Looks Like We’ll Be Hearing a Lot More from the “F— UVA” Lady

Hira Azher

by James A. Bacon

I get a lot of unsolicited emails in my inbox from liberal advocacy groups around Virginia. I don’t block them because I think it’s important to know what people have to say, even if I don’t usually agree with them. Imagine my surprise when an email arrived today, introducing the new communications and digital outreach coordinator for Virginia Interfaith Power & Light — Hira Azher.

Bacon’s Rebellion readers may remember Ms. Azher as the resident of the University of Virginia Lawn who made quite the name for herself by posting “F— UVA” in bold letters on her door. For many, that incident exposed for the first time the depth of animosity toward the university, Thomas Jefferson and established institutions generally that exists at UVa. It certainly awakened me to the degree to which UVa in recent years, most notably during the tenure of President Jim Ryan, has become an incubator of grievance, resentment and hate.

In the letter of introduction to subscribers to the Virginia Interfaith Power & Light newsletter, Azher tells all about herself. Thinking this might be of interest to readers who have followed the Lawn controversy at UVa, I am republishing it here.

Dear James,

I am so excited to meet you! I would like to introduce myself as the new Communications and Digital Outreach Coordinator for Virginia Interfaith Power & Light. My name is Hira Azher, and I am a Pakistani American who moved to Virginia ten years ago. I recently graduated from the University of Virginia, where I double-majored in Global Development Studies and Anthropology, with a concentration in Medical Anthropology, Ethics, and Care.

Using my faith and lived experiences as my motivation, I am passionate about fighting for environmental justice locally through an intersectional and grassroots approach. I will be doing this at VAIPL by helping to curate engaging and interactive digital content for all of you! I look forward to continue meeting you all and working together to create a more environmentally just Virginia!

During my college years, I’ve worked in immigrant justice as the ESOL (English as a Second/Other Language) Program Director; and, I co-founded Muslims United, an organization dedicated towards creating an inclusive space to empower Muslim folx to connect spiritually, form community through faith, and resist systems of oppression. To these same ends, I hope to collaborate with Muslim communities around Virginia to continue fighting against injustice, particularly through environmental justice frameworks.

Nothing in the letter hints about her views on systemic racism at UVa or Thomas Jefferson as a slave-holding rapist. Perhaps she has mellowed now that she is the public face of an organization that is trying to influence the broader public.

Speaking of which, Virginia Interfaith Power & Light is just one of dozens of left-wing advocacy groups in Virginia. This particular organization, the state affiliate of the national Interfaith Power & Light, seeks to “empower all faith communities across the Commonwealth of Virginia” to grow healthy communities and “advance climate justice.” The website lists four “partner faith communities:

  • Rockfish Presbyterian Church, Nellysford, Nelson County
  • Church of the Holy Family Catholic Church, Virginia Beach
  • St. George’s Episcopal Church, Fredericksburg
  • Westminster Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville

I don’t see any mosques or temples listed as partners, but I’m sure they’re working on that. The organization’s vice chair, Aliya Farooq, is Muslim. The website claims 4,000 “active supporters” and says it has “engaged with” more than 200 faith communities and congregations.

A search of nonprofits filing 990 forms turns up 17 state affiliates, but Virginia does not rank among them. Whatever the extent of its finances, Virginia Interfaith Power & Light has the resources to maintain six people on its staff.

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15 responses to “Looks Like We’ll Be Hearing a Lot More from the “F— UVA” Lady”

  1. CJBova Avatar

    She’s just in time to line up for money the EPA announced yesterday:

    EPA Announces $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Initiatives Under the American Rescue Plan

    WASHINGTON (June 25, 2021) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced that it will provide $50 million dollars for Environmental Justice (EJ) initiatives through funds allocated to EPA under the American Rescue Plan (ARP). In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress designated this funding for grants, contracts, and other agency activities that identify and address disproportionate environmental or public health harms and risks in underserved communities through a range of local initiatives.

    “We know how important it is to put funding to work in environmentally overburdened, economically underserved areas, and today we’re excited to let our communities know that thanks to the American Rescue Plan, help is here,” said Administrator Michael S. Regan. “EPA is drawing on its many years of experience working with communities and organizations that strive for environmental justice to ensure these funds will deliver real-world results for those who need it most.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Jobs! 😉

    2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      Outrageous. I wonder how many billions of dollars supposedly passed for “COVID relief” are going to extremist groups like this.

      Ms. Azher is the spokeswoman for an organization that claims it is “creating an inclusive space to empower Muslim folx to connect spiritually, form community through faith, and resist systems of oppression.” This is an extremist group in search of a problem that doesn’t exist, but will still use our money to pursue the quest.


      BTW, “folx” not “folks?” God spare me.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Energy = wealth. When energy is scarce and expensive, that is a barrier to wealth creation and a comfortable life. The EJ “movement” exists to keep people poor and dependent. Just one more form of exploitation through fear and ignorance. That $50 million in the Federal Government Takes Over the World bill is just the a small piece of what is being provided.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Maybe. California has some of the highest energy prices in the nation but in terms of economic output, it ranks as a country – 7 or 8th in the world and median household income is 75k, the same as Virginia.

          Another metric, California uses about 2/3 the energy use per capita than Va.


          When you use less energy to produce things, it actually increases GDP:

          GDP per capita
          California 58,619
          Virginia 51,736

          I thought Conservatives believed in efficiency, productivity and Conservation…. no?


          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            About a thousand factors feeding into that list, including energy price, the severity of their winters, and the distances people drive. California’s climate is a bit different that Virginia’s. States with heavy manufacturing and mining will rise on that list. That is ALL IN energy use, not just homeowner electric bills. But you just find something that fits your claim and go with it….California is not an economy we want to copy.

            Yes, industry is highly incented to reduce energy use and increase profits (except my old client which sent the electric bill to the taxpayer). But I’m talking about the effect on low and middle income working families.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            You know…. there IS a NORTHERN California too! 😉

            So pick some metrics that support your premise that we don’t want to be the 7th biggest economy in the world!

            I can pull up household electricity use alone but the results are similar.

            Virginia is among the higher household use (top 10) and California is among the lowest (bottom 5).

            The cost of electricity affects it’s use and when it is expensive – not only businesses but households conserve it – and when you conserve, you are more efficient and more productive.

            your premise – about wealth – is true when the cost of something is so high that only the rich can afford it.

            But your premise is not so good at lower costs.

            For instance, virtually everyone in this country can afford a car – but the cost of operating it can be actually reduced by getting ones that get better mileage. That frees up money for other stuff.

            My point – it’s not as simple as premised by standard Conservatism.

          3. Paul Sweet Avatar
            Paul Sweet

            One reason Virginia has higher electric usage then California is because a natural gas shortage in Virginia in the mid 70s led to widespread use of heat pumps, while California has widespread use of natural gas for heating , cooking, and water heating, although Newsom’s ban on future gas hookups will change this.

            The heavily populated areas of California have a milder climate than Virginia. Several areas don’t need air conditioning. Even the hot areas have low humidity, so swamp (evaporative) coolers can be used effectively instead of needing air conditioning.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            The point is though that if electricity costs go up, people will find ways to cut back on use and conserve and, in fact, more efficient stuff – the pay-back is much quicker and so paying the up front is worth it.

            The thing is – cheap electricity – like other cheap energy – does not encourage conservation and efficiency – cheap gasoline does not either. But expensive gasoline will encourage more efficient cars and change buying habits – but people will still have cars – just consume less energy.

            More efficiency benefits everyone and especially so for businesses, corporations, data centers, waste-water treatment plants, etc.

            More efficiency is GOOD and increases productivity!

          5. Kent Covington Avatar
            Kent Covington

            Its also not as simple as you advance. Weather is completely different. And electricity is not the enemy its the process by which it’s produced so you’re measuring the wrong damn thing. #GetSmart

        2. Moderate Avatar

          “The EJ “movement” exists to keep people poor and dependent.”

          Actually, it’s the opposite; it seeks circumstances and opportunities for all people to have a chance to obtain their American Dream. It’s not about keeping anyone down and it’s not about taking what one earned and giving it one who didn’t.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            but… that would be the truth – and such is blasphemy in BR especially when it wants to goose the culture war even more!

            THE Conservative PREMISE is that we can’t help some folks without taking away from others. If we help others, it’s more competition for the already-haves and that’s not good!

          2. Kent Covington Avatar
            Kent Covington

            Show me one person who has directly benefitted….

          3. Moderate Avatar

            I could introduce you to several who have become comfortable speaking up in public for themselves and their communities due to support from the EJ movement. They have overcome the impression that they won’t be heard and are quietly but firmly speaking for themselves. It happened in a public hearing I participated in last night. An older lady spoke up. No one wrote her comments for her or pushed her to participate.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Good on her for her new job. As near as I can tell, the only difference between Ms. Ahnzer and BR, as far as UVa is concerned, is the motivation and level of succinctness. The message is the same.

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