McAuliffe Supporters Dress up as White Supremacists

by Kerry Dougherty

What happened earlier today in Charlottesville is despicable and disqualifying. Democrats, posing as white supremacists, arrived at a Glenn Youngkin event carrying tiki torches and pretending to be supporters of the Republican.

This is disgusting even for McAuliffe.

With all their experience with blackface, you’d think Virginia’s Democrats could do a better job of disguising themselves as racists. Why didn’t they bring in Ralph Northam and Mark Herring for advice?

Alas, social media is nimble and smart and the morons posing with tiki torches were quickly identified on social media as Democrat operatives.

This is just the latest ham-handed dirty trick by desperate McAuliffe supporters. One that will surely backfire. If the Democrat was down 8 points on Thursday, he should be down by 20 by the end of the weekend.

This nasty, childish Clintonesque stunt was intended to sink the Youngkin campaign. Instead, it ought to sink McAuliffe’s.

Here’s how it went down: Five demonstrators dressed in white shirts, khaki pants, shades and ball caps stood holding tiki torches in front of the Youngkin campaign bus as the candidate was holding an event at a Mexican restaurant in Charlottesville.

“We’re all in for Glenn,” was their refrain.

NBC News was quick to report that white supremacists were showing their support for the Republican candidate.

Two McAuliffe communications team members immediately Tweeted their outrage over the tiki torch bearers.

“This is disgusting and disqualifying,” Tweeted Jen Goodman.

”The Unite the Right rally was one of the darkest days in the Commonwealth’s history., this is who Glenn Youngkin’s supporters are,” huffed Christina Freundlich.

Not so quick, ladies. The show is over. Everyone now knows these were YOUR people.

Remind me, who are the racists in Virginia politics?

Hours after social media lit up with the reported identities of several of the Tiki torch nitwits, The Lincoln Project took responsibility for the phony demonstration. And the indignant McAuliffe campaign tweets were hastily deleted.

The Lincoln Project is a federal PAC that’s described as “anti-Republican.” According to the Virginia Public Access Project, The Lincoln Project has spent $298,011 to help McAuliffe. So far. No telling what they spent today.

Question is, did The Lincoln Project REALLY hire fake Nazis to tarnish the Youngkin campaign or are they covering for more unsavory McAuliffe campaign activities?

Perhaps the FBI ought to investigate.

As of 6:30 p.m. Friday The Washington Examiner was the only newspaper reporting on the latest dirty tricks by McAuliffe supporters.

According to the Examiner, Youngkin was unsurprised by the depths to which his opponent would sink .

“I think they work for Terry McAuliffe, and I’m sure he sent them,” Youngkin told NBC29 when asked about the group of torchbearers. “They’ll do anything to win, and he’s doing anything to win. And so he’s paying people to show up and act silly at our rallies.”

Youngkin Communications Director Matt Wolking added in a tweet: “Terry McAuliffe’s campaign has been the dirtiest, nastiest, most dishonest campaign in Virginia history. This morning they’re closing out his career by going even lower.”

Voters should reject this slimy behavior and see it for what it is: the last gasp of a sleazy politician who will do anything to get elected.

Virginia deserves better than this. Virginia IS better than this.

Vote accordingly.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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51 responses to “McAuliffe Supporters Dress up as White Supremacists”

  1. VaNavVet Avatar

    It appears that the intent of the Lincoln Project was to get Youngkin to comment on and to denounce the “Unite the Right” rally. This apparently was something that he was not prepared to do. After all he needs each and every one of the Trump supporters.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Absolute horse hockey, anonymous leftist (and maybe not even actual Navy, since you hide your name?) The intent was pure racial politics, because if black Virginians vote on issues (taxes, schools, public safety) and stop voting in a 90% block, the modern Democratic party collapses. Painting Youngkin as a racist as he campaigns with this record number of black Republican candidates around the state is an obvious sign of desperation.

      This will be one sweet ass kicking on Tuesday. I’m really sensing it now. That was an amazingly stupid thing to do. About time now for Larry to chime in and defend it….

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Absolute horse hockey, anonymous leftist (and maybe not even actual Navy, since you hide your name?) The intent was pure racial politics, because if black Virginians vote on issues (taxes, schools, public safety) and stop voting in a 90% block, the modern Democratic party collapses. Painting Youngkin as a racist as he campaigns with this record number of black Republican candidates around the state is an obvious sign of desperation.

      This will be one sweet ass kicking on Tuesday. I’m really sensing it now. That was an amazingly stupid thing to do. About time now for Larry to chime in and defend it….

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You’re pretty sure, eh? 😉

      2. VaNavVet Avatar

        We can usually expect better than this from you. I don’t know how you can be so sure of the intent of the Lincoln Project but I will respect your opinion. In my considered view, Youngkin needs the votes of the large number of white nationalists in the Commonwealth who supported Trump. The rally was in Charlottesville and he the opportunity to address the issue, but doing so would have cost him votes. This is not to say that he is a racist but perhaps a realist. BTW twenty years service in the US Navy with 10 on each coast. I am sure that some vets are leftists as you categorize them, but I stand as a moderate and independent who at the present happens to lean Democratic.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I don’t like the anonymity, but apologize for doubting your service. However, the intent of the Lincoln Project was clear, and it would been no different had the Democrat Pretenders donned hoods and carried a noose. Now they have a new symbol, but it is the same. The intent was to send a message to Black Virginia voters (and Jewish maybe too) that the Republicans are all Klan.

          Now that everybody knows Democrats were the ones with the torches (as they were just a few year back), and it was a blatant lie, it may have had an opposite effect. One mistake Democrats often make is assuming voters are dumb.

          1. VaNavVet Avatar

            The Lincoln Project has issued a statement that their intent was to challenge the main GOP candidate in the Commonwealth during his rally in the site of the “Unite the Right” violence. Despite Kerry’s statement to the contrary, the Lincoln Project is composed of Republicans who are anti-Trump and are trying to save the party from Trumpism. Of course, a statement is not proof. Youngkin was provided with a national opportunity to condemn the “Unite the Right” organizers and the “fine people on both sides” narrative. It was without a doubt white supremacists and neo-Nazi’s that marched in Charlottesville that night chanting “Jews will not replace us” and yes most of them were supporting Trump. Several of these groups have already had summary judgements of guilt in ongoing civil suits. Not a Democrat among them.

          2. VaNavVet Avatar

            As for the anonymity, I don’t think that the more common approach of something like Craig T. would provide for additional insight.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            the Dems are dumb? Have you been listening to the GOP folks on rejection of basic facts on issues these days?

            Just really simple things like claiming CRT … IS actually taught! or what happened on Jan 16 or whether Obama was a US citizen, etc… on and on… the GOP promotes lies, disinformation and outright conspiracy theories to their base.


            What the Lincoln guys did at best was a parody…. that they knew would be found out quickly but I admit, even the McA team was fooled!

            And on the “reversal” of the Dems and GOP on racism.

            Even if you don’t want to admit who the Conservatives actually were and their Dem/GOP labels changed – there is no doubt at all today – on what side, MOST folks like Unite-the-right would vote, nor most homophones, msyonganists. anti-immigrants, anti-muslim, anti-jewish, anti-vaxxers, anti-climate, etc… – actually vote for.

            I admire and respect true and principled Conservatives. I really do! But these days, the party has been taken over by people like Trump who spouts lies just about everytime he speaks – and principled Conservatives are now reviled as CINOs and RINOs.

            They’re YOUR guys Haner… fess up!

    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Simple solution Steve, VaNavVet. DD-214 or it didn’t happen bro.

    4. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Simple solution Steve, VaNavVet. DD-214 or it didn’t happen bro.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    So if a bunch of folks show up at Youngkin events wearing MAGA caps… it’s really McAuliffe scum?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No, if you want to play the “what about game” then get a real parallel. Imagine a group of college-age GOP activists rampaging through the street burning a downtown store or painting the F-word on a statute, wearing BLM hats. That is the reverse of what we’ve seen here. Imagine the media firestorm after that. This was your team doing that, Larry, and you can own it. (In fact, didn’t some Democrats appalled by the violence try to claim it was secret Rs once.)

      Both the Trump wing and the more moderate wing of the GOP have decided the Democrats must lose this time. The coalition is holding. I’ll give Youngkin credit for making the focus why Virginia needs to change course, why McAuliffe is a clown. You cannot criticize Glenn’s program. You cannot tear down the man. So we get another 500K rating points of Trump this weekend, then you lose.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar


      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Man… talk about false flag stuff!

        If Youngkin is truly a good man he won’t be loving Trump… because we all know if he does, you CINOS and RINOs will be toast!

        1. SudleySpr Avatar

          Oh Lar, I predict you will see the light. vomit up the koolaid

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Trump Koolaid? I hear he wants to come help “Glenn” in the last days or is that just another Lincoln Project disinformation thing?


            Oh.. and you know the practice here. If you are conservative, you cannot be anonymous because if you do that it means cowardice and conservatives cannot be that. right? 😉

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I first saw a reference on Twitter and the Democrats initially thought this was great. Big mistake. Big mistake. Now the people who did it are busily erasing their feeds, posts, etc.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        So the McAuliffe campaign organized this and then posted their views that this was Youngkin? sounds bad! Or did one group do this and McAuliffe folks just stepped in it?

        what voters minds will change over this?

        Dems? 😉

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          At this point, it is all about energy and enthusiasm and this will enrage Republicans and a bunch of the remaining undecided. Some soft Democrats may get discouraged. With all the early voting, the game has clearly changed, but yes, a stupid move like this can still blow up on and have an impact on Election Day. Somebody in the McAuliffe camp definitely was involved in this, perhaps the same genius who called Dominion and asked for money for that pop-up PAC.

          I had a stock phrase when eager partisans had bright ideas like this: “Let’s not and say we did.” That nobody knocked this down is a clear sign the Democrats are in the “throw it and see what sticks” phase.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Okay so here’s some honest commentary or perhaps I should await your take.

            Youngkin has the POTENTIAL to be an outstanding Governor if he steers a real middle ground and gains bi-partisan support in the GA.

            I can see that as a possibility, especially if he connects with some NoVa and Tidewater reps.

            His risks are being co-opted by the hard right and the Trumpsters.

            That’s always been my primary fear and yes I’ve heavily discounted McAs boogey-man Trump stuff… still at the end of the day – a lot boils down to how Youngkin might staff up and how he plans to navigate the GA to get things done.

            Will he be a uniter or a divider?

            He walks and talks like a uniter and I’ll take that as what he is until or unless I see different if he is elected.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            I think you will be pleasantly surprised. People who know him (I sure don’t) compare him to McDonnell, who I always found to be a Christian gentleman. He was able to work well with others in the House and the AG’s office staff loved him. The label still matters to some. Glenn also walks the talk I hear.

          3. vicnicholls Avatar

            When he wanted to get married, his wife said either you become a Christian or no.

          4. VaNavVet Avatar

            I have had the same passing thought about Youngkin as a potential governor. I will make a sincere statement here that most likely will get laughed off. The right to vote and a peaceful transition of power is of paramount importance to those who serve in the nation’s military. While I have supported and voted for Republicans in the past, these last few years have been disappointing and concerning. While the Dems try to govern, the opposition party is busy undermining democracy with its “Stop the Steal” insurrection, needless audits of a fair and free election, and actions in red states to ensure that record voter participation is never again achieved. I can respect the rare GOP candidates that are willing to condemn all of this.

  3. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    It would be informative if there was some real evidence linking McAuliffe to this. The fact that it was an act by the Lincoln Project is not a nexus to the McAuliffe campaign. Try sticking with facts.

    1. But the spreading of the DISINFORMATION IS the McAweful Campaign!

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        And, you believe that only one campaign spreads disinformation? How much are you offering for my bridge in the desert?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        disinformation between campaigns is typical. Disinformation about government, science and institutions like Higher Ed and K-12 is typically not done by the Dems.

    2. tmtfairfax Avatar

      No links. The Lincoln Project spent $300 K on pro-McAuliffe & anti-Youngkin efforts. Plenty of other links as well.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Just Democrats. Not disaffected R’s, maybe a smattering, but mainly just D’s. They go after ALL Republicans. All.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          ” The group started out with few major donors;[17] as of October 2020, about 39% of contributions to the group came from small donors ($200 or less).[71] This is an unusually high proportion of small-dollar donors for a super PAC; most super PACs are almost exclusively funded by wealthy contributors.[71] The top contributors are classical musician and Getty family heir Gordon Getty ($1 million),[71] Stephen Mandel ($1 million);[72] and the Sixteen Thirty Fund ($300,000).[71] Six-figure contributions from Hollywood producer David Geffen, investor John Pritzker and financier Jonathan Lavine.[71] Other major donors include Silicon Valley investors Ron Conway, Michael Moritz and Chris Sacca, financier Andrew Redleaf, Walmart heiress and philanthropist Christy Walton, Martha Karsh (who is married to billionaire financier Bruce Karsh), and Continental Cablevision CEO Amos Hostetter Jr.”

          which is Way MORE than we know about most GOP Super PACS.

          But the Dems and Lincoln project missed one of the easiest nasty tricks (or maybe they chose not to) and that would be to put TRUMP 2024 signs up next to Youngkin signs.

    3. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Face it, your team tried a political prank and screwed up. Don’t blame us for your side’s incompetence. Take the ass-kicking you’re getting in the news today like a man, and learn from it.

      “Lis Smith, a former senior advisor to Democratic primary candidate Pete Buttigieg tweeted: “What a massive, massive screw up. The last thing that the McAuliffe campaign needed this weekend. A total disservice to the hundreds of hard-working staffers on the ground.””

      “The Lincoln Project acknowledged they were behind the stunt after VICE News identified one of the people dressed in the photo in front of Youngkin’s campaign bus as a low-level Democratic operative who has recently been working for Democratic sting operator Lauren Windsor’s The Undercurrent.” (Emphasis added).

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        First of all, they aren’t my team and neither is McAuliffe. Evidence not blowhard hot air is what matters. You have one but not the other.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        yeah, not sure what team O’Keef is on but probably not the Dems who believe in global warming. 😉

    4. VaNavVet Avatar

      A reasonable person would probably be impressed by some of the previous work by the Lincoln Project even if he or she did not agree with their point of view. This particular stunt may not go down as one of their finest. I did see that Youngkin has now opted out of the upcoming tele-rally with Trump which may turn off many of the supporters of the former president.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        “Now?” Glenn was never slated to be part of it, and I can assure you was hoping with every fiber that Trump stayed away. But Biden taunted him and he took the bait like a third grader, “stable genius” that he is.

        1. VaNavVet Avatar

          During the primary season, Youngkin embraced Trump to get the nomination and now wants nothing to do with him! Which is the real candidate and how can voters trust him? Further, what are ardent Trump folks to think of this turning of the back?

          1. vicnicholls Avatar

            I’d like to know where you get that because I sat with Glenn Y BEFORE when he was running in the primaries and he was not embracing Trump by any means. So outside of Tax em Terry putting out the lies he has tying Trump to Glenn, what proof do you offer?

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Nope, it was and still is a tight rope, no question, but he was not the Trump acolyte in the primary race. Sen. Chase did not get nominated.

          3. vicnicholls Avatar

            No he wasn’t. I was there, physically there, before the primaries when they were running, when Glenn came here. So I should know. That’s why when someone who is ‘anon’ comes up with this stuff, give me the proof or go home. If someone doesn’t like a policy or so, say so and move on, but I’m not putting up with BS any more.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            To give Youngkin team credit. Not only has he apparently managed to hold on to much of the Amanda Chase/Trump base, but he has attracted a high percentage of independents and forced the Dems to try to get more of their base out than they would have, and they are clearly nervous about that.

            OTOH – my county has provided early voting for some time and it has been easy to find a time to go do it and I’m not alone – the poll was busy the weekday I went. I don’t know if all other counties and cities/towns have done that or not but at the ones that do – it will increase turnout.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      hmm… is that the Dems complaining or the usual suspects?

      pretty sure if McA loses he’ll concede and not claim election fraud…

      oops… It IS the Dems… oh GAWD!

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        As former chairman of the Democratic Party McAuliffe refused to concede that W. Bush won in 2000. He will concede only after all options are exhausted.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yeah, but BUSH.. DID steal that election… no?

          and the Dems did not claim fraud and call for audits in a slew of states…. and they finally DID concede – UNLIKE you know who AND they did not send Antifa to invade the Capitol to urge the VP to not certify the election.

          Apples and Oranges –

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            In 77 days Ralphie is out of work.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep and the naysayers will have to find something besides blackface and wise king Ralph to blather about!

            It will be interesting to see what the narratives might be in BR if Youngkin actually does get elected and Trump comes to do rallies.. and such… oh lordy.

  4. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    I don’t see what the big deal is

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner


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