Masks on Kids: State-Sponsored Child Abuse

by Kerry Dougherty

If you came here expecting to find fountains of gratitude to Virginia’s governor for restoring liberties he should not have removed in the first place, you’ll be disappointed.

Ralph Northam was prepared to keep the commonwealth’s face mask mandate in place for months, until he was blindsided by the CDC on Thursday night.

THEY forced his hand.

The sudden about-face from the CDC — the same clowns who just a few weeks ago were weeping about “impending doom” and who as recently as last week insisted that vaccinated people should continue to mask up in indoor settings — is a sign that they’ve been lying to us all along.

They’ve been blowing smoke about masks. About the risk of outdoor infection. And about the fatality rate of COVID-19.

And they’re still lying. Now they’re lying about the need for children to wear masks while the people most at risk of serious illness from the virus are vaccinated and mask-free.


As usual, Northam shunned critical thinking and common sense by ordering Virginia’s children to continue to wear masks in school. This isn’t a health-driven decision. It’s capitulation to the militant teachers unions who are still looking for excuses to slow-roll school re-openings.

Don’t believe it when they say most schools are open. Take a closer look. Talk to children. Talk to teachers who aren’t brainwashed union members.

In-person learning today resembles something you’d find in prison. Kids are masked up, separated from their classmates and if they’re allowed in the cafeteria at all, they must sit 6 feet from their friends.

A senior in a Virginia Beach high school told me that crabby teachers patrol the lunchroom like prison guards, screaming at students who lean in to talk to their pals over their sandwiches.

“Too close! Too close!” they yap.

In Virginia, teachers were the first in line to get vaccinated. Thirty-year-old teachers leapfrogged senior citizens and cancer patients to get their shots. They are in no danger from children.

Get the freaking masks off those little faces.

This is child abuse.

Northam is smart enough to know that children are far more likely to become seriously ill or die from the seasonal flu than they are from Covid-19. In 2018, for instance, the CDC recorded 480 flu deaths in the 0-17 age group. Since the beginning of the pandemic – 16 months – the CDC has recorded just 287 Covid deaths in the same cohort.

Do we mask kids against the seasonal flu? Of course not. No need to mask them now.

Northam also knows that the vaccines are only being distributed under an emergency use authorization.

Fine. Adults were in danger. The vaccines were developed in record time thanks to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. Adults could weigh their risks and give what lawyers like to call “informed consent’ before being injected with vaccines that lacked full approval.

Children can’t do that. Right now, kids as young as 12 are being administered shots without knowing the long-term effects of the drugs.

Long-term effects don’t matter much when you’re vaccinating grandma. But they matter a lot when minor children are involved.

In the beginning of COVID hysteria, children were masked to protect the elderly. Now that seniors are protected by the vaccine the need to slap muzzles on children has vanished.

No doubt you saw the hideous photo of the president, emerging from the White House Friday with his unmasked posse and one of his grandsons. A little tyke. Wearing a mask. OUTSIDE.


The battle for the restoration of rights isn’t over just because adults can burn their masks.

We need to protect our children and grandchildren from this grotesque government overreach.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.


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61 responses to “Masks on Kids: State-Sponsored Child Abuse”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…while the people most at risk of serious illness from the virus are vaccinated and mask-free…”

    Actually those most at risk (i.e., those with suppressed immunity, cancer patients, organ recipients, etc) are vaccinated but not protected, and therefore at risk from conservatives who wish to run mask-free while the virus is still active in the population which will be true until we reach 70-80% immunity rates…. but who’s counting…

    ” Adults could weigh their risks and give what lawyers like to call “informed consent’ before being injected with vaccines that lacked full approval.

    Children can’t do that. Right now, kids as young as 12 are being administered shots without knowing the long-term effects of the drugs.”

    Ummm… parents are providing informed consent for their children to be vaccinated – that is how it works, you know… and the vaccine has full approval… fyi…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Shhh, you’re making sense.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        yep, and that’s a problem these days.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          When you believe in pedophilia cabals…

          Remember when American tourists (D,I, or R) to Costa Rica were there to harvest organs from Costa Rican babies?

    2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      Eric, I also keep asking myself what about those who never got the vaccine and don’t wear a mask, couldn’t they pass something to me? I was told even vaccinated I am vulnerable. So which is it? I am wearing a mask until. I feel safe. And what about boosters?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        From what I understand, they are of very little threat to you if you are fully vaccinated (like a 5% chance of contracting a very mild case). That is not true, however, for those with suppressed immunity systems. The unvaccinated continue to put them at risk.

        You should continue to wear a mask until you feel safe for sure. I already do but continue to wear one as a matter of common curtesy.

        The need for boosters (after at least 6 months) is still an unknown.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          What does a fully vaccinated person have to do with an unvaccinated person and someone with suppressed immune system?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Sorry, it is your responsibility to keep up.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So it has nothing do to, and further illustrates your inability to form a rational argument.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Nope, just illustrates that you can’t keep up.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Nope, it’s called conflation because you didn’t have a coherent argument.

            Which begs the question, what exactly do you do, that makes you think you are learned on anything.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Short answer, yes. If you’re in the 5 to 10% without full immunity, but even then you’re in the 100% protected from severe illness and death. Against the known and tested variants, that is. The only question is if you can develop the viral load to transmit.

        According to media relayed reports from the CDC on tests conducted by Pfizer, Moderna, etc., so…

        But then, if like so many those answers don’t satisfy, turn inward, search your soul and believe what you wish.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          With the mRNA vaccines, the full immunity is very close to 100%. J&J, maybe not. You and Eric can drone on, but we vaccinated people are not spreading this. Between the vaccines and the immunity from previous infections, this IS herd immunity.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Not for the immune compromised it is not 100% – more like 50% at best. Since the topic is kids at school, they are largely not vaccinated nor have herd immunity. Sorry to drone on…

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            If you are immune compromised you have a lot of problems including the common cold, influenza, pneumonia, COVID-19, etc.

            People with compromised immune systems need to take what medications are available to help and have to live carefully.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Of course they do… and they do… the fact is, however, that we have a very active virus still present in the general population that can easily kill them. It is a improper that we just shrug off protecting others because some of us are vaccinated and fully immune. We have not, I repeat, yet reached herd immunity levels which is what would fully protect these individuals. Is it really too much to wear a mask in public to protect others… especially if you are unvaccinated?

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            Personally, I consider wearing masks in many indoor situations bearable. The masks don’t hinder commerce, they don’t cause unemployment, etc. However, I just spent a few days on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and nobody was wearing masks in the bars and restaurants I visited. The county I visited (Talbot) has 42.3% of the population vaccinated and recorded 13 new cases yesterday for a new cases per day average of 10.76 per 100,000. The county has a 5.7% positivity rate.

            When will it be safe enough to take off the masks in your opinion?

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            If an individual is vaccinated, it is safe now. If not, when herd immunity is attained. I will look to the CDC to tell me when we have reached that level. But tell me, if you could die from being exposed, would you think 1 in 20 chances is acceptable?

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            so , people who ARE immune compromised should NOT go to stores where people are not wearing masks? Correct?

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I am vaccinated. And, from the CDC Site, “Based on evidence from clinical trials, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 95% effective (94.1 for Moderna) at preventing laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 illness in people without evidence of previous infection.” And at worst, “The J&J/Janssen vaccine was 66.3% effective in clinical trials (efficacy) at preventing laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 illness in people who had no evidence of prior infection 2 weeks after receiving the vaccine. People had the most protection 2 weeks after getting vaccinated.”

            That leaves 5% up to 35% who can raise a detectable amount, which may, or may not, rise to the level of transmission.

            JUST Like I said.

            And all of them are touted as 100% effective against hospitalization and death… from Covid. I added that last part for Republicans.


    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “and the vaccine has full approval… fyi..”

      The vaccine is not now, nor has it ever been fully approved. It’s been provided under an EUA and therefore cannot be made mandatory (otherwise the first group for mandatory administration would be the military).,through%2015%20years%20of%20age.

      If someone is vaccinated, yes they have between a 7% and 5 % chance of still contracting COVID-19, however the disease will be severely blunted (that’s how vaccine’s work). Also, if you vaccinated your ability to transmit COVID-19 if you contract is minimal at best.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Most kids in school are not vaccinated… Happy Monday to you, btw…

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Vaccination of children has to do with this because?

          Teachers in VA were jumped up the line for vaccinations. If they are not vaccinated, it’s of their own choice and they understand the consequences.

          Furthermore, I find it very amusing that you can “admit” your error to someone else, but are quiet as a mouse when it comes to me. It just illustrates my point about you, over and over and over.

          Hey, shouldn’t you be preparing for court?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You think there are no immune-suppressed teachers…?

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I think that faculty with immunocompromised instances are already at risk and therefore take the precautions they are provided. However, you keep parroting a notion that individuals with compromised immune systems even when vaccinated are not protected. That’s is false, and there is no evidence or data to prove it true.

            So I must surmise that’s what your boss told you. In either case he’s 0 for 2 on facts and knowledge.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Transplant recipients receiving anti–metabolite maintenance immunosuppression therapy were less likely to develop an antibody response than those not receiving such immunosuppression therapy (37% vs. 63%, respectively; adjusted incidence rate ratio [IRR], 0.22 [95% CI, 0.15-0.34], P < .001),”

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Only 54% of solid organ transplant recipients demonstrate evidence of antibody development after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, according to data in a pair of research letters published in JAMA.”


            I don’t know about you, but 54% is s stark difference than your instances. Which is why I asked you to cite it, clearly you were unable to validate your claims (not shocked, it’s not the first time you came in deflated).


            Also, I enjoy your cherry picking, because this is the title of what you linked you disingenuous POS.

            “Immunogenicity of a Single Dose of SARS-CoV-2 Messenger RNA Vaccine in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients”

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            This study clearly supports my position. No surprise it doesn’t in your Conservative upside down world. There are multiple studies that found the same, Sport. Here is another…

            “Overall, of the 658 participants, 98 (15%) had measurable antibody response after dose 1 and dose 2; 301 (46%) had no antibody response after dose 1 or dose 2; and 259 (39%) had no antibody response after dose 1 but subsequent antibody response after dose 2 (Figure).”

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            No, no it doesn’t. Beyond the fact that no one is considered vaccinated after their first dose of Pfizer or Moderna.

            Which is ironic given the following article from the same site.

            “Antibody Response to 2-Dose SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine Series in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients”


            “We studied 658 transplant recipients who received 2 doses of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine (Table); the first-dose results of 396 of these recipients were previously reported.3 At a median (IQR) of 21 (18-25) days after dose 1, antibody was detectable in 98 participants (15%) (95% CI, 12%-18%). At a median (IQR) of 29 (28-31) days after dose 2, antibody was detectable in 357 participants (54%) (95% CI, 50%-58%).

            Overall, of the 658 participants, 98 (15%) had measurable antibody response after dose 1 and dose 2; 301 (46%) had no antibody response after dose 1 or dose 2; and 259 (39%) had no antibody response after dose 1 but subsequent antibody response after dose 2 (Figure).

            Among all 658 participants, median (IQR) antibody levels after dose 2 were 2.14 U/mL (250) (Roche) and 6.48 arbitrary units (3.75-8.72) (EUROIMMUN) overall; 34.7 U/mL (5.38->250) (Roche) and 5.05 arbitrary units (2.33-7.02) (EUROIMMUN) in the 259 with no antibody response after dose 1; and >250 U/mL (>250->250) (Roche) and 9.23 arbitrary units (8.62-9.73) (EUROIMMUN) in the 98 with antibody response after dose 1.

            Among the 473 receiving antimetabolites, 38 participants (8%) had antibody response after dose 1 and dose 2; 268 (57%) had no antibody response after dose 1 or dose 2; and 167 (35%) had no antibody response after dose 1 but subsequent antibody after dose 2. Among the 185 participants not receiving antimetabolites, 60 (32%) had antibody response after dose 1 and dose 2; 33 (18%) had no antibody response after dose 1 or dose 2; and 92 (50%) had no antibody response after dose 1 but subsequent antibody after dose 2.”

            So in conclusion, you either “misspoke” as you like to say it or you’re lying. Personally, given your habits and previous behavior I’d go with the latter.

            If you have any further statements on the matter I wouldn’t ask your boss because he doesn’t seem to understand how to read publications or citations.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Is it Monday already?

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        Actually, Matt … real world analysis shows the vaccines more effective than was thought from the clinical trials.

        None less than the Oracle of Progressive “science based” logic (i.e. Anthony Fauci) said so just yesterday.

        “Now, usually, as many of you know, the effectiveness in the real world is often not as good as the efficacy in the pristine conditions of a clinical trial,” Fauci said. “We have found just the opposite with COVID-19 vaccines, where effectiveness is easily as good, if not better, in the real world setting.”

        He cited a study of more than 23,000 employees of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, where vaccinations began December 15, 2020. There was just a 0.05% infection rate among workers who were fully immunized, he said.

        That’s 5 one hundredths of one percent. One in two thousand, I believe. And that’s the odds of catching COVID once vaccinated. The odds of dying? Let’s say .5%. One in 200. So, the odds of dying from COVID-19 once vaccinated are 1 in 400,000.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Yes, the vaccine is very effective, which is why people should get vaccinated and, insofar as they can, should get their kids vaccinated. Getting to herd immunity levels is really the only way to protect everybody.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Herd immunity is reached through various methods, the use of vaccines is preferable as it would keep individuals from becoming extremely ill.

            However, a vaccine is not the only way to herd immunity.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            We could use the older techniques from before vaccines. Culling, for example.

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            Fairfax County has about 1.2 million residents. There have been 77,666 cases of COVID-19 recorded in the county. Approximately 428 days have elapsed since the onset of COVID. That’s an average of 181 cases per day over the 428 days.

            There were 16 cases recorded yesterday in the county.

            The deaths from COVID in the county have fallen dramatically. The current seven day average of deaths / day is 1.

            When is it safe enough?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            If this were polio or tuberculosis or measles – how much would be “safe” enough?

            If you child got infected and died from a contagious disease that had a vaccine – how “safe’ would that be?

            Would you keep kids out of school who did not get their shots?

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          I’m aware but eric the half wit isn’t that smart nor would he understand actual data.

          Yes, real world it’s more effective vs lab settings. Lab settings provide the ideal avenue for transmission and contraction, those don’t exist unless in a vacuum.

    4. WayneS Avatar

      “and the vaccine has full approval.”

      No, it does not. The FDA has issued emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccines; they have not yet received full FDA approval.

      [Oops, someone else already pointed that out. I should read the entire thread before posting – sorry]

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Yes, I misspoke on “full” FDA approval.

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Actually, I am not usually with Kerry, but this one might make sense. I have wondered why I had to wear a mask after I was vaccinated for some time. I was right, I didn’t need to after all. I don’t think we really know the answers to questions as this is new and still under research. I think it is up to parents, but you gotta feel sorry for the little tykes and ask the question “Why is this really necessary? Give me the science.”

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Until we reach herd immunity, there are many individuals in the general public who are still at significant risk. The unvaccinated (and that includes kids) need to wear masks to protect others for whom the vaccination provides little protection until we reach herd immunity levels. Better yet, they should get vaccinated. Many unvaccinated adults will likely do neither because that is the type of people they are.

      If you have been fully vaccinated, it appears that the only reason to wear a mask in public is to put others at ease – which is why I do it.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “The unvaccinated (and that includes kids) need to wear masks to protect others for whom the vaccination provides little protection”

        You keep repeating this statement, it’s false. If someone has been vaccinated they are protected from serve disease.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Don’t know what “serve disease” is. But those with immunity suppression are not protected by being vaccinated and will not be protected until we reach herd immunity.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Umm that is false and it’s clear don’t know what immunocompromised is or what it entails.


            The next time you opine, perhaps some light reading should be done prior. I get that you believe you’re all knowing, but it’s rather obvious you don’t have a f’ clue about anything you try to sound authoritative on

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll Matt Adams • 16 hours ago
            Don’t know what “serve disease” is. But those with immunity suppression are not protected by being vaccinated and will not be protected until we reach herd immunity.”

            That’s a fallacious statement not validated by research.

            Epic fail Walt.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    But, but. but … “the science” shriek the liberals.

    “Based on that analysis, what is striking is that those under the age of 25 are at significantly lower risk of death from COVID-19 than of the flu. Under our assumptions, for example, school-aged children between 5 and 14 have a 1 in 200,000 chance of dying of influenza, but a 1 in 1.1 million chance of dying of COVID-19.”

    Time to take the assisted suffocation devices off the kids’ faces.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “but a 1 in 1.1 million chance of dying of COVID-19.”

      Does that include multisystem inflammatory syndrome, or other long term effects? Or, is it just limited to SARS effects?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Deaths = Deaths

        The odds of contract COVID right now in Fairfax County are almost identical to the odds of being in a car crash.

        Maybe Northam should ban driving or lower the state wide speed limit to 15 mph.

        When is it safe enough?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Uh, deaths is deaths? Then what’s excess deaths all about?

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          As I said before, if you are vaccinated it is reasonably safe to unmask. If you are not, it is not and you are putting other’s lives at risk when you do.

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          Interesting you brought this up:

          ” A new study suggests the U.S. consider a different approach to road safety by using an “intuitive” design to reduce crashes, injuries and deaths, according to a Bloomberg School of Public Health report last week.

          The “Safe System” approach was devised by the Safe System Consortium, a group of highway engineers, scientists and public health officials selected by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Institute of Transportation Engineers.

          The study authors note that there were an estimated 42,000 roadway deaths in 2020, an increase of 8 percent over the previous year, and that happened even with fewer cars on the roads.

          The study authors told Bloomberg they are focused on re-imagining “road safety and equity in this country.”

          The safe system approach—using such things as roundabouts, rumble strips and separated bicycle lanes—puts more burden on road and vehicle design than on drivers.

          The study’s authors said the traditional U.S. approach has put more of the burden on drivers and pedestrians.

          “With this report, we’re encouraging policymakers to adopt what would be a paradigm shift in the approach to road safety in the U.S., with the potential to dramatically reduce the vehicle-related injuries and deaths that we’ve been seeing on a daily basis,” study co-author Shannon Frattaroli told Bloomberg.

          The study claims that the safe system “minimizes the chances for mistakes by drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists, and reduces the intensity of crashes when they do occur.”

          so yeah… reduce deaths… yadda yadda

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Basically, the CDC got drawn into the political fray and punted.

    We still have a crap load of people who are not vaccinated – on purpose and who don’t believe in masks either.

    GOP states proactively shut down the idea of vaccine cards so that left things more or less in political disarray.

    It’s hard to see where there might be middle ground.

    People who are vaccinated legitimately question why they should wear masks but it’s also pretty clear the “anti” folks are not going to cooperate either.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      My 15 year old son is scheduled to get his first vaccine shot on Wednesday. He has no co-morbidities so he is very far down the list of priorities. It seems to me that anybody who wanted to get vaccinated in Fairfax County has had the opportunity to get vaccinated.

      Time to quit fooling around. This crisis is over.

      As far as “GOP states shutting down the idea of vaccine cards …” what does that have to do with the socialist regime in Richmond? Northam could order people to carry vaccine cards as part of his unending emergency authorization. But he hasn’t.

      When will it be safe enough?

  5. What really happened to cause the Gov to ‘see the science’ and act accordingly….. no doubt VT, UVA, JMU, and ODU told Gov. Coonman that the stadiums were going to be filled come September — with or without him. SO he figured he’d better look like he was opening up the state before the first tailgating on September 3rd…..or be forced to arrest the 67,000 screaming Hokies in Lane.

  6. remember 2,200,000 were going to die

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      yep, until we got vaccines. What is happening to countries that are not as well vaccinated – like India? 250K dead and future looks not good.

      How many have to die before we say there is a problem?

  7. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    It looks like the majority of the comments say that everybody should continue wearing masks as long as there is anybody with a suppressed immune system. This is a far cry from Two weeks months years? to slow the spread

    Conservatives aren’t the only ones who distrust vaccines. Many liberals distrust them Orange Man started Operation Warp Speed.

    My wife and I are Conservatives, and we both got vaccinated to help achieve herd immunity, even though we don’t have any of the complicating factors that increase the death rate among older people.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      If you are vaccinated, there is no benefit to continuing to wear a mask. It is the unvaccinated who continue to pose a threat to those with suppressed immunity.

  8. Publius Avatar

    Masks do not work. The coronavirus particle is something like 1/20th of the size of a mask opening. The masks are not worn properly. Lockdown indoors and masked, even with the stupid social distancing, was counterproductive. The virus is not as deadly as feared. The people dying have been very old and usually with 2 or more co-morbidities. There was no reason to abandon common sense – wash your hands, if sick, stay home, don’t cough on people. Vaccines do work. These vaccines have been issued under emergency use authorization. So, one can make an informed decision about whether or not to get vaccinated, factoring in relative risk for him or herself, and I trust that person to make a good decision instead of a one size fits all edict from lying politicians and bureaucrats. It’s hard to believe we would have ever won any wars if this mass of people succumbing to irrational fear had to fight…

  9. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    This Florida fourth grader really nails it! Nothing more clear than the perspective of a kid who can see right thru it all.

  10. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    ” It’s capitulation to the militant teachers unions who are still looking for excuses to slow-roll school re-openings.” Complete horse crap

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