Looks Like Omicron Cases Are Surging in Virginia

by James A. Bacon

It has been nearly three weeks since the Omicron variant of COVID-19 reached Virginia. Nationally, Omicron now accounts for almost three out of four new COVID cases. So, how’s Virginia doing?

Here is the number of cases reported on the Virginia Department of Health COVID dashboard around noon today. The red oval draws attention to the past three weeks. Clearly, the number of COVID cases is spiking again. While there may be a seasonal element here — COVID cases started rising steeply in November 2020 as well — we can be fairly confident that the spread of the hyper-transmissible Omicron variant is a factor.

Virginia also has seen a rise in hospitalizations, as seen here:

The increase in the number of hospitalizations is less pronounced than the number of cases, which might reflect the fact that Omicron, though more transmissible, is less virulent than the Delta variant it is displacing. However, the muted increase also might simply reflect a lag between the time an individual confirms the presence of the virus in a test and the time he or she gets sick enough to warrant checking into a hospital. The Omicron-is-less-virulent-than-Delta theory comes from hospitalization rates in South Africa, where the variant first surfaced. South Africans are significantly younger and less prone to obesity than Americans, both of which are major risk factors, so we cannot assume that we will see the same benign pattern here.

The data do not allow us to draw even preliminary conclusions about the impact of Omicron on mortality rates in the Old Dominion. The VDH dashboard has updated deaths only through Nov. 20.

There is one other data point worth mentioning. Vaccination status appears to make a big difference in Virginians’ likelihood of contracting the virus.

As can be seen in this graph, illness among the vaccinated has ticked slightly higher but sickness among the unvaccinated has skyrocketed. That strikes me as a pretty good reason to get vaccinated.

A lot of Bacon’s Rebellion readers don’t want the government dictating what they do with their bodies. I get it. I don’t think the government should be mandating vaccines either. But I urge you to voluntarily get the jab.

Think of it this way: Liberals, who are more likely to get the vaccine, are less likely to die — thus more able to vote next year. Conservatives, who spurn the vaccine are more likely to die. And you can’t vote when you’re dead (except in Chicago)! Therefore, if you want the Sons of Light to retake the federal government from the Sons of Darkness in 2022, maximize the odds that you’ll be around to vote. Get the vaccine!

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74 responses to “Looks Like Omicron Cases Are Surging in Virginia”

  1. What is the current definition of “fully vaccinated”?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Depends on flavors, which is why I always get two scoops.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        The definition is as many shots at Trump has:


        Fascinating that 14 months late he finally wants credit for the accelerated vaccine development and the massive benefit it provided. In Oct 2020 that would have won him the election (but instead he gets his own case.)

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Got my 3rd Nov 18. And if things go as I suspect, I get my 4th in April. Mamma didn’t raise no fools… that lived. Not so many can say that.

          I was under the impression that they were calling it “fully” and “boosted” meaning 2 scoops of chocolate, or 1 vanilla to be “fully” with “boosted” being 3 scoops of chocolate, 2 chocolate and 1 vanilla on top, or 2 scoops of vanilla.

          1. Where do sprinkles and other toppings fit into all this?

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Flu vaccine… the cherry on top.

            DON’T order a banana split!

          3. Definitely not!

        2. Funny.

          I’ve gotten one booster. I’ve pretty much been prepared all along to need an annual booster similar to flu shots, but Covid seems to be robust enough that we might end up needing two boosters each year. I certainly hope not, but this bug is one tough little SOB.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            There’s also the unlikely possibility that a vaccine will be developed which actually lasts longer than a few months.

            If not, look forward to quarterly vaccinations.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            He’s saying that on CNN also. He’s more worried about health care workers coming down with COVID and causing even more staffing shortages… and hospitals maxing out.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            You probably have heard of record numbers of people quitting their jobs in recent months.

            Wonder how many are healthcare workers.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Wouldn’t surprise me too much. It’s a tough job these days… never-ending stream of infected…

            but if, in addition to that, we start losing even more who want to work but come down with COVID… not good… right?

          5. how_it_works Avatar

            In some locales you also have the never-ending stream of pillheads looking for their next opioid fix at the ER.

          6. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            You missed the doctor the other night that said a booster will be needed every 3 months.

  2. Charlie Potatoe Avatar
    Charlie Potatoe

    Mr. Bacon,

    Unfortunately, your recommendation that Vaccination with the current Vaccines in use in the U.S. will offer protection against the Omicron Variant ignores the growing scientific analysis of the ability of Omicron to neuter/avoid the protections, however limited, offered by the Vaccines, natural immunity, and monoclonal antibodies against the prior versions of SARS-CoV-2, and, apparently, detection by current PCR Antibody Tests(See Jim Cramer).

    In effect, we are in a new World in the resistance against the latest Varient of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus.

    As a recent Columbia University Study states:

    “The Omicron Variant presents a serious threat to many existing COVID-19 vaccines and therapies, compelling the development of new interventions that anticipate the evolutionary trajectory of SARS-CoV-2.”

    A French Study found:

    “We examined its sensitivity to 9 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) clinically approved or in development3, and to antibodies present in 90 sera from COVID-19 vaccine recipients or convalescent individuals. Omicron was totally or partially resistant to neutralization by all mAbs tested.

    Sera from Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine recipients, sampled 5 months after complete vaccination, barely inhibited Omicron.

    Sera from COVID-19 convalescent patients collected 6 or 12 months post symptoms displayed low or no neutralizing activity against Omicron.

    Administration of a booster Pfizer dose as well as vaccination of previously infected individuals generated an anti-Omicron neutralizing response, with titers 5 to 31 fold lower against Omicron than against Delta.

    Thus, Omicron escapes most therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and to a large extent vaccine-elicited antibodies.”

    Another Study of The Omicron Variant found:

    “Based on preliminary data:[21-26]
    ▪ Apparent replication advantage over Delta

    ▪ Significant reduction in neutralization by certain monoclonal antibody therapies:
    • Bamlanivimab-etesevimab: Unlikely to be active
    • Casirivimab-imdevimab: Unlikely to be active
    • Sotrovimab: May be active
    ▪ Significant reduction in neutralization by sera from individuals with prior infection or from individuals vaccinated with a primary series (infection plus vaccination or primary series plus booster dose appears to restore some neutralizing activity)”

    NOTE: Sotrovimab, a Glaco Smith Kline Product, is used mostly inEngland and Europe and is in short supply in the U.S.

    Another Study found:

    “Given the loss of inhibitory activity against B.1.1.529(Omicron Variant) of many highly neutralizing anti-RBD mAbs in our study, it appears likely that serum polyclonal responses generated after vaccination or natural infection also may lose substantial inhibitory activity against B.1.1.529(Omicron Variant), which could compromise protective immunity and explain a rise in symptomatic infections in vaccinated individuals.

    Indeed, studies have reported approximately 25 to 40-fold reductions in serum neutralizing activity compared to historical D614G-containing strains from individuals immunized with the Pfizer BNT162b2 and AstraZeneca AZD1222 vaccines.”

    In summary, the protections, however limited, offered by the current. Vaccines, natural immunity, and monoclonal antibodies against the prior versions of SARS-CoV-2, apparently, will offer limited or no protection against Omicron.

    In the face of this, hopefully, the Medical Establishment will turn to
    new and existing Therapeutics and Vaccines which provide a broad spectrum
    attack on the Virus, not the narrow attack on the Spike Protein by the current Vaccines, to thwart the Virus.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Please say that you are not vaccinated. This type of misinformation is killing people. At least take some moral risk.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        You are misinformed as usual. Given they are realizing that the regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment efficacy is waning, what makes you think the vaccine will help? It’s the same mechanism. I mean you can clearly see in the data the vaccine isn’t helping. Highly vaxed and boosted communities (Arlington, VA) are having record cases. OOF it must hurt to be so wrong.

        1. I mean you can clearly see in the data the vaccine isn’t helping.

          Does that mean this graph from the above article is incorrect?


          1. killerhertz Avatar

            Because these charts have always used the baseline/rates of when people were NOT vaccinated, e.g. jan 1 2021 or something. It’s bogus. All you have to do is look at actual case rates in highly vaccinated “control” groups. Locally you can look at Arlington, or abroad places like Ireland, Iceland, etc.

          2. Because these charts have always used the baseline/rates of when people were NOT vaccinated, e.g. jan 1 2021 or something. It’s bogus.?

            A graph of actual infection rates by month has nothing to do with a Jan 2021 “baseline”. The y-axis of that graph is infection rates, not rate of change in infection rates.

            And then there is this:

            It’s hot off the press – released earlier today.

            The bottom line is, statistically speaking, being vaccinated reduces one’s risk of a) contracting the virus, b) becoming seriously ill if one does contract the virus, and c) dying if one does contract the virus.

            We can discuss/argue about exactly how much being vaccinated reduces those risks, but the statement: “I mean you can clearly see in the data the vaccine isn’t helping.” is simply incorrect.

          3. killerhertz Avatar

            When I last looked at their methodology I believe these rates are for the entire population, so it’s misleading if you don’t know the percentage of vaccinated. They did this on purpose to push the vaccination agenda. That’s why the ratios have decreased only to a 2-4x benefit in recent months (as the vaccination rate goes up) as it’s peaked around 65% or so in VA. Furthermore, all you have to do is look at the current chart for Arlington county, which has record infections. Malta was 100% and having record infections. Like I said other parts of Europe with draconian mandates and uptake have the same trends. The fact is, the original vax stops working after 3-6 months and probably diminishing benefits w/ boosters.

            COVID is mild for most of the population, so this pivot to “it improves outcomes” holds no water. Furthermore, excess mortality is also going up with vaccination uptake, so where exactly is the net benefit?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well, then let’s keep dancing…
          I’ll take my chances being fully vaxxed and boosted.
          We had a 49-51 Trump-Biden split. 120million undervaxxed that’s roughly 4-1 Trump-Biden split… I call that acceptable losses.

          1. killerhertz Avatar

            Given your age and implied immune system that probably makes sense for you.

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          BTW, forgetting severity for the moment, given breakthrough cases then cases in a highly vaxxed region will be more likely in the vaxxed population. Had to explain this to Captain Sherlock about kids at UVa a month or so ago. Look it up.

      2. Charlie Potatoe Avatar
        Charlie Potatoe

        Nancy Naive,

        You charge me with spreading misinformation that “is killing people” in my earlier Comment?

        In fact, I am trying to save people by showing them the reality of the new Mutation of the SARS-COV-2 Virus, which will give them an opportunity to adjust their lives and practices to deal with the new facts on the ground.

        Have you read the Studies, by serious and well established Scientists and Institutions, that I cited?

        Their science based Studies show that the Virus has mutated to avoid/overwhelm the current Vacs and almost all Monoclonal Antibody Treatments presently used against the Virus.

        This type of mutation is not unusual in Coronavirus strains, where they change in order to survive in their Hosts by becoming more infectious and less lethal.

        If you doubt the Studies of these Scientists, how and where are they wrong?

        What is wrong is to ignore the emerging scientific evidence and urge/require that everyone take unapproved experimental vaccines(with serious side effects, including death) that offer little or no protection against the new version of the Virus which is pushing out existing strains of the Virus and becoming dominate.

        Omicron constituted 73% 0f new Cases in the vaxxed and unvaxxed a few days ago, and likely will constitute 100% soon.

        If you charge me with spreading misinformation,
        please explain how and where.

        Otherwise your charge is just another ad hominem
        attack, which rightly is to be ignored.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Are you an epidemiologist?
          How about a BA in biology?

          Do you tell your doctor what prescriptions to write? Tests to conduct?

          You aren’t even qualified to link to documents you don’t understand.

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Please people – nobody knows. It is a virus. It viruses. Just like a climate climates. We can’t control it.
    I am against the mandate because it is illegal and unConstitutional and violates the Nuremberg Code. If you want it, get it, but it IS NOT a “vaccine,” no matter how many times Webster’s updates the definition. It is a not very good therapeutic. There any many potential therapeutics, but our benevolent government is suppressing them because if there is effective treatment available, then it can’t authorize a leaky EUA “vaccine.”
    For some people HCQ might be best, for others ivermectin (much cheaper than the coming Pfizermectin), some will shake it off no problem, some it is a serious risk.
    But, if this latest scariant follows the course of all viruses to date, this will be the most transmissible and least lethal and people can develop the stronger, more full immunity from naturally surviving it.
    Wake up and live your lives like free men and women.
    Meanwhile, good ole UVA has already announced required boosters…cuz SCIENCE!
    FOIA will be going out tonight and UVA will claim another bogus exemption and be afraid to have a truly open forum where it would not be able to justify its totalitarian actions…for the children!

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      So 2000+ dying everyday is just not enough for you…

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        No it’s not.
        About 10,000 a day die in the US. Go “jab” everybody and you will not make a difference. The people at risk likely have already been jabbed. Seriously, if you are 30 or younger, unless you fit a real risk profile, there is no reason to get the EXPERIMENTAL shot.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “No it’s not.”

          Yeah, I am certainly not surprised. The Right has become ghoulish in their drive to kill Americans.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You approve abortion, right? Cuz you love people so much…
            Now try to come up with a rational, scientific reason for mandating a person to participate in a medical experiment. And since you won’t because it is your “team,” I will expect your silence when the mandated lobotomies happen. Actually, the chips are happening now, but you are likely too committed to your secular religion to see the totalitarian danger.
            I’ve wasted enough time on you paid Soros full troll…

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Wow, abortion to mandated lobotomies to Soros in one quick comment. You know that in the time it took you to puke out that screed, another American was killed by anti-vaxxers…. more than one a minute is your current rate… I bet if you really ramped it up you could get to two before Christmas…. Happy Holidays!! (gee, I can’t wait for my Soros year end bonus…!!)

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I’ll deal backwards. Soros doesn’t pay you for quality, he pays you for quantity. Your commenting style reminds me a 2 day double team I experienced in the beginning of the Plandemic over HCQ. Rather than look at the possibility it had therapeutic value (and it does, but the fake story later retracted did its purpose), the double-team trolls would demand proof, not supply any, then start calling names. Sound familiar? Is that in your job manual? I guess you are half troll because you only do it part time and meanwhile work at a useless government agency…maybe as an assistant to the assistant to Dr. St. Fau(x)ci…or even Dr. Oliver at the VDH!
            You do not know that the virus mutates from the”unvaxed” – in fact, the better argument is the EXPERIMENTAL shot causes faster mutation. There is also a question about antibody dependent enhancement as a risk of the vax the world strategy. It is perhaps better (and I believe it is) to let those not at risk from Covid to get it and develop natural immunity. Give the shot only to those most at risk. And, oh, by the way, quit suppressing therapeutics!
            The strategy of get diagnosed, go home, go to the hospital if you get worse is not scientific, immoral, a crime against humanity. So is mandating an experimental medical product. When did it become OK to violate the Nuremberg Code? I will accept no moral lecture from you. Or anybody else here. The EUA product requires accept or refuse – federal law. All medical systems say the patient has the right to accept or refuse medical treatment. The Hippocratic oath – first do no harm. Violated and doctors are silent. Civil rights lawyers are silent. Fau(x)ci and Collins, paid government “servants” attack the Great Barrington Declaration, not scientifically – like little girls through media manipulation. How is that for Larry’s God of SCIENCE!?
            So…if you approve of this type of government behavior, mandated chips, lobotomies, etc, aren’t far off. Buck v Bell happened here. WWII and the Holocaust happened, or are you a Holocaust denier? Like it when the shame game is played against you…baby-killer?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Are we glad that JAB has made a home for this fella? Yes GOD of science as opposed to GOD of ignorance and idiocy. You bet! And I’m hurt! I used to be accused of being a SOROS guy!

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – you believe in Scientism, not science. Science is a PROCESS of constantly challenging an assumption and proving it. The things you have supported are not supported by the scientific process, and censoring of challenges to orthodoxy are not scientific.
            1. Are all of the “vaccines” jabbed so far EUA or not? (Hint. They are EUA. Comirnaty is not available and will not be available until the evil bureaucrats have jabbed everybody)
            2. Does the FEDERAL law say EUA requires “accept or refuse” (Hint. It does)
            3. Does making someone participate in a medical experiment against his will violate the Nuremberg Code (Hint. It does.)
            4. Now let’s get into the “science.” It is at best unsettled. But I think (see, opinion stated as opinion) the government efforts will be proved counter-productive. And I also think the damage to our normal governance are devastating and this country needs to insist on going back to normal. Science has been politicized. It has been corrupted. Do you approve of Fauci and Collins doing their teenage mean girl attack on the Great Barrington Declaration? I thought you believed in “science.” You do not. Other than the benevolence of the government when it is controlled by “benevolent” Leftists, I don’t know what you believe in. You cite SCIENCE! when what you are citing is not science. Just sayin’…
            When did Bobby Kennedy Jr and Naomi Wolf become persona non grata among you Leftist types?

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            See that sort of “I need more blood” tripe is the reason I don’t argue with you flat-earther type.

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You only got 1300 yesterday. You need to step up your anti-vaxxer game!!

  4. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Remember Not My president Drool said he would whip the Fauci virus by July 4th. Still waiting.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Yeah, you and your anti-vaxxer friends sure showed him. He expected people to act rationally.

      1. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        Nancy you should try to stick to facts I have had the virus and all the shots required even though as is proven they are not 100 % I suggest you look at the number of people who have had the shots and still got sick from Fauci’s virus. BTW your President Drool and His VP both said they would n’t get the shots because evil orange man ordered the vaccines development. Where all the test kits ? Where is the end of virus? Harris even admitted they didn’t see it coming. The scientists who signed the Great Barrington Declaration were right and Fauci, Collins and Wolensky and Birx were wrong. But they get paid even though more have died under the Biden admin than the evil orange man’s. When is he resigning according to to his own statement during his non speaking campaign.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Talk about sticking to facts. Yeah, they expressed hesitancy IF the Orangeman inserted himself in the EAU process.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    No mask mandates! No shutdowns! How can we escape this room?

    Uh, did you try the door?

    Speaking of the door, here’s the door prize.

  6. and yet the ‘Lion of the Senate’ killed more people than Omicron

  7. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    It is probably going to turn out that the new variant developed in a vaccinated person, certainly somebody with prior infection, and that is why it overcomes those. Human hubris is boundless — but the virus is going to get its way. I accept the data on what at least improves odds, have the three shots, and when they same come in for number 4, will be there.

    But with a flight coming up next week, we are being more cautious all of a sudden. Not worried that much about getting sick now, but would really hate missing the trip to see the granddaughter.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      The initial beliefs at current are that Omicron mutated in someone with a compromised immune system. They’ve indicated that generally speaking you’d not get 50 mutations out of single host unless their immune system was compromised. Even someone who is unvaccinated wouldn’t harbor the disease long enough for that many mutations to occur.


      1. how_it_works Avatar

        So, unvaccinated people in the United States is a key reason this Omicron variant emerged in Africa.

        Got it. Follow the (bullshit masquerading as) science, right.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            The first bullet point in the picture singles out the United States, in a quite politically-correct fashion.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          I really hate to agree with Larry but I have to do so here. If unvaccinated people are more like to get the virus then they are more likely to be the host in which it mutates. Of course, vaccinated people can catch the virus too (especially Omicron) so there’s no free lunch with regard to vaccinations and mutations.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            But the claim is that unvaccinated people are better breeding factories also…

            and the worst/best would be unvaccinated who also have co-morbidities…

            again – it’s not my opnion, it’s what I’m reading… don’t agree with ME – agree (or not) with the information we’re getting from folks in the field.

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            Have you ever watched a court case where two expert witnesses argue two completely different things, one for the prosecution, one for the defense?

            Which do you believe? They are both experts…

          3. Watching a battle of dueling experts in a legal proceeding is likely to induce a bit of caution and wariness. Some testifying experts are little better than professional mercenaries with predictable positions. Fortunately, others are conscientious professionals. I expect the similar situations arise with experts relied on by the media.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not all “experts’ are on the media but you can find their views also if you search.

            I did caveat at the beginning – “depending on what you read and who you believe”

            For me, I read and I try to read more than one source especially when there is a lack of consensus or even outright lack of consensus – and that’s especially true with COVID as the disease evolves and we develop more and more knowledge and start to recognize what is true and what is not. I also pay attention to credentials. They have to have academic credentials in infectious diseases and public health and similar.

          5. Watching a battle of dueling experts in a legal proceeding is likely to induce a bit of caution and wariness.

            Not to mention nausea…

          6. how_it_works Avatar

            Unless you get antibody-dependent enhancement taking place in the vaccinated.

            Aka “leaky vaccines”.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            And so you have to wonder why the authorities in the Netherlands waited to release that info.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yep. Saw that also, and it can be true of any vaccine from what I have read, including older existing ones.

          Any virus can emerge or re-emerge but the issue is how easily can is replicate and spread if 90+% are vaccinated…

          I don’t pretend to know… other than what I read, more than one source and pay attention to their credentials.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            I don’t believe all vaccines are considered “leaky”, just ones that don’t really work that well, and only “leaky” vaccines have this problem.

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            All of those offer years, not months, of protection.

            That might be the difference.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I agree but the point is that many vaccines are not 100% effective and that some people will get infected – and some might spread it but there are not enough hosts for it to spread readily and turn into a pandemic.

            The flu is an example of a vaccine that actually is effective – but for a short time before the virus mutates beyond the vaccine’s range.

            That possibility for COVID was brought up some time ago and actually way back when the COVID vaccines were first developed, almost immediately they said a second shot would be needed, then not too much later, a booster.

            There is still so much we do not know and are learning little by little.

            Science itself does not wholly agree early on and it takes a while for consensus to develop and in the meantime, the age of the internet has fueled all manner of false information from dubious sources, lies, misinformation and conspiracy theories.

            We have to rely on people who have the academic knowledge about infectious diseases. It does not mean they are 100% correct 100% of the time – at all.

            But in terms of getting the facts, as they currently know them – they are who we should be relying on – IMHO – flaws and all.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I know you were speculating. It has been offered as a human-to-animal-to-human chain, which has been offered unstudied would account for the incredibly large number of variations. It is an idea that has not been dismissed by epidemiologists and is considered by them to be possible.


      The first sentences are most important. Omicron is out of AIDS riddened southern Africa.

  8. killerhertz Avatar

    Yes because the spike protein has something like 27 spike protein mutations. Given the mrna “vax” instructs your cells to produce the spike proteins of the original variant, the antibody response really does nothing. There is 0 evidence that the jab is improving outcomes. The virus is just less deadly and the most vulnerable population has already been wiped out. Deaths have been pulled forward and we’ll see this in the data for years to come.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    The last numbers I saw were +60% fully vaxed. That’s 2 mRNA or 1 J&J/ Astrazenaca. Amounts to ~230 million. 30% of those have been boosted, about 70 million.

    Those with insufficient vaccine or none still amount to 120 million Omicron vulnerable to hospitalization and/or death.

    Yeah! We are freeeeeeeee.

    BTW, 2.5 million Virginians are undervaccinated.

  10. Charlie Potatoe Avatar
    Charlie Potatoe

    Nancy Naive,

    Nancy Naive,

    You charge me with spreading misinformation that “is killing people” in my earlier Comment?

    In fact, I am trying to save people by showing them the reality of the new Mutation of the SARS-COV-2 Virus, which will give them an opportunity to adjust their lives and practices to deal with the new facts on the ground.

    Have you read the Studies, by serious and well established Scientists and Institutions, that I cited?

    Their science based Studies show that the Virus has mutated to avoid/overwhelm the current Vacs and almost all Monoclonal Antibody Treatments presently used against the Virus.

    This type of mutation is not unusual in Coronavirus strains, where they change in order to survive in their Hosts by becoming more infectious and less lethal.

    If you doubt the Studies of these Scientists, how and where are they wrong?

    What is wrong is to ignore the emerging scientific evidence and urge/require that everyone take unapproved experimental vaccines(with serious side effects, including death) that offer little or no protection against the new version of the Virus which is pushing out existing strains of the Virus and becoming dominate.

    Omicron constituted 73% 0f new Cases in the vaxxed and unvaxxed a few days ago, and likely will constitute 100% soon.

    If you charge me with spreading misinformation, please explain how and where.

    Otherwise your charge is just another ad hominem attack, which rightly is to be ignore

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Are you a doctor?
      How about a college graduate?
      You, like everyone here, are unqualified to evaluate any of the medical articles you link to your unqualified opinions. But since it’s mostly Republicans dying of Covid19, carry on.

  11. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Good point. If you want to vote Republican, you have to stay alive. If you die, your future votes will all be cast for Democrats. (Notice I didn’t say that you’d vote for Democrats in the hereafter. Some progressive will vote for you).

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      More stolen crap. No, ID-10T, only the dead don’t vote.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Tracking infections is no longer indicative of the disease. We are a nation of 220 million people who may become infected, may feel really bad, and will stay home watching daytime TV, and we are a nation of 120 million who will become infected, may feel really bad, become hospitalized and may die.

    At this point, only tracking hospitalization counts. In an effort to conform to polarization, VDH to track deaths among registered Democrats and Republicans.

    Go Alex Jones!

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