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Quote of the Day:

“What kind of a person sends her own granny up a cul-de-sac.?”

Ms Doonesbury, an MIT Freshperson


Philip Kennicott the WaPo movie critic suggests (“Rose-Colored Lens: In Louisiana, Environmental Distruction Neever Looked So Pretty”) that the new Smithsonian IMAX feature “Hurricane on the Bayou” deserves a miss. See “Down Memory Lane with Katrina” at

Kennicott, by the way, will receive a major nomination soon for Best Reporting on human settlement pattern issues.


RINO Hunters on the Endagered List

Community papers suggest that as RINOs become more rare, the RINO Hunters are coming under attack. The word is that to save their skins the RINO Hunters will have to put on RINO costumes. Advocates of “No Crazies to the Right” may have died in Afghanstan and Iraq.


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