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Maybe It’s Not “The Vision Thing” At All

By Peter Galuszka

The sad demise of Teresa Sullivan as president of the University of Virginia poses many questions regarding what happened to her and how and why the Board of Visitors did what it did.

Given the board’s lack of transparency and non-communicative nature at this prestigious, public university, much opinion and supposition have come out in the outraged reaction among faculty, students and alumni, who, on Friday, responded so vehemently to the firing of the highly-regarded Sullivan that some of the school’s email servers shut down due to overload.

Among the debates are how the closed-door politics worked, who the players are and whether there is some great futuristic “lesson” or “strategic plan” that can be construed about the school and all of American collegedom from this. This latter tidbit comes from those who always are trying to squeeze the Big Thoughts out of everything, often to prop up on of their pet theories about the “crisis” in highly education, the need for “technology” and “efficiency” and so on.

In reality, however, Virginia has been though a slew of college firings or near firings and they were typically based on political philosophy or management style. Not one was canned because of the “Big Thoughts.” Consider:

So, the Boomergeddons and Blog Heads can wax eloquent until the cursors come home about the “Vision” of Virginia’s public universities and how we all need to get with the on-line craze, but the fact is that many of the incidents result from human failings or, in the case of Nichols, a BOV without the balls to blunt an arch-conservative and rich alumni donator.

The following could very well sun of the case at U.Va. It comes from a commenter from a blog posting I had on The Washington Post:

“From my perspective, it is very, very difficult to promote change at UVa… *any* kind of change. Frankly, at times it feels that the whole institution is holding vigil at the grave of Thomas Jefferson, obediently awaiting his leadership. This attitude, coupled with the bowtied “ivy” pretense, constrains the institution in such a way that it is not nearly as wired for creative program growth… nor endowment growth… as one might think.  

 And all of that despite an immensely wealthy alumni base which truly *wants* to help. “

’nuff said.

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