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McAuliffe Supporters Dress up as White Supremacists

by Kerry Dougherty

What happened earlier today in Charlottesville is despicable and disqualifying. Democrats, posing as white supremacists, arrived at a Glenn Youngkin event carrying tiki torches and pretending to be supporters of the Republican.

This is disgusting even for McAuliffe.

With all their experience with blackface, you’d think Virginia’s Democrats could do a better job of disguising themselves as racists. Why didn’t they bring in Ralph Northam and Mark Herring for advice?

Alas, social media is nimble and smart and the morons posing with tiki torches were quickly identified on social media as Democrat operatives.

This is just the latest ham-handed dirty trick by desperate McAuliffe supporters. One that will surely backfire. If the Democrat was down 8 points on Thursday, he should be down by 20 by the end of the weekend.

This nasty, childish Clintonesque stunt was intended to sink the Youngkin campaign. Instead, it ought to sink McAuliffe’s.

Here’s how it went down: Five demonstrators dressed in white shirts, khaki pants, shades and ball caps stood holding tiki torches in front of the Youngkin campaign bus as the candidate was holding an event at a Mexican restaurant in Charlottesville.

“We’re all in for Glenn,” was their refrain.

NBC News was quick to report that white supremacists were showing their support for the Republican candidate.

Two McAuliffe communications team members immediately Tweeted their outrage over the tiki torch bearers.

“This is disgusting and disqualifying,” Tweeted Jen Goodman.

”The Unite the Right rally was one of the darkest days in the Commonwealth’s history., this is who Glenn Youngkin’s supporters are,” huffed Christina Freundlich.

Not so quick, ladies. The show is over. Everyone now knows these were YOUR people.

Remind me, who are the racists in Virginia politics?

Hours after social media lit up with the reported identities of several of the Tiki torch nitwits, The Lincoln Project took responsibility for the phony demonstration. And the indignant McAuliffe campaign tweets were hastily deleted.

The Lincoln Project is a federal PAC that’s described as “anti-Republican.” According to the Virginia Public Access Project, The Lincoln Project has spent $298,011 to help McAuliffe. So far. No telling what they spent today.

Question is, did The Lincoln Project REALLY hire fake Nazis to tarnish the Youngkin campaign or are they covering for more unsavory McAuliffe campaign activities?

Perhaps the FBI ought to investigate.

As of 6:30 p.m. Friday The Washington Examiner was the only newspaper reporting on the latest dirty tricks by McAuliffe supporters.

According to the Examiner, Youngkin was unsurprised by the depths to which his opponent would sink .

“I think they work for Terry McAuliffe, and I’m sure he sent them,” Youngkin told NBC29 when asked about the group of torchbearers. “They’ll do anything to win, and he’s doing anything to win. And so he’s paying people to show up and act silly at our rallies.”

Youngkin Communications Director Matt Wolking added in a tweet: “Terry McAuliffe’s campaign has been the dirtiest, nastiest, most dishonest campaign in Virginia history. This morning they’re closing out his career by going even lower.”

Voters should reject this slimy behavior and see it for what it is: the last gasp of a sleazy politician who will do anything to get elected.

Virginia deserves better than this. Virginia IS better than this.

Vote accordingly.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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