Media Gins up Anemic School Walkouts

by Kerry Dougherty

You could almost hear the local media panting Tuesday morning. There were rumors that some Virginia high school students were going to walk out of school to protest the new parental rights policies of the Youngkin administration.

You know, the Department of Education regulations announced earlier this month that support the principle that parents are the ultimate authority over their own kids.

I wrote about this reversal of Ralph Northam’s policies on parental authority last week.

The mainstream media, desperate to weaken an increasingly popular Youngkin, portrays the policy as limiting transgendered rights.

That’s nonsense and if members of the media took the time to actually READ the language of the regulations, as I did, they would know it.

Any transgendered child whose parents provide written permission to the school will be allowed to dress as they like and use facilities normally reserved for the opposite sex.

What will come to a halt, however, is the practice of schools hiding transgendered children from their parents.

You see, woke school officials fear some parents might not do cartwheels and hang pride flags from their front doors if their child announces that he or she is now “they.” And anything short of a celebration of transgenderism is the “wrong” way for parents to react, according to AFT president Randi Weingarten and her left-wing disciples.

Children must be protected from “bad” parents who might, for instance, seek mental help for a confused child. Or parents who might decide that their offspring is simply going through a phase and as a consequence, might forbid their sons to wear dresses and makeup to school.

In the woke world, it’s the government, the schools and the militant teachers’ unions that know what’s best for kids.

Not the parents.

Especially not conservative parents. Or, heaven, forbid, Christian parents.

Never mind that despite the urging of the ACLU and other radical groups, the walkouts Tuesday in this corner of Virginia were a bust. Nevertheless, they received outsized media coverage and sympathetic stories from woke reporters, who no doubt happily allowed their so-called sources to exaggerate the number of participants.

In a story headlined “Protesting Youngkin’s New Transgendered Policies, Hampton Roads Students Join Statewide Walkout,” The Virginian-Pilot attempted to give the anemic events legitimacy without bothering to attend the walkouts.

Get a load of the sources they used for crowd estimates.

“Student organizers” at Warwick High School in Newport News estimated that 150 students — out of a student body of 1,591 — walked out.

Since when do organizers get to estimate crowd size? That’s the New Journalism, I suppose. Phone it in and let activists supply the “facts.”

At First Colonial High School, home to 1,808, “student organizers” expected 50 to walk out. No reporting as of Tuesday night on how many actually left their classes.

And at Bayside, with a student body of 1,786, a “handful” walked out. No source for that.

This is news?

Only in the woke world of left-wing journalism.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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10 responses to “Media Gins up Anemic School Walkouts”

  1. “Sometimes a [LGBT] child comes out of this scarred and that’s the breaks.”
    -Kerry Dougherty, Very Normal Person

  2. A walk out happened once when i was teaching… I announced a ‘pop quiz’.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    One unwoke bellow from Kerry is worth more than a few hundred students protesting and reported by woke media.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “You know, the Department of Education regulations announced earlier this month that support the principle that only Conservative parents are the ultimate authority over their own kids.”

    Fixed it for you, Kerry.

    “…as I did…”

    Obviously you still have not for you immediately state:

    “Any transgendered child whose parents provide written permission to the school will be allowed to dress as they like and use facilities normally reserved for the opposite sex.”

    First, Youngkin says that students can only use the bathroom based on their birth sex – with a strange reference to the judgement that says he can’t really say that. Second, when it comes to facility usage, there is no mention of trans students nor is there any requirement that parents are involved at all.

    So either you are being dishonest about actually reading the guidelines or you simply can not understand what is written… either (or both) are equally likely, imo.

    “What will come to a halt, however, is the practice of schools hiding transgendered children from their parents.”

    Hard to bring something that is not happening to a halt….

    “Since when do organizers get to estimate crowd size?”

    Does this sound familiar, Kerry…?

    “I turn on one of the networks, and they show an empty field. I’m like, wait a minute. I made a speech. I looked out, the field was, it looked like a million, million and a half people…. We had 250,000 people literally around in the little ball we constructed… The rest of the 20-block area, all the way back to the Washington monument was packed”


    1. I think the reference to the bathroom judgement is that VA law states you have to use bathroom of your birth gender, but they can’t really enforce that due to aforementioned judgement.

      It’s kinda like all the states who had abortion bans on the books during Roe v Wade. Just items they can’t enforce but have ready to go in the event the current ruling is overturned.

  5. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    Not going to comment on the Youngkin policy.

    To me the interesting thing about the referenced story is that walkout turnout was so small — a tiny fraction of total student population. Indeed, a more accurate headline could have been “Vast Majority of Students Unopposed to Youngkin Policy.” I was also struck by the fact that not one of the students that stayed in class is quoted in the story. So we don’t really know what this “silent majority” thinks because nobody bothered to ask them. Journalistic malpractice IMHO.

  6. High School Student #1: I’m organizing a walkout in support of the “Save the Whales” foundation.

    High School Student #2: Cool. [If it means skipping my boring science class] I’m there!

    One week later…

    High School Student #1: I’m organizing a walkout in support of the “Nuke the Whales” foundation.

    High School Student #2: Cool. [If it means skipping my boring science class] I’m there!

  7. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    Not going to comment on the Youngkin policy.

    To me the interesting thing about the referenced story is that walkout turnout was so small — a tiny fraction of total student population. Indeed, a more accurate headline could have been “Vast Majority of Students Unopposed to Youngkin Policy.” I was also struck by the fact that not one of the students that stayed in class is quoted in the story. So we don’t really know what this “silent majority” thinks because nobody bothered to ask them. Journalistic malpractice IMHO.

  8. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The Pride Liberation Project is very proud of their disruption of Virginia public school classrooms yesterday. If such walkouts had come from the students themselves without outside influence, I would be fine with it. But since PLP is actively organizing and recruiting students to participate, well that is a line that should not be crossed on the school board’s dime. There is plenty of time for such activities before and after school.

  9. Merchantseamen Avatar

    Follow the money!!!!

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