McAuliffe Unhinged

by Kerry Dougherty

This is what happens when Democrat Terry McAuliffe gets tough questions from the press instead of his customary tongue bath:

This interview was taped last week by an ABC affiliate in Washington, WJLA 7News. The reporter, Nick Minock, interviewed Glenn Youngkin and McAuliffe, giving each candidate 20 minutes. McAuliffe stormed off after just 10 minutes, berating the reporter for not asking better questions as he left.

Not a good look.

Terry’s accustomed to being nuzzled by the lapdogs in the media who even have cute nicknames for him, like The Macker and T-Mac. So when Minock pressed McAuliffe on education the candidate became irritated. Apparently, his boneheaded quote from the last debate isn’t doing well with focus groups.

Here it is, the 12 words that are sinking his campaign: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

McAuliffe tried to change the subject, lashing out at Youngkin. As Minock began another line of questioning McAuliffe interrupted, stood up and hurled insults at the reporter.

“All right, we are over. That’s it. That’s it…” McAuliffe said, stalking off the set. “You should’ve asked better questions early on. You should’ve asked questions your viewers care about.“

“Well, we did,” Minock retorted.

This is not the demeanor of a man who wants to be governor or who thinks he’s going to win. It’s the slightly unhinged, irrational behavior of an arrogant candidate, indignant he actually has to campaign for office instead of being coronated.

McAuliffe’s nasty side has been on full display lately. On several occasions in the past week he snarled at folks who reminded him of his controversial remarks at the last debate.

“Are you vaccinated? “ he snapped when the subject was broached.

“Put a mask on,” McAuliffe screamed at one guy, who was outdoors.

Clearly, Democrats are used to having their way with the press. When a reporter dares to pose a tough question they shut it down.

Last Friday for instance, Gov. Ralph Northam abruptly ended a press availability when he was asked if he regretted signing HB257, the terrible law that allows school principals to cover up crimes in their schools and no doubt contributed to the cover up of sexual assaults in Loudoun County high schools this year.

In Arlington on Friday Investigative Reporter Scott Taylor also from 7News, attempted to ask Northam if he still thought the law was a great idea after learning that a student allegedly raped one girl and assaulted another in Loudoun. A member of McAuliffe’s media team intervened and put a stop to questions that could hurt the Democratic candidate.

Northam meekly went along with it.

“After the Governor answered two questions from other media outlets, Renzo Olivari, a member of former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe’s media team blocked 7 News from asking any questions.

“Awesome. Ok, thank you very much,” said Renzo Olivari with McAuliffe’s media team.

“Governor, I would like to ask you one question. I want to ask you about Loudon County,” asked Scott Taylor.

“I got to get back,” said Governor Northam.

Touchy, aren’t they?

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.


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14 responses to “McAuliffe Unhinged”

  1. I just watched the attached short video. The column mischaracterizes what I saw. This was hardly storming. “Should have asked better questions” was a joking comment. Sounds like the interview ran longer than originally planned. At most, one question was cut off (interviewer said “and finally”).

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Mr. McAuliffe walked off after 10 minutes of a 20 minute prearranged interview.

      1. Math is not a strong suit of the left — it’s racist, after all.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          I just think it’s disingenuous to proclaim that McAuliffe agreed to a set time but departed before that timeframe had elapsed.

          He’s the one who’s screwing his own campaign.

    2. Absolutely agree.

      I teach at a VA university…we have been taken over by the insane left…and I’m not even sure we can survive another McAuliffe term…but this clip was, indeed, mischaracterized.

      I actually came away disliking McAuliffe a little bit less after seeing this clip.

  2. I got kicked off of Twitter almost two years ago so I am not able to watch the clip on your blog, but from the description it must be glorious.

    I hope Glen Youngkin has it on a loop in his party headquarters with the caption ‘why we fight’.

    And Governor Blackface probably signed the law HB 257 as a personal favor to Soros.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    I assume he walked out through the front door… unlike his opponent…

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      How much is T-Mac paying you to shill for him?

    2. Who is Zachary Petrizzo and why should I believe anything he tweets, peeps, warbles, chatters, chirps, clucks, caws, whistles, quacks, honks or otherwise communicates via his avian media account?

      1. He is a left wing moonbat that spreads misinformation in the twitterverse.

  4. Merchantseamen Avatar

    It is Democrat not Democratic. The Democrats hijacked the latter word.

    1. Thank you.

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