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McDonnell Taps Connaughton to Run Transportation

The selection of Sean Connaughton for Secretary of Transportation will likely be one of Gov.-elect Bob McDonnell’s most significant cabinet appointments. Connaughton, former chair of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors and then administrator of the Maritime Administration, knows a thing or two about transportation.

In PWC, Connaughton established a county department of transportation, issued bonds and oversaw the construction of $300 million worth of roads. He’s the logical man to execute McDonnell’s strategy of building more roads while miraculously not raising taxes. Also, his experience with the Maritime Administration makes him well qualified to guide the future of the ports at Hampton Roads.

Said McDonnell in his press release:

[Connaughton] gained solid understanding of the transportation challenges facing our suburban and exurban localities in the faster-growing parts of our state. He agrees with me that we much be much faster and more efficient in transportation planning and decision making. And his overall background in transportation law and policy give him a broad perspective on this multi-faceted issue.”

Given the political reality that McDonnell would appoint (a) someone with strong Republican credentials, and (b) support his program of raising megabucks (but somehow without raising taxes) for transportation improvements, Connaughton is as good a pick as anyone could expect the governor-elect to make. He does, in fact, have an appreciation for viewing transportation in a land use context — a good thing. On the other hand, he showed that he is comfortable with General Obligation debt, which he used (if I recall correctly) to fund road improvements in PWC. Issuing G.O. bonds is one funding source for transportation that Virginia needs to steer clear of as the nation spirals closer to Boomergeddon.

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