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Malthus, Singularities and Chins-up

The NY Time’s Jay Tierney has a good post that is also a useful tonic for what seems to be a creeping Malthusian trend on the Rebellion of late.

He discusses an article by George Mason University economist Robin Hanson that focuses on “singularities,” the stunning advances that have completely transformed the way we do just about everything (think the creation of agriculture and the industrial revolution). Hanson believes we’re due for another such event, perhaps within our lifetimes. What might it be? Hanson thinks it could be intelligent machines (no, not Terminators) that will increase growth 60 to 250 fold over current levels.

It’s all a big guess, of course. But I think it’s a far more likely outcome than the ashen forebodings that are both easy and fashionable to embrace.

In other words: Chins-up, people!

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