Marion Smith: a Thinker-Activist with a Global Perspective

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In The Jefferson Council’s meeting on April 4th, you will hear how the Council is fighting for free speech and intellectual diversity at the University of Virginia, and how our struggle is just one front in a nationwide alumni rebellion to reclaim America’s universities from the left. From Marion Smith, president of the Common Sense Society, you’ll hear how the crusade to restore American universities is part of an even larger war of the woke on Western Civilization.

As president of the Common Sense Society, which is dedicated to the defense of liberty, prosperity and beauty, Smith believes that ideas matter. He has recruited an all-star roster of conservative intellectuals – of whom a previous Jefferson Council speaker, Douglas Murray, is just one – in the defense of our way of life. A liberty-loving doppelgänger of George Soros, he has built an international organization with offices in the United States, United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Hungary.

In his address to The Jefferson Council, “American universities and the battle for Western civilization,” Smith will make the case that nothing less than democracy, market capitalism, and Enlightenment thought is at stake.

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69 responses to “Marion Smith: a Thinker-Activist with a Global Perspective”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    What is the true priority of the Jefferson Society: “free speech and intellectual diversity” or “reclaim[ing] America’s universities from the left”? It seems to me that these two goals are incompatible, because if you claim higher education from the left, then you will likely be denying free speech and squelching intellectual diversity.

    Furthermore, it seems to me that market capitalism is alive and flourishing on college campuses, while Enlightenment thought is on the wane. How else would you explain the elimination of majors in history, English, and other social studies and humanities due to the rush of students to take vocational courses?

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      You misunderstand. It is the left that is suppressing free speech at universities these days.

      Stanford Law was the example last week with students shouting down and then the dean of DIE denouncing a Federal judge for daring to accept an invitation to speak on campus and for his rulings from the bench. He was prevented from speaking.

      “free speech and intellectual diversity” are absolutely consistent with “reclaim[ing] America’s universities from the left”,

      Years ago when I was in college prime goals were teaching us to think, to reason, and to be exposed to a wide variety of thought. An objective was to teach us how to think, not what. That seems to no longer be the case, there is a very narrow range of what is acceptable thought, and the enforcer is intolerance from the left. The pernicious idea that suppressing free speech is itself free speech is increasingly accepted leftist wisdom.

      Jonathan Turley on anti free speech on campus:

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I don’t disagree that progressives have, at times, exhibited a disappointing intolerance of opposing viewpoints. That is why I would support a goal of free speech and intellectual diversity. But Jim seems to want to go further. He wants to “reclaim” higher education from the left and restore American universities in the war with the Woke. That does not sound like supporting intellectual diversity and supporting free speech.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well, you see how it works right here in BR….

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Maybe the woke conservatives are not so woke after all.

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Good point. “Reclaim” denotes the territory once belonged to another. In military terms, reclaim equates with retake, like the Crimea. The intimation is not peaceful, persuasive but forceful.
          Recently, a commenter characterized you as a conservative; today, one stated you misunderstand the woke issue. Keep ‘em guessing.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            it’s a bit of a warrior mentality IMO and agree it’s talks like “free speech” but it don’t walk like it.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Yah. It seems to have crossed the line from the WF Buckley civil debate character to a war against an Army of Woke.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            That is not surprising considering how thoroughly you have embraced misunderstanding.

        3. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “But Jim seems to want to go further. He wants to “reclaim” higher education from the left and restore American universities in the war with the Woke.”

          I would tend to think that you’re reading into things that aren’t there.

        4. Lefty665 Avatar

          I am reminded of an old observation “Compromise with evil (aka woke racism/CRT/DIE) yields only the appearance of progress. Evil takes what you give it then comes back for more”.

          There is nothing that makes me think JAB or the JC want to restrict free speech or diverse thought.

          Dismantling $10M per year of woke racism/ CRT/DIE administration and intolerance policy at UVa is an entirely different matter and a thoroughly laudable goal.

          It seems to me that you and JAB share goals of free speech and diverse thought.

          One way that is evidenced is by fostering a dialog in which we can disagree without being disagreeable. That embrace of free speech and diverse thought is not widely shared these days. I value it in you, JAB and a few others here at BR.

        5. Lefty665 Avatar

          I am reminded of an old observation “Compromise with evil (aka woke racism/CRT/DIE) yields only the appearance of progress. Evil takes what you give it then comes back for more”.

          There is nothing that makes me think JAB or the JC want to restrict free speech or diverse thought.

          Dismantling $10M per year of woke racism/ CRT/DIE administration and intolerance policy at UVa is an entirely different matter and a thoroughly laudable goal.

          It seems to me that you and JAB share goals of free speech and diverse thought.

          One way that is evidenced is by fostering a dialog in which we can disagree without being disagreeable. That embrace of free speech and diverse thought is not widely shared these days. I value it in you, JAB and a few others here at BR.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Yes. Toward others not in agreement with your opinions receive the disagreeable diatribes and intolerance you claim to abhor. A reflection of the “What me?” duality as noted in your comments promoting ethnic slurs against Italians. The tunnel metaphor remains as a reminder of your circular, self-righteous views. Let’s read more of them in repetition.

  2. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    “in the defense of our way of life.” That surely sounds like a members only society (or two societies), resonating a conclusion of the Kerner Commission from decades ago. I fail to appreciate the beauty – a principle – of that conception which Mr. Smith’s organization and now the JC advocates. The “left” and the “woke” as enemies versus the woke conservatives led by an “all-star roster of intellectual conservatives”? Frankly, IMHO reclaiming the Crimea ranks well above some Quixotic campaign to salvage UVA from the Army of Woke.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Ooh, you’re trying for another Jim McCarthy silly walk award by trotting out your tired old nonsequitur malinvention of “woke conservatives”. Sorry no silly walk award this time. Don’t be discouraged, I’m sure you will find new Jim McCarthy silliness to proliferate.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        The question naturally arises how conservatives became “aware” or sensitive to the woke wave swamping universities. Is it of genetic origin? A matter of natural law? Acquired by study? Why, in fact, are conservatives so emotional about the woke? Asserting baldly that “the left is suppressing free speech at universities these days” strikes as ideological rather than reasoned along with “intolerance from the left.” The “evidence” from Turley, Marion Smith, and a crowd of jerks at Stanford is minimal. Sorry, but the case is thin as one commenter has noted.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Nice try, but no silly walk award. Sticking your head in the sand is visually silly enough to be awarded, but it prevents walking, so is ineligible for a Jim McCarthy silly walk award. Better luck next time.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Nice try, but no silly walk award. Sticking your head in the sand is visually silly enough to be awarded, but it prevents walking, so is ineligible for a Jim McCarthy silly walk award. Better luck next time.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            We await your informed response to the comment. Or a definition of woke. Your call.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            I respond in kind to your comments. I feel sure you will some day make one that rates an informed response. At least that’s what the theories of monkeys with typewriters and blind hogs finding acorns predict. Until then silly awards are appropriate. Keep it up, we all need the amusement these days.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            I respond in kind to your comments. I feel sure you will some day make one that rates an informed response. At least that’s what the theories of monkeys with typewriters and blind hogs finding acorns predict. Until then silly awards are appropriate. Keep it up, we all need the amusement these days.

          4. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            A usual and usually incredible comment much like the one in which you failed to address ethnic slurs you wrote about Italians. Keep digging the hole – the other side is a mere 25,000 miles or so away. Pathos commentary does not encourage laughter only SMH.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            Congrats, another Jim McCarthy silly walk award for not knowing the difference between diameter (earth about 8k miles) and circumference (earth about 25k miles), or that 25k miles would bring you right back around to where you started not to the other side. 3 strikes and you’re out.

            You were a lawyer weren’t you?

          6. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            My metaphor related to tunneling the 25K miles in a circle to “bring you right back around to where you started not to the other side.” Another mark missed. Once again, your juvenile attempts at deflection continue to expose the paucity of capacity for direct confrontation and preference for avoidance. Continue to walk into the fray. Like incorrigible delinquency or chronic truancy. It’s getting sad.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Keep digging the hole – the other side is a mere 25,000 miles or so away.”

            Digging a hole isn’t tunneling, that’s a lovely attempt to deflect from you error.

            The only person using juvenile deflections, as per usual is yourself.

            “paucity of capacity for direct confrontation and preference for avoidance.”

            Yeah, that’s a keyboard warrior issuing a threat and I’m relatively certain it’s against TOS.

            I think it’s safe to say you’re prime example of Dunning Kruger at this point.

          8. Lefty665 Avatar

            You remind me of a guy in an old Brother Dave Gardner routine. In it he is riding a motorcycle on a mountain road and comes up behind a big old truck with a bumper sticker that reads “I may be slow but I’m ahead of you”. Things do not go well for him after that.

            Your attempt to rationalize your failure to understand the difference between diameter and circumference, and subsequent blather earn you a pair of Jim McCarthy silly walk awards, Congrats, keep up the silly work. You are good at it.

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Psst… swim for shore, Lefty, you are in over your head.

          10. Lefty665 Avatar

            Oh goody, advice from a troll wanna be. Thank you so much. How’s life working out under that bridge? Been a little airy and chilly the last week or so.

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Mathematically he’d have to make a salient point at least once.

            Than again, I don’t think we are dealing in reason and logic and it shows.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Not trying, as it stands he’s made 57% of the comments on this article. He must be going for a record.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Could do worse…

    Maybe the JC could give it a whirl… Define “way of life”

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      In case there was any doubt that American ineptness these days knows no ideological bounds.

      P.T. Barnum was right.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      You’re just like the woke conservatives. One single, solitary rising author who cannot explain “woke” does not mean it can’t be defined. Read Bacons Rebellion to secure a sound footing in the meaning of the term and the ravages it is causing, not only on campuses, but nationally and globally. Woke up, NN!!!

    3. The author in your reference couldn’t define woke in a sound bite in an interview. A Supreme Court justice candidate couldn’t define what a woman is in her interview. How much does that prove for either person?

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        The interviewee was afforded ample time subsequent to the initial question to parse the term woke by the interviewer. More than a 15 second sound bite which was the author’s lament. She acknowledged having devoted a chapter to it in her book. The incident is only a smidgen of circumstantial – though firsthand – evidence of wanton use of the term.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Why didn’t you do it while replying to me? You had a few minutes to think.

        Can you? 25 words or less, Carol. It’s 7:15. Take an hour

        Quick, quick, google something.

        Even here, where nothing occurs in realtime, authors are continually asked, “Define X,” and either ignore it or fail… miserably.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Why didn’t you do it while replying to me? You had a few minutes to think.

        Can you? 25 words or less, Carol. It’s 7:15. Take an hour

        Quick, quick, google something.

        Even here, where nothing occurs in realtime, authors are continually asked, “Define X,” and either ignore it or fail… miserably.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Unfair challenge. Maybe deleteable. It took me at least 5 minutes to read the Forbes article to learn what the interviewee could not remember.

    4. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      You’re just like the woke conservatives. One single, solitary rising author who cannot explain “woke” does not mean it can’t be defined. Read Bacons Rebellion to secure a sound footing in the meaning of the term and the ravages it is causing, not only on campuses, but nationally and globally. Woke up, NN!!!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Remember, she’s selling a book she wrote on the subject.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          The author needs to remember what she wrote. It may have been forgettable. Or unseeable. Or unspoken. Or perhaps her Chat AI wrote it. Forgive them for they know not what they do.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Did you catch where DeSantis identifies with those from Youngstown Ohio although he was born and raised in Florida?

            Wait! Is he claiming an identity not assigned at birth?

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            The phenomenon is new to the political lexicon and is being characterized as woke, i.e. finally sensing that your actual birth place is not the one with which you have become sensitive. Maybe he can borrow Obama’s certificate.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s the old adage. Truth is easily remembered. Anything else is not.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    There was in my high school a virulent John Bircher, a year ahead of me as I recall. After one of his little sermonettes in class I remember the teacher, a genteel Southern lady, commenting that the jeremiads of the left and the jeremiads of the right sounded surprisingly similar to her. He didn’t take it well, but that has long stuck with me and I see it all the time….including here daily.

    May have to explain to readers about the John Birch Society….

    I have said it before and I will say it again, and the incident at Stanford backs this up. The problem is not the faculty for the most part. It is the students themselves who are rabid intellectual terrorists. I’m sure the law school faculty at Stanford was ashamed, but afraid to push back.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    There was in my high school a virulent John Bircher, a year ahead of me as I recall. After one of his little sermonettes in class I remember the teacher, a genteel Southern lady, commenting that the jeremiads of the left and the jeremiads of the right sounded surprisingly similar to her. He didn’t take it well, but that has long stuck with me and I see it all the time….including here daily.

    May have to explain to readers about the John Birch Society….

    I have said it before and I will say it again, and the incident at Stanford backs this up. The problem is not the faculty for the most part. It is the students themselves who are rabid intellectual terrorists. I’m sure the law school faculty at Stanford was ashamed, but afraid to push back.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      The incident at Stanford was awful, but you’ll note that the administration roundly criticized the incident and made an official statement to that end. Where is the similar institutional response from conservative institutions to Trump’s racism or DeSantis’ attacks on free speech? Hell, this blog professes free speech principles, but stands in full support of one of its own who tried to trample on free speech rights without so much as an acknowledgment that it was unwise. It’s right to complain about the left’s anti-liberal excesses, but I think the left does a far better job of admitting its excesses than the right, which pretends they aren’t excesses at all.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yep. But if you remember like I do, this kind of behavior is not new. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember… goes WAY BACK , including those John Birchers and McCarhtyites and Black Panthers and others.

      Nowdays, we talk like it’s a new thing.


      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Shouting down that federal judge was egregious (and I wouldn’t put that on my resume, graduates….) But I guess the precedent might be how a military recruiter would be received on some campuses in 1970….

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I dunno. Any more or less than if pro-choice speaker wanted to speak at Liberty or gun-control
          folks wanted to speak at an NRA convention? A Federal judge or someone who holds public opinions also? I think there is a kabuki theater aspect to a lot of this… it’s “staged”.

  6. I debated with myself over deleting M. Purdy’s post for the same reasons as two or three times before –– calling individuals on the right racists and attackers of free speech. To uphold group standards does impose limits. In spite of his statement to the contrary, I cannot recall seeing a left side admission of excess here, no matter how egregious. I would urge him to repost the statement related to this topic without the name-calling.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      You have a difficult time accepting some basic facts. I can prove my statements; you can’t. It is not name-calling if it’s true.

      1. It is next to impossible to prove a negative. Your opinion is not fact.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          but it IS an opinion. Are opinions not acceptable here in BR?

          1. Opinions on topic, fine. No name calling with or without opinion. It adds nothing to the discussion.

          2. Opinions on topic, fine. No name calling with or without opinion. It adds nothing to the discussion.

          3. M. Purdy Avatar

            That’s not name calling when it’s supported by facts(!). And your name calling standard only seems to go one way.

        2. M. Purdy Avatar

          Fine, I can support my opinion. You can’t. And apparently you delete supportable opinions you don’t like. That’s your MO.

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