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Loudoun Dems Reject Former House Speaker’s Donation

Eileen Filler-Corn

from The Republican Standard 

Democrats in Loudoun have rejected the donation of one of their declared 2024 Congressional candidates.

In a move that raised eyebrows, the Loudoun County Democratic Committee (LCDC) Officers hastily decided to donate $1,000 to the International Committee of the Red Cross for their Israel/Gaza Relief Fund, following the receipt of a $1,000 contribution from Eileen Filler-Corn’s PAC, “Energize For Change,” just last week.

Eileen Filler-Corn – the former speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, announced her candidacy for the Democratic nomination in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District primary.

LCDC Chair Avram Fechter expressed concerns about the timing and nature of her announcement, noting the following in a media release issued by his group:

“Filler-Corn does not live in, and has never represented, any part of the 10th Congressional District. She announced her candidacy less than 3 weeks before the November 7th General Election, where 31 Democratic nominated/endorsed candidates in Loudoun County are seeking election or re-election. Loudoun County represents ~53% of the voters in the 10th Congressional District and Congresswoman Wexton received ~60% of her votes from Loudoun in the 2022 Congressional General election.

Fechter expressed dismay at the timing of Filler-Corn’s announcement, “With control of State and County Government on the ballot between now and November 7th- with all the critical issues at stake in this election cycle, including control of the State Senate which will determine if Virginia remains the last bastion of reproductive freedom in the South – we all should be focused on raising money for and garnering attention for our candidates who face elections in three weeks – not candidates seeking nominations in seven months.”

This unexpected twist in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District primary race will undoubtedly continue to generate debate in both liberal and conservative circles as the November 7th elections pass and the 2024 primary season goes into full swing.

(Rep. Jennifer Wexton announced earlier this year that she would not be seeking re-election in the 10th District for health reasons.)

Republished with permission from The Republican Standard. 

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