and intimidation and bullying have no place in our community.

For those who mistakenly believed that Antifa, intimidation by violence, and domestic terrorism are only problems in “other states,” Ngo soberly informed the audience that Richmond’s nickname is “Portland East” and is a hotbed for Antifa activity in the American Southeast.

Sadly, Ngo is an expert on the subject of Antifa violence, as he was chased down and attacked by black-clad Antifa thugs in downtown Portland, Oregon in May 2021.

Ngo opened his Friday remarks by explaining that, in high school, he competed in impromptu speaking contests and won some awards. However, the Antifa attack in Portland inflicted a concussion and other brain injury so that now, he must speak from prepared notes and is no longer comfortable speaking off the cuff in front of large audiences.

The audience sat in shocked silence as Ngo explained, due to the doxing, harassment, and death threats against him, he has had to leave his family and live overseas in anonymity.

Although Ngo did not mention the connection, a son of Virginia’s junior Senator, Tim Kaine (D), Woody Kaine, has allegedly been an Antifa member, as reported here. The younger Kaine was arrested for his involvement in a riot inside the Minnesota State Capitol in March 2017.

That riot was to protest Trump supporters after President Trump’s inauguration two months earlier.

Sen. Kaine will face re-election in 2024.

Republished with permission from The Roanoke Star.

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27 responses to “Meeting the Free Speech Challenge in Richmond”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Jason Miyares – where are you?
    J6 trespassers, at most, likely prodded by government and paid informant agent provocateurs, are being rounded up, denied bail, denied a speedy trial, and being railroaded, while real terrorists from Antifa get away with this? Want to make your bones? Break them. Who funds them? They are trained and funded. They are the modern version of the Klan. (BTW, the Klan is why Southern Sates adopted the illegal to wear a mask law – just enforce that for all the Richmond riots and this and what seems likely to happen in Cville)
    (Also BTW, how come Louise Lucas got away with violating State law pulling down the statue in Portsmouth?)

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Great article. Captures the importance of free speech. John Reid is not always a fan of mine politically (sometimes he makes good points), but I thank him for coming up to the plate!!

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The Roanoke Star reached out to the managers of The Commonwealth Club and Westin, Eric Abuneel and Rodney Moubray respectively, asking what was the exact wording and nature of the threats received, and why they chose to cancel.”


    “No responses have been received from either manager.”

    Yet you state unequivocally:

    “Antifa began an intimidation campaign”


    “the bullies next directed their attacks at the Westin by sending threatening phone calls”

    With no basis, apparently.


    “As Ngo shared in his PowerPoint, one example of a threat was a tweet on X, formerly known as Twitter, that stated: “Example script: ‘Hey, the event this evening features a racist, misogynistic, homophobe intent on provocative neo nazi (sic) speech. His name is Andy Ngo and he’s a violent extremist. Many of his attendees are armed neo nazis.’””

    First, how is this a “threat”? Second, a tweet found on X? Now THERE is a reliable source – no disinformation to be found on that platform… /s

    Btw, I think this “event” has already been “reported” on here right after JAB attended… no…?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Eric, your comments, I don’t get this. You don’t see Antifa as a legitimate threat to Virginians and free speech? It makes no sense to me.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I question whether Antifa actually made the threats that are claimed. We have had two articles now with no corroboration or verification of Ngo’s claim whatsoever.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I question whether Antifa actually made the threats that are claimed. We have had two articles now with no corroboration or verification of Ngo’s claim whatsoever.

      3. Lefty665 Avatar

        He seldom makes sense, it’s an exercise in trolling. Don’t feed him but highlight that he is, as advertised, a troll and trolling is what he does.

      4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I question whether Antifa actually made the threats that are claimed. We have had two articles now with no corroboration or verification of Ngo’s claim whatsoever.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          “Antifa” is more of a boogeyman than real IMO.

          Not saying there are none but even “gangs” are usually identifiable by police and media.

          These days, the right seems to like to characterize unlawful behavior done by the left as Antifa.

          It’s like attributing violence on the right as always Proud Boys.


          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            In this case there isn’t any evidence that ANY threats were made let alone by whom.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            it don’t keep them from making the claims.. though and it needs to be called out .. it’ become a
            bad habit in BR.

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Antifa is ripe and present in Fredericksburg. Wilbur, take those blinders off.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            last time I saw Antifa , actually real Antifa claiming to be Antifa and labelled as such by police and media.. in Fredericksburg..ummm not recently if at all..

            it must be some kind of “secret” group cuz only non-Antifa seem to know of them! 😉

            Antifa seems to be the modern day version of the “red scare” and “Marxists among us” of the McCarthy era IMO.

            And I bet you’d find far more folks in law enforcement and even Congress affiliated with the Proud Boys than Antifa!

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            last time I saw Antifa , actually real Antifa claiming to be Antifa and labelled as such by police and media.. in Fredericksburg..ummm not recently if at all..

            it must be some kind of “secret” group cuz only non-Antifa seem to know of them! 😉

            Antifa seems to be the modern day version of the “red scare” and “Marxists among us” of the McCarthy era IMO.

            And I bet you’d find far more folks in law enforcement and even Congress affiliated with the Proud Boys than Antifa!

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Two venues cancelled because of threats, the threats were real. Who do you think made them, the ACLU? Antifa is who Ngo has exposed.
          More trollish foolishness. Keep it up and you may someday achieve full troll.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Two venues cancelled…”

            That is all you know….

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            That’s a fact based leg up on troll foolishness.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            well perhaps no more or less than the Proud Boys are, eh?

        3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Wow. I guess they need to tag your front door, and then maybe, you might believe.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            That is my point, James. Right now all we have is belief (better yet faith) and not facts.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Do we KNOW for a fact that it was Antifa? Is there a recognized Antifa group in Richmond?

    No.. I won’t believe NGO or his supporters.

    Let’s have some credible information.

    Oh, and REAL journalist do NOT Doxx folks.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        as suspected:

        ” When asked by 8News how he knew they are ANTIFA members, Chief Smith said, “They fit the description and everything. ANTIFA’s whole object is chaos and disruption and not everyone is a member of ANTIFA but they are very well likened by their influence and their philosophies much like we used to see with gang activity. People may not necessarily be gang member but they are gang-affiliated or gang-related. They are not yet in there but they are actually moving that way.”

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Now we know who Larry’s real identity is – Jerry Nadler. Please waste other people’s time. Gee…other than they post a script online…
          Part of underground groups is they ///are underground! You know, since threatening violence and destroying property is viewed by Normies as “bad.”

          Seriously, Larry. You do look better after the bariatric surgery, but just admit you’re Jerry Nadler.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          So, the Chief of Police in the liberal City of Richmond thinks they’re Antifa but you know better?

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “In addition, some conservatives are now calling for a boycott of Marriott.” of

    Of course, those same Conservatives would be howling if the left suggested a boycott of Marriott should they agree to embracing Ngo… smh…

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “In addition, some conservatives are now calling for a boycott of Marriott.” of

    Of course, those same Conservatives would be howling if the left suggested a boycott of Marriott should they agree to embracing Ngo… smh…

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