McAuliffe Goes Full “Racist, Racist, Racist”

Terry McAuliffe. Credit: NBC

by James A. Bacon

Here’s how you know Terry McAuliffe now thinks the Republican to beat in the race for governor this fall is no longer Amanda Chase, but Kirk Cox: He’s shifted the animus of his race-mongering fund-raising emails from the one to the other.

“I will never stop fighting for the right to vote,” he proclaimed in a missive today. Extremists in the Republican Party are trying to “out-Trump” each other by “rolling out more racist, restrictive plans to curtail voting.”

Recently Kirk Cox said we need to focus on “election integrity” in “tough precincts.” Cut the BS, Kirk, We know what’s going on. You want to curtail the constitutional rights of Black and Brown Virginians.”

In McAuliffe’s previous emails, Sen. Amanda Chase, R-Chesterfield, Trump acolyte and chief bogey man (or am I required to say “bogey woman” these days?) served as the favored punching bag. But now that her campaign is fading, McAuliffe has aimed his sights on Cox. (He did give Chase a parting jab, though, saying he would stand up to her, Cox, or anyone else who “tries to create barriers between Virginians and the ballot box.”)

And what has that segregationist throwback Cox proposed? The McAuliffe email was quoting from this article in The Virginia Mercury:

Del. Kirk Cox, R-Colonial Heights, is the only candidate in the race who has said he believes Biden won the election legitimately. But like his opponents, he says he’d support an array of new voting restrictions, recently voicing support for new voting rules adopted in Georgia, which drew nationwide condemnation from Democrats and some major corporations. Speaking at the Princess Anne Republican Women’s Club, he also promised to create an “election integrity operation” that he said would target certain precincts for extra scrutiny.

McAuliffe apparently hasn’t gotten the message that the mainstream media’s portrayal of the Georgia election law as a revival of Jim Crow is… how do I say this politely? … a heaping, steaming, pack of lies. (When The Washington Post gives President Biden “four Pinocchios” for claiming the Georgia law restricted voting, you know your narrative is in trouble.)

Another tip-off from T-Mac fund-raising letter is that he feels intense pressure from his left flank, as former Prince William Jennifer Carroll Foy, an African American, gains ground on him. Going full “racist, racist, racist” in his emails is scorched earth politics. That’s no way to win a general election. It means he’s more worried about winning the nomination. 

By contrast, Foy is running on her legislative record as a champion of “hardworking families” and “marginalized people” in expanding Medicaid and fighting special interests like Dominion Energy. One doesn’t have to agree with her policy prescriptions to respect her approach to campaigning.

I don’t think the shift in tactics will work. McAuliffe will find it a lot harder to campaign against Cox than Chase.  Chase, who said and did crazy stuff, is an easy target. Cox, who is white bread, is not. The general electorate won’t believe he’s racist. McAuliffe’s campaign surely must be stalling.

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28 responses to “McAuliffe Goes Full “Racist, Racist, Racist””

  1. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    ” the mainstream media’s portrayal of the George election law as a revival of Jim Crow is… how do I say this politely? … a heaping, steaming, pack of lies. ” Bullshit

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Perhaps. But if the GOP wants to be elected, HOW will they talk to black folks about this? To this point, most of them will not and/or run away from it…….

      When/if the GOP actually “connects” with black voters – the will beat the Dems and win elections. The path to that is clear but to this point the GOP runs away from it.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Mr. Larry I have tuned in to Merle Rutledge and Winsome Sears on the local speaking beat. They are getting applause and standing ovations from all walks of life. I think you underestimate the conservative black vote. Merle is out. He never filed the paper work. But Sears is in.

        1. LesGabriel Avatar

          James, You forgot to mention Chuck Smith, who to ,y mind is the cream of the crop for AG in both Parties.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Thank you. I did not know about Chuck Smith. I will be investigating!

          2. vicnicholls Avatar

            Jack Smith is the one to beat. We met him and talked with him. Clerked for a SCOTUS judge.

          3. vicnicholls Avatar

            Jack Smith is even better – clerked for SCOTUS.

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    I think he has a right to voice his opinion and it sounds like election laws are in the platform in a big way. I think that his remark comes off as overconfident and condescending. Kirk Cox kept his remarks professional. McAuliffe did not. We need the sound of reason, not of the politics of the national party in this election. It is all about how Virginia can overcome the economic crisis, not anger over the national election already lost.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    So what do black folks think of these election law changes and what does Cos have to say about it with respect to how black folks feel?

    Don’t keep pointing to the Dems… you KNOW how they’re gonna play it.

    Ask how COX is going to talk to black folks about it. is he?

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      I agree. Cox only needs to be reasonable. I really don’t care what Georgia does. I care about what Virginia does. Take territorial politics of the past and put it behind a locked door. Move on.

  4. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Dems have the Repubs over a barrel on this issue.

    1. LesGabriel Avatar

      When Dems talk about Jim Crow, we need to listen because they are the experts and have the experience.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I think education is the key to this election. Real Clear Opinion research poll from March of 2021 reveals 71% of those surveyed want School Choice. 66% of black families surveyed want School Choice. 68% of Hispanic families want School Choice. Don’t even try it Mr. Larry. The pollster worked for the 2020 Biden campaign.

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      I so agree. School boards hate choice. Too bad. They should have made better decisions. This is the systemic race issue. Education levies poverty. Public schools are elitists.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      School choice has different definitions. What many black folks want is to not have their child doomed to go to a failed neighborhood school. It does not necessarily mean they want a charter or private school unless the school is close , has transportation, and the additional programs their existing neighborhood school lacks.

      And James , if you read the “About us” for Real Clear Opinion, you’ll see:

      ” Who We Are
      The American Federation for Children and AFC Growth Fund seek to empower families, especially lower-income families, with the freedom to choose the best K-12 education for their children.

      Then if you search that group:

      “The American Federation for Children (AFC) is a conservative 501(c)(4) dark money group that promotes the school privatization agenda via the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and other avenues. It is the 501(c)(4) arm of the 501(c)(3) non-profit group the Alliance for School Choice.[1] The group was organized and is funded by the billionaire DeVos family, who are the heirs to the Amway fortune.[2]”

      So, yeah, the poll is suspect no matter the individual pollster…

      See, when Polls like this are done and Conservatives and the GOP tout it – people eventually do find out who actually did it – and it totally undermines the GOP with black voters….

      The GOP has to play this issue straight with black voters are else they just drive the black community back to the Dems.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        We will know some real answers when school board members have to run for reelection. Statewide, 158 school board seats will be on the ballot in 2021. Even more in 2023.

  6. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    I think he has a right to voice his opinion and it sounds like election laws are in the platform in a big way. I think that his remark comes off as overconfident and condescending. Kirk Cox kept his remarks professional. McAuliffe did not. We need the sound of reason, not of the politics of the national party in this election. It is all about how Virginia can overcome the economic crisis, not anger over the national election already lost.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I see Youngkin is going to take on “the major corporations that are stifling our 1st Amendment rights.” He also tossed the word “cancel” in there too.

    Go Glenn, you’ll make a fine US Representative.

    I should think the first requirement of a crusade is the courage to name the infidel.

  8. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    To add to the Georgia saga and the insistence that voter ID is racist, including an identifying number on a mail in ballot…. the marijuana law in Virginia allows 4 plants…. if tagged with the owners identifying number…
    I thought this law was for racial Equity… using the democrat Georgia voting law logic… Northam just went back to “Jim Crow” on the marijuana plant issue.

  9. […] McAuliffe Goes Full “Racist, Racist, Racist Bacon’s Rebellion […]

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “When The Washington Post gives President Biden “four Pinocchios” for claiming the Georgia law restricted voting, you know your narrative is in trouble.”

    JAB, did you read that piece before you posted? That is not really what it said. It said Biden was wrong on one account and that being when he said polls were being closed by 5. It never said the new Georgia law did not “restrict voting”.

    In fact, the piece says: “ The law has come under fire for restricting the distribution of food and water to people standing in line, making it harder to cast absentee ballots, reducing drop boxes for mail ballots, barring mobile voting places and for making significant procedural changes that potentially give more power to the GOP-controlled legislature in the election process.” The WP takes no issue with those characterizations and only focuses on the change in early voting poll times from “normal business hours” to 9an to 5 pm. (Aside, do you think that the more rural, conservative counties will NOT close polls at 5 pm? Maybe Biden has a point after all…) Anyway, seems you are playing a little fast and loose in your “reporting” again…

    1. WayneS Avatar

      “Aside, do you think that the more rural, conservative counties will NOT close polls at 5 pm?”

      Yes, I think they will not. If the law says the polls must stay open until 7:00 pm then the all counties, even “rural conservative” counties will keep the polls open until 7:00 pm. What makes you think they won’t?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        It doesn’t for early voting – as noted and discussed in the article. It ALLOWS them to stay open 7am to 7 pm but only mandates 9am – 5pm.

    2. There is vast body of reporting that documents the lies repeatedly endlessly about the Georgia voting. I didn’t bother citing the entire corpus and chose to give just one example, the Washington Post, which rebuts one of the lies. Conservative media have been all over this, including the Wall Street Journal.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        No, you mischaracterized the single example you cited, the Washington Post and it did a pretty poor job of rebutting anything.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The normal business hours language applies to pre-election day periods when people vote early, and if the office is closed there is NOW A DROP BOX on the sidewalk. Democrats cannot win telling the truth. They cannot win if their voters have to abide by the simple, commonsense rules of life. Try to do a bank withdrawal or just about anything else in life without identification.

      But the half-written piece in my head is about how Republicans just need to embrace this loosey-goosey approach to voting, and then show the Dems how it gets done. Gee, not all felons are going to vote Democrat! Trump made a YUGE mistake not telling people to take full advantage of absentee or early if they were afraid of COVID.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I noted (as did the WP piece) that this 5pm time only applied to early voting – not election day voting. I have not read the dropbox language. Is it mandatory or is it allowed and up to the county? Nonetheless, my issue is not to really argue the WP piece.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I think it is at least one drop box per locality, with more based on population. The details don’t matter — the lies have become the story.

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