McDonnell Lays Out Principles for Medicaid Reform

by James A. Baco


Predictably, Governor Bob McDonnell is taking flak for refusing to agree to an expansion of Virginia’s Medicaid program without significant assurances and concessions from the Obama administration. What I haven’t seen yet is a critique of his reasons for doing so. Name calling and disparaging motives doesn’t count. In a letter sent yesterday to Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of Health and Human Services, he made a persuasive case. If critics want to bash McDonnell, let them address the substantive issues.

The current Medicaid plan consumes 21% of Virginia’s General Fund budget, up from 5% three decades ago, the governor wrote. “This explosive 1600% growth in Medicaid spending in the past 3 decades, combined with the federal government’s unsustainable nearly $17 trillion national debt, makes Medicaid expansion cost prohibitive.”

It is unwise to expand Medicaid without “dramatic verifiable cost saving reforms of the program at the state and federal level,” McDonnell said. Virginia cannot proceed without statutory and regulatory flexibility and waivers, private-sector cost containment reforms and other tools to address Medicaid spending growth. In an attachment to the letter, the governor advanced five “tenets” of Medicaid reform.

  • Deliver all Medicaid services through an efficient, market-based delivery system. That means implementing a commercial-like benefit package for adult Medicaid beneficiaries, enrolling more people in managed care programs, and tightening enrollment standards and provider qualifications.
  • Establish provisions to reduce financial burdens to Virginia. This language is totally justified, although it might be a tad difficult for the Obama administration to swallow: “Obtain reasonable assurance from the federal government that a Virginia Medicaid expansion will not contribute to a future increase in the national debt. Virginia cannot participate in an expansion that will increase the financial burden on future generations of Americans.” McDonnell also wants “reasonable assurance” that the federal government will “implement a long-term path to financial solvency that can cover the ongoing cost of an expansion.”
  • Maximize tools currently available to the commonwealth … to achieve administrative efficiency. The key words here are “streamline, “reform” and “consolidate administrative authority.”
  • Achieve greater flexibility by pressing Congress to amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Virginia wants to drive behavior through value-based purchasing and by restructuring benefit and service-delivery design.
  • Implement broad-based, long-term, statewide reform. McDonnell wants to reform Virginia’s health-care system to reduce the cost of all medical care and long-term care services, reducing Virginia’s Medicaid expenditures while strengthening Virginia’s entire healthcare market.

Bacon’s bottom line:

The devil is in the details, of course, but McDonnell is absolutely on the right track. This letter almost persuades me to forgive him for pushing his transportation-funding bill, which doesn’t reform anything (except how we raise money) about the way we approach transportation and land use. If he would put as much political capital behind health care reform as he did behind his transportation bill, he just might redeem himself among conservatives.

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6 responses to “McDonnell Lays Out Principles for Medicaid Reform”

  1. Richard Avatar

    I’m beginning to think that McDonnell is ok. As you describe them, these are mostly legitimate requests (although how can Obama or anyone else provide reaonsable assurance that any program will not contribute to the public debt – this seems like political cover). Is McDonnel that rarest of politicians – a pragmatic moderate? If so, we need more of them.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Perfectly written. Anybody who pisses off both political fringes can’t be all bad.

      Of course, the conservatives have disowned him.

      Neither Bob McDonnell or wildly popular NJ Republican Governor Chris Christie was invited to this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference. McDonnell was invited in each of the past two years.

      But guess who has not only been invited but asked to speak?

      Ken Kookinelli.

      His bona fides as a member of the right wing fringe are being solidified each and every day.

      Run Billy Run!

  2. reed fawell III Avatar
    reed fawell III

    As a long distance observer, this guy McDonnell keeps on impressing me.

    Like Richard suggests there are elements of a “pragmatic moderate” here. Yet, one also senses (again from a long distance away) that he’s got some sound principles underlying his actions. And typically he seems to keep his mouth shut unless he’s got something that needs be said by him.

    It’s a pity he’s soon be gone.

  3. larryg Avatar

    did we say where Virginia ranks right now in MedicAid spending?

    is that an important marker?

    re: ” “Obtain reasonable assurance from the federal government that a Virginia Medicaid expansion will not contribute to a future increase in the national debt.”

    this is not pure partisan ideology? hahahahahah

    tell me again what level of spending Va currently has compared to other states on MedicAid?

    Give McD credit – he is successfully feather dancing away from the biggest tax increase in the history of the Commonwealth…


    good job on misdirection!

  4. […] system is broken. And instead of reforming Medicaid, just as Governor Bob McDonnell has requested, much to Democrats chagrin, the solution proposed by Democrats and Obamacare is to simply put more […]

  5. […] system is broken. And instead of reforming Medicaid, just as Governor Bob McDonnell has requested, much to Democrats chagrin, the solution proposed by Democrats and Obamacare is to simply put more […]

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