Loudoun Supervisors Defend Exorbitant Junkets

by Ram Venkatachalam

Until recently, members of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors haven’t tried to sell themselves as international diplomats and business development experts. They aren’t.

Nor do we have a long history of waste, fraud, and abuse when it comes to how members of local government spend our tax dollars, especially for money budgeted for constituent services.

But now four Democrat members of the Board have been caught red-handed in the biggest local government scandal in decades. This is what Entitlement looks like.

This year alone, Chair Phyliss Randall, and Supervisors Juli Briskman, Sylvia Glass, and Koran Saines have violated their oath of office by diverting nearly $100,000 in taxpayer money (that we know of) for first-class travel for themselves and others to Ghana and Uruguay. They even purchased a pricey camera to take pictures of themselves because it wasn’t enough to use their taxpayer-paid cell phones.

That money could have been spent to hire another elementary school teacher, firefighter, or deputy sheriff this year. Instead, it was wasted.

Our taxes paid for these four to travel with their aides, a political campaign donor and others under the guise of “sister city” partnerships – without a compelling reason, and with no return on investment.

The four supervisors did this out of a sense of entitlement, and Loudoun taxpayers paid 100% of the bill. Then, after being confronted by an investigative reporter for WJLA-TV7, they doubled down, and Chair Randall defended their actions. Many of their political allies have done the same, including Laura Tekrony, my opponent in the contest for Supervisor, Little River District. Ms. Tekrony is Chair Randall’s chief legislative aide, and her prolonged silence about the abuse is telling.

Instead of an apology or accountability from the four elected supervisors, Loudoun is being fed lies that more than $1.37 billion in investments and 2,500 local jobs resulted from these and similar “sister city” trips. In fact, the trips have produced absolutely nothing in economic benefits – zero dollars and no jobs, as documented by the county’s own records.

Supervisor Kristen Umstattd, a fellow Democrat, immediately, unequivocally, and publicly called out this misuse of taxpayer money by her colleagues once it became known. She also proposed significant changes to the Board’s travel policy that may be voted on as early as next month.

I am thankful for Supervisor Umstattd’s integrity and support for the policy changes, but we need more.

I call for the money spent by Chair Randall, and Supervisors Briskman, Glass, and Saines on the Ghana and Uruguay trips to be paid back out of their own pockets.

It’s our money, not theirs, and their lie is now exposed.

Ram Venkatachalam is a candidate for the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors in the Little River District.

Republished with permission from The Bull Elephant.

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34 responses to “Loudoun Supervisors Defend Exorbitant Junkets”

  1. Kristen [whom I’ve known since the 1980s] is an upstanding citizen and servant OF THE PEOPLE! Good for her, but I wish she had gone further and proposed punishment of the entitled guilty.

    If the powers that be don’t force a complete and total reimbursement — force the issue by cutting the school budget by the exact amount of money embezzled for these junkets.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The sister city program, established by supervisors in 2006 at the behest of then-Chair Scott York, R-At Large…”

    Pretty much all that needs to be said. Nothing new here… not even the faux R outrage…

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Readers added context they thought people might want to know.

      Establishment of a program is not the same as, and does not excuse, abuse of that program 17 years later. Commenter provides no evidence that the program’s creator misused taxpayer funds in the establishment of that program.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        York was castigated for the exactly the same thing in exactly the same way. He and his supporters simply brushed it off. These trips have been going on pretty much the same way for quite some time. Just saying there is nothing new here.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          OK, your Trollness. But…is it wrong?
          Whether done by D or R. An absolute. Is grift bad? Or is grift only bad when R’s do it?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            If it was a nothing burger when York -R and Clarke – R did it in 2012, it is a nothing burger now, Walt.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So it’s OK, then. Good to know. More reason to never believe anything you post.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “More reason to never believe anything you post.”

            Certainly hope you are not calling me a liar there, Walt. Wouldn’t want to get you another warning…

          4. NOTE: He’s not calling you a liar just referring to ignoring troll behavior.

            Troll Definition & Meaning Dictionary.com troll · a person who posts inflammatory, inappropriate, controversial, or polarizing messages online for the purpose of cultivating animosity, upsetting others, …

            Troll Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
            Britannica computers : a person who tries to cause problems on an Internet message board by posting messages that cause other people to argue, become angry, etc.

            C2 wiki A troll is deliberately crafted to provoke others with the intention of wasting their time and energy. A troll is a time thief. To troll is to steal from people …

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            In what way was anything I wrote here “inflammatory, inappropriate, controversial, or polarizing…for the purpose of cultivating animosity, upsetting others”?

            But please note, he said nothing about “ignoring me”. He specifically said “never believe anything” I post which sure sounds like he is saying I lie. I don’t lie.

          6. If it was a nothing burger when York -R and Clarke – R did it in 2012…

            Okay, but should it have been a nothing burger in 2012? I don’t think it should have been. Likewise, I do not think these latest incidents should be treated as “nothing burgers”.

            The sense of entitlement exhibited by public so-called-servants at all levels in this country disgusts me.

            In my opinion, the primary purpose of “sister city {county]” programs is to allow local elected officials to justify using taxpayer dollars for their direct personal benefit.

          7. DJRippert Avatar

            Rich Men North of Fairfax.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            My point is it is a bit hypocritical for the same group of folks who yawned at York and Clarke doing this to suddenly be clutching at their pearls. This is classic Loudoun election rhetoric – note the source – TBE…

          9. My point is it is a bit hypocritical for the same group of folks who yawned at York and Clarke doing this to suddenly be clutching at their pearls.

            Of course it is, but that does not make the actions of this latest group acceptable or immune from criticism.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          Fair enough, although you have to say that in your comment. All you said is that some Republican established the program in 2006.

          It’s sad to see what’s happening in Loudoun. Back in the day there were bumper stickers that read “Don’t Fairfax Loudoun”. I thought maybe the folks in Loudoun had it figured out.

          What’s the new bumper sticker?

          “Don’t Loudoun Clark”?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I did not elaborate in my original post. My bad. I have lived here so long and seen this sort of rhetoric so often I forget others don’t have that context to draw from.

            York and his board were central to the Fairfaxing of Loudoun… that is true enough. Interesting that York’s sister city program originated in the Northern Virginia Regional Commission where he and other local representatives who got trips were appointed and served as Loudoun’s rep – so Fairfaxing Loudoun is not far off.

  3. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    “Instead of an apology or accountability from the four elected supervisors, Loudoun is being fed lies that more than $1.37 billion in investments and 2,500 local jobs resulted from these and similar “sister city” trips. In fact, the trips have produced absolutely nothing in economic benefits – zero dollars and no jobs, as documented by the county’s own records.”

    Correct, there are two investments which are responsible for this billion dollar windfall and neither of them are located in any of the “sister cities” these members visited.

    Those investments are from companies located in the Netherlands and France. What you’re seeing nothing more than local politicos acting like Federals and lining up junket’s on the taxpayers dime.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I have enjoyed watching Randall squirm. The vacationers will be reelected. The new money Loudoun bourgeois love these guys.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Sister Cities? And, used as an excuse to boondoggle?

    Well now… ‘Splains why, when back in the 90’s, Hampton City council was really upset at having spent some $50K with UVa to find a sister city and were told Newport News.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Got it. When I combine McLean and Great Falls into the newly incorporated City of McFalls, I should remember to name a really cool sister city – maybe Sydney or Barcelona.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Lean McFalls?

        For you? I would suggest Port Moresby.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I think when Dad was city manager in Roanoke the “sister city” was Wonju, S. Korea. I remember Dad saying his time in that lovely country in 1951 had cured him of any interest in a return visit…but some council members did go.

    I too knew Kristen U once upon a time and hooray for her being less than thrilled by this.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Kristen is who set up the Janet Clarke-R Korea boondoggle trip of 2012… what criticism she may be making now seems pretty strange to me…

      1. It appears that in 2012 all expenses were paid by South Korea (and private enterprise).

        It might be interesting to know which private enterprise(s) were involved, but it does not look like Loudoun taxpayer dollars were spent.


      2. It appears that in 2012 all expenses were paid by South Korea (and private enterprise).

        It might be interesting to know which private enterprise(s) supplied the bucks, but it does not look like Loudoun taxpayer dollars were spent.


        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Not the only junket and it was funded through the Northern Virginia Regional Commission which is funded by taxpayer dollars. Here is another rhetorical take from those days:


          I guess these are good gigs if you can get ‘em…

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive


      Just read this. Sounds like a good program.

      Sister City since: 1964

      Roanoke and Wonju participate in cultural, educational, medical, and artistic exchanges

      Gateway city to Korea’s coal, tungsten, and cement resources

      Industry includes auto parts, transformers, battery manufacture, cutlery, copper wire, electronics, sporting goods, office equipment, plastics, cermics, bio-med research & products, insulation and floor tiles, cosmetics, processed/canned foods, and musical instruments

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I only remember it because they named a street for Wonju, right at the exit off I-581 for what was my old stomping ground.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          I always wondered about that street name. Now I know.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Who is Ron Hedlund?

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Google “Ron Hedlund RF&P Park” to see the type of character shown by the Virginia GOP these days. Can’t even link to the story here without triggering the BR censors…

    1. There are no censors. There are editors and a moderator who can remove comments that go against the rules intended to maintain a civil exchange of ideas. Disqus does filter out anatomical terms for genitalia, but none have been deleted recently. Using the actions of one person to define an entire category of people is first class troll behavior, and an example of why one commenter said he chose not to believe what you may say.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Since you seem intent on defending that particular poster and his attack on my character, I will remind you of his post:

        “So it’s OK, then. Good to know. More reason to never believe anything you post”

        You are saying that it was my supposed trollish behavior that he says he is going to ignore… or chooses not to believe… I will ask again, what did I post (that he is specifically referring to in that thread) that is trollish? What is that “reason”?

        Btw, not so sure generalizing based on the actions of a single (if prominent) representative of the Virginia GOP is really trolling but we all have opinions and you are certainly entitled to yours. Let’s hope “no trolling” is not a new BR moderator rule.

        1. There was no attack on your character. Two comments opining why you take certain positions were deleted at your request. I would think your statement that bad municipal behavior in 2012 was ignored so the same behavior, that you called a nothingburger, doesn’t matter now, justified the comments by two individuals that were allowed to stand. No trolling would improve the discussion but create a lot more work to moderate.

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