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McDonnell Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Attorney General Bob McDonnell has issued an opinion on the same-sex marriage ban, specifically upon the question of whether the proposed constitutional amendment would affect the rights of unmarried persons involving contracts, insurance policies, shared equity agreements and advance medical directives.

Money quote:

“The intent of the amendment is clear. The first sentence defines marriage as solely the union between one man and one woman. The second and third sentences collectively prevent attempts to establish same-sex marriage, or similar relationships that attempt to create marriage-like unions by any other name.

The General Assembly’s own official explanation of the Marriage Amendment, passed on May 12th of this year, clearly states that all other legal rights, benefits and obligations continue to be available to unmarried persons. I can find no legal basis for the proposition that passage of the marriage amendment will limit or infringe upon the ordinary civil and legal rights of unmarried Virginians.”

Somehow, I doubt this will settle the issue.

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