Media Bashing at Bacon’s Rebellion

by Peter Galuszka

Two recent blog posts critical of The Washington Post and The New York Times are way out of line.

They assume that two leading newspapers have a definite agenda on race.

Jim Bacon goes after the Post for reporting about the bad experiences a Black student, Rafael Jenkins, endured during  ‘”Rat Week” hazing at the Virginia Military Institute.

When Jenkins was reluctant to recite the names of 10 VMI graduates who died while fighting for the Confederacy during the Civil War, a senior cadet screamed at him that he’d be lynched and his body would be used as a punching bag.

Jenkins, who had been suspected of cheating during his ACT entry exam, was accused of cheating on a test at VMI. He was convicted of what seems largely circumstantial evidence and left the school. The Post piece lays this all out.

Is this a story? Of course it is. Black alumni have made vigorous calls to investigate systemic racism at the state-supported school. The president has resigned. Gov. Ralph Northam has ordered a probe of what is going on.

This blog skirts these issues by claiming there is no racism and not questioning why Virginia taxpayers are footing the bill for such behavior. Why pay for such ridiculous hazing? If the state wants a Parris Island, then erect one. It is so odd that conservative VMI gets a pass while the more liberal University of Virginia is the devil incarnate.

The other questionable piece by Jim Sherlock goes after the Times regarding how an apparently thoughtless post by a young student was revived on social media and gathered so much force that the University of Tennessee rescinded her acceptance there.

Sherlock sees this as a non-story, but in my view it lays out the dangers of social media attacking in wolf pack style. By the way, the same approach struck at Jim Bacon for an editorial on funding autism that he wrote during his brief run at the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Should the woman involved have made the racist post? No. Should the University of Tennessee taken back its acceptance. No.

Capt. Jim complains that the story is months old. So what? The story is a backgrounder and an explainer. Also, in journalism, it is quite common for an issue to be “broken” by one outlet and then reported upon by another. One example is a book on the dangers of opioids by Virginia author Beth Macy. Her book got a lot of attention nationally, but that left out the fact that the Charleston (West Virginia) Gazette won a Pulitzer Prize a couple of years before for an exhaustive series about opioids in the Appalachians.

Sherlock also complains that the Times paints Leesburg and Loudoun County where the incident took place as having a leftover Civil War panache.

I have worked there many times and agree that for the most part, the people I dealt with were intelligent and sophisticated. That is with one big exception.

He is Eugene Delgaudio, a far right reactionary who served as a county supervisor from 1999 until 2016. He is the founder of the Public Advocate of the United States, an organization designed to bash gays and immigrants. The lobby has been designated as a hate group by the Southern Law Poverty Center. Yet, Loudoun voters kept Delgaudio in office for 17 years.

It is unfortunate that the latest rage at Bacons Rebellion has descended to a constant, selective media bashing exercise in the mode of Donald Trump. Fox News and Newsmax escape criticism. BR also no longer addresses the lingering problems of racism but instead diminishes them in rude terms.

I say this as a professional journalist with nearly five decades of experience. I note that the Post has an editorial today that journalism has become more dangerous this year. Globally more journalists – 274 – have been imprisoned for doing their jobs. Many are in China, Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

I personally have known a number who have been killed on the job. They happened to be in the middle of a fire fight or were deliberately targeted for what they were writing. I knew a Forbes correspondent who was ambushed and shot in Moscow for writing about corruption by business oligarchs.

But here at Bacons Rebellion, we are handed the usual propaganda that journalists are evil and can’t be trusted. This and the denial of racism are getting very stale.

Full disclosure: I have written for both the Post and the Times. I know I am in for a stream of nasty, personal attacks by the commenters. Steve Haner and Matt Adams, this is your cue. Jump on in!

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192 responses to “Media Bashing at Bacon’s Rebellion”

  1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    I could go on for pages about the corruption and dishonesty of the Post based solely on my dealings with it. Let’s start with just a couple of issues. Some ten plus years ago, my home phone rang. It was a Post reporter calling to ask me questions about the proposals for redeveloping Tysons. I answered the questions to the best of my ability. Included in the discussion was big “P,” politics, including former Governor Tim Kaine’s role in transferred the Dulles Toll Road and its revenues to MWAA for payment of the state’s share of the costs of building rail to Dulles.

    The reporter mentioned that he received pressure from the editorial board not to write anything critical of then-Governor Kaine. The clear goal of the Paper was to promote the political career of a Democrat in Virginia by suppressing negative stories even to the extent of violating a fundamental written policy of the Paper – there should be no attempt by the editorial staff to “influence” the news side and vice versa.

    The reporter knew that she/he had no recourse against the editorial board for this fundamental violation of the Post’s journalistic standards. The reasonable inference to be drawn is that the editorial writers regularly violated policy to suppress information in order to advance their political goals.

    Let’s jump forward. In 2018-19, Senators Harris and Hirono attempted to impose an unconstitutional religious test against a nominee for a federal district court seat in Nebraska. So offensive was this conduct, that the Senate unanimously passed a resolution condemning the Senators’ bigotry and unconstitutional conduct. Yet, there was no editorial from the Post condemning the Senators (based on searches of the WaPo’s entire contents using Fairfax County Library services). And indeed, by endorsing the Biden-Harris ticket, rather than just urging voters not to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket, the Post unabashedly supports religious bigotry. Instead of taking the position that all bigotry is wrong, the editorial board (and presumably, its publisher and its owner) finds some level of religious bigotry acceptable.

    I could go on.

    The Washington Post is filth. And Bezos has failed miserably in restoring standards and decency to his company.

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    TMT. I find that hard to believe. I have been contributing to the Post’s opinions section. The only piece spiked was about a Democratic senator from Virginia. The reason? Too positive.

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Peter, are you questioning whether this event actually happened? I’ve posted it several times before. Are you suggesting that the Post’s editorial board members are above violating company and journalism standards to advance their political beliefs?

      I have an example where I was told an op-ed piece I wrote calling for higher fees for overweight truck permits that were causing tens of millions of dollars in damages to roads and bridges in Virginia would not be published as it tended to undermine the editorial board’s persistent call for higher and higher taxes. (Indeed, I did not oppose higher gas taxes in my piece. I only tried to argue higher permit fees were needed and pointed out the unfairness to ordinary people.)

    2. sherlockj Avatar

      Peter, you often comment on this blog that you are slumming by writing here. Please stop it. I just checked and it showed that of the 107 articles you have published in the past 18 months, 105 of them have been on Bacon’s Rebellion. Two were in the Washington Post.

      I welcome you here. Opposing views are always welcome. But spare us the pretense that you are doing us a favor.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        My gosh. Does that apply to Sherlock also? 😉

          1. LarrytheG Avatar


  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Matt. What the hell do you know about my book? Did you actually read it? Did you really do a thorough research of the reviews? If you did, why? Don’t you have enough to do?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Pete – he’s a EE and knows “stuff” and is better than you. 😉

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        Actually my degree has nothing to do with it Larry. You see I grew up in Appalachia and while Peter visited for 4 years, I had a front row seat for 20+.

        On top of that my father worked for JOY, so I spent a great deal of my childhood around mining.

        However, if you want to continue to play the game I’d suggest dropping the “ad hom”, as that’s what you just did.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Most of the EEs I’ve worked with in my career, I must say, were nothing like you. They are usually quiet and reserved and do not tend to strut their credentials and go after others. They know their
          stuff for real… don’t need to spout it.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: “what did I do”. 😉

            I thought you already knew,… and said so.. or was that an Ad Hom?

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            “LarrytheG | December 28, 2020 at 12:34 pm | Reply
            Most of the EEs I’ve worked with in my career, I must say, were nothing like you. They are usually quiet and reserved and do not tend to strut their credentials and go after others. They know their
            stuff for real… don’t need to spout it.”

            What did you do Larry.

            Also that has nothing to do with my comment and just more “ad hom” attacks.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Matt. What the hell do you know about my book? Did you actually read it? Did you really do a thorough research of the reviews? If you did, why? Don’t you have enough to do?”

      I know that despite you indicating it deals with the UBB, it’s just a collection of essay’s that are only tangibly related. It’s also littered with factual errors and repetitive writing.

      I’d prefer “Lost Mountain” by Erik Reese.

      Well Peter, have you ever heard of Data Science?

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Did you actually READ it? What factual errors? Please point them out? It’s been eight years and none have been brought to my attention.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      Page 144: Widow Combs died in 1993 not 1991 and was 88 not 87. That’s from a review in 2016.

      So who was your editor?

      That seems to be your reflexive statement, since it’s not been brought to your attention it doesn’t exist. That errors are others faults not your own.

  5. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Actually I resided there from 1962 to 1969. Why are you so fascinated with me? I don’t even know who you are.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Peter Galuszka | December 28, 2020 at 12:36 pm | Reply
      Actually I resided there from 1962 to 1969. Why are you so fascinated with me? I don’t even know who you are.”

      You personally referenced in the last paragraph of this article and have the audacity to question why I’m tearing you apart. Beyond that I actually expect Journalist to be professionals and fact check their work. Whereas you source dubious information and are more given to attacking those who don’t align with your political leanings. That’s not journalism, that’s punditry.

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Matt. I’ll to check but those indeed sound like really big errors. And I have looked you up. You’re just a kid you just got his master’s degree. You’ll go far if you are always this nasty.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Matt. I’ll to check but those indeed sound like really big errors. And I have looked you up. You’re just a kid you just got his master’s degree. You’ll go far if you are always this nasty.”

      So you looked me up and I’m just a kid with a masters degree, well if that’s your ability a research, you sir are poor at it.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    Yes, it’s COMCIAL that Bacon and others spend every other day blathering about how terrible WaPo and NYT is and that they would never subscribe and/or have cancelled their subscriptions but then every other day, they not only read them but they CITE them in their twisted narratives!

    I think this is what Conservatives do these days… and yes, they have their own media that does exactly this but they’re too embarassed to actually cite THEM most of the time because people will read their other articles which border on outright lies and conspiracy theories also!

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    Yes, it’s COMCIAL that Bacon and others spend every other day blathering about how terrible WaPo and NYT is and that they would never subscribe and/or have cancelled their subscriptions but then every other day, they not only read them but they CITE them in their twisted narratives!

    I think this is what Conservatives do these days… and yes, they have their own media that does exactly this but they’re too embarassed to actually cite THEM most of the time because people will read their other articles which border on outright lies and conspiracy theories also!

  9. Doug McAvoy Avatar
    Doug McAvoy

    “If the state wants a Parris Island, then erect one.”

    Since VMI is a college, the better comparison would Annapolis or West Point, in which case we did erect one; we called it VMI. The lynching comment was out of line, but expecting a student to know minor details of his school’s history at a military school is fair game.

  10. Doug McAvoy Avatar
    Doug McAvoy

    “If the state wants a Parris Island, then erect one.”

    Since VMI is a college, the better comparison would Annapolis or West Point, in which case we did erect one; we called it VMI. The lynching comment was out of line, but expecting a student to know minor details of his school’s history at a military school is fair game.

  11. Matt Adams Avatar


    While making the following statement:

    “Full disclosure: I have written for both the Post and the Times. I know I am in for a stream of nasty, personal attacks by the commenters. Steve Haner and Matt Adams, this is your cue. Jump on in!”

    You’re attempting to call out “personal attacks” while conducting one yourself? Albeit, “passive aggressive” it was still a personal attack.

    Perhaps if you knew what an “ad hom” attack was you could identify it properly in your own writing as well as others.

  12. Matt Adams Avatar


    While making the following statement:

    “Full disclosure: I have written for both the Post and the Times. I know I am in for a stream of nasty, personal attacks by the commenters. Steve Haner and Matt Adams, this is your cue. Jump on in!”

    You’re attempting to call out “personal attacks” while conducting one yourself? Albeit, “passive aggressive” it was still a personal attack.

    Perhaps if you knew what an “ad hom” attack was you could identify it properly in your own writing as well as others.

  13. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    “I have worked there many times and agree that for the most part, the people I dealt with were intelligent and sophisticated. That is with one big exception. He is Eugene Delgaudio, a far right reactionary who served as a county supervisor from 1999 until 2016.”

    What? No mention of Dick Black, Mick Staton, or, for that matter, most of the R side of the Tulloch BOS – which include Eugene, of course?!

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Delgaudio and Black represented the Sterling area for many years. It is diverse and liberal area that never bothered to go to the polls in off election cycles until recently.

  14. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
    Eric the Half a Troll

    “I have worked there many times and agree that for the most part, the people I dealt with were intelligent and sophisticated. That is with one big exception. He is Eugene Delgaudio, a far right reactionary who served as a county supervisor from 1999 until 2016.”

    What? No mention of Dick Black, Mick Staton, or, for that matter, most of the R side of the Tulloch BOS – which include Eugene, of course?!

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Delgaudio and Black represented the Sterling area for many years. It is diverse and liberal area that never bothered to go to the polls in off election cycles until recently.

  15. This thread ends now. All future posts will be deleted. Gentlemen, feel free to engage offline. But not on the blog.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Wait, wait… I haven’t had a chance to post something.

      Uh,… um,… I got nothing.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Oooh, oooh! Got it! “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Gee, all that and guns too. And there are those who question anonymity in this dasypygal place.

      First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a socialist.

      Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a trade unionist.

      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Jew.

      Then they came for me—S’okay, ’cause nobody knows who the Hell I am!

      1. I had to look up dasypygal.

        I like it when I encounter an English language word I am unfamiliar with – although I do not run across all that many these days.

        Thanks you.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Polite way of saying “hairy assed”.

          “Well, that was one dasypygal roller coaster ride!”

  16. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Totally forgot about Dick Black

    1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
      Eric the Half a Troll

      Oh… and then there’s our current version… Dave LaRock…!!

    2. I went to a party at Dick Black’s house once with a bunch of my fellow motorcyclists. It was while he was in the House of Delegates. It was a good time. He was a very gracious host.

      He was always a staunch supporter of motorcycle rights.

  17. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Totally forgot about Dick Black

    1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
      Eric the Half a Troll

      Oh… and then there’s our current version… Dave LaRock…!!

    2. I went to a party at Dick Black’s house once with a bunch of my fellow motorcyclists. It was while he was in the House of Delegates. It was a good time. He was a very gracious host.

      He was always a staunch supporter of motorcycle rights.

  18. “Jim Bacon goes after the Post for reporting about the bad experiences a Black student, Rafael Jenkins, endured during ‘”Rat Week” hazing at the Virginia Military Institute.”

    No, Peter, I did not go after the Post for reporting about Rafael Jenkins’ bad experiences at VMI, as you would know if you had read the post with any care. I went after the Post for advancing the unsupported but frequently repeated characterization of VMI as “systemically racist.”

    I totally stand by my criticism of the Washington Post. And I fully endorse Jim Sherlock’s take-down of the New York Times. Once upon a time, I objected to their bias and their ability to influence national narratives. Now I find both to be increasingly despicable in their attacks. As a taxpayer-funded institution, VMI is fair game. But there is no condoning what the NYT did to the young woman that Sherlock wrote about.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” I totally stand by my criticism of the Washington Post. And I fully endorse Jim Sherlock’s take-down of the New York Times. Once upon a time, I objected to their bias and their ability to influence national narratives.”

      What’s inexplicable is that if you and Sherlock and others think these two papers are totally biased and evil – why do you not only still read them , but you also cite them – both to blast them and then other times to actually use them to bolster a point?

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        “What’s inexplicable is that if you and Sherlock and others think these two papers are totally biased and evil – why do you not only still read them , but you also cite them – both to blast them and then other times to actually use them to bolster a point?”

        Why would you not read someone that provides an opinion contrary to yours? Unless you’re looking for information in an echo-chamber which just serves to validate your won confirmation bias.

        The facts are seldom reported unbiased and usually like in between both points of views.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Correct, but why read AN article and then condemn the entire publication, AND THEN continue to read it and cite it as a source of factual information in other blog posts?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            Tu quoque, learn it read it then respond.

  19. “Jim Bacon goes after the Post for reporting about the bad experiences a Black student, Rafael Jenkins, endured during ‘”Rat Week” hazing at the Virginia Military Institute.”

    No, Peter, I did not go after the Post for reporting about Rafael Jenkins’ bad experiences at VMI, as you would know if you had read the post with any care. I went after the Post for advancing the unsupported but frequently repeated characterization of VMI as “systemically racist.”

    I totally stand by my criticism of the Washington Post. And I fully endorse Jim Sherlock’s take-down of the New York Times. Once upon a time, I objected to their bias and their ability to influence national narratives. Now I find both to be increasingly despicable in their attacks. As a taxpayer-funded institution, VMI is fair game. But there is no condoning what the NYT did to the young woman that Sherlock wrote about.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” I totally stand by my criticism of the Washington Post. And I fully endorse Jim Sherlock’s take-down of the New York Times. Once upon a time, I objected to their bias and their ability to influence national narratives.”

      What’s inexplicable is that if you and Sherlock and others think these two papers are totally biased and evil – why do you not only still read them , but you also cite them – both to blast them and then other times to actually use them to bolster a point?

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        “What’s inexplicable is that if you and Sherlock and others think these two papers are totally biased and evil – why do you not only still read them , but you also cite them – both to blast them and then other times to actually use them to bolster a point?”

        Why would you not read someone that provides an opinion contrary to yours? Unless you’re looking for information in an echo-chamber which just serves to validate your won confirmation bias.

        The facts are seldom reported unbiased and usually like in between both points of views.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Correct, but why read AN article and then condemn the entire publication, AND THEN continue to read it and cite it as a source of factual information in other blog posts?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            Tu quoque, learn it read it then respond.

  20. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    New York Times launches a massive media attack on a 19 year old girl for her 3 second video sent to one of her best friends four years ago when she was 15 years old in her excitement over getting a learner’s permit to drive, that included a slur commonly used in hugely popular best selling rap videos.

    Talk about viciousness. Who could have imagined that America would fall to this level of utter cowardliness and depravity? What gratuitous bullies attacking a young girl’s 3 seconds of words at 15 years old because she is white. America’s founders, that is who? They knew why too. 2030 years later we’re the clueless, banal and vicious fools.

  21. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    New York Times launches a massive media attack on a 19 year old girl for her 3 second video sent to one of her best friends four years ago when she was 15 years old in her excitement over getting a learner’s permit to drive, that included a slur commonly used in hugely popular best selling rap videos.

    Talk about viciousness. Who could have imagined that America would fall to this level of utter cowardliness and depravity? What gratuitous bullies attacking a young girl’s 3 seconds of words at 15 years old because she is white. America’s founders, that is who? They knew why too. 2030 years later we’re the clueless, banal and vicious fools.

  22. sherlockj Avatar

    “They assume that the two leading newspapers have a definite agenda on race.” Do you read them and come up with a different opinion?

    Subscribe to the Times’ “Race/Related newsletter” and you can “explore the countless ways race affects our lives, with provocative reporting and discussion” without having to search them all out every day.

    Both papers reject context and complexity in favor of idealogical orthodoxy. And if they stray, editors’ heads roll – see James Bennet, the former editorial page editor of The New York Times.

    The Times story of which I wrote could have been presented in 1000 fewer words as a cautionary tale for people on both sides of the idealogical divide. A young girl makes a 3 second mistake at 15 and it is purposely held and leveraged years later by a sociopath in a well planned and timed attempt to destroy her life.

    But that story would have had none of the idealogical dressing of the Civil War history of Leesburg, a suspected home of “deplorables”. I suggest if this had happened in Boston rather than Leesburg, the Times would have filled that particular racism-reserved space on its front page for another story. And so do you, Peter.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Exactly, this is vicious beyond belief. It makes McCarthyism look like child’s play. It puts George Orwell and Aldous Huxley to shame. It is destroying our children now, eating them alive. It must stopped.

  23. sherlockj Avatar

    “They assume that the two leading newspapers have a definite agenda on race.” Do you read them and come up with a different opinion?

    Subscribe to the Times’ “Race/Related newsletter” and you can “explore the countless ways race affects our lives, with provocative reporting and discussion” without having to search them all out every day.

    Both papers reject context and complexity in favor of idealogical orthodoxy. And if they stray, editors’ heads roll – see James Bennet, the former editorial page editor of The New York Times.

    The Times story of which I wrote could have been presented in 1000 fewer words as a cautionary tale for people on both sides of the idealogical divide. A young girl makes a 3 second mistake at 15 and it is purposely held and leveraged years later by a sociopath in a well planned and timed attempt to destroy her life.

    But that story would have had none of the idealogical dressing of the Civil War history of Leesburg, a suspected home of “deplorables”. I suggest if this had happened in Boston rather than Leesburg, the Times would have filled that particular racism-reserved space on its front page for another story. And so do you, Peter.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Exactly, this is vicious beyond belief. It makes McCarthyism look like child’s play. It puts George Orwell and Aldous Huxley to shame. It is destroying our children now, eating them alive. It must stopped.

  24. idiocracy Avatar

    It’s getting to the point where I can tell who wrote what around here just from the title.

  25. idiocracy Avatar

    It’s getting to the point where I can tell who wrote what around here just from the title.

  26. warrenhollowbooks Avatar

    “They assume that two leading newspapers have a definite agenda on race.”

    WHAT !? the New York Times with a racial agenda, that is OBVIOUSLY some sort of Putin/Koch Bros/ fed conspiracy theory

    Hahahah, . . . . sorry can’t stop laughing at this

  27. warrenhollowbooks Avatar

    “They assume that two leading newspapers have a definite agenda on race.”

    WHAT !? the New York Times with a racial agenda, that is OBVIOUSLY some sort of Putin/Koch Bros/ fed conspiracy theory

    Hahahah, . . . . sorry can’t stop laughing at this

  28. warrenhollowbooks Avatar

    Let all our hearts bleed for the poor journalists of the Washington Post and New York Times . . . who do everything in their power to smear and to promote violence against police officers.

    Let me know when being a member of the Fifth Estate becomes more dangerous than working at 7-11

  29. warrenhollowbooks Avatar

    Let all our hearts bleed for the poor journalists of the Washington Post and New York Times . . . who do everything in their power to smear and to promote violence against police officers.

    Let me know when being a member of the Fifth Estate becomes more dangerous than working at 7-11

  30. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Gee, Sorry I can’t join in the usual blast and dismissal of two excellent newspapers. LOL!
    I thought the Times did a useful service with its story. It is a warning about what a moment of goofiness can lead to. A few years ago, a very capable critic at Style Weekly showed up in blackface at a Halloween Party and it went viral. No more critic. As I noted, when Jim Bacon was at the Times Dispatch (for 10 days or so)n and wrote an editorial about autistic kids, the social media outcry was tremendous and unfair.
    That’s what the story was about it. It was not about exploiting a 19 year-old girl.
    As for Jim B’s comment that the Post is tainting VMI with systemic racism, well, that’s what the alumni complaints and the probes are about. We’ll have to see what the probes report. It isn’t that the Post up there on K Street is making this up.
    There is a new jerk tendency among conservatives on the blog to (wink wink) debunk anything the Post, Times and networks say. It doesn’t matter that Fox News has had to retract its false reporting about election companies. That never gets a mention.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      No, we just “debunk” you Peter, seeing as you fail to even vet what you write. Instead to pawn off the errors on the author saying you’re just writing commentary.

      Also, how succinct using a tu quoque fallacy.

      You know there exist several lists on the interwebs describing logical fallacies and how they apply, you’d do yourself a favor if you read them.

    2. “It doesn’t matter that Fox News has had to retract its false reporting about election companies. That never gets a mention.”

      Sure, let’s talk about retractions.

      “New York Times retracts central episodes of ‘Caliphate’ podcast series”

      “We fell in love with the fact that we had gotten a member of ISIS who would describe his life in the caliphate and would describe his crimes,” New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet told NPR’s David Folkenflik in a Thursday interview. “I think we were so in love with it that when when we saw evidence that maybe he was a fabulist, when we saw evidence that he was making some of it up, we didn’t listen hard enough.”

      Then again, if the NYT retracted everything they got wrong about Russian collusion, they would have little space or time for current reporting.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You’re quoting WaPO as reliable reporting 😉

  31. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Gee, Sorry I can’t join in the usual blast and dismissal of two excellent newspapers. LOL!
    I thought the Times did a useful service with its story. It is a warning about what a moment of goofiness can lead to. A few years ago, a very capable critic at Style Weekly showed up in blackface at a Halloween Party and it went viral. No more critic. As I noted, when Jim Bacon was at the Times Dispatch (for 10 days or so)n and wrote an editorial about autistic kids, the social media outcry was tremendous and unfair.
    That’s what the story was about it. It was not about exploiting a 19 year-old girl.
    As for Jim B’s comment that the Post is tainting VMI with systemic racism, well, that’s what the alumni complaints and the probes are about. We’ll have to see what the probes report. It isn’t that the Post up there on K Street is making this up.
    There is a new jerk tendency among conservatives on the blog to (wink wink) debunk anything the Post, Times and networks say. It doesn’t matter that Fox News has had to retract its false reporting about election companies. That never gets a mention.

    1. “It doesn’t matter that Fox News has had to retract its false reporting about election companies. That never gets a mention.”

      Sure, let’s talk about retractions.

      “New York Times retracts central episodes of ‘Caliphate’ podcast series”

      “We fell in love with the fact that we had gotten a member of ISIS who would describe his life in the caliphate and would describe his crimes,” New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet told NPR’s David Folkenflik in a Thursday interview. “I think we were so in love with it that when when we saw evidence that maybe he was a fabulist, when we saw evidence that he was making some of it up, we didn’t listen hard enough.”

      Then again, if the NYT retracted everything they got wrong about Russian collusion, they would have little space or time for current reporting.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You’re quoting WaPO as reliable reporting 😉

    2. Matt Adams Avatar

      No, we just “debunk” you Peter, seeing as you fail to even vet what you write. Instead to pawn off the errors on the author saying you’re just writing commentary.

      Also, how succinct using a tu quoque fallacy.

      You know there exist several lists on the interwebs describing logical fallacies and how they apply, you’d do yourself a favor if you read them.

  32. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    So if historical N-bombs should be resurrected why didn’t either paper resurect Robert Byrd dropping the N-bomb on TV in the 2000’s then link that to then presidential candidate Biden who called him a mentor and who he eulogized?
    The answer is they only want to resurrect past indiscretions when it meets their narrative.
    That’s why people attack the press.. not for reporting but for cherry picking their reporting and then claiming they have journalistic integrity.
    Democratic presidential candidate off limits but 19 yr old girl is game on.

  33. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    So if historical N-bombs should be resurrected why didn’t either paper resurect Robert Byrd dropping the N-bomb on TV in the 2000’s then link that to then presidential candidate Biden who called him a mentor and who he eulogized?
    The answer is they only want to resurrect past indiscretions when it meets their narrative.
    That’s why people attack the press.. not for reporting but for cherry picking their reporting and then claiming they have journalistic integrity.
    Democratic presidential candidate off limits but 19 yr old girl is game on.

  34. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    VMI has a superintendent not a president.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      “VMI has a superintendent not a president.”

      That is the question at issue. And what we hope for. But possibly now under today’s toxic political environment driven by relentless assassination by today’s media, the current VMI superintendent may well have to resign to maintain that tradition, particularly so given Virginia’s corrupt regime driven by its Governor and Attorney General who keep institutions of higher learning in the state under their thumb by threat and intimidation so as to maintain their political control of those institutions.

  35. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    VMI has a superintendent not a president.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      “VMI has a superintendent not a president.”

      That is the question at issue. And what we hope for. But possibly now under today’s toxic political environment driven by relentless assassination by today’s media, the current VMI superintendent may well have to resign to maintain that tradition, particularly so given Virginia’s corrupt regime driven by its Governor and Attorney General who keep institutions of higher learning in the state under their thumb by threat and intimidation so as to maintain their political control of those institutions.

  36. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Warren Howell: Your comments about the dangers journalist face around the world show you don’t know what you are talking about.

    1. Mr. Galuszka,

      Your reply to Warren Howell shows you don’t know how to reply. Try clicking “reply.”

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        He can’t proofread, type or construct sentences either. However, none of those attributes appear keep him from being “editor” and claiming moral authority on all things “journalism”.

  37. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Warren Howell: Your comments about the dangers journalist face around the world show you don’t know what you are talking about.

    1. Mr. Galuszka,

      Your reply to Warren Howell shows you don’t know how to reply. Try clicking “reply.”

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        He can’t proofread, type or construct sentences either. However, none of those attributes appear keep him from being “editor” and claiming moral authority on all things “journalism”.

  38. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Mr. Peter I think you are right about “keydexit” VMI would be better off without the state. Not worth the 19 million. It will be interesting to see how this saga ends. I hope Jenkins has successfully started the next chapter. What has become of him? The senior Keydets, Mumford, and Warnovich appear to have landed on their feet. None involved will ever escape what has happened. Shapira seems to be in search of “VMI Burning or Confederates In The Attic”. We shall soon find out.

  39. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Mr. Peter I think you are right about “keydexit” VMI would be better off without the state. Not worth the 19 million. It will be interesting to see how this saga ends. I hope Jenkins has successfully started the next chapter. What has become of him? The senior Keydets, Mumford, and Warnovich appear to have landed on their feet. None involved will ever escape what has happened. Shapira seems to be in search of “VMI Burning or Confederates In The Attic”. We shall soon find out.

  40. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Don’t you think “Confederates in the Attic” is an excellent book? I do.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Interesting author, Horowitz. I met him once. Eerily similar to Uncle Remus in terms of caricturizing southern people and culture.

  41. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Don’t you think “Confederates in the Attic” is an excellent book? I do.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Interesting author, Horowitz. I met him once. Eerily similar to Uncle Remus in terms of caricturizing southern people and culture.

  42. “But here at Bacons Rebellion, we are handed the usual propaganda that journalists are evil and can’t be trusted.”

    It’s true. The news media in this country can’t be trusted. How else do you explain the disparity of how Swalwell was treated vs. anyone even remoted connected to Donald Trump? Eric Swalwell (D-CA) is not an obscure figure. He even ran for the Democratic nomination for President.

    “The New York Times has continued its reporting blackout on ties between Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and suspected Chinese Communist regime spy Christine Fang — not reporting on those ties for more than two weeks after they came to light.”

    “On December 8, Axios reported that Swalwell had been one of several American politicians that Fang had developed extensive ties to, as part of a multi-year spying operation in the United States between 2011 and 2015. Fang was even a campaign bundler for Swalwell and placed at least one intern in his congressional offices, according to the report. The FBI was reportedly so concerned about Fang — who had engaged in romantic relationships with at least two midwestern mayors — that they briefed Swalwell about her in 2015, when she suddenly returned to China.”

  43. “But here at Bacons Rebellion, we are handed the usual propaganda that journalists are evil and can’t be trusted.”

    It’s true. The news media in this country can’t be trusted. How else do you explain the disparity of how Swalwell was treated vs. anyone even remoted connected to Donald Trump? Eric Swalwell (D-CA) is not an obscure figure. He even ran for the Democratic nomination for President.

    “The New York Times has continued its reporting blackout on ties between Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and suspected Chinese Communist regime spy Christine Fang — not reporting on those ties for more than two weeks after they came to light.”

    “On December 8, Axios reported that Swalwell had been one of several American politicians that Fang had developed extensive ties to, as part of a multi-year spying operation in the United States between 2011 and 2015. Fang was even a campaign bundler for Swalwell and placed at least one intern in his congressional offices, according to the report. The FBI was reportedly so concerned about Fang — who had engaged in romantic relationships with at least two midwestern mayors — that they briefed Swalwell about her in 2015, when she suddenly returned to China.”

  44. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Why don’t I read positions opposite to my own? I do. I do read this blog. And Matt. I admit my typing is bad but only when I type on an iPhone. Just can’t handle the keypad

  45. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Why don’t I read positions opposite to my own? I do. I do read this blog. And Matt. I admit my typing is bad but only when I type on an iPhone. Just can’t handle the keypad

  46. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Nathan. Give me a freaking break. The chinese kicked NYT reporters out of their country earlier this year.

    1. And that proves what exactly?

      Does that justify completely ignoring a major story about a prominent Democrat who sits on the Intelligence Committee?

      Does it justify soft pedaling the ever-growing threat from China going forward? Why, so they can get back?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        one would think if the NYT ignores such a story, it leaves itself wide open to other media to report it, no?

        1. No. That didn’t happen.

          “When it comes to claims of Russian collusion (fake or real), the liberal media have proven to be all ears. But when it comes to the ever-growing threat from China, they’re far less interested. Whether it’s due to their corporate interests, the Communist Party’s tilt, or something else, the outrage was almost non-existent.”

          “So, it was unsurprising to see how the major broadcast network newscasts refused on Tuesday to acknowledge a bombshell Axios story chronicling how a Chinese spy named Christine Fang “developed extensive ties with local and national politicians, including a U.S. congressman, in what U.S. officials believe was a political intelligence operation run by China’s main civilian spy agency between 2011 and 2015.” That congressman? Eric Swalwell (D-CA).

          You may not like conservative news media, but without them there would be almost zero accountability for Democrats. Conservative media drive those stories to the point where they can no longer be ignored completely by the major news outlets. Sad but true.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            This is not true: ”
            What we know about how Swalwell and Fang interacted on substance: Axios reports that U.S. officials don’t think Fang ever got classified information as she cozied up to politicians, including from Swalwell. He is not accused of any wrongdoing. After U.S. intelligence officials briefed him in 2015 on their concerns about Fang, he cut off ties with her. Swalwell said in a statement to Axios this week that he provided information to the FBI about her and that he hasn’t interacted with her in six years. Fang has left the country.” ?

          2. Donald Trump Jr. spends 10 minutes with someone from Russia which he ended, and he is required to testify for 30 hours under oath and it’s newsworthy for 4 years.

            Eric Swalwell has an intimate relationship with a spy from China for several years and it’s not even newsworthy?

            Senator Dianne Feinstein employed a spy for several years. She was briefed by the FBI and had the opportunity to resolve the situation.

            The Trump Administration should have been given a similar briefing, and the news media needs to treat all foreign contacts with a similar standard. They don’t. It’s one of many many areas where they knowingly put their finger on the scale.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think there is a diference between POTUS and Congressmen especially when you have folks on your National Security staff that lied to the FBI about foreign contacts they did not disclose.

            Pretty sure if Stalwell had a clearance, he had to disclose those contacts – and if he did not – he too could be charged with lying to the FBI.

            Yes, there ought to be an investigation of Swalwell and if he did lie to the FBI – he should also be charged with lying – like the others were.

            And my bet is, if he is guility he won’t get a pardon like the others did.

          4. “Axios reports that U.S. officials don’t think Fang ever got classified information as she cozied up to politicians, including from Swalwell. ”

            Are you saying spies cozying up to elected officials is not a problem unless the spies are successful? Whether Swalwell is guilty of wrongdoing or not is not the issue. The issue is the mainstream media simply refusing to cover a news story about close contact between an elected official and a Chinese spy.

            The fact is, a story about ANY elected official having a close brush with foreign spies is NEWS. And you and I both know, Larry, that if a REPUBLICAN congress-critter from Iowa was in a situation identical to that of Rep. Swallwell’s, the NYT and WaPo would BOTH have given it front page coverage for at least a week or two. We also both know that even if this republican was cleared of wrongdoing there would be lingering insinuations about his ignorance/stupidity/lack-of-fitness-for-office via the editorial pages of these publications. And you would be right there arrogantly chuckling to yourself while making condescending remarks about how dumb republicans are.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh, I pull no punches on spies and US officials but there IS a difference between Congress folks and POTUS Staff – no question.

            We have “dirty” Congressmen on a regular basis but if someone has a Classified Clearance, tbey have to disclose their foreign contacts and that applies to ANYONE who gets a clearance but there are different levels of clearance and POTUS has the top levels whereas Congress has lower levels.

            Either way, if you have foreign contacts, the FBI wants to know and you can either disclose it or they will find out anyhow. The difference is if you lie and they find out you lied.

            Trump folks LIED …..and the FBI did find out.

            What happened in Swalwell’s case? Did he lie and the FBI found out or what?

          6. Matt Adams Avatar

            The office of the Presidency is the source of all classification, with the ability to classify and de-classify at a moments notice. The office holder is not subjected to backgrounds checks nor are they required to complete the SF-86, they don’t have a “clearance” they are the “clearance”.

            They are to be vetted by the Media, that is their primary role and why a free and unfettered media is key to our way of life. With that being stated people are biased, that’s just human nature. However, to be in the media you should put those biases aside and report only the facts.

            A tainted media is how you end up with busts of POTUS’s, we’ve had a litany that we won’t agree on for a varying degree to reasons.

            Rep. Swalwell was a member of the US Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, that is a position that would’ve required a TS. Which requires an SF-85 and a FBI background check (where they actually call all the people you list). If he was aware of her connections prior and didn’t disclose that, he will be afoul of the FBI and his clearance would be in jeopardy.

  47. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Nathan. Give me a freaking break. The chinese kicked NYT reporters out of their country earlier this year.

    1. And that proves what exactly?

      Does that justify completely ignoring a major story about a prominent Democrat who sits on the Intelligence Committee?

      Does it justify soft pedaling the ever-growing threat from China going forward? Why, so they can get back?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        one would think if the NYT ignores such a story, it leaves itself wide open to other media to report it, no?

        1. No. That didn’t happen.

          “When it comes to claims of Russian collusion (fake or real), the liberal media have proven to be all ears. But when it comes to the ever-growing threat from China, they’re far less interested. Whether it’s due to their corporate interests, the Communist Party’s tilt, or something else, the outrage was almost non-existent.”

          “So, it was unsurprising to see how the major broadcast network newscasts refused on Tuesday to acknowledge a bombshell Axios story chronicling how a Chinese spy named Christine Fang “developed extensive ties with local and national politicians, including a U.S. congressman, in what U.S. officials believe was a political intelligence operation run by China’s main civilian spy agency between 2011 and 2015.” That congressman? Eric Swalwell (D-CA).

          You may not like conservative news media, but without them there would be almost zero accountability for Democrats. Conservative media drive those stories to the point where they can no longer be ignored completely by the major news outlets. Sad but true.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            This is not true: ”
            What we know about how Swalwell and Fang interacted on substance: Axios reports that U.S. officials don’t think Fang ever got classified information as she cozied up to politicians, including from Swalwell. He is not accused of any wrongdoing. After U.S. intelligence officials briefed him in 2015 on their concerns about Fang, he cut off ties with her. Swalwell said in a statement to Axios this week that he provided information to the FBI about her and that he hasn’t interacted with her in six years. Fang has left the country.” ?

          2. Donald Trump Jr. spends 10 minutes with someone from Russia which he ended, and he is required to testify for 30 hours under oath and it’s newsworthy for 4 years.

            Eric Swalwell has an intimate relationship with a spy from China for several years and it’s not even newsworthy?

            Senator Dianne Feinstein employed a spy for several years. She was briefed by the FBI and had the opportunity to resolve the situation.

            The Trump Administration should have been given a similar briefing, and the news media needs to treat all foreign contacts with a similar standard. They don’t. It’s one of many many areas where they knowingly put their finger on the scale.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think there is a diference between POTUS and Congressmen especially when you have folks on your National Security staff that lied to the FBI about foreign contacts they did not disclose.

            Pretty sure if Stalwell had a clearance, he had to disclose those contacts – and if he did not – he too could be charged with lying to the FBI.

            Yes, there ought to be an investigation of Swalwell and if he did lie to the FBI – he should also be charged with lying – like the others were.

            And my bet is, if he is guility he won’t get a pardon like the others did.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh, I pull no punches on spies and US officials but there IS a difference between Congress folks and POTUS Staff – no question.

            We have “dirty” Congressmen on a regular basis but if someone has a Classified Clearance, tbey have to disclose their foreign contacts and that applies to ANYONE who gets a clearance but there are different levels of clearance and POTUS has the top levels whereas Congress has lower levels.

            Either way, if you have foreign contacts, the FBI wants to know and you can either disclose it or they will find out anyhow. The difference is if you lie and they find out you lied.

            Trump folks LIED …..and the FBI did find out.

            What happened in Swalwell’s case? Did he lie and the FBI found out or what?

          5. Matt Adams Avatar

            The office of the Presidency is the source of all classification, with the ability to classify and de-classify at a moments notice. The office holder is not subjected to backgrounds checks nor are they required to complete the SF-86, they don’t have a “clearance” they are the “clearance”.

            They are to be vetted by the Media, that is their primary role and why a free and unfettered media is key to our way of life. With that being stated people are biased, that’s just human nature. However, to be in the media you should put those biases aside and report only the facts.

            A tainted media is how you end up with busts of POTUS’s, we’ve had a litany that we won’t agree on for a varying degree to reasons.

            Rep. Swalwell was a member of the US Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, that is a position that would’ve required a TS. Which requires an SF-85 and a FBI background check (where they actually call all the people you list). If he was aware of her connections prior and didn’t disclose that, he will be afoul of the FBI and his clearance would be in jeopardy.

  48. “America isn’t easy. America is advanced citizenship. You’ve gotta want it bad, ’cause it’s gonna put up a fight. It’s gonna say, “You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours….. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the land of the free.” – Aaron Sorkin, The American President

    Peter, please know I disagree with most of what you write here. For me, I lost faith with the recent firings of editorial staff at the NYT. I do wonder though, would you defend my right to disagree?

  49. “America isn’t easy. America is advanced citizenship. You’ve gotta want it bad, ’cause it’s gonna put up a fight. It’s gonna say, “You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours….. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the land of the free.” – Aaron Sorkin, The American President

    Peter, please know I disagree with most of what you write here. For me, I lost faith with the recent firings of editorial staff at the NYT. I do wonder though, would you defend my right to disagree?

  50. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Of course, i would support your right to speak your mind. That is why I continue contributing to this blog even though the tone has been so negative lately that I have thought of quitting. The beauty of BR is its openness.
    The NYT has had a lot of troubles. There was the Howell Raines affair and then Jill Abramson. More recently, the Bennett mess came after the Cotton oped. Should Cotton’s view be published? Absolutely. But Bennett did not read it first. That’s rather inexcusable.
    Then, there is the scandal over the “Caliphate” Podcast that turned out to be bogus. A number of people at the Times warned about the piece and finally they turned out to be right.
    My view is that the paper is suffering the growing pains of its new publisher A.G.Sulzberger. It is losing quality. I subscribe digitally and I snarl when I see that have replaced “Top News Stories” with “Most Popular.” I am paying for the news, dammit, not what some people like.
    I have a number of friends at the Times or have retired. The previous publisher, Arthur Jr., was actually a college classmate of mine. I knew him although not well. His sister went there, too. I used to run into Arthur every now and then. One other personal note. The Sunday book review section ran a brief but very positive review of my book. Pretty good for someone who can’t write.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      No you wouldn’t support his right to speak his mind, you wrote this very column condemning those who don’t align with your esteem for two publications who have tarnished their names.

      The negative comes when you actually don’t want to discuss the facts, policy and the like. You’d rather lambast someone for their political beliefs.

      Then you produce items as follows:

      “I have a number of friends at the Times or have retired. The previous publisher, Arthur Jr., was actually a college classmate of mine. I knew him although not well. His sister went there, too. I used to run into Arthur every now and then. One other personal note. The Sunday book review section ran a brief but very positive review of my book. Pretty good for someone who can’t write.”

      It’s red herrings mixed with poor writing. That was the largest complaint about your book, it needed edited. So whoever your editor was, they did a very poor job of trying to correct your errors.

      Also, just because someone gave you a good book review doesn’t mean their opinion was actually valid.

  51. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Of course, i would support your right to speak your mind. That is why I continue contributing to this blog even though the tone has been so negative lately that I have thought of quitting. The beauty of BR is its openness.
    The NYT has had a lot of troubles. There was the Howell Raines affair and then Jill Abramson. More recently, the Bennett mess came after the Cotton oped. Should Cotton’s view be published? Absolutely. But Bennett did not read it first. That’s rather inexcusable.
    Then, there is the scandal over the “Caliphate” Podcast that turned out to be bogus. A number of people at the Times warned about the piece and finally they turned out to be right.
    My view is that the paper is suffering the growing pains of its new publisher A.G.Sulzberger. It is losing quality. I subscribe digitally and I snarl when I see that have replaced “Top News Stories” with “Most Popular.” I am paying for the news, dammit, not what some people like.
    I have a number of friends at the Times or have retired. The previous publisher, Arthur Jr., was actually a college classmate of mine. I knew him although not well. His sister went there, too. I used to run into Arthur every now and then. One other personal note. The Sunday book review section ran a brief but very positive review of my book. Pretty good for someone who can’t write.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      No you wouldn’t support his right to speak his mind, you wrote this very column condemning those who don’t align with your esteem for two publications who have tarnished their names.

      The negative comes when you actually don’t want to discuss the facts, policy and the like. You’d rather lambast someone for their political beliefs.

      Then you produce items as follows:

      “I have a number of friends at the Times or have retired. The previous publisher, Arthur Jr., was actually a college classmate of mine. I knew him although not well. His sister went there, too. I used to run into Arthur every now and then. One other personal note. The Sunday book review section ran a brief but very positive review of my book. Pretty good for someone who can’t write.”

      It’s red herrings mixed with poor writing. That was the largest complaint about your book, it needed edited. So whoever your editor was, they did a very poor job of trying to correct your errors.

      Also, just because someone gave you a good book review doesn’t mean their opinion was actually valid.

  52. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    I could go on for pages about the corruption and dishonesty of the Post based solely on my dealings with it. Let’s start with just a couple of issues. Some ten plus years ago, my home phone rang. It was a Post reporter calling to ask me questions about the proposals for redeveloping Tysons. I answered the questions to the best of my ability. Included in the discussion was big “P,” politics, including former Governor Tim Kaine’s role in transferred the Dulles Toll Road and its revenues to MWAA for payment of the state’s share of the costs of building rail to Dulles.

    The reporter mentioned that he received pressure from the editorial board not to write anything critical of then-Governor Kaine. The clear goal of the Paper was to promote the political career of a Democrat in Virginia by suppressing negative stories even to the extent of violating a fundamental written policy of the Paper – there should be no attempt by the editorial staff to “influence” the news side and vice versa.

    The reporter knew that she/he had no recourse against the editorial board for this fundamental violation of the Post’s journalistic standards. The reasonable inference to be drawn is that the editorial writers regularly violated policy to suppress information in order to advance their political goals.

    Let’s jump forward. In 2018-19, Senators Harris and Hirono attempted to impose an unconstitutional religious test against a nominee for a federal district court seat in Nebraska. So offensive was this conduct, that the Senate unanimously passed a resolution condemning the Senators’ bigotry and unconstitutional conduct. Yet, there was no editorial from the Post condemning the Senators (based on searches of the WaPo’s entire contents using Fairfax County Library services). And indeed, by endorsing the Biden-Harris ticket, rather than just urging voters not to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket, the Post unabashedly supports religious bigotry. Instead of taking the position that all bigotry is wrong, the editorial board (and presumably, its publisher and its owner) finds some level of religious bigotry acceptable.

    I could go on.

    The Washington Post is filth. And Bezos has failed miserably in restoring standards and decency to his company.

  53. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    TMT. I find that hard to believe. I have been contributing to the Post’s opinions section. The only piece spiked was about a Democratic senator from Virginia. The reason? Too positive.

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Peter, are you questioning whether this event actually happened? I’ve posted it several times before. Are you suggesting that the Post’s editorial board members are above violating company and journalism standards to advance their political beliefs?

      I have an example where I was told an op-ed piece I wrote calling for higher fees for overweight truck permits that were causing tens of millions of dollars in damages to roads and bridges in Virginia would not be published as it tended to undermine the editorial board’s persistent call for higher and higher taxes. (Indeed, I did not oppose higher gas taxes in my piece. I only tried to argue higher permit fees were needed and pointed out the unfairness to ordinary people.)

    2. sherlockj Avatar

      Peter, you often comment on this blog that you are slumming by writing here. Please stop it. I just checked and it showed that of the 107 articles you have published in the past 18 months, 105 of them have been on Bacon’s Rebellion. Two were in the Washington Post.

      I welcome you here. Opposing views are always welcome. But spare us the pretense that you are doing us a favor.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        My gosh. Does that apply to Sherlock also? 😉

          1. LarrytheG Avatar


  54. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Matt. What the hell do you know about my book? Did you actually read it? Did you really do a thorough research of the reviews? If you did, why? Don’t you have enough to do?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Pete – he’s a EE and knows “stuff” and is better than you. 😉

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        Actually my degree has nothing to do with it Larry. You see I grew up in Appalachia and while Peter visited for 4 years, I had a front row seat for 20+.

        On top of that my father worked for JOY, so I spent a great deal of my childhood around mining.

        However, if you want to continue to play the game I’d suggest dropping the “ad hom”, as that’s what you just did.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Most of the EEs I’ve worked with in my career, I must say, were nothing like you. They are usually quiet and reserved and do not tend to strut their credentials and go after others. They know their
          stuff for real… don’t need to spout it.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            “LarrytheG | December 28, 2020 at 12:34 pm | Reply
            Most of the EEs I’ve worked with in my career, I must say, were nothing like you. They are usually quiet and reserved and do not tend to strut their credentials and go after others. They know their
            stuff for real… don’t need to spout it.”

            What did you do Larry.

            Also that has nothing to do with my comment and just more “ad hom” attacks.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: “what did I do”. 😉

            I thought you already knew,… and said so.. or was that an Ad Hom?

          3. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Ad hominem means “against the man,” and this type of fallacy is sometimes called name calling or the personal attack fallacy. This type of fallacy occurs when someone attacks the person instead of attacking his or her argument.”

            I’m not “real”.

            I know you retired from the Federal Government, however when I pressed as to what you did, you said that was a personal attack.

            I’d surmise you cleaned toilets’ (that is a personal attack).

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            a “personal attack” means you directly attacked a person – not their argument.

            that’s what you do guy and then you lie about it.

            and this from someone who claims to be a gainfully employed individual… who apparently has time on their hands…to go attack others…

            I bet you’re a real pill at work……

          5. Matt Adams Avatar


            No, no it doesn’t. I just provided you with the exact definition of “ad hom” and have done so on several occasions. Seeing as you can’t seem to retain that information, I can’t help you.

            “that’s what you do guy and then you lie about it.

            and this from someone who claims to be a gainfully employed individual… who apparently has time on their hands…to go attack others…

            I bet you’re a real pill at work……”

            I haven’t lied about anything, you just don’t know proper definitions and believe that anyone dare question you is personally attacking you.

            What does my employment have to do with this? Am I currently on vacation or am I working? How many vacation days a year do I acquire? What is my current Project?

            Not to mention that this entire screed along with the vast majority of your comments are “ad hom” attacks.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Matt – you wouldn’t know an Ad Hom attack if it bit you in the butt.

            I thought it was interesting when Bacon called you on it before and your response.

            REAL EEs don’t strut their credentials. You know them by their work – they don’t have to “impress” you with their credentials much less disparage others.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar

            “LarrytheG | December 28, 2020 at 1:10 pm |
            Matt – you wouldn’t know an Ad Hom attack if it bit you in the butt.

            I thought it was interesting when Bacon called you on it before and your response.

            REAL EEs don’t strut their credentials. You know them by their work – they don’t have to “impress” you with their credentials much less disparage others.”

            I’ve provided the definition Larry, I very much know what it is. Along with the litany of other fallacies.

            The rest of your comment, is again an ad hom attack. It appears you lack the wherewithal to see what you’re engaging in.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Matt. What the hell do you know about my book? Did you actually read it? Did you really do a thorough research of the reviews? If you did, why? Don’t you have enough to do?”

      I know that despite you indicating it deals with the UBB, it’s just a collection of essay’s that are only tangibly related. It’s also littered with factual errors and repetitive writing.

      I’d prefer “Lost Mountain” by Erik Reese.

      Well Peter, have you ever heard of Data Science?

  55. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Did you actually READ it? What factual errors? Please point them out? It’s been eight years and none have been brought to my attention.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      Page 144: Widow Combs died in 1993 not 1991 and was 88 not 87. That’s from a review in 2016.

      So who was your editor?

      That seems to be your reflexive statement, since it’s not been brought to your attention it doesn’t exist. That errors are others faults not your own.

  56. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Actually I resided there from 1962 to 1969. Why are you so fascinated with me? I don’t even know who you are.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Peter Galuszka | December 28, 2020 at 12:36 pm | Reply
      Actually I resided there from 1962 to 1969. Why are you so fascinated with me? I don’t even know who you are.”

      You personally referenced in the last paragraph of this article and have the audacity to question why I’m tearing you apart. Beyond that I actually expect Journalist to be professionals and fact check their work. Whereas you source dubious information and are more given to attacking those who don’t align with your political leanings. That’s not journalism, that’s punditry.

  57. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Matt. I’ll to check but those indeed sound like really big errors. And I have looked you up. You’re just a kid you just got his master’s degree. You’ll go far if you are always this nasty.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Matt. I’ll to check but those indeed sound like really big errors. And I have looked you up. You’re just a kid you just got his master’s degree. You’ll go far if you are always this nasty.”

      So you looked me up and I’m just a kid with a masters degree, well if that’s your ability a research, you sir are poor at it.

  58. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Matt. This is getting absurd. From now on, you comment all you want but I’m not replying again. Have a bright future, young man!

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      I could less if you respond, if you can’t handle being criticized and corrected you shouldn’t be writing.

      Seeing as you’ve claimed to have looked me up, while not providing any factual information about me is telling. On top of that when you directly e-mail someone to throw a profanity’s at them, I’m not particularly inclined to give you any leeway.

      So next time research better and use less logical fallacies.

  59. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Matt. This is getting absurd. From now on, you comment all you want but I’m not replying again. Have a bright future, young man!

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      I could less if you respond, if you can’t handle being criticized and corrected you shouldn’t be writing.

      Seeing as you’ve claimed to have looked me up, while not providing any factual information about me is telling. On top of that when you directly e-mail someone to throw a profanity’s at them, I’m not particularly inclined to give you any leeway.

      So next time research better and use less logical fallacies.

  60. This thread ends now. All future posts will be deleted. Gentlemen, feel free to engage offline. But not on the blog.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Wait, wait… I haven’t had a chance to post something.

      Uh,… um,… I got nothing.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Oooh, oooh! Got it! “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Gee, all that and guns too. And there are those who question anonymity in this dasypygal place.

      First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a socialist.

      Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a trade unionist.

      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Jew.

      Then they came for me—S’okay, ’cause nobody knows who the Hell I am!

      1. I had to look up dasypygal.

        I like it when I encounter an English language word I am unfamiliar with – although I do not run across all that many these days.

        Thanks you.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Polite way of saying “hairy assed”.

          “Well, that was one dasypygal roller coaster ride!”

  61. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    But Capt,Jim I am doing you a favor. A HUGE favor. On the brighter side, you seem one of the few who doesn’t take this so personally (also, I did a few more Post pieces than that but never mind)

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      “She finally found Mr. Right. She just didn’t know his first name was Always.”
      He’s all yours now, Bubba.

  62. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    But Capt,Jim I am doing you a favor. A HUGE favor. On the brighter side, you seem one of the few who doesn’t take this so personally (also, I did a few more Post pieces than that but never mind)

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      “She finally found Mr. Right. She just didn’t know his first name was Always.”
      He’s all yours now, Bubba.

  63. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Capt Jim,
    I went to the Post’s website and searched myself. I founded more than 36 contributions in the past three years. From 2010 to 2018 I contributed to a blog there and had dozens of pieces. I don’t trust Muck Rack.

    As far as the gratuitous criticism of me and my book, I feel compelled to respond.

    Here is the brief NYT review:

    The book made the “Editor’s Choice” list of the American Library Association in 2012.

    It was nominated as a “best book” by the Virginia Library.

    It was put on the list of the 52 best books on coal energy, ever.

    West Virginia University Press liked it and bought rights from St. Martin’s Press, an imprint of Macmillan, one of the top five publishers in the U.S. WVY put it out as expanded paperback.

    It was featured in a favorable podcast by the Houston Chronicle.

    It was the basis, in part, for the documentary film, “Blood on the Mountain, which won many awards internationally.

    Sorry to brag, but I do have my reputation to defend.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      Did you fix the factual error?

      1. Rather petty criticism Matt. Give it a rest.

        Mr. Galuszka has done some fine work over the years. Let it go. If you have a substantive point about his article on BR, make it.

        I disagree with most of Mr. Galuszka’s posts, but don’t find your constant nit picking to be at all useful.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          Facts aren’t nit picking, they are facts. If someone wishes to be taken seriously, they provide facts and nothing but the facts.

          I’m also not particularly inclined to “Let it Go” when the author had the audacity to directly e-mail me, which I didn’t provide him and use profanity.

          1. “I’m also not particularly inclined to “Let it Go” when the author had the audacity to directly e-mail me, which I didn’t provide him and use profanity.”

            That’s between you and Mr. Galuszka. Direct e-mail him back and spare the rest of us.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            I have, he was to cowardly to respond.

  64. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Capt Jim,
    I went to the Post’s website and searched myself. I founded more than 36 contributions in the past three years. From 2010 to 2018 I contributed to a blog there and had dozens of pieces. I don’t trust Muck Rack.

    As far as the gratuitous criticism of me and my book, I feel compelled to respond.

    Here is the brief NYT review:

    The book made the “Editor’s Choice” list of the American Library Association in 2012.

    It was nominated as a “best book” by the Virginia Library.

    It was put on the list of the 52 best books on coal energy, ever.

    West Virginia University Press liked it and bought rights from St. Martin’s Press, an imprint of Macmillan, one of the top five publishers in the U.S. WVY put it out as expanded paperback.

    It was featured in a favorable podcast by the Houston Chronicle.

    It was the basis, in part, for the documentary film, “Blood on the Mountain, which won many awards internationally.

    Sorry to brag, but I do have my reputation to defend.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      Did you fix the factual error?

      1. Rather petty criticism Matt. Give it a rest.

        Mr. Galuszka has done some fine work over the years. Let it go. If you have a substantive point about his article on BR, make it.

        I disagree with most of Mr. Galuszka’s posts, but don’t find your constant nit picking to be at all useful.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          Facts aren’t nit picking, they are facts. If someone wishes to be taken seriously, they provide facts and nothing but the facts.

          I’m also not particularly inclined to “Let it Go” when the author had the audacity to directly e-mail me, which I didn’t provide him and use profanity.

          1. “I’m also not particularly inclined to “Let it Go” when the author had the audacity to directly e-mail me, which I didn’t provide him and use profanity.”

            That’s between you and Mr. Galuszka. Direct e-mail him back and spare the rest of us.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            I have, he was to cowardly to respond.

  65. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Ok Matt. You nailed me. Ollie “widow” Combs died in 1993 not 1991. She was born in 1904 so I don’t whether she died at 87 or 88 years. How can correct this? Am I supposed to contact everyone who bought the book? That’s impossible. The error is very small and not worth the trouble. Books this size run 65,000!to 70,000 words. The industry standard is about a dozen errors per book. Some are the fault of the author and others happen when the book is finished. Satisfied?

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      For really important works, the publisher might issue an errata.

    2. Yes, sir.

      Not only do you have to individually contact every single person who purchased the book, you have to verify their current addresses and hand deliver the corrected page to each of them at their home or place of business…

      Oh, yeah, and you also have to provide a humble and sincere verbal and written apology to each of them for your egregious and inexcusable error…

      Look on the bright side, though – you’ll be racking up some serious frequent flier miles!


  66. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Ok Matt. You nailed me. Ollie “widow” Combs died in 1993 not 1991. She was born in 1904 so I don’t whether she died at 87 or 88 years. How can correct this? Am I supposed to contact everyone who bought the book? That’s impossible. The error is very small and not worth the trouble. Books this size run 65,000!to 70,000 words. The industry standard is about a dozen errors per book. Some are the fault of the author and others happen when the book is finished. Satisfied?

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      For really important works, the publisher might issue an errata.

    2. Yes, sir.

      Not only do you have to individually contact every single person who purchased the book, you have to verify their current addresses and hand deliver the corrected page to each of them at their home or place of business…

      Oh, yeah, and you also have to provide a humble and sincere verbal and written apology to each of them for your egregious and inexcusable error…

      Look on the bright side, though – you’ll be racking up some serious frequent flier miles!


  67. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Well I guess this not a really important work Another day a Bacons Rebellion.

  68. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Well I guess this not a really important work Another day a Bacons Rebellion.

  69. WordPress is a disgusting platform that strangles conservatives and attacks established authentic and reputable sites like Conservative Treehouse which had to relocate on short notice. 91 comments shows you have life at least.

    I registered only because my google alert told me somebody fears I may return to public office very soon.

    No insult intended, but your Bacon site is safe as you allow lowlife no name backstabbers like Peter to write or post on your site. He claims the old trope that I bash gays and immigrants. The truth is that he, Peter, does a racist plantation style bigotry against homosexuals and immigrants. Happy New Year to you too.

    Yes, it is liberals who attempt to steal elections and spread lies about “government” solving your sexual orientation rights knowing full well that the market system allows for fair competition and profit as a better reward to “one size fits all” federal law giving you “rights.” I oppose these federal laws opposite “Human Rights Fund” who wants dozens of new powers from Big Daddy Government.

    As far as immigrants are concerned, its ILLEGAL ALIEN Criminals that I have worked against. Most American immigrants know I am their champion.

    Regarding the SPLC, they invested millions in a dumb wasteful law suit and they fired the CEO responsible for that stupidity. Their policy of broad brushing Public Advocate as a hate group is an absurdity long condemned by most mainstream policy groups like the Roman Catholic Church, a group associated with Public Advocate by being on this same list. David LaRock, Dick Black, Bob Marshall and Mick Staton are the best examples of determined moral conservative leaders who are awesome in their strong balanced and popular support.

    And since 1982, the Washington Post has attacked Public Advocate and me by name 500 times and their archives were filled with these attacks. Go pay LexisNexis to see as WP deleted their archives rather than sell them. I am grateful to Peter for the generous plug. LOL.

  70. Since your name is Nancy and you brought up youtube, there are five fan or Delgaudio channels with 200 videos and my PA channel has a million views this year here:

    We have a Nancy Sobriety Checkpoint devoted to Nancy so Nancy please enjoy this popular video for your namesake as it climbs to nearly 23,000 views

  71. WordPress is a disgusting platform that strangles conservatives and attacks established authentic and reputable sites like Conservative Treehouse which had to relocate on short notice. 91 comments shows you have life at least.

    I registered only because my google alert told me somebody fears I may return to public office very soon.

    No insult intended, but your Bacon site is safe as you allow lowlife no name backstabbers like Peter to write or post on your site. He claims the old trope that I bash gays and immigrants. The truth is that he, Peter, does a racist plantation style bigotry against homosexuals and immigrants. Happy New Year to you too.

    Yes, it is liberals who attempt to steal elections and spread lies about “government” solving your sexual orientation rights knowing full well that the market system allows for fair competition and profit as a better reward to “one size fits all” federal law giving you “rights.” I oppose these federal laws opposite “Human Rights Fund” who wants dozens of new powers from Big Daddy Government.

    As far as immigrants are concerned, its ILLEGAL ALIEN Criminals that I have worked against. Most American immigrants know I am their champion.

    Regarding the SPLC, they invested millions in a dumb wasteful law suit and they fired the CEO responsible for that stupidity. Their policy of broad brushing Public Advocate as a hate group is an absurdity long condemned by most mainstream policy groups like the Roman Catholic Church, a group associated with Public Advocate by being on this same list. David LaRock, Dick Black, Bob Marshall and Mick Staton are the best examples of determined moral conservative leaders who are awesome in their strong balanced and popular support.

    And since 1982, the Washington Post has attacked Public Advocate and me by name 500 times and their archives were filled with these attacks. Go pay LexisNexis to see as WP deleted their archives rather than sell them. I am grateful to Peter for the generous plug. LOL.

  72. Since your name is Nancy and you brought up youtube, there are five fan or Delgaudio channels with 200 videos and my PA channel has a million views this year here:

    We have a Nancy Sobriety Checkpoint devoted to Nancy so Nancy please enjoy this popular video for your namesake as it climbs to nearly 23,000 views

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      The official vehicle of the Imperial Clown Show right there!

  73. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I’ll be deputy dog. Eugene Delgaudio posted here at the Rebellion. Didn’t hide behind a fake name either. You were an honest voice in Loudoun County politics!

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      The official vehicle of the Imperial Clown Show right there!

  74. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I’ll be deputy dog. Eugene Delgaudio posted here at the Rebellion. Didn’t hide behind a fake name either. You were an honest voice in Loudoun County politics!

  75. Hi Deputy Dog James Wyatt Whitehead V, always appreciate you too. Thank you Nancy for yet another plug of my youtube channel. Posting my actual Clown Congress Limo is appreciated. Its the official transport for our Fools on the Hill troupe. Another widely viewed (nearly 19,000 views)Public Advocate video about Nancy Pelosi, titled FOOLS ON THE HILL of course. Here
    ‘s video promo for singers on tour here

  76. Hi Deputy Dog James Wyatt Whitehead V, always appreciate you too. Thank you Nancy for yet another plug of my youtube channel. Posting my actual Clown Congress Limo is appreciated. Its the official transport for our Fools on the Hill troupe. Another widely viewed (nearly 19,000 views)Public Advocate video about Nancy Pelosi, titled FOOLS ON THE HILL of course. Here
    ‘s video promo for singers on tour here

  77. TruthLover Avatar

    Fighting against people who hate America, who seek to destroy families and want to kill innocent people, is a good thing. I fully support Eugene Delgaudio as an American Patriot who is fighting the good fight!

    I looked at his website and see that he has been doing a great job since 1981 fighting liberals, homosexuals, pornography, gay marriage, high taxes, over-regulation, obscenity, abortion, atheists, agnostics, corruption and more. We need more good fighters for Truth and Goodness like President Eugene Delgaudio!!!!

    His YouTube channel is awesome!!!!! Wish I was there singing AGAINST THE STINKING RATS IN D.C. Indeed SOMETHING SMELLS! High Time we bring our the rat traps!

  78. TruthLover Avatar

    Fighting against people who hate America, who seek to destroy families and want to kill innocent people, is a good thing. I fully support Eugene Delgaudio as an American Patriot who is fighting the good fight!

    I looked at his website and see that he has been doing a great job since 1981 fighting liberals, homosexuals, pornography, gay marriage, high taxes, over-regulation, obscenity, abortion, atheists, agnostics, corruption and more. We need more good fighters for Truth and Goodness like President Eugene Delgaudio!!!!

    His YouTube channel is awesome!!!!! Wish I was there singing AGAINST THE STINKING RATS IN D.C. Indeed SOMETHING SMELLS! High Time we bring our the rat traps!

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