Whatever this is supposed to mean. Courtesy, McKinsey & Company

by James C.  Sherlock

Ever feel not only disconnected from, but ignored by central planners?

Do you run a shoe store in Sterling or work for a hospital in Richmond? Use natural gas in your home or work?  Teach in a public school in Wise County? Drive a gas-or diesel-powered vehicle?

In other words, do you do what people do to make the economy run and feed their families? Live your life using carbon-based energy, as does the entire economy?

Central planners have chosen your future. Nothing big, just the entire United states economy.

They acknowledge “headwinds” in that future. Challenges they call “weather fronts.” What McKinsey, the guru of net zero, calls a “devilish duality” that it claims has put “executives” on the spot.

They offer strategies to deal with them:

As net zero has become an organizing principle for business, executives are on the spot to lay out credibly how they will deliver a transition to net zero while building and reinforcing resilience against the certain volatility of ongoing economic and political shocks.

Dominion Energy is all in.  But questions arise:

  • Is net zero an “organizing principle” for your business and life?
  • Who is “on the spot,” “executives” or you?
  • Do you think, as McKinsey states as fact, that the actions of man can “mitigate the climate”?
  • Do you want to move to transform your life at McKinsey’s headlong pace, or do you just want clean air and water, to move back from low lying areas, to protect our most strategically valuable assets from flooding, and to transition to green energy when it is proven reliable and affordable?

Doesn’t matter. You are along for McKinsey’s ride.

They get paid even if it derails.

For a peek into government/industrial group-think, it is always instructional to listen to McKinsey. Which is hired to tell them what to think.

As the “thought leader” of central planning, McKinsey is the go-to consultant for governments at the federal and state levels, multibillion dollar industries, and international central planning get-togethers like Davos.

And their own conventions.

For the last ten years, McKinsey’s Global Infrastructure Initiative has sought to create trust-based forums for senior decision-makers to scale innovation, forge relationships, and mobilize change in pursuit of sustainable, resilient, inclusive infrastructure. McKinsey serves as the convenor of the community, with the aspiration of creating shared momentum toward smarter, greener infrastructure.

If you don’t have a ticket for any of those rides, you get to watch.

Among the “weather fronts” McKinsey acknowledges are:

  • energy availability and security, including grid reliability;
  • the availability of the rare earth materials required for the transition;
  • the affordability of the “adaptations” required to utterly upend the economies of nations;
  • The growing backlash against environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting requirements and of ESG investing; and
  • governments, mugged by reality (not including the Biden Administration), abandoning at least the pace of the course McKinsey has set for them.

McKinsey sees these as small speed bumps on the way to nirvana. Opportunities to excel, actually.

McKinsey advises staying the course. That, friends, is dogma on stage.

You weren’t polled. I urge readers to review what McKinsey is telling its customers.

Which doesn’t include you.

Read McKinsey strategies for “shaping a resilient sustainability.”  Your betters will work to implement them. You won’t be tempted to try them at home or in your own business.

You may not be in a position to “form public-private partnerships.”

CEOs should realize that the challenge of maintaining resiliency while driving toward net zero is too great to go it alone. New public–private partnerships will be needed because many of the emerging energy and materials value chains will require full ecosystem development.

You are unlikely “go beyond net zero,” “play offense through a sustainable value creation strategy,” or “aggressively reskill leadership teams, boards, and frontline workers.”

“Reskill.” The use of insider verbs always shows deeper understanding than you have.

The Youngkin administration is trying to jump off of the part of that ride that ties Virginia consumers and businesses to California’s economic-death-defying dive. Godspeed.

Steve Haner keeps us apprised of the progress and challenges of Dominion’s efforts and the blocking of new natural gas pipelines in Virginia.

But always remember that central planners, with McKinsey at their side, have you covered.

If “covered” is the right word.

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50 responses to “McKinsey & Company Has You Covered”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…and to transition to green energy when it is proven reliable and affordable…”

    It is already both…

    1. That’s debatable, but tell China. We all share the same atmosphere you know.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        China is also a world leader in wind and solar, right?

        1. Only because their economy is huge. On a fractional basis not much compared to coal.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            bigger than any other country?


    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Well, then, there you have it.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Indeed we do…

    3. …without subsidies.

      “Renewable Energy Is Now The Cheapest Option – Even Without Subsidies”


      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        gee, this is 2019 and some of these guys still don’t get it! 😉

        1. They’re paid not to get it.

          There is at least one prostitute for the fossil fuel industry in this thread, and Mr. Bacon himself has questionable financial ties to Dominion Energy…

          “[David] Wojick was a “scientific advisor” for a now-defunct Greening Earth Society (GES), a group created by the Western Fuels Association, a large US coal industry association.”


        2. There’s no need to impute motives.

          I’m sure you are genuine in your beliefs. You can assume the same for those with whom you disagree.

      2. The author of that article is a Forbes 30U30. So was Elizabeth Holmes.


        A healthy dose of skepticism isn’t always a bad thing. Time will tell.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        You should not be shy about weighing in with your views and comments.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Our new moderator is fairly quick on the trigger. We still don’t really know the criteria or whether it applies equally to all who comment.

          1. For those new to BR: https://www.baconsrebellion.com/comments/ AND

            “Commenters are welcome to disagree vigorously — that’s what makes the
            comments interesting to read. But the dialogue must be civil, and it must introduce new logic or new evidence to the discussion.”


          2. Lol! The mods are now censoring Mr. Bacon himself on his own blog!

            This is becoming a bit of a clown show…

            “Dominion [Energy] supported this blog”

            -James A. Bacon


          3. It apparently applies to the owner of the blog himself!

            I’m not sure what @Jabacon:disqus said that the mod found so offensive, but it keeps getting deleted for some reason…

            “Dominion [Energy] supported this blog”

            -James A. Bacon


          4. Perhaps she needs to discuss it with Mr. Bacon before she continues her “moderation” work here.

            Propaganda does not work without censorship.

            “Internal Fossil Fuel Industry Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate Disinformation”


          5. I’m pretty sure I do know the main criterion!

            Anything that proves there’s a financial incentive to mislead gets censored.

            Propaganda does not work without censorship.

            “Dominion [Energy] supported this blog”

            -James A. Bacon


        2. See the links on comments in reply to Larry.
          It was your ad hom on Bacon that led to deletion. Going forward, reposting deleted material will trigger a “timeout” ban.

          Added note 1/14/23:
          One CB comment was deleted because she said, “…Bacon himself has questionable financial ties to Dominion Energy..”

          The facts are the Dominion sponsorship of the blog from 2015 to 2018 was open and above board. Information on both the beginning and the ending of the sponsorship were posted here on BR. This is the link to the 2018 article. https://www.baconsrebellion.com/new-chapter-for-bacons-rebellion/

          CB’s reposted link from several months ago to what I consider a libelous comment of financial impropriety (refuted by Jim Bacon) was also deleted today as an ad hominem attack.

          Comments have increased from 960 a week when I started moderating to 1500 a week as of today, not counting deletions and deleted complaints. On topic comments that add new insights or information without profanity or personal attacks are not deleted.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Seems like if you are going to change the rules or add new ones, you ought to give notice to everyone and modify the rules that are posted on the BR BLOG page.

          2. Nothing new. Quoted Jim Bacon, and banning is within a moderator’s prerogative.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    There was a time in this country where people heated their homes with coal. They had power generation plants in the downtown that ran on coal. We did not have sewage treatment plants, we had sewage in the streets and in open ditches that ran directly to the rivers.

    Central Planners had a big hand in dealing with those issues.

    We once had deadly substances in our food, water and even in our drugs. Central planners played a role in making it safer for all of us.

    We drive from point A to point B with a phone and a GPS guiding us. Central planners did that.

    We get our weather … I think the point is clear….

    It’s just amazing that we’ve come this far and we forget how.

    1. None of those things happened under the Biden Administration now did they?

      “Computer breakdown sows chaos across US air travel system”

      “Thousands of flights across the U.S. were canceled or delayed Wednesday after a system that offers safety information to pilots failed, and the government launched an investigation into the breakdown, which grounded some planes for hours.”


      And what has Pete been up to?

      “Making acronyms more ‘inclusive’ by renaming the NOTAM system from “Notice to Airmen” to ‘Notice to Air Missions.’ I wish I was joking.”

      “Wokeism is a disease. Next time, try doing your job, Pete.”

      – Dan Crenshaw

    2. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      well no central planners didn’t do much if any of that people looking to improve life and make money at the same time did that.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Public Roads?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          You found one.

        2. Didn’t you post something about the interstate highway system before?

          I wonder where it could have gone…

          “The Interstate System has been called the Greatest Public Works Project in History. From the day President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, the Interstate System has been a part of our culture as construction projects, as transportation in our daily lives, and as an integral part of the American way of life. Every citizen has been touched by it, if not directly as motorists, then indirectly because every item we buy has been on the Interstate System at some point. President Eisenhower considered it one of the most important achievements of his two terms in office, and historians agree.”


        3. James Kiser Avatar
          James Kiser

          t most roads were toll roads or did you forget that as were many of the canals.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            They were indeed. Then what happened?

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      National level planning produced none of those things unless you designate the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act as central planning, which I don’t.

      In those cases, the government set standards and industry figured out how to comply. The timelines were never ahead of the technology to meet them.

      Telephones were a proprietary invention fielded by the owners of the patents. Remember “the phone company”?

      GPS was produced by and for the military.

      Sewage treatment was and is a municipal responsibility.

      Transitions from coal were driven by the Clean Air Act, that is true. Rivers are cleaner because of the Clean Water Act, also true.

      Transitions from coal to other sources of energy were accomplished by energy companies as the sources became available and the infrastructure was built. The cleanest source, nuclear energy, was discontinued by an accident that environmentalists made a harbinger of doom.

      We did not do any of those things until the technology was ready. Reliable. Affordable.

      Now government is planning and building with subsidies and direct taxpayer-funded construction the infrastructure for green energy before the technology is ready.

      It is blocking the construction of infrastructure for ready, reliable and affordable carbon energy before its replacement is ready.

      Tell me any of those three things – reliable, affordable and ready – are true of green energy at a scale to drive the entire economy.

  3. Fred Costello Avatar
    Fred Costello

    During the next period of reduced solar activity, will we be able to pump enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to keep warm and to maintain sufficient plant growth?

  4. Happily the ride is mostly moving rhetorically and symbolicly for now. Not much real happening.

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    For 30 years, I used to be in roughly the same business as McKinsey. I always admired that company … until the whole revelations around Purdue Pharma and the FDA came to light.

    It seems that McKinsey was willing to straddle the advice it gave regulators and advice it gave opioid manufacturers.

    McKinsey paid $573m in fines for its work with Purdue and opioids.

    Now, the company is pushing an ESG agenda. One is left to wonder what angles are being played here.


  6. So as Western nations cripple their own economies and security to reduce carbon emissions, China continues to build more coal burning power plants.

    “Chinese delegates created a stir at the ongoing COP 27 climate conference this week by informing news media present of its plans to continue expanding its already massive fleet of coal-fired power plants.”

    And it’s not like they aren’t burning a lot of coal already.

    “China’s massive ongoing coal ambitions come at a time when governments in the western world are taking increasingly dramatic actions to limit their own usage of fossil fuels, arguably harming their own energy security status in the process.”


    1. Western nations are crippling their own economies by generating carbon emissions, not by reducing them.

      Burning coal, oil and earth gas steals trillions and trillions of dollars from your children and grandchildren.

      “Fixing the planet could cost younger generations $530 trillion if nothing is done about climate change”


      1. Earth’s atmosphere is shared by all inhabitants. If you believe in the dangers of climate change you should understand that. That’s why I pointed out what’s going on in China.

        Additionally, we will be continuing to rely on coal in the US because environmentalists are trying to kill natural gas, which is the best way to transition in the short term.

        Environmental extremism and trying to move too quickly could lead to disaster, after which nobody will care about carbon at all. We’ll be too busy just trying to survive.

        Imagine Sri Lanka, but on a much larger scale.

        “The country doesn’t have enough fuel for essential services like buses, trains and medical vehicles, and officials say it doesn’t have enough foreign currency to import more.”

        “This lack of fuel has caused petrol and diesel prices to rise dramatically.”

        “In late June, the government banned the sale of petrol and diesel for non-essential vehicles for two weeks. Sales of fuel remain severely restricted.”

        “Schools have closed, and people have been asked to work from home to help conserve supplies.”

        “When Sri Lanka’s foreign currency shortages became a serious problem in early 2021, the government tried to limit them by banning imports of chemical fertilizer.”

        “It told farmers to use locally sourced organic fertilizers instead.”

        “This led to widespread crop failure. Sri Lanka had to supplement its food stocks from abroad, which made its foreign currency shortage even worse.”


        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Here’s an example of how we’re dealing with an atmospheric threat to all of earth:



          And it’s working despite the folks that were saying that taking action would harm people by denying a much needed and vital refrigerant.

          Turns out, we found a substitute and we’re shrinking the ozone hole back to where it is supposed to be.

          The same approach is ongoing with the climate issue and we have the same folks lined up against it who were opposed to dealing with the ozone hole.

          Same cast of characters.

          1. Exactly right, and my compliments on all your posts here. You clearly know what you’re talking about.

            As far as the ozone problem goes, I’d offer a small warning to people who would make the comparison.

            All we had to do was stop making the problem worse, and it fixed itself.

            The climate crisis won’t be like that.

            We’ve triggered a number of feedback loops that will continue producing more and more carbon long after we stop producing it ourselves.

            The target has to be global net carbon negativity if we want our civilisation to continue… which is tough, but possible.

            “Beneath the cold, dark depths of the Arctic ocean sit vast reserves of methane. These stores rest in a delicate balance, stable as a solid called methane hydrates, at very specific pressures and temperatures. If that balance gets tipped, the methane can get released into the water above and eventually make its way to the atmosphere.”


          2. Another feedback loop.

            “Warmer oceans release CO2 faster than thought”


          3. There’s more than “feedback loops” to worry about.

            Human population on Earth has exploded since the industrial revolution powered by fossil fuels. It remains to be seen if we can accomplish the goals of climate activists without massive human casualties.

            The world’s population is more than three times larger than it was in the mid-twentieth century. The global human population reached 8.0 billion in mid-November 2022 from an estimated 2.5 billion people in 1950, adding 1 billion people since 2010 and 2 billion since 1998. The world’s population is expected to increase by nearly 2 billion persons in the next 30 years”


          4. Unbelievable. You’re actually going to compare the migration away from CFCs to a global quest to become carbon neutral (or carbon negative according to CB)?

            And because we were successful with what is by comparison trivial, we will have no trouble with something all encompassing and monumental? Ridiculous!

            This is a serious topic. That comparison is laughable.

  7. WhatMeWorryVA Avatar

    Mckinsey Consultants are on my permanent beat down list. What they did to the company I work for is horrific. I despise all they do and stand for.

  8. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I see we have a new commenter to repeat the Bogus “studies” and articles confirming the religion of “climate change.”

    Wasn’t Pete BootyJudge (phonetic is easier to remember, but I’ll spell it right – I think – Buttigieg) a McKinsey consultant?

    Meanwhile, in the dark days when UVA was systemically racist, but my fellow students at Darden, black and white, didn’t know it, we had some classic consultant jokes told, that would get the professor canned.

    What is the definition of consultant?
    Answer 1 – someone who borrows your watch to tell you the time.
    Answer 2 – a guy who knows 47 positions and no women.
    I remember the jokes and I remember the class and what I learned there. Humor can make learning work…

    We also had a teacher who loved to tease Tech grads, back when it was Vippie Sue (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). He said the name was being changed to the Eastern Institute for Enlightenment and Intellectual Observation, or E-I-E-I-O for short. The babies would cry…
    Also, some of the law professors made remarks that would make the crybabies cry today.

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